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How wonderful. Sounds like a fresh start is coming your way!


--- In @y..., " propanegirl " <propanegirl@y...>


> Hello Everyone,


> I would like to post some good news - amongst all of the little

> arguments that are going back and forth this past week.


> As I had posted previously; I had been told that our health


> did not cover speech therapy at all for JJ. I enrolled him in a

> summer program and was given a grant for over half of the amount of

> this program (he will go twice weekly).


> He started today and it was a treat - he enjoyed himself and

> hopefully will connect with his speech therapist. I had a message

> waiting for me when I got home - it seems that we have a special

> rider on our insurance called Community Blue - it will cover his

> speech therapy until age 6! Can you believe that. Early

> Intervention is scheduled to come out tomorrow for their first

> evaluation - looks like we are getting the ball rolling. I also

> wanted you all to know that I am going to order the Pro-EFA and

> hopefully get him started on that - seems that their is alot of

> positive feedback from you all in regards to this product.


> Looking forward to hearing from you,

> Kim

> Mom to Carissa (Normal as normal can be ;-)) and JJ (developmental

> apraxia and oral motor dysfunction)

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  • 4 months later...

Hello my name is Charlene. Welcome to the list . I have 3

children two autistic. Well the youngest diagnosed autistic and great news

my oldest she will be seen by a phyiatrist for a 5 hour evaluation nov 12

YA! I hope this list gives you support and confort you need. although

twins are special it also calls for twice the problems when special needs

are there. I would not want my daughter to be a twin LOL


-- Hello to All


I'm new to this group...just joined today and hope to find a few

friends to offer up some support. I am a single mother of 13 year

old twin girls with Aspergers Syndrome. It's been a very long,

difficult road to diagnosis and understanding, but we've arrived.

Now we are at a whole new place called " puberty " and I'm half out of

my mind with new issues that have come with it!

Thanks for granting me list membership. I look forward to some

enlightening exchange with others who can relate to my situation.

*thinking positively & praying regularly*

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Welcome to the list. My name is Tracey and my youngest daughter, Skylar

age 10, was diagnosed autistic at the age of 3. The thought of puberty

scares me to death. I am having a hard enough time dealing with it in

my oldest daughter, not looking forward to Sky going through it too.

This is a great list. I am sure you will be glad you joined.



> Greetings:

> I'm new to this group...just joined today and hope to find a few

> friends to offer up some support. I am a single mother of 13 year

> old twin girls with Aspergers Syndrome. It's been a very long,

> difficult road to diagnosis and understanding, but we've arrived.

> Now we are at a whole new place called " puberty " and I'm half out of

> my mind with new issues that have come with it!


> Thanks for granting me list membership. I look forward to some

> enlightening exchange with others who can relate to my situation.

> *thinking positively & praying regularly*





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Lee, but I do worry alot about everything, thats my big downfall :o(

how are YOU doing??? Staying warm???

((( Thank-Ful Hugs )))


Dearest Helen: Please don't worry about us here. Hope

you can get some help with all of your concerns.

Love, Lee


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Thanks Ling,

Strong I have become over the years, Brave, No, I get so frightened all the time... Always afraid that I will do or say the wrong things, always afraid that I will hurt someones feelings, that is the last thing I would ever do on purpose...

Yes, I have to stay at the hospital for two hours after the shots, but I still am not allowed to drive for 24 hours nor am I allowed to do any work or climb stairs for twenty four hours...

I know I have to get better, but at the moment it is very hard to set up any appointments and be able to keep them, as we no more than have something ourselves to do and we get an emergency call to take one of them to the hospital so all our plans are canceled... You know that canceling a Dr's. appointment at the last min. you have to pay for it yourself, because the insurance will not... Ross can take them himself, but that still leaves me without transportation... I have to go 30 miles to get to the hospital and over 20 miles to get to my Dr's. appointments... I'm not allowed to drive into Toledo as it is... The Dr. allows me to drive in our small town and that is it... I have gotten so confused at times and I panic, then I forget how to get back home... Twice now being in Toledo, I have had to call home crying for Ross to tell me how to get home from where I was... I would read him the road signs and he would then tell me how to get back to familiar surroundings so I could get back home... After the second time, I wasn't allowed to go more than 10 miles in either direction without someone with me... :o(

It will all work out in due time, it just has too... We still have it better than a lot of folks, We have delt with so much in our thirty-five years together, Lots of Good and Lots of Bad, but we survive :o) May not be the way that we like it, but, oh well, onto something else here...

How often do you get your shots??? Will the new Dr. be able to give you the nerve shots like the other one did that helped you so much??? I so hope you are not in a bad flare again :o( You take care...

Love and Hugs


Dear Helen,

Know that you have been going through a lot..... realised also that you must be one STRONG and BRAVE character to be able to go through all this! Take care, my friend, don't worry about us here. We are all fine here. You family is most important.

As for your need for shots - are you able to rest for a while [a few hours] in the hospital before you can go home by yourself? I am not allowed to go home myself after the blocks too, but sometimes I will still be allowed to go home myself after a short rest. I know your family needs you, but you need to feel better before you are able to tend to your family.

{{{{{Buddy Hugs }}}}}



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Dear Helen,

Know that you have been going through a lot..... realised also that you must be one STRONG and BRAVE character to be able to go through all this! Take care, my friend, don't worry about us here. We are all fine here. You family is most important.

As for your need for shots - are you able to rest for a while [a few hours] in the hospital before you can go home by yourself? I am not allowed to go home myself after the blocks too, but sometimes I will still be allowed to go home myself after a short rest. I know your family needs you, but you need to feel better before you are able to tend to your family.

{{{{{Buddy Hugs }}}}}


Hello To All

Hello everyone, So sorry that I have been gone from here... We have had a lot to deal with... Ross's Mom not doing well. Had her at the hospital four times in the last two weeks. Her vistula will not allow dialysis anymore, so she was sent to have it cleaned. Sent back to dialysis and it still wouldn't work, so had to return to the hospital. They put an emergency one in her neck. Became very ill two days later and had to return to hospital. Her heart is out of rhythm again. Then had to go back to hospital for blood work twice now. The DR's. are going to map out a route for another vistula in her arm, but they have already told her that her chances of coming through surgery are dim. He point blank asked her if she wanted to stop dialysis now as she is so bad, but she chose no. If they stop dialysis she would have less than two weeks to live. If she goes ahead with the surgery, it could be the same day. That's IF the heart DR, will allow them to proceed with the surgery. Another answer is that they might have to put an emergency one in her chest above the heart for dialysis. Monday they are going to map her out and then shock the heart again. Tuesday, reshock the heart again if necessary, and more blood work. Wednesday surgery to try and put another vistula in...... For a healthy person this is not that bad, but for one that has so many different troubles, well, that's where we stand with that one. His Father isn't in very good shape either. His Dr. has him doing absolutely nothing, because he is so close to another stroke/heart attack. So Ross has had to go down and do all his Dads work now for the last three months, plus get up at 5 am three days a week and take his Mom to dialysis, Plus try and keep our house done, Plus the worry of the girls............. Myself, I have stopped going down to help with all the work. I can barely keep my own done, let alone someone else's. I do their house once a month and will take meals down when asked to, but that's the extent that I do... I feel bad about that, but I am still trying to recover from last months house cleaning down there. I can barely turn my head again, without turning the entire body. Choking on food and even water is getting much worse. I know its time for the shots again in my head, but I need a driver and I don't have one at this point. When I get an appointment, Ross ends up having to take his Mom again for another emergency, which is fine, then I take myself, but they will not allow me to drive after getting the shots in my head, so I'm going to just wait it out as long as I can at the moment. Things will fall into place soon enough, Besides, I Hate those Shots!!! Things with the girls are the same, all three are ill at the moment and as usual he doesn't take them to the DR's. Stress is a Main factor these days... Maybe if there wasn't so much going on, I'd start to feel better... Hope all are as well as can be... Will start trying to answer email as best as I can. If I disappear again, we'll most likely be back at the hospital with his Mother and Father. ((( Love and Hugs to All ))) Helen

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Thanks for keeping us updated Helen,,, sure hope your mother in law is okay,,, but if were me I think I would have chosen to stop it all,,, but thats just me!!! Make sure you get rest now,, dont want you over doing it again!!!

Hello To All

Hello everyone, So sorry that I have been gone from here... We have had a lot to deal with... Ross's Mom not doing well. Had her at the hospital four times in the last two weeks. Her vistula will not allow dialysis anymore, so she was sent to have it cleaned. Sent back to dialysis and it still wouldn't work, so had to return to the hospital. They put an emergency one in her neck. Became very ill two days later and had to return to hospital. Her heart is out of rhythm again. Then had to go back to hospital for blood work twice now. The DR's. are going to map out a route for another vistula in her arm, but they have already told her that her chances of coming through surgery are dim. He point blank asked her if she wanted to stop dialysis now as she is so bad, but she chose no. If they stop dialysis she would have less than two weeks to live. If she goes ahead with the surgery, it could be the same day. That's IF the heart DR, will allow them to proceed with the surgery. Another answer is that they might have to put an emergency one in her chest above the heart for dialysis. Monday they are going to map her out and then shock the heart again. Tuesday, reshock the heart again if necessary, and more blood work. Wednesday surgery to Hope all are as well as can be... Will start trying to answer email as best as I can. If I disappear again, we'll most likely be back at the hospital with his Mother and Father. ((( Love and Hugs to All ))) Helen

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Hi Helen,

I really do hope things will improve for you real soon!

As for the shots for me.... well, used to get them monthly, until the

radiofrequency neurolysis was done. Now not having any shots. Really hope the

new doc will be able to help - he used to learn from my old doc, and he had just

came back from a 10 month pain management course in Sydney.



> From: angelbear1129@...

> Date: Sun 10/11/2002 3:37 PM GMT+08:00


> Subject: Re: Hello To All


> Thanks Ling,

> Strong I have become over the years, Brave, No, I get so frightened all the

> time... Always afraid that I will do or say the wrong things, always afraid

> that I will hurt someones feelings, that is the last thing I would ever do on

> purpose...

> Yes, I have to stay at the hospital for two hours after the shots, but I

> still am not allowed to drive for 24 hours nor am I allowed to do any work or

> climb stairs for twenty four hours...

> I know I have to get better, but at the moment it is very hard to set up

> any appointments and be able to keep them, as we no more than have something

> ourselves to do and we get an emergency call to take one of them to the

> hospital so all our plans are canceled... You know that canceling a Dr's.

> appointment at the last min. you have to pay for it yourself, because the

> insurance will not... Ross can take them himself, but that still leaves me

> without transportation... I have to go 30 miles to get to the hospital and

> over 20 miles to get to my Dr's. appointments... I'm not allowed to drive

> into Toledo as it is... The Dr. allows me to drive in our small town and

> that is it... I have gotten so confused at times and I panic, then I forget

> how to get back home... Twice now being in Toledo, I have had to call home

> crying for Ross to tell me how to get home from where I was... I would read

> him the road signs and he would then tell me how to get back to familiar

> surroundings so I could get back home... After the second time, I wasn't

> allowed to go more than 10 miles in either direction without someone with

> me... :o(

> It will all work out in due time, it just has too... We still have it

> better than a lot of folks, We have delt with so much in our thirty-five

> years together, Lots of Good and Lots of Bad, but we survive :o) May not be

> the way that we like it, but, oh well, onto something else here...

> How often do you get your shots??? Will the new Dr. be able to give you

> the nerve shots like the other one did that helped you so much??? I so hope

> you are not in a bad flare again :o( You take care...

> Love and Hugs

> Helen



> > Dear Helen,

> >

> > Know that you have been going through a lot..... realised also that you

> > must be one STRONG and BRAVE character to be able to go through all this!

> > Take care, my friend, don't worry about us here. We are all fine here. You

> > family is most important.

> >

> > As for your need for shots - are you able to rest for a while [a few hours]

> > in the hospital before you can go home by yourself? I am not allowed to go

> > home myself after the blocks too, but sometimes I will still be allowed to

> > go home myself after a short rest. I know your family needs you, but you

> > need to feel better before you are able to tend to your family.

> >

> > {{{{{Buddy Hugs }}}}}

> > Ling

Thanks Ling,

Strong I have become over the years, Brave, No, I get so frightened all the time... Always afraid that I will do or say the wrong things, always afraid that I will hurt someones feelings, that is the last thing I would ever do on purpose...

Yes, I have to stay at the hospital for two hours after the shots, but I still am not allowed to drive for 24 hours nor am I allowed to do any work or climb stairs for twenty four hours...

I know I have to get better, but at the moment it is very hard to set up any appointments and be able to keep them, as we no more than have something ourselves to do and we get an emergency call to take one of them to the hospital so all our plans are canceled... You know that canceling a Dr's. appointment at the last min. you have to pay for it yourself, because the insurance will not... Ross can take them himself, but that still leaves me without transportation... I have to go 30 miles to get to the hospital and over 20 miles to get to my Dr's. appointments... I'm not allowed to drive into Toledo as it is... The Dr. allows me to drive in our small town and that is it... I have gotten so confused at times and I panic, then I forget how to get back home... Twice now being in Toledo, I have had to call home crying for Ross to tell me how to get home from where I was... I would read him the road signs and he would then tell me how to get back to familiar surroundings so I could get back home... After the second time, I wasn't allowed to go more than 10 miles in either direction without someone with me... :o(

It will all work out in due time, it just has too... We still have it better than a lot of folks, We have delt with so much in our thirty-five years together, Lots of Good and Lots of Bad, but we survive :o) May not be the way that we like it, but, oh well, onto something else here...

How often do you get your shots??? Will the new Dr. be able to give you the nerve shots like the other one did that helped you so much??? I so hope you are not in a bad flare again :o( You take care...

Love and Hugs


Dear Helen,

Know that you have been going through a lot..... realised also that you must be one STRONG and BRAVE character to be able to go through all this! Take care, my friend, don't worry about us here. We are all fine here. You family is most important.

As for your need for shots - are you able to rest for a while [a few hours] in the hospital before you can go home by yourself? I am not allowed to go home myself after the blocks too, but sometimes I will still be allowed to go home myself after a short rest. I know your family needs you, but you need to feel better before you are able to tend to your family.

{{{{{Buddy Hugs }}}}}



~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

The Being Sick Community

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When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

--- Margaret Drabble

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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What is Overdoing??? :o) Not Me !!! :-}


Thanks for keeping us updated Helen,,, sure hope your mother in law is okay,,, but if were me I think I would have chosen to stop it all,,, but thats just me!!! Make sure you get rest now,, dont want you over doing it again!!!


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Thanks Ling, I hope so too!!!

I hope the new Doc can help you also... Taking the headaches away permantly would be Great wouldn't it!!!

((( Pain Free Hugs )))


Hi Helen,

I really do hope things will improve for you real soon!

As for the shots for me.... well, used to get them monthly, until the radiofrequency neurolysis was done. Now not having any shots. Really hope the new doc will be able to help - he used to learn from my old doc, and he had just came back from a 10 month pain management course in Sydney.


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I get steroid injections in my neck and shoulders and head for the pains I have so severe and my headaches... They last any where from 3 months to 2 years... I get them in a three month regiment... They are painful to get, especially the ones in the head, but they are well worth it when they are done with...


Ling,, what do they do the nerve blocks for,, the headaches,, if so does it help? And does anyone here in the states know if doctors do it here? My doctors say they can not do it,, but I would like to know if anyone else here gets them done,,, thank you!!

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Ling,, what do they do the nerve blocks for,, the headaches,, if so does it help? And does anyone here in the states know if doctors do it here? My doctors say they can not do it,, but I would like to know if anyone else here gets them done,,, thank you!!

Re: Hello To All> > Thanks Ling,> Strong I have become over the years, Brave, No, I get so frightened all the > time... Always afraid that I will do or say the wrong things, always afraid > that I will hurt someones feelings, that is the last thing I would ever do on > purpose...> Yes, I have to stay at the hospital for two hours after the shots, but I > still am not allowed to drive for 24 hours nor am I allowed to do any work or > climb stairs for twenty four hours...> I know I have to get better, but at the moment it is very hard to set up > any appointments and be able to keep them, as we no more than have something > ourselves to do and we get an emergency call to take one of them to the > hospital so all our plans are canceled... You know that canceling a Dr's. > appointment at the last min. you have to pay for it yourself, because the > insurance will not... Ross can take them himself, but that still leaves me > without transportation... I have to go 30 miles to get to the hospital and > over 20 miles to get to my Dr's. appointments... I'm not allowed to drive > into Toledo as it is... The Dr. allows me to drive in our small town and > that is it... I have gotten so confused at times and I panic, then I forget > how to get back home... Twice now being in Toledo, I have had to call home > crying for Ross to tell me how to get home from where I was... I would read > him the road signs and he would then tell me how to get back to familiar > surroundings so I could get back home... After the second time, I wasn't > allowed to go more than 10 miles in either direction without someone with > me... :o( > It will all work out in due time, it just has too... We still have it > better than a lot of folks, We have delt with so much in our thirty-five > years together, Lots of Good and Lots of Bad, but we survive :o) May not be > the way that we like it, but, oh well, onto something else here...> How often do you get your shots??? Will the new Dr. be able to give you > the nerve shots like the other one did that helped you so much??? I so hope > you are not in a bad flare again :o( You take care...> Love and Hugs> Helen> > > > Dear Helen,> > > > Know that you have been going through a lot..... realised also that you > > must be one STRONG and BRAVE character to be able to go through all this! > > Take care, my friend, don't worry about us here. We are all fine here. You > > family is most important.> > > > As for your need for shots - are you able to rest for a while [a few hours] > > in the hospital before you can go home by yourself? I am not allowed to go > > home myself after the blocks too, but sometimes I will still be allowed to > > go home myself after a short rest. I know your family needs you, but you > > need to feel better before you are able to tend to your family.> > > > {{{{{Buddy Hugs }}}}}> > Ling ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./links Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Hey Helen,,

Yeah Ive had steroid injections in my neck and sholders, (mostly for the RA) but it didnt help my headaches,,,, thanks for trying though!!

Re: Hello To All

I get steroid injections in my neck and shoulders and head for the pains I have so severe and my headaches... They last any where from 3 months to 2 years... I get them in a three month regiment... They are painful to get, especially the ones in the head, but they are well worth it when they are done with...Helen

Ling,, what do they do the nerve blocks for,, the headaches,, if so does it help? And does anyone here in the states know if doctors do it here? My doctors say they can not do it,, but I would like to know if anyone else here gets them done,,, thank you!!~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Was worth a Shot !!! :o)


Hey Helen,,

Yeah Ive had steroid injections in my neck and sholders, (mostly for the RA) but it didnt help my headaches,,,, thanks for trying though!!

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In a message dated 11/11/02 1:24:24 PM Pacific Standard Time, leland@... writes:

y wrote:

>Hello to all

> If anyone with RA has had their feet bother them and has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate them. I have been on the AP for approx 4 months and as recently as a week or so seems most of the inflammation has gone there.

> Thanks for any suggestions.



I wrapped my feet with ace bandages for about 5 0r 6 weeks, untill the ache went away. It was kind of strange but it was the only way I could keep them from hurting.

Carol 29657

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Hi ,

I have RA and have had my feet bother me when I was first on AP too. I hadn't

had inflamation in my feet for years but all of a sudden it seemed to

concentrate in my feet. It did eventually go away. I have been on AP now for

almost 2 1/2 years and I can say that they are much better.

Have you tried the hydrogen peroxide baths? They do help with the inflamation a

lot. I find that heat helps the inflamation and if you don't want to get in a

tub you can just soak your feet in a bucket of hot water with the HP in


I also use the parafin bath (I bought one of the parafin bath appliances) and

find it very soothing for my achy feet. It helps my hands, fingers, wrists and

elbows too.

Also, I find that wearing socks at night when my feet feel the coldest helps


Hope some of these suggestions are a help to you. Hopefully others will have

suggestions for you too.


y wrote:

> Hello to all

> If anyone with RA has had their feet bother them and has any suggestions I

would greatly appreciate them. I have been on the AP for approx 4 months and as

recently as a week or so seems most of the inflammation has gone there.

> Thanks for any suggestions.


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Hi ,

I'd recommend seeing a good podiatrist. They can make you custom

orthotics and advise you on proper footwear to minimize your foot pain.

I can barely walk without my orthotics so I consider them invaluable.



y wrote:


> Hello to all

> If anyone with RA has had their feet bother them and has any suggestions I

would greatly appreciate them...

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Hi ,

Nerve blocks, which contain an anaesthetic and a steriod, are usually injected

by a pain specialist [usually an anaesthiologist] or a neurosurgeon.My blocks

are done by an anaesthiologist. They are given for my headaches. Have tried a

few types, such as the occipital nerve blocks, facet blocks, sphenopalatine

blocks, epidural steriod injections..What are you intending to take the blocks


Do you have any pain clinics in the area? They are the best people to treat

chronic pain.

I'm sorry I am not from the States, then I can help you more. However, if there

is any other way I can help, just let me know!





> From: <missymelanie@...>

> Date: Mon 11/11/2002 2:22 PM GMT+08:00


> Subject: Re: Re: Hello To All


> Ling,, what do they do the nerve blocks for,, the headaches,, if so does it

help? And does anyone here in the states know if doctors do it here? My doctors

say they can not do it,, but I would like to know if anyone else here gets them

done,,, thank you!!


> Re: Hello To All> > Thanks Ling,> Strong I have become over the years, Brave, No, I get so frightened all the > time... Always afraid that I will do or say the wrong things, always afraid > that I will hurt someones feelings, that is the last thing I would ever do on > purpose...> Yes, I have to stay at the hospital for two hours after the shots, but I > still am not allowed to drive for 24 hours nor am I allowed to do any work or > climb stairs for twenty four hours...> I know I have to get better, but at the moment it is very hard to set up > any appointments and be able to keep them, as we no more than have something > ourselves to do and we get an emergency call to take one of them to the > hospital so all our plans are canceled... You know that canceling a Dr's. > appointment at the last min. you have to pay for it yourself, because the > insurance will not... Ross can take them himself, but that still leaves me > without transportation... I have to go 30 miles to get to the hospital and > over 20 miles to get to my Dr's. appointments... I'm not allowed to drive > into Toledo as it is... The Dr. allows me to drive in our small town and > that is it... I have gotten so confused at times and I panic, then I forget > how to get back home... Twice now being in Toledo, I have had to call home > crying for Ross to tell me how to get home from where I was... I would read > him the road signs and he would then tell me how to get back to familiar > surroundings so I could get back home... After the second time, I wasn't > allowed to go more than 10 miles in either direction without someone with > me... :o( > It will all work out in due time, it just has too... We still have it > better than a lot of folks, We have delt with so much in our thirty-five > years together, Lots of Good and Lots of Bad, but we survive :o) May not be > the way that we like it, but, oh well, onto something else here...> How often do you get your shots??? Will the new Dr. be able to give you > the nerve shots like the other one did that helped you so much??? I so hope > you are not in a bad flare again :o( You take care...> Love and Hugs> Helen> > > > Dear Helen,> > > > Know that you have been going through a lot..... realised also that you > > must be one STRONG and BRAVE character to be able to go through all this! > > Take care, my friend, don't worry about us here. We are all fine here. You > > family is most important.> > > > As for your need for shots - are you able to rest for a while [a few hours] > > in the hospital before you can go home by yourself? I am not allowed to go > > home myself after the blocks too, but sometimes I will still be allowed to > > go home myself after a short rest. I know your family needs you, but you > > need to feel better before you are able to tend to your family.> > > > {{{{{Buddy Hugs }}}}}> > Ling ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./links Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Hey Ling,,

Well I have Rhumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia,, and cant take anti inflamatories by mouth cause of my stomach,,,, so this sounds like it would be something worth trying,,, I know we have pain clinics all around,,, so Im going to talk to my rhumatologist and try to get a referral from him,, and see if these are covered thru medicare!!!

Re: Hello To All> > > > Thanks Ling,> > Strong I have become over the years, Brave, No, I get so frightened all the > > time... Always afraid that I will do or say the wrong things, always afraid > > that I will hurt someones feelings, that is the last thing I would ever do on > > purpose...> > Yes, I have to stay at the hospital for two hours after the shots, but I > > still am not allowed to drive for 24 hours nor am I allowed to do any work or > > climb stairs for twenty four hours...> > I know I have to get better, but at the moment it is very hard to set up > > any appointments and be able to keep them, as we no more than have something > > ourselves to do and we get an emergency call to take one of them to the > > hospital so all our plans are canceled... You know that canceling a Dr's. > > appointment at the last min. you have to pay for it yourself, because the > > insurance will not... Ross can take them himself, but that still leaves me > > without transportation... I have to go 30 miles to get to the hospital and > > over 20 miles to get to my Dr's. appointments... I'm not allowed to drive > > into Toledo as it is... The Dr. allows me to drive in our small town and > > that is it... I have gotten so confused at times and I panic, then I forget > > how to get back home... Twice now being in Toledo, I have had to call home > > crying for Ross to tell me how to get home from where I was... I would read > > him the road signs and he would then tell me how to get back to familiar > > surroundings so I could get back home... After the second time, I wasn't > > allowed to go more than 10 miles in either direction without someone with > > me... :o( > > It will all work out in due time, it just has too... We still have it > > better than a lot of folks, We have delt with so much in our thirty-five > > years together, Lots of Good and Lots of Bad, but we survive :o) May not be > > the way that we like it, but, oh well, onto something else here...> > How often do you get your shots??? Will the new Dr. be able to give you > > the nerve shots like the other one did that helped you so much??? I so hope > > you are not in a bad flare again :o( You take care...> > Love and Hugs> > Helen> > > > > > > Dear Helen,> > > > > > Know that you have been going through a lot..... realised also that you > > > must be one STRONG and BRAVE character to be able to go through all this! > > > Take care, my friend, don't worry about us here. We are all fine here. You > > > family is most important.> > > > > > As for your need for shots - are you able to rest for a while [a few hours] > > > in the hospital before you can go home by yourself? I am not allowed to go > > > home myself after the blocks too, but sometimes I will still be allowed to > > > go home myself after a short rest. I know your family needs you, but you > > > need to feel better before you are able to tend to your family.> > > > > > {{{{{Buddy Hugs }}}}}> > > Ling > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./links Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Got it. Good luck with the search/referral, !

Keep us posted, ok?



> From: <missymelanie@...>

> Date: Tue 12/11/2002 9:46 PM GMT+08:00


> Subject: Re: Re: Hello To All


> Hey Ling,,


> Well I have Rhumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia,, and cant take anti

inflamatories by mouth cause of my stomach,,,, so this sounds like it would be

something worth trying,,, I know we have pain clinics all around,,, so Im going

to talk to my rhumatologist and try to get a referral from him,, and see if

these are covered thru medicare!!!


> Re: Hello To All

> > >

> > > Thanks Ling,

> > > Strong I have become over the years, Brave, No, I get so frightened

all the

> > > time... Always afraid that I will do or say the wrong things, always


> > > that I will hurt someones feelings, that is the last thing I would

ever do on

> > > purpose...

> > > Yes, I have to stay at the hospital for two hours after the shots,

but I

> > > still am not allowed to drive for 24 hours nor am I allowed to do any

work or

> > > climb stairs for twenty four hours...

> > > I know I have to get better, but at the moment it is very hard to

set up

> > > any appointments and be able to keep them, as we no more than have


> > > ourselves to do and we get an emergency call to take one of them to


> > > hospital so all our plans are canceled... You know that canceling a


> > > appointment at the last min. you have to pay for it yourself, because


> > > insurance will not... Ross can take them himself, but that still

leaves me

> > > without transportation... I have to go 30 miles to get to the hospital


> > > over 20 miles to get to my Dr's. appointments... I'm not allowed to


> > > into Toledo as it is... The Dr. allows me to drive in our small town


> > > that is it... I have gotten so confused at times and I panic, then I


> > > how to get back home... Twice now being in Toledo, I have had to call


> > > crying for Ross to tell me how to get home from where I was... I

would read

> > > him the road signs and he would then tell me how to get back to


> > > surroundings so I could get back home... After the second time, I


> > > allowed to go more than 10 miles in either direction without someone


> > > me... :o(

> > > It will all work out in due time, it just has too... We still

have it

> > > better than a lot of folks, We have delt with so much in our


> > > years together, Lots of Good and Lots of Bad, but we survive :o) May

not be

> > > the way that we like it, but, oh well, onto something else here...

> > > How often do you get your shots??? Will the new Dr. be able to give


> > > the nerve shots like the other one did that helped you so much??? I

so hope

> > > you are not in a bad flare again :o( You take care...

> > > Love and Hugs

> > > Helen

> > >

> > >

> > > > Dear Helen,

> > > >

> > > > Know that you have been going through a lot..... realised also that


> > > > must be one STRONG and BRAVE character to be able to go through all


> > > > Take care, my friend, don't worry about us here. We are all fine

here. You

> > > > family is most important.

> > > >

> > > > As for your need for shots - are you able to rest for a while [a few


> > > > in the hospital before you can go home by yourself? I am not allowed

to go

> > > > home myself after the blocks too, but sometimes I will still be

allowed to

> > > > go home myself after a short rest. I know your family needs you, but


> > > > need to feel better before you are able to tend to your family.

> > > >

> > > > {{{{{Buddy Hugs }}}}}

> > > > Ling

> >


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> The Being Sick Community



> Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-

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> Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at

> /chat


> Bookmarks:-

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> Personal Complaints or problems:-

> Please contact a moderator

> email: -owner


> Subscription Details:-

> 1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.

> 2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to

browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.

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convenience and receive no email.


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> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


> ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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Hi to my RA family: I am sorry I have been such a bad member. I have

just been so sick I couldnt get to the computer and if I did typing

was impossible. My hands constrictited badly and were so swollen skin

popped and I had sores all over so typing was next to impossible.

Good news is Enbrel is finally available to me, I pick it up Tuesday

and it is fully covered by my insurance, I am so hoping it works as

at this point I am at give up level. Sorry to sound so down, but

after 6 years it is just to much to try to stay up all the time. I

have missed so much and finally gave up trying to go through all the

posts and just deleted, some of what I did read was astounding.....

Heidi: I am so happy for you, what great news, it brought a great big

grin to this face.....I would love to try to make an afghan or quilt

for this little miracle and I have 8? months to try....it would give

me great pleasure....all I need is an address......CONGRATULATIONS..

Tess: As always thank you for worrying about me and sorry I didnt

answer your email, I just couldnt.....hugs to you my friend and know

you were in my thoughts

Debs: Has anyone had any news?

Sheri: I am sorry to hear of your loss, and am sure your step mom is

in a better place, where there is peace and no pain

Carol: Was sorry to hear you also are sick, hope you are feeling

better now

Iris: Missed your okie jokes, and will have some for you soon I

hope...sorry I missed the bird show in Fort Worth but promise to make

that call someday

A great big hello and welcome to all the newbies, I think you will

find this group to be one of the best places to be

a and : As always a big Thank you for all you do

To everyone else: Suzanne,Kathe,Kathy in IL, Louise, and everyone

else you have been in my thoughts and I hope all is well right now....

your errant friend in southwest OK.......Kathi

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An enormous gentle hug for you, my wonderful friend. I'm so sorry you're

going through such a hard time right now, but hopefully the Enbrel will be

the " miracle " you need.

Sending tons of love,


[ ] RE:Hello to all

Hi to my RA family: I am sorry I have been such a bad member. I have

just been so sick I couldnt get to the computer and if I did typing

was impossible. My hands constrictited badly and were so swollen skin

popped and I had sores all over so typing was next to impossible.

Good news is Enbrel is finally available to me, I pick it up Tuesday

and it is fully covered by my insurance, I am so hoping it works as

at this point I am at give up level. Sorry to sound so down, but

after 6 years it is just to much to try to stay up all the time. I

have missed so much and finally gave up trying to go through all the

posts and just deleted, some of what I did read was astounding.....

Heidi: I am so happy for you, what great news, it brought a great big

grin to this face.....I would love to try to make an afghan or quilt

for this little miracle and I have 8? months to try....it would give

me great pleasure....all I need is an address......CONGRATULATIONS..

Tess: As always thank you for worrying about me and sorry I didnt

answer your email, I just couldnt.....hugs to you my friend and know

you were in my thoughts

Debs: Has anyone had any news?

Sheri: I am sorry to hear of your loss, and am sure your step mom is

in a better place, where there is peace and no pain

Carol: Was sorry to hear you also are sick, hope you are feeling

better now

Iris: Missed your okie jokes, and will have some for you soon I

hope...sorry I missed the bird show in Fort Worth but promise to make

that call someday

A great big hello and welcome to all the newbies, I think you will

find this group to be one of the best places to be

a and : As always a big Thank you for all you do

To everyone else: Suzanne,Kathe,Kathy in IL, Louise, and everyone

else you have been in my thoughts and I hope all is well right now....

your errant friend in southwest OK.......Kathi

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Hi, Kathi

My name is Jane, I went through something like that, it is hard, Iam glad that

you are feeling better.I also make aftgans, my problem is that I start some

thing and never finish it, it takes me awhile to make one these days, I'm still

poking at it though.

I wanted to give you a big ((((((((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))) and never

give up.

Love a friend


Kathi <iamladybird@...> wrote: Hi to my RA family: I am sorry I have been

such a bad member. I have

just been so sick I couldnt get to the computer and if I did typing

was impossible. My hands constrictited badly and were so swollen skin

popped and I had sores all over so typing was next to impossible.

Good news is Enbrel is finally available to me, I pick it up Tuesday

and it is fully covered by my insurance, I am so hoping it works as

at this point I am at give up level. Sorry to sound so down, but

after 6 years it is just to much to try to stay up all the time. I

have missed so much and finally gave up trying to go through all the

posts and just deleted, some of what I did read was astounding.....

Heidi: I am so happy for you, what great news, it brought a great big

grin to this face.....I would love to try to make an afghan or quilt

for this little miracle and I have 8? months to try....it would give

me great pleasure....all I need is an address......CONGRATULATIONS..

Tess: As always thank you for worrying about me and sorry I didnt

answer your email, I just couldnt.....hugs to you my friend and know

you were in my thoughts

Debs: Has anyone had any news?

Sheri: I am sorry to hear of your loss, and am sure your step mom is

in a better place, where there is peace and no pain

Carol: Was sorry to hear you also are sick, hope you are feeling

better now

Iris: Missed your okie jokes, and will have some for you soon I

hope...sorry I missed the bird show in Fort Worth but promise to make

that call someday

A great big hello and welcome to all the newbies, I think you will

find this group to be one of the best places to be

a and : As always a big Thank you for all you do

To everyone else: Suzanne,Kathe,Kathy in IL, Louise, and everyone

else you have been in my thoughts and I hope all is well right now....

your errant friend in southwest OK.......Kathi

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Hi, Kathi

My name is Jane, I went through something like that, it is hard, Iam glad that

you are feeling better.I also make aftgans, my problem is that I start some

thing and never finish it, it takes me awhile to make one these days, I'm still

poking at it though.

I wanted to give you a big ((((((((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))) and never

give up.

Love a friend


Kathi <iamladybird@...> wrote:Hi to my RA family: I am sorry I have been

such a bad member. I have

just been so sick I couldnt get to the computer and if I did typing

was impossible. My hands constrictited badly and were so swollen skin

popped and I had sores all over so typing was next to impossible.

Good news is Enbrel is finally available to me, I pick it up Tuesday

and it is fully covered by my insurance, I am so hoping it works as

at this point I am at give up level. Sorry to sound so down, but

after 6 years it is just to much to try to stay up all the time. I

have missed so much and finally gave up trying to go through all the

posts and just deleted, some of what I did read was astounding.....

Heidi: I am so happy for you, what great news, it brought a great big

grin to this face.....I would love to try to make an afghan or quilt

for this little miracle and I have 8? months to try....it would give

me great pleasure....all I need is an address......CONGRATULATIONS..

Tess: As always thank you for worrying about me and sorry I didnt

answer your email, I just couldnt.....hugs to you my friend and know

you were in my thoughts

Debs: Has anyone had any news?

Sheri: I am sorry to hear of your loss, and am sure your step mom is

in a better place, where there is peace and no pain

Carol: Was sorry to hear you also are sick, hope you are feeling

better now

Iris: Missed your okie jokes, and will have some for you soon I

hope...sorry I missed the bird show in Fort Worth but promise to make

that call someday

A great big hello and welcome to all the newbies, I think you will

find this group to be one of the best places to be

a and : As always a big Thank you for all you do

To everyone else: Suzanne,Kathe,Kathy in IL, Louise, and everyone

else you have been in my thoughts and I hope all is well right now....

your errant friend in southwest OK.......Kathi

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Jane: Thank you for your kind words, they were much

appreciated and as I have been absent for awhile I am

assuming you are new ...so welcome to the group. I am

looking forward to hearing more about you....I taught

arts and crafts for years and do most crafts or should

say did...until scleroderma entered my life, but I am

a stubborn person and refuse to stop...so on good days

I still have some project I can pick up and keep busy

with...also believe it helps to keep the fingers

moving....it was my stress relief as well as job and

hobby.....so totally giving it up is something I

refuse to do....although I must admit my projects are

much smaller these days..once again thanks for the

kind words.. and hugs are always appreciated.....Kathi

in Ok

--- Jane <jane_a_johnson@...> wrote:


> Hi, Kathi

> My name is Jane, I went through something like that,

> it is hard, Iam glad that you are feeling better.I

> also make aftgans, my problem is that I start some

> thing and never finish it, it takes me awhile to

> make one these days, I'm still poking at it though.

> I wanted to give you a big

> ((((((((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))) and never

> give up.

> Love a

> friend


> Jane

> Kathi <iamladybird@...> wrote: Hi to my RA

> family: I am sorry I have been such a bad member. I

> have

> just been so sick I couldnt get to the computer and

> if I did typing

> was impossible. My hands constrictited badly and

> were so swollen skin

> popped and I had sores all over so typing was next

> to impossible.

> Good news is Enbrel is finally available to me, I

> pick it up Tuesday

> and it is fully covered by my insurance, I am so

> hoping it works as

> at this point I am at give up level. Sorry to sound

> so down, but

> after 6 years it is just to much to try to stay up

> all the time. I

> have missed so much and finally gave up trying to go

> through all the

> posts and just deleted, some of what I did read was

> astounding.....


> Heidi: I am so happy for you, what great news, it

> brought a great big

> grin to this face.....I would love to try to make an

> afghan or quilt

> for this little miracle and I have 8? months to

> try....it would give

> me great pleasure....all I need is an

> address......CONGRATULATIONS..


> Tess: As always thank you for worrying about me and

> sorry I didnt

> answer your email, I just couldnt.....hugs to you my

> friend and know

> you were in my thoughts


> Debs: Has anyone had any news?


> Sheri: I am sorry to hear of your loss, and am sure

> your step mom is

> in a better place, where there is peace and no pain


> Carol: Was sorry to hear you also are sick, hope you

> are feeling

> better now


> Iris: Missed your okie jokes, and will have some for

> you soon I

> hope...sorry I missed the bird show in Fort Worth

> but promise to make

> that call someday


> A great big hello and welcome to all the newbies, I

> think you will

> find this group to be one of the best places to be


> a and : As always a big Thank you for all

> you do


> To everyone else: Suzanne,Kathe,Kathy in IL, Louise,

> and everyone

> else you have been in my thoughts and I hope all is

> well right now....

> your errant friend in southwest OK.......Kathi






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