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Dear Zoella,

I get itching horrible, not just on break-outs and rashes but just plain

itching. I use 10mg of Atarax - it even helps with scalp itching. Usually I

take only 1 at bedtime after I get the itching under control.

Hope this helps.


Carol M. and Kitties in CA

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Dear Zoella, I can't help but think your psorasis is related to all the

stress you are going through. I think, if I remember your emails correctly

you've described it as red, angry, and itching. I think the one that stuck

out was the angry. You told me once that deep down you were so angry with

people for taking advantage of you, and I can't help but wonder if that is

what is bringing on the psoriasis. (I don't mean to sound like a counsler

or some new age guru, but I do know that emotions when they are suppressed

find a way of coming out. Many times they end up on the physical side.)

On the other hand, if your summer has been as hot and miserable as mine has

been, then no wonder it is acting up. The couple of times my psoriasis has

been really bad, the itching drove me crazy. Do you take Benedryl for

itching; I think it helps the best of everything I have tried. I also use

Avenno to help with the itching. The type I have has calamine lotion in it,

so that helps some. I also have something the doctor gave me for psoriasis,

but I don't think it helps with the itching as much as the Aveeno. I can

see how that stops you from doing a lot of things and people can be so

ignorant and slow. You get to the point where you feel like saying, " This

is prosaic on my skin and you can't catch it, so quit worrying. " I really

wonder sometimes if even that would work.

People need to be educated on illness if you ask me. I've often thought

that a class should be taught at the high school level of common health

problems and when they develop during certain times in our lives. Not only

might it help teach compassion to people, but it also might educate them to

early health problems. Just a thought.

I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. I think sometimes the medication upsets

our system as much as all the inflammation. Though I have to say, except

for a few time my stomach being upset, I haven't had any problems with

Arava. It hasn't been a month yet, and I still have to get my blood work

done but I'm hopeful so far that I'm maybe on the right tract this time. I

think I've had more energy as well. It's hard to tell because I still have

days when I could sleep around the clock, but that normally makes me feel

even worse. I think I have a pretty good day and I can manage to work myself

through the pain. Then I have a few days when all I want to do is sleep. I

probably over due it on a good day like so many of us and then have to pay

for it later. You would think by now I could manage my illness better, but

I'm like everyone else and on a good day I want to get all I can out of it.

My sleep is still upset which is driving me nuts. I'm either passed out

during the day or I can' t sleep at night. It might be my sleep apnea, but

who knows. It think I have fallen asleep about 6 times writing you this

email. I guess I'm going to give u and ail it to you. Take care and I'll

write more when I can stay awake. Love, Fran

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  • 3 years later...
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Hi Fran,

I wanted you to know that we are all thinking of you and wishing things could be

different. I am not sure where I heard this but someone wise once said " Patients

don't have cancer, families have cancer " . As we are one big family here, I want

you to know how much this news has affected us. We are praying for you to be

strong and for you to find peace despite the chaos you are dealing with.

I send you gentle hugs,



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Although I am allergic to xolair and do not post much . I want you to know you

are in my thoughts and prayers.

----- Original Message -----



Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 10:23 AM

Subject: [ ] Fran

Hi Fran,

I wanted you to know that we are all thinking of you and wishing things could

be different. I am not sure where I heard this but someone wise once said

" Patients don't have cancer, families have cancer " . As we are one big family

here, I want you to know how much this news has affected us. We are praying for

you to be strong and for you to find peace despite the chaos you are dealing


I send you gentle hugs,


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