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Hi Diane, here. Thank you for answering Marilyn's panic-post!

I spent three hours in the ER, with a total of three morphine shots. I feel better today, but my head is real fuzzy. I'll be taking today off, of course.

We don't have any lavender, and I never even thought of a foot bath. Sounds like a great idea. We do have feverfew, and white willow bark. I was thinking of making a tea with them, and adding some valerian, but not too sure how it will interact with the morphine in my system.

Thank you so much for answering Marilyn! I hope it was okay for her to log in with my ID.

RDAugustine <rdaugustine@...> wrote:

Hi Marilyn,

A couple of things you can try until Suzi or Don chime in are rubbing lavender EO on his temples, put his feet in warm water, increasing the water temp to as hot as he can stand it and also giving him a feverfew leaf or 2 to eat (or however you can get it down him) taste bad but can help some with migraines.

I'll be prayin for ya both,

diane in nw mt__________________________________________________

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