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questions for the candidates - my responses

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1. What is your position on genetic testing and should LPA have a position? I

believe in science, though this and the next question raise ethical issues.

What is needed from LPA is a response that can be issued to genetic counselors

and potential parents that give as much information as possible. One of the

studies stated placed achondroplasia with down-syndrome - every effort should be

made to challenge such assertions.

2. Do you support stem cell research, embryonic and non-embryonic? Yes,

again this is science and the potential for eradication of diseases such as

Alzheimer's, diabetes, multiple-sclerosis and others should be explored to the

fullest extent. I do not draw a line between embryonic and non-embryonic.

3. Do you support a Christian prayer or secular services at national

conferences? No, I do not. For me, religion and prayer is very personal. I

attended the Fall regional for District Five in Columbus, Ohio, and at the

banquet there was a prayer which ended with " in Jesus name " - I made an aside to

noone in particular of " What about the people who are Jewish? " I did not know

the person sitting next to me, but she said, " Yes, thank you. " That person

could've been Muslim, Hindu, Budhist, agnostic or atheist. I am not opposed to

prayer, but one is not precluded from saying a silent one. I just don't believe

there should be a sanctioned prayer. As for secular services, I believe the

conference committee can provide attendees with the names of nearby places of


4. Do you support keeping the national headquarters? I'm not sure. My

initial response is to keep it there for the time being. What I would want to

know is how much disruption would be caused by moving it to other locations -

for instance to whatever location the national president resides.

5. How do you feel about LPA's current diversity and minority outreach? As

much should be done as possible which includes providing translations of

materials to Spanish. In my campaign statement I said that LPA is humanity in

that we ecompass all religions, races, ethnicities and orientations. We should

always strive to be inclusive and fight exclusivity.

6. What are your plans to professionalize LPA's fundraising efforts? I'm not

sure if you're referring to whether LPA should retain a professional fundraiser

or if you're simply asking what we can do to better mobilize fundraising. If

it's the former, I think it would be prudent to look into the possibility,

having that option available. If it's the latter, we need to tap into as many

resources as we can. I don't mean for this to sound too obscure, but it will be

something I study.

7. Do you support term limits for national/executive committee officers? No,

I remember years ago when people were suggesting term limits for members of

Congress - someone replied that there already were term limits, an election

every two years. If the electorate wants to elect someone else they can make

that choice every election cycle.

8. Which by-law amendments are you supporting, not supporting?

#1 - Yes, it clarifies requirements for eligibility of candidates.

#2 - No, I don't believe it's necessary for a candidate for president of

senior vice-president to serve in an elected or appointed capacity to become

eligible to seek this office.

#3 - Yes, I support the delineation of duties.

#4 - Yes, it clarifies responsibilities.

#5 - Yes, this prescribes what communication forms are available.

#6 - Yes, this expands the options of the conference review committee.

#7 - Yes, I believe the continuity requirement would be helpful.

#8 - Yes, as in amendment 5, this expands what communication forms are


#9 - Yes, being a resident of Texas I'm aware of how isolated El Paso is from

other parts of Texas.

#10 - No, though I understand the reason for the change, I believe the by-law

is vague as to " active " and therefore is surplusage.

#11 - Yes, it enhances continuity between district directors.

#12 - No, as mentioned concerning by-law #10, the term " active " is not defined

and is surplusage.

#13 - Yes, as with by-law #11 this helps with continuity.

#14 - Yes, it updates committees that are necessary.

#15 - Yes, it prescribes the transition for officers.

#16 - Yes, this is a more efficient use of time in combining by-law amendments

with election of officers.

#17 - Yes, this clarifies the two-thirds vote requirement.

#18 - Yes, this completes the transition to mail-in ballots as the method used

for elections.

9. Do you believe that LPA should have a formal position on negative roles in

the media, i.e., Mini-me, dwarf-tossing, elves, dwarfs in diapers, etc.? Yes, I

realize this is a broad question and may push many hot button issues. We should

strive to be better. I'm reminded of what Albert Camus said - that perhaps this

is a world in which children suffer, but we can lessen the number of suffering

children, and if we do not do this, then who will do this?

10. Has LPA done enough to embrace or promote positive role models such as

Dinklage, Meredith Eaton and ? No, this question coincides

with the ideal of having a mentor program which can help future generations

explore the multitude of options they have. I remember my mom telling me in her

east Texas accent, " Son, you can do anything you want. "

11. What would you do to encourage young people to run for office in the

future? Direct them to the listserv - sorry, I could't resist. Seriously this

is part of mentoring - setting a positive example for others. One will be

amazed how much of a positive impact just taking 5 minutes to talk to someone


12. Do you believe LPA has an alcohol abuse problem an conference? If so,

how would to work to solve it? Yes, I do. I don't mean to sound trite, but the

best way to address it is through education. Why not have a workshop/seminar?

We can explore better ways of preventing underage drinking.

13. Have you been endorsed by any LPA directors publicly? If so, please list


I am supported by directors and chapter presidents; however I choose not to

list them in that whether I or my opponent wins, that person still has to work

with present district directors and chapter presidents.

Davey Lamb


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