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Hi ,

I dont think anyone minds her using your ID, Jasmine logged in to mine when i was having a bad asthma attack a few months ago to ask for help. She got it too :)

Morphine is nasty stuff and will give you a fuzzy head for hours after taking it but im glad you got at least some relief. I dont know but i think it would probably be safer to use valerian after the morphine is out of your system. The idea of the hot water foot bath is to draw blood away from the head and it can help especially if the migraine is caused by swollen blood vessels in the head. Maybe cold water foot bath could help too, i dont know as we havent tried that one. An ice pack on the head could help if the migraine is caused by blood vessels constricting. Jasmine got some relief from hers when she took the feverfew leaves and valerian.

Did you find out what caused this attack? If you can figure out the trigger.........

God bless,

diane in nw mt

----- Original Message -----

From: Ybarra


Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:12 AM

Subject: here

Hi Diane, here. Thank you for answering Marilyn's panic-post!

I spent three hours in the ER, with a total of three morphine shots. I feel better today, but my head is real fuzzy. I'll be taking today off, of course.

We don't have any lavender, and I never even thought of a foot bath. Sounds like a great idea. We do have feverfew, and white willow bark. I was thinking of making a tea with them, and adding some valerian, but not too sure how it will interact with the morphine in my system.

Thank you so much for answering Marilyn! I hope it was okay for her to log in with my ID.

RDAugustine <rdaugustine@...> wrote:

Hi Marilyn,

A couple of things you can try until Suzi or Don chime in are rubbing lavender EO on his temples, put his feet in warm water, increasing the water temp to as hot as he can stand it and also giving him a feverfew leaf or 2 to eat (or however you can get it down him) taste bad but can help some with migraines.

I'll be prayin for ya both,

diane in nw mt


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, I don't know what panther piss is, but I have heard that Cayenne Pepper can help with headaches. I'll bet it would clear out the blood vessels and have you feeling like a new man :-) I recently read a fascinating book "Left for Dead" about a man who had a heart attack and went through the usual operations. In his case they didn't help and he lost faith with the medical profession and felt they had failed him since he so felt lousy, and it didn't seem that there was anything they could do to help him. He then stumbled upon Dr. and Cayenne Pepper. A simple capsule, taken every day, was his insurance against future heart attacks, and the cayenne gave him more energy and made him feel like a new man! He then went on to market cayenne, but was shut down by the authorities..... I hope you will feel better soon! and the K9's >I don't have any TT powder left, but do have lots of cayenne powder in my first aid kit. Would that work instead?

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I'll try the cayenne when Marilyn gets home this afternoon. Want someone else here incase I react badly to it, though as you say, I don't think it will be a problem for me.LOL

I don't have any liniment type stuff except for a generic deep heating rub. I'll give that a shot soon as I log off.

I'll also up my garlic as you suggest. It may not help, but it sure couldn't hurt!!

Thanks again for all the advice!!

Suzanne <suziesgoats@...> wrote:


It was very right for Marilyn... and in fact anyone who needs answers...

I'm glad you're somewhat better... try some cayenne and garlic powder... I would not recommend to just anyone but I know you and cayenne and you can handle this... OR... have you got any DTRO or eucalyptus oil.. or a strong linament (even the old ben gay or tiger balm).. Rub it on your forehead, temples, cheekbones (sinus passages), below your ears downward, and then the back of neck above and below the hair line... NOW, do around your eyes last as you want to keep them closed. and be careful not to get into eyes... but this will help.... Lots of feverfew will also Also up your dosage of garlic... big time for a couple days.... My mom used to (yrs ago) take garlic/parsley pills (like 12 or more a day) for months due to major migraines...(like you)... one day we noticed... she quit having migraines.... to this day she still takes a couple every day.


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Hi , Thanks for explaining Panther Piss. Sounds good! Interesting that cayenne helped treat your stomach pain - I'd have thought it would have caused it! I have to be careful to take my capsule at the end of my breakfast, so there's some food in my stomach. Did you know that kefir is supposed to cure stomach ulcers caused by H. Pylori? Might be something to look into when you're feeling better. Cheers, and the K9'sOh, and panther piss is just equal parts (organic of course) of blackstrap mollasses and apple cider vinegar.

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