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Hi :No, no water on the band, definitely not ok. Hair doesn't fall out, but I have read a few messages in the past where the parents said their baby did lose some hair, but this is rare.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCgrad MInancilou715@... wrote:

Is it okay to bring them in the pool w/ the helmet & does their hair fall out from it?Thanks! For more plagio info

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My dd has a bald spot at her holding point on her forehead, but she's

at that age where a lot of her hair was falling out anyway...


Mom to DOC bandit...

Is it okay to bring them in the pool w/ the

helmet & does their hair fall out from it?


> Thanks!



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Typically you cannot take baby into the pool with the helmet. That being said,

Debbi (Grady's mom) has a locally made helmet that her ortho told her she

can take into the pool. You'll have to double check with the ortho. If you want

to do the Waterbabies thing go ahead and do it, but leave the band locked up

in the locker room. Then put it right back on when pool time is over and the

hair is dry. It's best to stick as close to the 23 hour schedule as possible,


heck - you still got a life to live!

did not experience hair loss at all. In fact, her hair actually grew. She

wore a full helmet which was locally made and passive.

Marci (Mom to )


> Is it okay to bring them in the pool w/ the helmet & does their hair fall out

> from it?


> Thanks!


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LOL ---

ROFLMAO = " rolling on floor laughin my a** off "

LMAO = " laughing my a** off "


OK, I just have to ask! What is ROFLMAO and LMAO!!

I have to get caught up!

Happy Birthday Debbie!


Central NJ

For more plagio info

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rolling on the floor laughing my a* & off and laughing my a* & off

Happy Birthday Debbie! That pic on the home page is too funny!


> OK, I just have to ask! What is ROFLMAO and LMAO!!


> I have to get caught up!


> Happy Birthday Debbie!


> Anne

> Central NJ

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  • 9 months later...
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I may try the threelac too - I keep seeing it pop up on my candida searches for

info. We just bought an expensive water softening system for our home that

removes all of the yucky stuff and chorine, etc. you wouldn't believe how much

different it feels and tastes.

I guess I really need to get into the colon cleansing and organ flushing to get

this mess out. I just don't know where to begin... what problems did you have

w/ the methadone? I just started taking it last month and am concerned.



thanks again

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Joanne- it sounds like you are really doing all the right things. I have tried to keep on the diet and all the supplements but I feel so tired and full of pain that I can't seem to stay with it. I have 3 books on Candida and my head is spinning. I would love it if you could call me and tell me more about how it's works for you.

My # is 702-361-6442 in Las Vegas. I wish that we had a support system here because I feel so alone.

Thanks! Love, Daryl

----- Original Message -----

From: joanneinpain

Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 7:10 AM

Subject: questions

I am so sorry to hear that you are going through all this. I am also taking Methadone for abdominal adhesions. I am thrilled to say that with my candida treatment the pain is decreasing. I am sorry that you have to be on antibiotics. Is there any way to get off them? I am using ThreeLac for candida with excellent results. I could only handle one package a day for 6 weeks because I was so constipated and the die off symptoms were awful. I found my best results so far from a series of colonics. I also do everything my colonic therapist recommends like fiber and aloe vera juice as well as garlic and ginger. It is amazing how many toxins can be released from the liver during a colonic and afterwards I feel so relaxed (not a normal feeling for me). My skin is feeling like velvet and I look more refreshed everyday. I also had to do a 3 day fast to get the bowels moving again. Methadone really did a job on me over the last few years. I also recommend getting a bath ball to declorinate your bath water. I found out that we are taking in about 8 glasses of tap water when we bathe or shower in regular water. This kills the good bacteria. We learn something new everyday and you are in the right place. I like the coconut oil idea. Take care, Joanne

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I am so happy you are getting relief! I have a couple of

questions. What is a bath ball? Where do get one? Where did you

go for a colonic? I guess I am scared of them. How do you know

they are reputatble and do they use disposable equipment? Do they

hurt? Did you herx? All in all, how long do you think it took to

start feeling better after you started getting the die off

reaction? I never seem to get past that point. Thanks


> I am so sorry to hear that you are going through all this. I am


> taking Methadone for abdominal adhesions. I am thrilled to say


> with my candida treatment the pain is decreasing. I am sorry that


> have to be on antibiotics. Is there any way to get off them? I am

> using ThreeLac for candida with excellent results. I could only

> handle one package a day for 6 weeks because I was so constipated


> the die off symptoms were awful. I found my best results so far


> a series of colonics. I also do everything my colonic therapist

> recommends like fiber and aloe vera juice as well as garlic and

> ginger. It is amazing how many toxins can be released from the


> during a colonic and afterwards I feel so relaxed (not a normal

> feeling for me). My skin is feeling like velvet and I look more

> refreshed everyday. I also had to do a 3 day fast to get the


> moving again. Methadone really did a job on me over the last few

> years. I also recommend getting a bath ball to declorinate your


> water. I found out that we are taking in about 8 glasses of tap


> when we bathe or shower in regular water. This kills the good

> bacteria. We learn something new everyday and you are in the right

> place. I like the coconut oil idea. Take care, Joanne

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  • 7 months later...


If you post your questions to the group, you¹ll get many different answers.

Members can answer them and post to the group or privately to you if they





> I am doing a research projec/ presentation on Rheumatoid arthritis.

> I would be helpful if I could ask some questions to people with RA.

> If anyone would like to help me, please e-mail me at

> ds_x0@... and I will e-mail you the questions that I would

> like to ask. Any help would be very much appreciated.

> Thank you,











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  • 2 months later...

Bertie wrote:


> Hi everybody. I'm wondering if anyone has tried making chicken stock

> on a flat topped range- you know, the kind that has a glass cooking

> surface- no depressions for the burner or anything. I have a stove

> like that and I am worried that I will damage it if I leave something

> on the stovetop that long. So, I was also wondering if anyone ever

> makes stock in a crockpot or in the oven or anywhere else that I'm

> not thinking of. Thanks in advance for your input. Bertie

I've never cooked on one of those, but the " crock pot method " works darn

good and they are designed for long cooking. If you distrust the crock

pot, put a large cookie sheet underneath it to catch drips.

-- Heidi Jean

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--- In , " Bertie " <bjvarmuzek@y...>



> Hi everybody. I'm wondering if anyone has tried making chicken


> on a flat topped range- you know, the kind that has a glass


> surface- no depressions for the burner or anything. I have a stove

> like that and I am worried that I will damage it if I leave


> on the stovetop that long. So, I was also wondering if anyone


> makes stock in a crockpot or in the oven or anywhere else that I'm

> not thinking of. Thanks in advance for your input. Bertie

I have the same kind of stove top. I made stock from the leftover

turkey carcass at Thanksgiving. So long as your stockpot covers the

entire surface of the " ring " then it is fine. I haven't had any

unusual marks on the surface, just the usual burnt bits of food here

and there... I had the burner on low for about 26 hours with no



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>So, I was also wondering if anyone ever

>makes stock in a crockpot or in the oven or anywhere else that I'm

>not thinking of.

You can definitely make stock in a crockpot (I assume you mean an

electrical one) but you have to get one which will let you set the

temperature low enough to just gently (barely) simmer the stock. The ones

I've tried are all too hot even on the lowest setting.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm preparing to move from the UK to the US which means I'll be

starting from scratch - with no income and the need to buy everything

from kitchen appliances and cookware to a car, I really need to avoid

any costly mistakes I can. I'll also need some 'translation'.

To start with:

is silicon bakeware any good?



suet (shredded) is used in a lot of cooking here - is it available


suet is available. not sure what form it comes in.

Is beef tallow the same as beef dripping?

melted beef fat

And though this is unrelated to moving, are deep fryers all bad - if

you get one that has adjustable temps so you don't have to cook at

very high temperatures and you use proper fat??

I don't think that all deep fryers are bad.

use good ventilation and follow safety precautions.

Cheryl C-Ky

ADHD http://comfort4adhd.tripod.com/


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>is silicon bakeware any good?

Good question, but I don't think anyone knows the answer. It's very

*useful*, certainly, but is it harmful? Who knows. It's widely considered

inert and harmless, but there are two caveats. First, though the molecular

backbone of silicone products is made from silicon and oxygen, different

forms of silicone rubber (with different degrees of liquidity or

rubberiness) are made by adding lots of different kinds of molecules to

that backbone. Some forms may be safe while for all we know others may be

toxic. There's just not much information out there. And second, though

this is still the subject of much controversy, despite the supposed total

safety and inertness of silicone, silicone breast implants were found, at

least by some people, to be harmful.

>suet (shredded) is used in a lot of cooking here - is it available


Not widely, though it's easily acquired via mail order.

>Is beef tallow the same as beef dripping?

Yes, I believe so.

>And though this is unrelated to moving, are deep fryers all bad - if

>you get one that has adjustable temps so you don't have to cook at

>very high temperatures and you use proper fat??

It's still not good and you shouldn't do much of it, but if the fryer is

made of the right materials and you cook at acceptable temperatures with

proper fats and proper ingredients, a little frying probably isn't going to

kill you.


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi ,

First of all... you are going to absolutely LOVE Dr. Feng... her facility is top notch, so are her staff. I can answer some of your questions based upon my experience with Dr. Feng. I had the implants taken out, capsulectomy and lift. I was a 34 A/B pre implant... actually more B unless I got really skinny... The surgery went great. There was no throwing up like I had with BA... and Dr. Feng was very concerned about NOT having me throw up.. good cuz' I hate throwin' up! I was allergic to the Vicodin and nearly threw that up... if you take it, don't take it on an empty stomach like I did. I also asked Dr. Feng for specific drugs and she prescribed them for me. I knew I wouldn't sleep so I wanted a few days worth of restoril.. I knew that the IV antibiotic she was going to give me was going to flip out my candida.. so she gave me 14 days of Diflucan. I did not take the antibiotic she gave me... she said I did not have to and I healed great. She said the IV antibiotic was enough. I also requested NO STEROIDS.. and she was happy to oblige. The steroids I had with BA caused me to miss my period (I think) and regardless.. very bad for my candida. They give you the steroid to reduce inflammation... I was not excessively inflamed after surgery... sometimes less really is more. The first day after surgery I was tired but up and about. We ate outside at this totally awesome Italian restaurant. I don't know where you are staying, but it is on Chagrin Blvd. where the and Noble store is. You'll know it when you see it. The second day was like the first.. just run down,had to walk slow... but was up and about.. no significant pain at all and was able to move arms pretty much anywhere.... just couldn't walk too fast. Third day I slept late in the morning but was very antsy to go home.

Day four I was done, totally DONE with Ohhh HI Ohhhh... I wanted OUT.. I was ready to go home. I drove myself to the Mustard Seed Cafe that day.. shuffled through the parking lot.. did some shoppin'.. went back to my room and counted each and every blessing.. realized how much I missed my family. (husband went home on Friday, this was Saturday)

Day Five.... Thank YOU GOD.... Drains out and went home. I felt really good on Day Five. Dr. Feng made me look at my breasts after the drains were out... I was very very very nervous... I actually cried for a second because that's when it hit me that the implants were really gone...BUT, I stood up and was very pleasantly surprised by what I saw. They looked great, there was actually something there... more than something.. I ended up the exact size I was before.... except this time they looked like 19 yr old boobs because of the lift.

For the first 10 days I guess, they were like squashed a bit on the bottom.. Dr. Feng said that they would drop down and the squooshed thing would go away. It's exactly 3weeks post op today (thats it?) and they have dropped to where they should be and filled out. I honestly couldn't ask for anything more. In dealing with the drains, mostly you will have to hide them. That was very annoying for me to say the least. You also have to measure the fluid (eeewww, you will get used to it), Make sure you measure right because,,, I screwed up and had to stay an extra day due to my mathematical incompetency!!!

I stayed at the embassy suites there....wasn't happy with the service/staff. I would have probably stayed in one of those condo's that is on that sheet they sent you instead though. For that amount of time I would have preferred to have home cooked meals instead of garbage from restaurants... just me.. I'm alittle obsessive.

So, anyway, to sum it up, I was in no way deflated after surgery... and don't worry it sounds like you will go back to your original size.. ask ..she will make you feel much better about it.. I did... and I was less worried about it

You will be in really good hands, that is what I was told and now I am telling you because it is the absolute truth.



ktitko & lt;ktitko@... & gt; wrote: I have a few actually... first, some of you have mentioned that you are deflated after surgery but then after time the breast sort of fluffs out. Could someone please tell me more about this and the timeline? I'd also like to know what to expect while having the drains. I will be staying in a hotel room near Dr. Feng with my husband. What should we be prepared for in terms of this 5 day recovery period and dealing with drains. Is there anything specific we should bring with us? Will I be totally confined to the hotel room? And last but not least, this may seem silly but I am curious... pre BA I was a very small 34 B cup. I had 250CCs implanted and went up to a full 36 B cup. I have since had three children and breastfeeding brought me up to a 38 DDD cup and now I am back down to a 38 C which is where I have remained for 3 years. I have

maintained a few extra pounds (10) but nothing extreme. What do you think I should expect in terms of a post-op size? I have been all over the map! Is it too diffucult to tell? I am planning on having the lift since it will surely be needed.Thanks!Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment. "Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

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Dawn, Thank you so much for sharing! I'm very glad to hear that Dr.

Feng is willing to listen to, and work with, medication sensitivies.

That was one of my biggest concerns. I have an issue with throwing

up as well! Yuck! I was lucky that after my first horrific

experience with anesthesia I told all subsequent doctors to heavily

dose me with anti-nausea meds and I have been able to escape a

repeat performance.

I think I will take your advice on getting a condo so that we can

have our own food. 5 days of take out would get to me as well. I'm

thrilled to hear that you were able to go out and about, however

slowly. Could you describe the drains to me? How do you hide them?

Is there a picture anywhere online?

I envy you that you were able to atually leave Ohio afterwards.

Unfortunately I live here! We are trying to get it together to move

back to So. California as we hate living here, but it's also a

blessing in disguise that I am only 2 hours away from Dr. Feng and

we don't have airfare expenses.

Wow! the thought of having perky little breasts again is exciting!

implants do not totally prevent sagging! I have good looking

breasts, but they are not what you would call perky. I have been

dreading the anchor scars, but honestly I do not scar badly so as

long as it's done well I don't think it will be an issue. How long

were you implanted? I'm afraid also that having them so long my skin

will never recover. I hope the lift helps with that.

Thanks again!

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Hi ,

Actually, I thought that part of OHIO was beautiful, but, I feel

claustrophobic if I can't get to the coast quickly! See, you know

the feeling.. you want to go back to California!!!!

Feng uses the highest quality anesthesia (per ) therefore, the

incidence of throwing up is rare... also, the anesthesiologist is a

Medical Doctor, not a nurse anesthetist, etc.

Oh, I hope your recovery nurse is . I LOVED her!!! She's a trip,

an absolute trip. If you do get , Please tell her Dawn from New

Jersey said HI!!!

You will be happy you got the condo.. good idea.

I hid the drains with oversized sweatshirts... you're going to have

to be creative if it's warm out.

The drains are these round plastic bulbs attached to an

approximately 12 inch (?) thin tube... the bulb is maybe 4 to 6 in.

diameter (?).. not sure.. never was good at geometry. You will

figure it out I am sure... A light jacket would probably hide them..

or maybe 2 shirts, a tighter one on the bottom ( to hold down drains

from sticking out) and a looser t shirt type situation on top...

that might work. Something to consider before you pack though.

I thought I saw a picture online, but ofcourse I don't remember


Yeah, my scar isn't an issue at all.... I don't scar badly and it's

not like big implanted boobs with this big scar to match thing goin'


Talk soon,


> Dawn, Thank you so much for sharing! I'm very glad to hear that


> Feng is willing to listen to, and work with, medication


> That was one of my biggest concerns. I have an issue with throwing

> up as well! Yuck! I was lucky that after my first horrific

> experience with anesthesia I told all subsequent doctors to


> dose me with anti-nausea meds and I have been able to escape a

> repeat performance.


> I think I will take your advice on getting a condo so that we can

> have our own food. 5 days of take out would get to me as well. I'm

> thrilled to hear that you were able to go out and about, however

> slowly. Could you describe the drains to me? How do you hide them?

> Is there a picture anywhere online?


> I envy you that you were able to atually leave Ohio afterwards.

> Unfortunately I live here! We are trying to get it together to


> back to So. California as we hate living here, but it's also a

> blessing in disguise that I am only 2 hours away from Dr. Feng and

> we don't have airfare expenses.


> Wow! the thought of having perky little breasts again is exciting!

> implants do not totally prevent sagging! I have good looking

> breasts, but they are not what you would call perky. I have been

> dreading the anchor scars, but honestly I do not scar badly so as

> long as it's done well I don't think it will be an issue. How long

> were you implanted? I'm afraid also that having them so long my


> will never recover. I hope the lift helps with that.


> Thanks again!


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I went to Dr. Feng also and I was not confined to my motel room. I

felt really good and the day following surgery I went to Niagra

Falls with my husband. I had the surgery on a wednesday and had the

drains out on friday and was on my way home. We just had to empty

the drains every so often and it wasn't a problem at all. Everyone

is different --some have muchmore drainage. The only thing you need

to bring is a bra to wear home--a snugfitting sports bra. The

fluffing part varies also. Some think their breasts look good right

away. Others feel they look really flat and then the breasts

decompress over the following weeks. Mine looked pretty normal at

around three weeks. It sounds like there is a good possibility that

you will be bigger busted than you were previously. But there isnt

a way to tell for sure. I would be very surprised if you weren't

since you gained more size in your bust even after the implants.

Sounds like everything is falling into place. Now all you need to

do is wait!



-- In , " ktitko " <ktitko@y...> wrote:

> I have a few actually... first, some of you have mentioned that


> are deflated after surgery but then after time the breast sort of

> fluffs out. Could someone please tell me more about this and the

> timeline? I'd also like to know what to expect while having the

> drains. I will be staying in a hotel room near Dr. Feng with my

> husband. What should we be prepared for in terms of this 5 day

> recovery period and dealing with drains. Is there anything


> we should bring with us? Will I be totally confined to the hotel

> room? And last but not least, this may seem silly but I am

> curious... pre BA I was a very small 34 B cup. I had 250CCs

> implanted and went up to a full 36 B cup. I have since had three

> children and breastfeeding brought me up to a 38 DDD cup and now I

> am back down to a 38 C which is where I have remained for 3 years.


> have maintained a few extra pounds (10) but nothing extreme. What


> you think I should expect in terms of a post-op size? I have been

> all over the map! Is it too diffucult to tell? I am planning on

> having the lift since it will surely be needed.


> Thanks!


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I was a 34a and went with 250cc implants also that brought me up to a 34c. I also breastfed my son and got up to a 38D - I was huge. After I stopped I went back to a 34c. After removal I was extremely flat..... I also did not have a lift done... within a month or less I had "fluffed" back out and am now back to a 36A - I also am about 10 lbs heavier than before I had my baby.

As far as post op I am not sure.... I was ok after a few days but I did not have drains (wish that I had-it was a nightmare and I had to have needles inserted to manually drain them twice). for me, the explant was not nearly as painful as the implanting as I went with the underarm incision under the muscle which in my opinion was extremely painful. I was very sore after the explant but nothing like the implant surgery.... I did not have a lift so if you are getting one that may make things a little different. Many others here have had the lifts and would be better to answer the questions on healing time, etc. I had my explant friday before Easter and was out and about with at my family's on Sunday as they had an egg hunt for the kids. I couldn't lift my son for a while which was an issue as he was only 1 1/2 and he did not understand but I would say you won't be confined for too long. Dr Feng is an excellent surgeon and I am sure your healing will be fast!


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Thanks Shari! It's great to have you all here talking me through this

because every time i start to get nervous someone writes something

that makes me feel better about it. I just wish I could get it done

now instead of having to wait another 7 weeks!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Pam, I take 4 capsules of krill oil from Swanson vitamins a day. (2x2) it has vitamin d and astaxanthin which is from shrimp and has a neuroprotective factor that has been found in some studies to help ms. I also take 2 CLA a day. I know for me the krill helps me feel better and it doesn't give you indigestion like regular fish oil by itself can. Kathy

[low dose naltrexone] Questions

On hair & how much fish oil do you take, Kathy?Long standing open skin infection cleared up in first few days on ldn,had it for 5 months prior.Had bad leg cramps went down to 3.0 from 4.5. But after two weeks took 2 calcium-magnesium tablets before bed. Almost stopped cramps. Went back up to 4.5.Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

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Thanks! What is CLA?

I take 3 100 mg COQ10 each day, plus B12 2000 sublingual 2-3x a day. :)

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Questions

Pam, I take 4 capsules of krill oil from Swanson vitamins a day. (2x2) it has

vitamin d and astaxanthin which is from shrimp and has a neuroprotective factor

that has been found in some studies to help ms. I also take 2 CLA a day. I know

for me the krill helps me feel better and it doesn't give you indigestion like

regular fish oil by itself can. Kathy

[low dose naltrexone] Questions

On hair & how much fish oil do you take, Kathy?

Long standing open skin infection cleared up in first few days on ldn,had it

for 5 months prior.

Had bad leg cramps went down to 3.0 from 4.5. But after two weeks took 2

calcium-magnesium tablets before bed. Almost stopped cramps. Went back up to


Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

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conjugated linoleic acid. the COQ10 is great but you can derive more benefit if you rotate your antioxidants that are cellular energizers every 4-6 months. you could try nadh or acety-l-carnitine with alpha lipoic acid. it confuses the ms when you mix things up and tricks the bodies innate healing mechanisms to kick in and try harder. make sense? if you do the same exercise routine everyday, your body gets use to it. that's why some things should remain constant like ldn but other things should be rotated. i see ms as a huge puzzle and when you take a supplement that helps the ms it is almost like an antibiotic your body gets use to. we have to be smarter than the ms. so constantly research and keep tweaking your protocol. now that everyone thinks I'm a nut I'm going back to paying my bills. Kathy

[low dose naltrexone] Questions On hair & how much fish oil do you take, Kathy?Long standing open skin infection cleared up in first few days on ldn,had it for 5 months prior.Had bad leg cramps went down to 3.0 from 4.5. But after two weeks took 2 calcium-magnesium tablets before bed. Almost stopped cramps. Went back up to 4.5.Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

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Thanks for your info Kathy, although I've have my doubts about your paying

bills! :)

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Questions

conjugated linoleic acid. the COQ10 is great but you can derive more benefit if

you rotate your antioxidants that are cellular energizers every 4-6 months. you

could try nadh or acety-l-carnitine with alpha lipoic acid. it confuses the ms

when you mix things up and tricks the bodies innate healing mechanisms to kick

in and try harder. make sense? if you do the same exercise routine everyday,

your body gets use to it. that's why some things should remain constant like ldn

but other things should be rotated. i see ms as a huge puzzle and when you take

a supplement that helps the ms it is almost like an antibiotic your body gets

use to. we have to be smarter than the ms. so constantly research and keep

tweaking your protocol. now that everyone thinks I'm a nut I'm going back to

paying my bills. Kathy

[low dose naltrexone] Questions

On hair & how much fish oil do you take, Kathy?

Long standing open skin infection cleared up in first few days on ldn,had it

for 5 months prior.

Had bad leg cramps went down to 3.0 from 4.5. But after two weeks took 2

calcium-magnesium tablets before bed. Almost stopped cramps. Went back up to


Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Kerri. I have problems with my arms and hands falling asleep all the time

Havn't had that happen yet with my legs thank God. I am

always very thirsty too. Very sensitive to hot/cold temps. I have to keep

the house at around 65 degrees to be comfortable, but at night when I go to

bed, my feet start to freeze, and I have to wear socks. I don't have the

problem getting my fingers, arms or legs to go where I want them, but I do

have a hard time just getting them to go...anywhere.LOL! Especially in the

morning. I hope your doc can help you out.


-- [ ] questions

thank you all for your kinds words and support. may god bless you

with pain free days and sleep filled nights.

I will be seeing my rheumy for the second time in about one month and

am going to be making sure he's doing all he can do, as I'm doing all

I can do. I'm going to make a list of symptoms here and if you could

all tell me, if you experience them as associated with RA or not

associated with RA, I guess I'm just gonna double check, I've come

across some really incompetent doctors already as I'm sure some of

you have also. thanks for all the help you've given.

spine pain

rib pain

dry, itchy eyes

muscle cramps (especially legs)

arms and legs fall asleep often

very thirsty (cotton mouth)

extreme sensitivity to hot or cold temps or temperature changes

inablility to move arms and legs or fingers and toes in the motion

you want (like the message is getting mixed up)

I think thats about it,,, thanks folks, hope you days is wonder-


kerri sue

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