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Hi Darlene! Welcome! I hope this group provides you with as much emotional

support and valuable information as it has me. Just having some place to vent

has helped me cope so much better. Blessings to you, laura

dorsch03 <dorsch03@...> wrote:Hi. My name is Darlene, I am 54, and I was

diagnosed with RA 16

months ago. I had had a lot of pain in my left wrist for about a

year. Mmy primary Dr. tried different meds. For a long time he

thought my porblem was tenditnitous (?), However, after trying

several pain releavers, nothing which I may add worked, he sent me

to see a Rhumetologist. When I called to make an apppointment, he

told me to have blood tests done before I went to him.Before I had

made the appointment, one finger on my right hand bent inward toward

my palm. This terrified me. I had no idea what had happened. There

was no warning. I had the tests and when I had my appointment with

him, he told me then that I had RA. I did not know much about RA.

My mother had arithritis,however. He immediately started me on

Prednisone for 2 weeks and then come back to him and we would talk

stratedgy. He said the Prednisone would work quickly, and it did.

He then put me on methotrexate. First 4 a week, then 6 a week, and

then 8 a week. This did not work as well as I had hoped. He then

added Arava. Before the Arava, I was having flare ups once a week.

After 1 month on the Arava, I have had no flare ups. I have been on

this combo for 5 months and it seems to be working for now. When I

was first diagnosed, we had just had 2 beautiful grandchildren in 4

months. I was totally unable to hold them, which greatly depressed

me. I still have to be careful, as I never know if my hands will

fail me. I know there is no cure, but I only hope to take care of

our family, we still have a 13 yo in the house, and enjoy the

grandchildren, there are 5. It has taken its toll on me though. I

get tired so quickly. I also have Thyroid problems, so I know that

doesn't help with being tired.Some days its just all I can do to get

to 9PM. My family tries, but they don't understand what I go

through daily. I am so blessed to have found this group. Thank you

for listening, didn't mean to go on so. It's so hard for me, I have

always been healthy and never had to rely on meds just to go on.

Again, thank you for being there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I took hydroxy for two years, I remember when I first started to take it the RD

told me it would take at least three months to build up in my system and start

to feel the effects.

I switched RD doctors about 5 months ago and she could not beleive i was taking

that drug.

She told me that it was so old fashioned thta she has not prescribed it for 15

years. She drug her whole office staff into see me because, she could not

beleive I was taking it.

I do have trouble with drug reactions, i now take, mobic, ultracet and humeria.

I took a while to hit upon the right drug combination. Sue G

Sue <susan98@...> wrote:

Hello all, My name is Sue and I have recently been diagnosed with MCTD

(lupus, osteo, and RA, still waiting on my kidney results) I have been

put on Hydroxychlorequine and multiple vitimins and such. Since I have

only been taking the Hydroxy for about a week, still don't feel any

affects except side ones from the meds. that I hope disappear soon.

Hugz sue

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> Wow, I guess I better ask my Dr. next time I see him and see what his

> reasonings are, or at least ask him about it.

Hugz sue in WA

I switched RD doctors about 5 months ago and she could not beleive i was

> taking that drug.I took a while to hit upon the right drug combination.

> Sue G

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Its sad when docs bash drugs that are very effective for many and for many

more that suffer from allergies and severe side effects to " the so-called

newer, better and more expensive " drugs.

You rheummy sounds like the last rheummy I had. I called him Dr. Bonehead.

He forced me on drugs that I had serious and life threatening side effects

too. Refuse to listen to my complaints of problems. He just keep adding more

and more drugs to counter act the side effects. Finally with constant

diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, mouth sores, eye sores, throat sores,

genitalia sores, skin rashes, and constant cough to the point I could not talk,

I went to see my PCP and STOPPED all meds. I was having serious and

potential fatal side effect called drug induced pneumonitis which can do


damage to your lungs. All my side effects were from Methotrexate. My other

side effects we have no clue cause I was on so many drugs. Enbrel was not

effective and Arava was causing liver problems.

So overly aggressive treating docs are not necessarily good docs or doing

treatment that is appropriate for all patients. Mine nearly killed me and did

it with a very arrogant nasty attitude and treated me as if I was stupid!

Your statement about plaquinil rings home the same feeling.

I am currently on plaquinil.....its working well for me. with NO side

effects. I am not having to take a cocktail of drugs either to get the effect


doc wants nore do I need a 10 other drugs to counter act side effects either.

Its one of the first line treatment drugs. Just because its an old

treatment does not make one not work trying. Its also one of the least


treatments as well. Keep in mind not everyone has money or insurance coverage

for Humira, Enbrel or Remicaide. Even many of the insurance companies will

not pay for the new biologics until you failed on the first line drugs which

would be plaquinil or Methotrexate.

I personally believe in keeping it simply. I would not want to over kill on

meds. I think its better to reserve the heavy duty meds until a time when

they are really needed. In my case my first two rheummies did not do that and

went the overkill route. Now none of the heavy duty meds work for me.....my

immune system simply overrides them. I have a long list of meds that do not


I have always asked this question and get no answer...so what do you do when

arava, methotrexate, enbrel, remicaide, humira, kineret, and rituxin do not

work and you can not add any more meds into the cocktail? Do you just sit

and wait for the next hopeful drug to come to market?

I think the insurance companies are right to control the use of some of

these meds and develop a standard treatment plan.

Toni in Texas

In a message dated 11/7/2005 6:16:34 A.M. Central Standard Time,


Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2005 15:10:03 -0800 (PST)

From: susan smith <bizzare48@...>

Subject: Re: New Here

I took hydroxy for two years, I remember when I first started to take it the

RD told me it would take at least three months to build up in my system and

start to feel the effects.

I switched RD doctors about 5 months ago and she could not beleive i was

taking that drug.

She told me that it was so old fashioned thta she has not prescribed it for

15 years. She drug her whole office staff into see me because, she could not

beleive I was taking it.

I do have trouble with drug reactions, i now take, mobic, ultracet and


I took a while to hit upon the right drug combination. Sue G

Sue <susan98@...> wrote:

Hello all, My name is Sue and I have recently been diagnosed with MCTD

(lupus, osteo, and RA, still waiting on my kidney results) I have been

put on Hydroxychlorequine and multiple vitimins and such. Since I have

only been taking the Hydroxy for about a week, still don't feel any

affects except side ones from the meds. that I hope disappear soon.

Hugz sue

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Delphina, and welcome!

I don't have RA, but I do have fibro, MS, and Dercum's Disease. To

answer your question, it seems that you can indeed have several of

these related diseases at one time!

I tried pregabalin this summer, and due to an odd quirk my body has of

building up a tolerance to medication, it worked for about 3 weeks,

then suddenly quit working. I had no unpleasant side effects, though--

I just wish it had continued to relieve the pain. Pregabalin (Lyrica)

is similar to Neurontin, and I took Neurontin a couple of years ago for

awhile before it quit working too.

Good luck!


in snowy Indiana

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Dear ,

Welcome to the list! Do you have a copy of " Nourishing Traditions "

yet? I would also spend some time browsing the Weston A. Price

Foundation's Web site: www.westonaprice.org for tons of information on

the philosophy and nuts and bolts of the diet (if you can call it

that) that we follow here on .

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Thank you for resoponding ,no I haven't read the book yet.I have

ordered it and waiting for it eagerly to arive.

I am off now to visit the Weston A.Price Foundations web site.

Thank you so much,


<jessclaire@...> wrote:

Dear ,

Welcome to the list! Do you have a copy of " Nourishing Traditions "

yet? I would also spend some time browsing the Weston A. Price

Foundation's Web site: www.westonaprice.org for tons of information on

the philosophy and nuts and bolts of the diet (if you can call it

that) that we follow here on .

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just printed off the information from the website www.low dose naltrexone.org, took it to my Dr., and she wrote the script with no questions asked. The only thing she asked was "Can I keep this information?"....which of course is why I took it to her in the first place.Geo <conniegeo1@...> wrote: Hello All Im new here ,ive been thinking of getting my Doc. to script LDN for me .Any thaughts on the best way to present it so he will be more inclined to help ? PLS for 6 yrs. now GEO

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Re: [low dose naltrexone] New Here

I just printed off the information from the website www.low dose naltrexone.org, took it to my Dr., and she wrote the script with no questions asked. The only thing she asked was "Can I keep this information?"....which of course is why I took it to her in the first place.Geo <conniegeo1@...> wrote: Hello All Im new here ,ive been thinking of getting my Doc. to script LDN for me .Any thaughts on the best way to present it so he will be more inclined to help ? PLS for 6 yrs. now GEO

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Matt you surely did'nt print the whole site which pages did you

print ? geo


> I just printed off the information from the website

www.low dose naltrexone.org, took it to my Dr., and she wrote the

script with no questions asked. The only thing she asked was " Can I

keep this information? " ....which of course is why I took it to her

in the first place.


> Geo <conniegeo1@y...> wrote: Hello All

> Im new here ,ive been thinking of getting my Doc. to


> LDN for me .Any thaughts on the best way to present it so he will


> more inclined to help ? PLS for 6 yrs. now









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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nash.

Welcome to the group. I still feel like a newbie as well, but I can tell

you that this is a wonderful group of supportive people. Most don't see

it as complaining, but more like venting. This is the best place you can

find for support, information and advice. Above all, make sure you talk

with your doc about all your symptoms. Write them down, because like

most of us, we forget once we get to our docs office.

There are so many auto-immune/inflammation diseases that have

similar symptoms, that it's hard to determine what you have. Your doc

needs to do tests and bloodwork to determine exactly what's going on

with you. I can just tell you that having RA for some, means living in

pain everyday. Some are lucky to get the right med combo, but it

takes time. I find my symptoms worsen in cold/damp weather.

Just one other thing you mentioned that you should bring up with your

doc, is what you said about twitching in your sleep. I was recently

diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis as well, and that is one of my

symptoms. I have uncontrollable movements or twitches on one side

of my body. Just something to keep in mind. Even though it's a totally

different disease than RA, it's also an auto-immune disease that

causes inflammation of the nervous system.

I hope you find the answers you are looking for. If you are not getting a

diagnosis from your doc, then don't be afraid to ask him/her to refer you

to someone else. Knowing what you're dealing with is half the battle.

Once you have a diagnosis you can then start to treat your problem and

hopefully, get some control over it.

Take care,


> Greetings,


> Hi all, my name is Bridget but most people just call me NashE


> of the nic as I am sure you can see. I am located in Western Mass


> I am a stay at home mom with 2 boys. I have not been diagnosed


> anything except 3 discs that are slipping in my lower back. I have

> suffered some time now with extreme pain. I have been to pain clinics

> and am being treated with perc and soma. I had no idea what

> Fibromyalgia was until about a year ago. I was talking with a friend

> about the pain I am in and she questioned if that was what was going

> on. She said that her mom has been suffering with it for years. I

> pretty much blew off what she told me because I was convinced that


> problem was the slipped discs. I was also told that my spine is

> degenerating and that the muscles in my back are so tight that it is

> causing my spine to move. I was told that this was all found in a

> series of MRI's that I had done. These diagnoses came from doctors


> a pain clinic that I was referred to. It did not take very long for

> me to see that the pain clinic I was attending was out for one

> reasonE To create as many drug addicts as they could.


> I say that because a friend of mine went there and informed them that

> she is a recovering drug addict hoping they would help her some


> way. They helped her alright by filling her with as many narcotics as

> they could write out scripts for. They were giving me shots along

> with the narcotics but the moment I asked if we could try PT or

> something else that would mean less narcotics because I was having

> the worse time trying to function they said no. I mean they gave me

> scripts for more narcotics and pretty much dismissed me. I went to

> see my PCP and he sent me to another pain clinic. They were much

> better because they gave me the opportunity to detox off some of the

> stuff I was on. The doctors had me on methadone and that stuff


> me into a total zombie. I was unable to sleep, I lost about 30 pounds

> in less then 6 weeks, I had no desire to eat or to even function for

> that matter. That story goes on and on. I mean what I have been

> through because of it. It is bad enough I am going to bore you with

> telling you what is going on now to add that in would have you

> reading till 2007 LOL.


> When I was detoxing off the methadone I started to notice that I was

> having pains that were more extreme then what I recall having. I

> thought for sure it was nothing more than withdrawals, but that

> seemed a little odd since I was still on pain meds.. That finally let

> up a little when I was done detoxing and was left with only the

> percs. Then the winter started to set in and all hell has broken

> loose. I have this feeling on a regular basis like I have the worse

> fever ever. The cold air rips through my body like daggers. December

> 26th it rained here. I was out walking to pick up my son. That was my

> birthday and my husband took me to Mohegan sun. I was picking my


> up from his grandmothers because she baby sat for us. The rain was

> not heavy but it was cold. Every drop that hit my head felt like

> icicles piercing my brain. I ended up spending most of the day in bed

> because the pain was unbearable.


> I have been telling my doctors about all of this pain. The feeling of

> having the flu is the worse. God forbid anyone should attempt to

> touch me. I feel daily like my period is getting ready to start. I am

> talking about the sensitivity in my chest that comes along with

> menstruation. I do not sleep very well at night and I find myself

> dragging through out the day. My husband tells me that when I am

> asleep at night my body twitches like mad. It is bad enough to where

> it wakes him. He is not surprised that I am tired all day long.


> This is affecting my life to an extreme now. I am only 34 years old

> and I feel older then my dad. At thanksgiving he actually apologized

> because he reckons that I have this because he does. He told me his

> grandfather had it and so does he. He has listened to me go on

> describing the pain and says he reckons it is rheumatoid arthritis.

> My doctor told me that although it is obvious I am in the beginning

> stages of having arthritis in my spine it is not to the extreme that

> should cause this many problems.


> I am totally aware that you folks are not medical professionals but

> to be honest I have found that the information that comes from people

> who suffer with it is more informative then any doctor can give. I

> have not been diagnosed as I said. The only thing I know is that I

> suffer daily. This is starting to become a very depressing situation.

> I have always been an extremely out going person who never spent


> at home. I mean unless I had to of course. I want desperately to get

> back to some sort of being normal. The pain is not as bad in the

> summer or when the temps are some what warm.


> I am sorry, I am about to go on complaining and I know that must get

> a little old. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. This

> feels like it is tearing my life apart one body part at a time. So I

> guess I am wondering if by any chance any one here might know

what I

> am talking about. As I said I had no idea what Fibromyalgia was until

> December 26th. I decided to get on line and see if I could find it.

> When I read over the " symptoms " of it I was blown away by how

much of

> it I live with daily. I am not trying to diagnose myself but I must

> admit it comes so close to home I cannot help but wonder. Oh yes


> on top of the pain I also suffer with extreme IBS and my menstruation

> cycle is so screwed up that the doctors are worried if it is

> something else. Just out of curiosity what do you folks think?


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In a message dated 12/28/2005 3:18:12 PM Central Standard Time,

nashirafae@... writes:

> Hi all, my name is Bridget but most people just call me Nash

hello nash , welcome to our group... geesh i'm jealous on where you live ! i

live in central MA (worcester) i'm also a newbie here with fibro

peace , gayle

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  • 1 month later...


> Hi! My name is Jen, and I'm new here. A friend just told me about


> as a possible treatment for Fibromyalgia, and told me to come here


> check it out.


> A little bit about me...as I said, I have Fibromyalgia, triggered

by a

> very severe reaction to the antibiotic Levaquin, followed by a 2


> bout of colitis from a pre-op dose of another antibiotic, Ancef.


> Levaquin also caused chronic tendonitis and peripheral

> neuropathy....needless to say, I steer clear of antibiotics

anymore! I

> also have sacroiliitis, which is a chronic inflammation and


> of the sacroiliac joints, as well as bipolar II disorder. Oh, and


> have PLMD, or periodic limb movement disorder, which is similar to

> Restless Leg Syndrome.


> I have to take a lot of meds and supplements to keep myself

> functional. Currently, I am taking Celexa, Lyrica, and Celebrex as

> daily meds, Klonopin at night for the PLMD, and Oxycontin, Soma,


> Lidoderm patches for the pain and spasms. I also take a daily


> flax seed oil, and Fibroplex (a specialized supplement for Fibro

> containing magnesium, malic acid, manganese, and 2 B-vitamins).


> also had 2 sets of nerve root blocks for the SI joint problem, both


> miserable failure. I just quit taking Plaquenil because I was fed


> with my hair falling out. My C-reactive protein level stays

at " high

> normal " to elevated all the time, and no one seems to know



> Needless to say, I am not happy with my current


> on those days when I'm wracked with pain and nothing I have is

> helping. I'm also not thrilled with having to rely on a strong

> narcotic just to be able to work. So when my friend told me that I

> should research LDN, it led me here.


> I would love to hear from people who are taking it for Fibro, and


> it's working for you. Was it hard to convince your doctor to


> it? Is there any literature I can print out and take to my doctor


> explain to him what it is, and how it works? I would appreciate


> information, or being pointed to where I can more info about the

use of

> LDN for Fibro. This really sounds like a treatment I would like to

> try!


> Thanks in advance,


> Jen



Jen, If you have not read the LDN website, do so. Learn it like the

back of your hand. http://www.ldninfo.org

You must be off all narcotics for 14 days before you can start LDN.

LDN will block the effects of the narcotic and put you into

withdrawal. Here is a natural/holistic pain me my doctor

recommends. Tramaden is a Pain Medication, it is a serious pain

medication that does not need a prescription.


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Hi Jen,

Sounds very much like you need the help of LDN. I have Fibro also and

also some Arthritis which doesn't bother me as much as the Fibro does.

Anyway to make a longer story short I started taking LDN last August -

starting with low dose 3.0mg for 10 days and then 3.5 and then 4. mg

and finally 4.5mg which I am currently taking. In a very short time I

noticed a change in my energy level - the pain still persisted until I

had finished taking 4.5 mg. for about 2 weeks. Then wow - I have been

pain free for about 2 months. What a relief. Just lately I have been

have a bit of pain in my neck and arms but I think it is due to over

doing some knitting, etc. For sleeping at night I have been taking an

anti depressant (acts as a muscle relaxant) and a 1/2 of 7.5mg.

sleeping pill (Immovane). When I started taking LDN I still continued

taking the two pills as they not classified as narcotics. The ldn

does interfere with your sleep pattern until your body gets used to is.

There 's a lot of info on the web site -

www.losedosenaltrexone.org and also www.gazorpa.com

This group has been a great help to me too. Many questions are posed

on this email and it's amazing the answers you get. I would appreciate

hearing from you if you do decide to try ldn. I'm not sure where you

live but you may diffictulty in getting your doctor to prescribe it.

I'm in Alberta, Canada and fortunately we have a pharmacy that

compounds the 50 mg. pill down to 4.5 mg strength using pure lactose as

a filler. Good luck.


On Feb 6, 2006, at 4:04 PM, Jen wrote:

> Hi! My name is Jen, and I'm new here. A friend just told me about LDN

> as a possible treatment for Fibromyalgia, and told me to come here to

> check it out.


> A little bit about me...as I said, I have Fibromyalgia, triggered by a

> very severe reaction to the antibiotic Levaquin, followed by a 2 month

> bout of colitis from a pre-op dose of another antibiotic, Ancef. The

> Levaquin also caused chronic tendonitis and peripheral

> neuropathy....needless to say, I steer clear of antibiotics anymore! I

> also have sacroiliitis, which is a chronic inflammation and dysfunction

> of the sacroiliac joints, as well as bipolar II disorder. Oh, and I

> have PLMD, or periodic limb movement disorder, which is similar to

> Restless Leg Syndrome.


> I have to take a lot of meds and supplements to keep myself

> functional. Currently, I am taking Celexa, Lyrica, and Celebrex as

> daily meds, Klonopin at night for the PLMD, and Oxycontin, Soma, and

> Lidoderm patches for the pain and spasms. I also take a daily multi,

> flax seed oil, and Fibroplex (a specialized supplement for Fibro

> containing magnesium, malic acid, manganese, and 2 B-vitamins). I've

> also had 2 sets of nerve root blocks for the SI joint problem, both a

> miserable failure. I just quit taking Plaquenil because I was fed up

> with my hair falling out. My C-reactive protein level stays at " high

> normal " to elevated all the time, and no one seems to know why.


> Needless to say, I am not happy with my current treatment....especially

> on those days when I'm wracked with pain and nothing I have is

> helping. I'm also not thrilled with having to rely on a strong

> narcotic just to be able to work. So when my friend told me that I

> should research LDN, it led me here.


> I would love to hear from people who are taking it for Fibro, and how

> it's working for you. Was it hard to convince your doctor to prescribe

> it? Is there any literature I can print out and take to my doctor to

> explain to him what it is, and how it works? I would appreciate ANY

> information, or being pointed to where I can more info about the use of

> LDN for Fibro. This really sounds like a treatment I would like to

> try!


> Thanks in advance,


> Jen









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  • 2 weeks later...

!!!!!! Glad you made it here! lol This is a wonderfull, very

supportive group of people. a and will give you all the info you could

possibly want and more. HUGS talk to you soon

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Yes, im here ...

Yea I could use some extra info right now, cause I don't know a lot about

Fibromyalgia...Im glad you told me about this group :)

-- Re: [ ] New Here

!!!!!! Glad you made it here! lol This is a wonderfull, very

supportive group of people. a and will give you all the info you


possibly want and more. HUGS talk to you soon

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

>>On Behalf Of Caffeine Fiend

Hi everyone, I just joined. My name is Nina, 24, living in Hawaii. I was

searching on actually for people with sinus problems and this

group came up first, and as it happens we have a known mold problem in our

house. We live in Navy housing in Hawaii, actually one of the newer homes(

our house was built in 99 i think).. However, it has come to our attention

recently that they didnt keep up maintenance on our air conditioner(central

a/c), for 3 years, and now we're finding that we have a major mold problem,

to the point that theyre going to have to rip out half our hallway where the

a/c is, as well as cut out our vent ducts and replace everything around

them. >>>>

Welcome to our group Nina. I'm sorry you had to find us under these

conditions; however I know that many members on this list will be of help to

you. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have and we'll do our

best to answer them.

In the meantime I am including below a copy of an email posted by our Dr.

Schaller who has written a 150 page e-book called Mold Illness Made

Simple. He graciously offered this e-book to our members and supplied us

with a free download link. I would like to suggest you download his e-book

(two of them, full version and newer 80 page version) and take a look. I

believe it will assist you in understanding what's happening with your

family. Please do scroll down this email message and to read Dr. Schaller's


Thank you for joining us and know we care and will do our best to help you,


[] FREE MOLD BOOK/Schaller, MD

Since life is short, I decided to give away my illustrated picture book

about mold illness and mold in buildings.

It is designed for those who have trouble reading or want to learn how not

to get hurt by mold in an easy and fast way.

It uses over a hundred cartoons and color photographs.

I wrote with Dr. Rosen because we were seeing that many of my pateints and

his remediation clients could not read and were making many remediation

errors, and it took too long to teach them without pictures. This book is

VERY STRONG ON COMMON remediation errors and cautions.

http://www.gombach.com/schaller/SimpleMoldSample.pdf This is the first 80

pages in the newer design


The first 80 pages or link one is the way the book will be. Due to it

costing about 15.00 for all the color pages in a hard copy, we will be

moving to a 30 color page copy option next month to save folks money who

want it in a hard copy. (Amazon.com)

We all know folks who cannot download an e-book and are making remediation

errors, and need something simple. WHILE THIS IS COPYRIGHTED, EACH PERSON


TOO POOR TO BUY. (If you are a defense attorney, you will have to buy it).

Why give away? I was watching the MSNBC special on the loss of almost three

states with Katrina and I am just so aware of hundreds of thousands of folks

with limited cognition due to mold exposure.

I would like it to be an easy source of help. Also, I see the death of

various neighbors and friends--life is so short. I will eat today, have food

and my roof does not leak. That is enough.

Please understand this book is very different than Mold Warriors, and is not

meant to compete or replace this immensely sacrificial book of Dr.

Shoemaker. They are completely apples and oranges. Indeed, we refer to MW

10 times in Mold Illness Made Simple: Fixing Sick Bodies and Buildings.

Much Peace,

Schaller, MD



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Guest guest

welcome nina, it sounds like you are a victom of mold/mycotoxins,

you came to the right place. I had a hisderictomy that was caused by

exposure to trichathecene mycotoxins, produced by stachboctrys mold,

sometimes called black mold.exposed for 8 years. and you described

many symptoms and illnesses that some of us here have suffered. fell

free to ask questions, and thanks for shareing your story. one good

place to learn more about mold/mycotoxins, illnesses, is at mold-

help.org thats where I first started linking my illnesses to the

different type of molds found in my home. look on the left hand side

when you get there, for types and illnesses, (I think thats what its

under, or to get there quick, I just posted those two sites yesterday

here, just go to previous page, they should be there. one is mold-

serviver the other is mold-



> Hi everyone, I just joined. My name is Nina, 24, living in Hawaii.

I was searching on

> groups actually for people with sinus problems and this group came

up first, and as it

> happens we have a known mold problem in our house.

> We live in Navy housing in Hawaii, actually one of the newer homes(

our house was built in

> 99 i think).. However, it has come to our attention recently that

they didnt keep up

> maintenance on our air conditioner(central a/c), for 3 years, and

now we're finding that we

> have a major mold problem, to the point that theyre going to have

to rip out half our

> hallway where the a/c is, as well as cut out our vent ducts and

replace everything around

> them.

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I worry about the use of Fiber glass they took it off the market years ago I

just don't understand but wish you all the luck in the world. the best thing is

you are able to get something done me I don't want any thing else someone else

own and I pray that someday I will have my dream. I do have and acre of slave

own land in Northern Florida but no help to get something done safe so I can

live on it or build so many like us could have something to start with and I

feel I can get more than and acre it is 160 acres in the family just sitting

there most of it Long story.

But if any of the Doctors or anyone else wants to make this happen let's get


Peace to my dream


Re: [] New here

because they didnt keep up on maintenance our a/c has frozen and

leaked several times which is probably a prime contributor to the

mold. They replaced all of the insulation in the a/c unit and now

have to rip out an entire section of our hallway

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A commune of toxic people, that sounds like a blast. We could have nightly

meetings around the campfire, shunned from the public as the crazy people, then

the FBI copuld rade us and burn it to the ground like Waco.....

Really that is a pretty neet idea, I was just kidding..

Chris... (this was a funny)

elvira52 <Elvira52@...> wrote:

I worry about the use of Fiber glass they took it off the market years ago I

just don't understand but wish you all the luck in the world. the best thing is

you are able to get something done me I don't want any thing else someone else

own and I pray that someday I will have my dream. I do have and acre of slave

own land in Northern Florida but no help to get something done safe so I can

live on it or build so many like us could have something to start with and I

feel I can get more than and acre it is 160 acres in the family just sitting

there most of it Long story.

But if any of the Doctors or anyone else wants to make this happen let's get


Peace to my dream


Re: [] New here

because they didnt keep up on maintenance our a/c has frozen and

leaked several times which is probably a prime contributor to the

mold. They replaced all of the insulation in the a/c unit and now

have to rip out an entire section of our hallway

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I often think and dream that it would be great if we could all get together

in one place. I would be so nice to meet everyone and just be together. A

big Sick Buildings Group reunion!!!!!


A commune of toxic people, that sounds like a blast. We could have nightly

meetings around the campfire, shunned from the public as the crazy people,

then the FBI copuld rade us and burn it to the ground like Waco.....

Really that is a pretty neet idea, I was just kidding..

Chris... (this was a funny)

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Pretty Biblical actually! When they speak of Leprosy in the bible, translations

take it to mean mold illness, since it certainly isn't Hansen's disease. We

moldies were outcasted since the beginning of time! :-)

Tazin Round <unitedstatesvet@...> wrote: A commune of toxic people, that

sounds like a blast. We could have nightly meetings around the campfire,

shunned from the public as the crazy people, then the FBI copuld rade us and

burn it to the ground like Waco.....

Really that is a pretty neet idea, I was just kidding..

Chris... (this was a funny)

elvira52 <Elvira52@...> wrote:

I worry about the use of Fiber glass they took it off the market years ago I

just don't understand but wish you all the luck in the world. the best thing is

you are able to get something done me I don't want any thing else someone else

own and I pray that someday I will have my dream. I do have and acre of slave

own land in Northern Florida but no help to get something done safe so I can

live on it or build so many like us could have something to start with and I

feel I can get more than and acre it is 160 acres in the family just sitting

there most of it Long story.

But if any of the Doctors or anyone else wants to make this happen let's get


Peace to my dream


Re: [] New here

because they didnt keep up on maintenance our a/c has frozen and

leaked several times which is probably a prime contributor to the

mold. They replaced all of the insulation in the a/c unit and now

have to rip out an entire section of our hallway

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Re: [] New here

A commune of toxic people, that sounds like a blast. We could have nightly

meetings around the campfire, shunned from the public as the crazy people, then

the FBI copuld rade us and burn it to the ground like Waco.....

Really that is a pretty neet idea, I was just kidding..

Chris... (this was a funny)

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I second that......


ssr3351@... wrote:

I often think and dream that it would be great if we could all get together

in one place. I would be so nice to meet everyone and just be together. A

big Sick Buildings Group reunion!!!!!


A commune of toxic people, that sounds like a blast. We could have nightly

meetings around the campfire, shunned from the public as the crazy people,

then the FBI copuld rade us and burn it to the ground like Waco.....

Really that is a pretty neet idea, I was just kidding..

Chris... (this was a funny)

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