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Xolair, asthma, ADA

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The classroom I work in has a bad mold problem. 3 years now, nothing

has been done. A veteran teacher went to admin and said in accordance

to th ADA accommodations must be made, get an air filter. None so far

has been produced

This year I asked if my grading/palnning period could be at the end

of the day bc it is over an hour's drive to the dr. New admin said

fair enough, under the ADA, accommodations must be made.

My schedule was to not have a career ed class. Career ed coordinator

made a stink about it so now I have a career ed class again and have

to dip into my sick time.

What irks me, and I didn't believe it til I saw it with my own eyes,

her friends all don't have a career ed class.

Does anyone know if I have grounds to say something? (It is prob yes

but I dont know how to go about it effectively without being reactive)

I dont understand why the admin gave the ok first, then backed out

I told him I have to leave 2x a month, he said it's not acceptable.

If I take too much sick time I get written up. But this is legite. I

am not taking off bc Walmart has a sale.

There is documentation I go 2x amonth and it's been in effect for

quite some time. I don't know if I have a leg to stand on to fight

this one


The union has not been much help:(

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