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Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

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On 2011-09-15 8:09 PM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> Actually having kids will. The fetus is, to the woman's body, alien

> and the immune system has to make adjustments to keep the fetus from

> aborting. Sometimes, it goes wrong and damned if you don't end up

> with a variety of autoimmune diseases. I have 3 myself...

> Hashimoto's, Mixed connective, and Raynauds.

Ridiculous. Reproduction is a natural part of the woman's bodily systems.

But as I said, yes, *if* the woman is *already* in a health deficient

state (hint: lack of observable *symptoms* does *not* mean that one is

'healthy') and/or with an already compromised immune system, then the

*stress* of pregnancy/childbirth can indeed *trigger* problems that may

not otherwise have occurred for a while (if ever).

Most people live in a state of perpetual 'treading water' or 'walking

the line' between disease and 'no symptoms'.

Extremely healthy people living on a traditional diet can go through

pregnancy while continuing to work up until the day of delivery, and

there are even stories of women working in the fields, stopping for a

couple of hours to give birth, then returning to work.


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All I basically took out of my nephew's diet was wheat/flour.. other then that,

no real restriction except the high sugar foods, but once you take wheat out,

that just leaves the candy. He even manages to eat fruits like banana and the



From: <wilson19262003@...>

" Coconut Oil "

<Coconut Oil >

Sent: Fri, September 16, 2011 8:02:21 AM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

.....Thanks for the comments. I wonder if MCT will help further with the

VCO. Aren't they about the same stuff? As far as a low card diet, I try to watch

what I eat but haven't found a low carb diet I can stick with. I've tried adkins

but I couoldn't stick with it.

Thanks again


From: Cody <lecody2001@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 7:12 PM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

Congrats Micheal, I was glad to find my levels had improved too and I was being

generous with the VCO then added the MCT. Go Saturated fat....... Have you

tried a low[er] carb diet for your diabetes? I have my nephew on one and got

his glucose down from the 200s to running between 80 and 120. He is a tough

case though.... hard to keep him on the straight and narrow with regard to



From: <wilson19262003@...>

" Coconut Oil "

<Coconut Oil >

Sent: Thu, September 15, 2011 4:28:01 PM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

Hi Everyone......I have been taking coconut oil (3 tablespoons/day)for about 6

months and just had my labs drawn. Cholesterol (120)....... HDL (55) way up,

(LDL: 82) way down and triglycerides (84) way down. I'm convinced its the

coconut oil. I'm sold and my Doctor is very please with the results since I'm a

63 year old diabetic on an insulin pump.

From: Cody <lecody2001@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:42 PM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol


From: Tanstaafl <tanstaafl@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Thu, September 15, 2011 10:35:59 AM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

On 2011-09-15 10:16 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> Wow, my problems started, I was on no drugs what so ever...

Ok, so your problems were initially caused by poor lifestyle choices

(whether through ignorance or lack of caring is irrelevant).

Ok, possibly, personally I think it was having kids that did it.

> so how can drugs be causing the problems.

By making things *worse*/causing *new* problems.

> And now I am only on two and you claim those the are causing all my

> problems or were you referring to the accumulated effect?

Who knows? At this point I personally have very little to go on.

Ya, well I have had decades trying to figure this out so I doubt you could


> And the muscle spasm, not caused by any of the things you

> mentioned... tried them all, was tested for all those mineral levels

> and tried numerous alternatives including supplementation of the

> minerals in question .... didn't help a bit.

Can't tell you how many times I've heard that, only to find out the

tests weren't done right, or were the wrong ones, or you used an

inferior/incorrect product to try to remedy the problem, etc...

The usual excuse...blame the victim.

Could it be possible that I am smart enough to get the best supplements?

By the way, did you know that one company manufactures 95% of the vitamin E in

the USA?

> No comment about the fact you might be healthy in spite of everything

> you do? My grandma was...

Yes, it is possible for good genes to let your body take a huge amount

of punishment before it starts to degrade, but that doesn't mean it will

last forever. The damage will be passed on to the children, and the

genetic line will get weaker and weaker with each generation.

I have heard that one too... seriously not true. That is what sex is for. To

weed out the damaged genes. True, doesn't always work, but families don't weaken

over generations unless there is some serious inbreeding.

> Nor any comment on the fact you could, in spite of everything you do,

> still get cancer or some other deadly disease?

The only time this would be true is if you were exposed to an unnatural

level of some highly toxic substance (radiation? chemicals?)...

Doesn't take much to damage living organism so I doubt it takes much to damage


Otherwise, disease can only manifest itself if given the opportunity

through long term poor lifestyle choices - and eating the S.A.D is the

biggest one, followed by ignorance (eating lots of soy thinking it is

healthy, etc)...

> I am still, not convinced about the need for mega doses of

> anything... including vitamin C.... and if you must it should only be

> for a short period of time.

We have looked in the mirror and discovered our worst enemy - ourself.

Fine but mostly your feeding bacteria and viruses and assorted parasites, I

suppose there is some good in that. Keeps them happy.

Your lack of being convinced doesn't make it any less true, just like

the person convinced they can fly will still go splat if they jump off a


> I do agree that foods these day have less nutrients in them but we

> now have the ability to eat fruits and veggies all year long so it

> could make up for it.

Not a chance.

And you know this how?

> MSM isn't a miracle cure?... thought it did good things for

> muscles?... so much crap on the internet it is hard to figure out

> what is good reporting and what is just sales techniques.

Eh? It can work near miracles for certain problems (joints mainly, which

are *not* 'muscles'), but that doesn't mean it will do the same for

*everything*. Get a grip.

That's not what the dozens of websites I have read claim....


This one claims MSM is a muscle relaxant.. ergo, should it not ease muscle

spasms? Even a little bit? If not, it should cure the raynaud's...as it

dialates blood vessels... let you know this winter...

The types of pain which has been treated successfully with MSM include:

* Personal injury due to accidents, burns, etc.

* Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

* Fibromyalgia

* Lower back pains

* Headaches, migraines

* Muscle aches

* Bursitis

* Tennis elbows and other local sprots injuries

* Carpal Syndrome

* Sclerosis;

* Whiplash

* RSI (Repititive Strain Injury);

* Scars due to burns, operations, accidents, etc.The way MSM impacts

pain is currently explained by the following mechanisms:

* MSM is a natural analgetic: it blocks the transfer of pain impulses

through nerve fibers (C-fibers).

* MSM blocks inflammations and inflammatory processes. MSM enhances

the activity of cortisol, a natural anti-inflammatory hormone produced

by the body.

* MSM improves the permeability of cell membranes. This improves the

uptake of nutrients and many vitamins and the elimination of waste

products and excess cellular fluids.

* MSM dilates bloood vessels, enhancing the blood circulation. This,

too, helps to eliminate waste products from the body, which speeds up


* MSM is a muscle relaxant. This is an important and often overlooked

benefit of MSM. Many chronic pains are aggrevated by chronic muscle

tension in the body.

* MSM aids the natural defense mechanisms in the body by regulating

the prostaglandin metabolism, and regulates the formation of

anitbodies and immune complexes.

MSM slows down and restores crosslinking in collagen. Crosslinking in

collagen is a natural process in scar formation, causing hard and often

painful scar tissues. Particularly in the case of burn scars, in which

large surface areas may be affected, this may lead to chronic pain. MSM

heals scar tissue which makes the skin more flexible. Dramatic examples

are known of people who have treated burn scars with a MSM ointment and

have seen their scars almost disappear and have eliminated associated


> And now Pharma has adopted the same techniques to sell their drugs

> too.

Methinks you have it backwards... it is the 'natural health industry'

that has adopted *some* of the tactics (marketing hype) of the drug

companies (who have been engaging in far worse that marketing hype, like

terrorist tactics ever since the dawn of the AMA).

Well it used to be Pharma could not advertise... but there were plenty of

hucksters trying to sell miracle cures for everything, so I think I have it

right. People have been selling the latest tonic for just about forever.

I applaud you faith in the " natural health industry " and your acknowledgement

that it is an industry and would not be as big as it is if not for modern

medicine and researchers that managed to come up with ways to mass manufacture

all the stuff you buy. So its starting to be difficult to even tell where one

ends and the other begins.

I just choose to walk the border between modern medicine and old medicine.

Honestly, do you really think you need all that resveratrol? [just as an

example, not claiming you take it, please substitute it for something you do


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You cannot be pleased...

One thing for sure though... no matter how " healthy " you eat, no matter how

many supplements you take, you still, in the end get to die.....

And you know nothing about the immune system.


From: Tanstaafl <tanstaafl@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Fri, September 16, 2011 8:21:56 AM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

On 2011-09-15 8:09 PM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> Actually having kids will. The fetus is, to the woman's body, alien

> and the immune system has to make adjustments to keep the fetus from

> aborting. Sometimes, it goes wrong and damned if you don't end up

> with a variety of autoimmune diseases. I have 3 myself...

> Hashimoto's, Mixed connective, and Raynauds.

Ridiculous. Reproduction is a natural part of the woman's bodily systems.

But as I said, yes, *if* the woman is *already* in a health deficient

state (hint: lack of observable *symptoms* does *not* mean that one is

'healthy') and/or with an already compromised immune system, then the

*stress* of pregnancy/childbirth can indeed *trigger* problems that may

not otherwise have occurred for a while (if ever).

Most people live in a state of perpetual 'treading water' or 'walking

the line' between disease and 'no symptoms'.

Extremely healthy people living on a traditional diet can go through

pregnancy while continuing to work up until the day of delivery, and

there are even stories of women working in the fields, stopping for a

couple of hours to give birth, then returning to work.


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then again, they say having kids before age of 30 helps to prevent breast


I think the key here is as you said, what her state is before the stress of

childbirth is put on her body. I have one child, and due to not knowing I was

celiac or adrenal fatigued before pregnancy, i suffered from severe nausea and

had to be hospitalized once due to dehydration and take a medication they give

cancer patients for 7 months just to keep from vomiting all the time. This

caused severe constipation which didn't help me one bit. After giving birth, and

w/ stress of single parenthood, my adrenals further deteriorated and eventually

burned out and I have hypothyroid. : )

But, now I know about the celiac issue and am on the road to healing.

Despite what gets thrown at it, the human body was also created with an amazing

capacity to heal - the trick is figuring out what's wrong and what to give it so

it can heal! ;)


> >>> Wow, my problems started, I was on no drugs what so ever...


> >> Ok, so your problems were initially caused by poor lifestyle

> >> choices (whether through ignorance or lack of caring is

> >> irrelevant).


> > Ok, possibly, personally I think it was having kids that did it.


> Having kids won't *cause* health problems (aside from the occasional act

> of god like a breech birth, etc), but because it is so stressful on the

> body's systems, it can be a *trigger* - ie, in the vein of 'the straw

> that broke the camels back'.


> >>> so how can drugs be causing the problems.


> >> By making things *worse*/causing *new* problems.


> >>> And now I am only on two and you claim those the are causing all

> >>> my problems or were you referring to the accumulated effect?


> >> Who knows? At this point I personally have very little to go on.


> > Ya, well I have had decades trying to figure this out so I doubt you

> > could anyway.


> You might be surprised...


> >>> And the muscle spasm, not caused by any of the things you

> >>> mentioned... tried them all, was tested for all those mineral

> >>> levels and tried numerous alternatives including supplementation

> >>> of the minerals in question .... didn't help a bit.


> >> Can't tell you how many times I've heard that, only to find out

> >> the tests weren't done right, or were the wrong ones, or you used

> >> an inferior/incorrect product to try to remedy the problem, etc...


> > The usual excuse...blame the victim.


> Sometimes (maybe more often than most people would like to believe) the

> victim *is* to blame.


> It is called self-accountability/responsibility.


> > Could it be possible that I am smart enough to get the best

> > supplements?


> Maybe, but you're not smart enough to say no to all of the drugs that

> you probably never needed, so maybe not... I know I'm not always smart

> enough to find the best the first time around.


> > By the way, did you know that one company manufactures 95% of the

> > vitamin E in the USA?


> I don't and wouldn't take 'vitamin e'. In fact I hardly ever take

> isolated 'vitamins' or 'mineral' supplements. I prefer to get them in

> whole food/superfood versions...


> Some exceptions are niacin, vitamin c, d, ubiquinol, lithium (orotate),

> and some of the amino acids (currently taking the somalife gHP blend),

> and maybe some of the nootropics...


> >>> No comment about the fact you might be healthy in spite of

> >>> everything you do? My grandma was...


> >> Yes, it is possible for good genes to let your body take a huge

> >> amount of punishment before it starts to degrade, but that doesn't

> >> mean it will last forever. The damage will be passed on to the

> >> children, and the genetic line will get weaker and weaker with each

> >> generation.


> > I have heard that one too... seriously not true. That is what sex is

> > for. To weed out the damaged genes. True, doesn't always work, but

> > families don't weaken over generations unless there is some serious

> > inbreeding.


> Well, you obviously haven't done your homework.


> There have been tests done verifying this (yes, animal tests, rats

> and/or monkeys mainly), but it is really just plain common sense. When

> fed an intentionally poor diet lacking certain vitamins and minerals,

> the rats were then bred with rats that were healthy, each generation was

> a little weaker, and exhibited 'old age' symptoms earlier than the

> preceding generation, and after about 6 generations, their offspring

> were all totally sterile, thus ending the experiment.


> It happened *much* sooner (I think it was 3 generations) when they were

> bred with other rats on the poor diet, which is probably closer to the

> reality in this country (healthy people tend to not be attracted to

> unhealthy people).


> No, I don't have any study references handy, but I read some of them a

> long time ago, and didn't know I might be needing them someday to

> educate .


> It is a fact, not a theory.


> >>> I do agree that foods these day have less nutrients in them but

> >>> we now have the ability to eat fruits and veggies all year long

> >>> so it could make up for it.


> >> Not a chance.


> > And you know this how?


> Lots of reading, a little applied common sense.


> They don't just have a *little* less nutrients, they have a *lot* less -

> in many cases, virtually zero, in most, as much as 80-90% less. There is

> absolutely no way eating a little more could possibly even come *close*

> to making up the difference.


> >>> MSM isn't a miracle cure?... thought it did good things for

> >>> muscles?... so much crap on the internet it is hard to figure

> >>> out what is good reporting and what is just sales techniques.


> >> Eh? It can work near miracles for certain problems (joints mainly,

> >> which are *not* 'muscles'), but that doesn't mean it will do the

> >> same for *everything*. Get a grip.


> > That's not what the dozens of websites I have read claim....

> > http://www.msm-info.com/

> > This one claims MSM is a muscle relaxant.. ergo, should it not ease muscle

> > spasms? Even a little bit?


> Use your noggin ... it depends on what is *causing* the spasms. If

> the spasms are caused by not enough potassium, how is taking MSM - which

> is obviously not nor does it contain any potassium - going to cure it?


> > If not, it should cure the raynaud's... as it dialates blood

> > vessels... let you know this winter...


> No wonder you have trouble with natural remedies... you make all kinds

> of off the wall assumptions after reading a few web pages, and when

> something doesn't work the way you think it should work based on a

> flawed understanding of the science, you loudly proclaim " It Doesn't

> Work! " ...


> Incidentally, a better vasodilator for surface capillaries is niacin

> (not niacinimide)... start with about 250mg, and if you don't get a huge

> flush (almost like an itchy sunburn), slowly start working your way up

> until you get to about 1.5grams per day (it may take a while to get

> there, just slowly start increasing the dosage every week or so). The

> flush is caused by the release of histamine from the skin cells, and if

> you stop taking niacin after you've built up to a larger dose, you'll

> have to start over agin, because your histamine levels will be back up.


> Niacin is a very powerful tool, and I actually enjoy the flush, but some

> really don't like it.


> http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_cardio.html


> >>> And now Pharma has adopted the same techniques to sell their

> >>> drugs too.


> >> Methinks you have it backwards... it is the 'natural health

> >> industry' that has adopted *some* of the tactics (marketing hype)

> >> of the drug companies (who have been engaging in far worse that

> >> marketing hype, like terrorist tactics ever since the dawn of the

> >> AMA).


> > Well it used to be Pharma could not advertise... but there were

> > plenty of hucksters trying to sell miracle cures for everything, so

> > I think I have it right. People have been selling the latest tonic

> > for just about forever.


> No, I think you still have it wrong - it's just that the hucksters

> selling snake oil (hey, some snake oils were actually very health

> promoting) simply switched to selling drugs.


> Do you know what the term 'witch' as used in the Bible most closely

> translates to today? 'Doctor'.


> > I applaud you faith in the " natural health industry "


> Sorry, I don't have faith in anything except my ability to discern - and

> yes, of course I've been wrong about many things, many times, but I'm

> not afraid to admit it when it happens.


> > I just choose to walk the border between modern medicine and old

> > medicine. Honestly, do you really think you need all that

> > resveratrol? [just as an example, not claiming you take it, please

> > substitute it for something you do take]


> Yes - mega dosing a few days on vitamin c will prevent most any kind of

> cold or flu (this is what I immediately start doing when it is 'going

> around the office', and I *never* get sick, and everyone else *always*

> does).





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" Despite what gets thrown at it, the human body was also created with an

amazing capacity to heal - the trick is figuring out what's wrong and what to

give it so it can heal! ;) "

That is the trick, finding out what is wrong... I have yet to see a physician

that hasn't ended up with conclusion that I am a mystery. Just heard it again

this morning...

I end up just trying to deal with the symptoms. Oh I have a few dx's and once I

have them I can generally deal with the symptoms and I do try to stay as natural

as possible, even so, its not always possible, no matter what those that think

alternative health can handle all but severe trauma and rampant infections


Oh T, you'll be pleased to know I will probably have to stop the plaquenil...

so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps, especially the ones

in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to hold a pen will set them off...

and I kid you not, the pain is excruciating...


From: lizz7711 <lizz7711@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Fri, September 16, 2011 11:08:14 AM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

then again, they say having kids before age of 30 helps to prevent breast


I think the key here is as you said, what her state is before the stress of

childbirth is put on her body. I have one child, and due to not knowing I was

celiac or adrenal fatigued before pregnancy, i suffered from severe nausea and

had to be hospitalized once due to dehydration and take a medication they give

cancer patients for 7 months just to keep from vomiting all the time. This

caused severe constipation which didn't help me one bit. After giving birth, and

w/ stress of single parenthood, my adrenals further deteriorated and eventually

burned out and I have hypothyroid. : )

But, now I know about the celiac issue and am on the road to healing.

Despite what gets thrown at it, the human body was also created with an amazing

capacity to heal - the trick is figuring out what's wrong and what to give it so

it can heal! ;)


> >>> Wow, my problems started, I was on no drugs what so ever...


> >> Ok, so your problems were initially caused by poor lifestyle

> >> choices (whether through ignorance or lack of caring is

> >> irrelevant).


> > Ok, possibly, personally I think it was having kids that did it.


> Having kids won't *cause* health problems (aside from the occasional act

> of god like a breech birth, etc), but because it is so stressful on the

> body's systems, it can be a *trigger* - ie, in the vein of 'the straw

> that broke the camels back'.


> >>> so how can drugs be causing the problems.


> >> By making things *worse*/causing *new* problems.


> >>> And now I am only on two and you claim those the are causing all

> >>> my problems or were you referring to the accumulated effect?


> >> Who knows? At this point I personally have very little to go on.


> > Ya, well I have had decades trying to figure this out so I doubt you

> > could anyway.


> You might be surprised...


> >>> And the muscle spasm, not caused by any of the things you

> >>> mentioned... tried them all, was tested for all those mineral

> >>> levels and tried numerous alternatives including supplementation

> >>> of the minerals in question .... didn't help a bit.


> >> Can't tell you how many times I've heard that, only to find out

> >> the tests weren't done right, or were the wrong ones, or you used

> >> an inferior/incorrect product to try to remedy the problem, etc...


> > The usual excuse...blame the victim.


> Sometimes (maybe more often than most people would like to believe) the

> victim *is* to blame.


> It is called self-accountability/responsibility.


> > Could it be possible that I am smart enough to get the best

> > supplements?


> Maybe, but you're not smart enough to say no to all of the drugs that

> you probably never needed, so maybe not... I know I'm not always smart

> enough to find the best the first time around.


> > By the way, did you know that one company manufactures 95% of the

> > vitamin E in the USA?


> I don't and wouldn't take 'vitamin e'. In fact I hardly ever take

> isolated 'vitamins' or 'mineral' supplements. I prefer to get them in

> whole food/superfood versions...


> Some exceptions are niacin, vitamin c, d, ubiquinol, lithium (orotate),

> and some of the amino acids (currently taking the somalife gHP blend),

> and maybe some of the nootropics...


> >>> No comment about the fact you might be healthy in spite of

> >>> everything you do? My grandma was...


> >> Yes, it is possible for good genes to let your body take a huge

> >> amount of punishment before it starts to degrade, but that doesn't

> >> mean it will last forever. The damage will be passed on to the

> >> children, and the genetic line will get weaker and weaker with each

> >> generation.


> > I have heard that one too... seriously not true. That is what sex is

> > for. To weed out the damaged genes. True, doesn't always work, but

> > families don't weaken over generations unless there is some serious

> > inbreeding.


> Well, you obviously haven't done your homework.


> There have been tests done verifying this (yes, animal tests, rats

> and/or monkeys mainly), but it is really just plain common sense. When

> fed an intentionally poor diet lacking certain vitamins and minerals,

> the rats were then bred with rats that were healthy, each generation was

> a little weaker, and exhibited 'old age' symptoms earlier than the

> preceding generation, and after about 6 generations, their offspring

> were all totally sterile, thus ending the experiment.


> It happened *much* sooner (I think it was 3 generations) when they were

> bred with other rats on the poor diet, which is probably closer to the

> reality in this country (healthy people tend to not be attracted to

> unhealthy people).


> No, I don't have any study references handy, but I read some of them a

> long time ago, and didn't know I might be needing them someday to

> educate .


> It is a fact, not a theory.


> >>> I do agree that foods these day have less nutrients in them but

> >>> we now have the ability to eat fruits and veggies all year long

> >>> so it could make up for it.


> >> Not a chance.


> > And you know this how?


> Lots of reading, a little applied common sense.


> They don't just have a *little* less nutrients, they have a *lot* less -

> in many cases, virtually zero, in most, as much as 80-90% less. There is

> absolutely no way eating a little more could possibly even come *close*

> to making up the difference.


> >>> MSM isn't a miracle cure?... thought it did good things for

> >>> muscles?... so much crap on the internet it is hard to figure

> >>> out what is good reporting and what is just sales techniques.


> >> Eh? It can work near miracles for certain problems (joints mainly,

> >> which are *not* 'muscles'), but that doesn't mean it will do the

> >> same for *everything*. Get a grip.


> > That's not what the dozens of websites I have read claim....

> > http://www.msm-info.com/

> > This one claims MSM is a muscle relaxant.. ergo, should it not ease muscle

> > spasms? Even a little bit?


> Use your noggin ... it depends on what is *causing* the spasms. If

> the spasms are caused by not enough potassium, how is taking MSM - which

> is obviously not nor does it contain any potassium - going to cure it?


> > If not, it should cure the raynaud's... as it dialates blood

> > vessels... let you know this winter...


> No wonder you have trouble with natural remedies... you make all kinds

> of off the wall assumptions after reading a few web pages, and when

> something doesn't work the way you think it should work based on a

> flawed understanding of the science, you loudly proclaim " It Doesn't

> Work! " ...


> Incidentally, a better vasodilator for surface capillaries is niacin

> (not niacinimide)... start with about 250mg, and if you don't get a huge

> flush (almost like an itchy sunburn), slowly start working your way up

> until you get to about 1.5grams per day (it may take a while to get

> there, just slowly start increasing the dosage every week or so). The

> flush is caused by the release of histamine from the skin cells, and if

> you stop taking niacin after you've built up to a larger dose, you'll

> have to start over agin, because your histamine levels will be back up.


> Niacin is a very powerful tool, and I actually enjoy the flush, but some

> really don't like it.


> http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_cardio.html


> >>> And now Pharma has adopted the same techniques to sell their

> >>> drugs too.


> >> Methinks you have it backwards... it is the 'natural health

> >> industry' that has adopted *some* of the tactics (marketing hype)

> >> of the drug companies (who have been engaging in far worse that

> >> marketing hype, like terrorist tactics ever since the dawn of the

> >> AMA).


> > Well it used to be Pharma could not advertise... but there were

> > plenty of hucksters trying to sell miracle cures for everything, so

> > I think I have it right. People have been selling the latest tonic

> > for just about forever.


> No, I think you still have it wrong - it's just that the hucksters

> selling snake oil (hey, some snake oils were actually very health

> promoting) simply switched to selling drugs.


> Do you know what the term 'witch' as used in the Bible most closely

> translates to today? 'Doctor'.


> > I applaud you faith in the " natural health industry "


> Sorry, I don't have faith in anything except my ability to discern - and

> yes, of course I've been wrong about many things, many times, but I'm

> not afraid to admit it when it happens.


> > I just choose to walk the border between modern medicine and old

> > medicine. Honestly, do you really think you need all that

> > resveratrol? [just as an example, not claiming you take it, please

> > substitute it for something you do take]


> Yes - mega dosing a few days on vitamin c will prevent most any kind of

> cold or flu (this is what I immediately start doing when it is 'going

> around the office', and I *never* get sick, and everyone else *always*

> does).





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Hi ,

I'm sorry to hear you're having such terrible symptoms. I think that

ultimately, if they COULD figure out the underlying issue(s), there would be a

natural cure for it...but until then, sometimes people do need to resort to

drugs just to manage symptoms, even if they don't want to. My father has

cancer, but his worst symptom is terrible excruciating nerve pain from shingles

that he had 5 years ago, he's been in this pain 24/7 for 5 years (no wonder he

got cancer), and he's been taking Neurontin, which has just taken the edge off

the pain...now he's trying to wean off of that due to it's debilitating side

effects - we thought he had advanced alzheimers and hearing loss, but lo and

behold, as soon as we decreased the neurontin a bit, his memory and hearing both

improved. These drugs have a high price, but until some genius figures out how

to naturally heal PHN (postherpectic neuralgia) this is what we're stuck with.

There are many alternative treatments for it, and he's tried most of them to no

avail. :(

If you don't mind my asking, what's been going on w/ you? Or are there old

messages where you've explained it all that I could access?

Hang in there,


> > >>> Wow, my problems started, I was on no drugs what so ever...

> >

> > >> Ok, so your problems were initially caused by poor lifestyle

> > >> choices (whether through ignorance or lack of caring is

> > >> irrelevant).

> >

> > > Ok, possibly, personally I think it was having kids that did it.

> >

> > Having kids won't *cause* health problems (aside from the occasional act

> > of god like a breech birth, etc), but because it is so stressful on the

> > body's systems, it can be a *trigger* - ie, in the vein of 'the straw

> > that broke the camels back'.

> >

> > >>> so how can drugs be causing the problems.

> >

> > >> By making things *worse*/causing *new* problems.

> >

> > >>> And now I am only on two and you claim those the are causing all

> > >>> my problems or were you referring to the accumulated effect?

> >

> > >> Who knows? At this point I personally have very little to go on.

> >

> > > Ya, well I have had decades trying to figure this out so I doubt you

> > > could anyway.

> >

> > You might be surprised...

> >

> > >>> And the muscle spasm, not caused by any of the things you

> > >>> mentioned... tried them all, was tested for all those mineral

> > >>> levels and tried numerous alternatives including supplementation

> > >>> of the minerals in question .... didn't help a bit.

> >

> > >> Can't tell you how many times I've heard that, only to find out

> > >> the tests weren't done right, or were the wrong ones, or you used

> > >> an inferior/incorrect product to try to remedy the problem, etc...

> >

> > > The usual excuse...blame the victim.

> >

> > Sometimes (maybe more often than most people would like to believe) the

> > victim *is* to blame.

> >

> > It is called self-accountability/responsibility.

> >

> > > Could it be possible that I am smart enough to get the best

> > > supplements?

> >

> > Maybe, but you're not smart enough to say no to all of the drugs that

> > you probably never needed, so maybe not... I know I'm not always smart

> > enough to find the best the first time around.

> >

> > > By the way, did you know that one company manufactures 95% of the

> > > vitamin E in the USA?

> >

> > I don't and wouldn't take 'vitamin e'. In fact I hardly ever take

> > isolated 'vitamins' or 'mineral' supplements. I prefer to get them in

> > whole food/superfood versions...

> >

> > Some exceptions are niacin, vitamin c, d, ubiquinol, lithium (orotate),

> > and some of the amino acids (currently taking the somalife gHP blend),

> > and maybe some of the nootropics...

> >

> > >>> No comment about the fact you might be healthy in spite of

> > >>> everything you do? My grandma was...

> >

> > >> Yes, it is possible for good genes to let your body take a huge

> > >> amount of punishment before it starts to degrade, but that doesn't

> > >> mean it will last forever. The damage will be passed on to the

> > >> children, and the genetic line will get weaker and weaker with each

> > >> generation.

> >

> > > I have heard that one too... seriously not true. That is what sex is

> > > for. To weed out the damaged genes. True, doesn't always work, but

> > > families don't weaken over generations unless there is some serious

> > > inbreeding.

> >

> > Well, you obviously haven't done your homework.

> >

> > There have been tests done verifying this (yes, animal tests, rats

> > and/or monkeys mainly), but it is really just plain common sense. When

> > fed an intentionally poor diet lacking certain vitamins and minerals,

> > the rats were then bred with rats that were healthy, each generation was

> > a little weaker, and exhibited 'old age' symptoms earlier than the

> > preceding generation, and after about 6 generations, their offspring

> > were all totally sterile, thus ending the experiment.

> >

> > It happened *much* sooner (I think it was 3 generations) when they were

> > bred with other rats on the poor diet, which is probably closer to the

> > reality in this country (healthy people tend to not be attracted to

> > unhealthy people).

> >

> > No, I don't have any study references handy, but I read some of them a

> > long time ago, and didn't know I might be needing them someday to

> > educate .

> >

> > It is a fact, not a theory.

> >

> > >>> I do agree that foods these day have less nutrients in them but

> > >>> we now have the ability to eat fruits and veggies all year long

> > >>> so it could make up for it.

> >

> > >> Not a chance.

> >

> > > And you know this how?

> >

> > Lots of reading, a little applied common sense.

> >

> > They don't just have a *little* less nutrients, they have a *lot* less -

> > in many cases, virtually zero, in most, as much as 80-90% less. There is

> > absolutely no way eating a little more could possibly even come *close*

> > to making up the difference.

> >

> > >>> MSM isn't a miracle cure?... thought it did good things for

> > >>> muscles?... so much crap on the internet it is hard to figure

> > >>> out what is good reporting and what is just sales techniques.

> >

> > >> Eh? It can work near miracles for certain problems (joints mainly,

> > >> which are *not* 'muscles'), but that doesn't mean it will do the

> > >> same for *everything*. Get a grip.

> >

> > > That's not what the dozens of websites I have read claim....

> > > http://www.msm-info.com/

> > > This one claims MSM is a muscle relaxant.. ergo, should it not ease muscle

> > > spasms? Even a little bit?

> >

> > Use your noggin ... it depends on what is *causing* the spasms. If

> > the spasms are caused by not enough potassium, how is taking MSM - which

> > is obviously not nor does it contain any potassium - going to cure it?

> >

> > > If not, it should cure the raynaud's... as it dialates blood

> > > vessels... let you know this winter...

> >

> > No wonder you have trouble with natural remedies... you make all kinds

> > of off the wall assumptions after reading a few web pages, and when

> > something doesn't work the way you think it should work based on a

> > flawed understanding of the science, you loudly proclaim " It Doesn't

> > Work! " ...

> >

> > Incidentally, a better vasodilator for surface capillaries is niacin

> > (not niacinimide)... start with about 250mg, and if you don't get a huge

> > flush (almost like an itchy sunburn), slowly start working your way up

> > until you get to about 1.5grams per day (it may take a while to get

> > there, just slowly start increasing the dosage every week or so). The

> > flush is caused by the release of histamine from the skin cells, and if

> > you stop taking niacin after you've built up to a larger dose, you'll

> > have to start over agin, because your histamine levels will be back up.

> >

> > Niacin is a very powerful tool, and I actually enjoy the flush, but some

> > really don't like it.

> >

> > http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_cardio.html

> >

> > >>> And now Pharma has adopted the same techniques to sell their

> > >>> drugs too.

> >

> > >> Methinks you have it backwards... it is the 'natural health

> > >> industry' that has adopted *some* of the tactics (marketing hype)

> > >> of the drug companies (who have been engaging in far worse that

> > >> marketing hype, like terrorist tactics ever since the dawn of the

> > >> AMA).

> >

> > > Well it used to be Pharma could not advertise... but there were

> > > plenty of hucksters trying to sell miracle cures for everything, so

> > > I think I have it right. People have been selling the latest tonic

> > > for just about forever.

> >

> > No, I think you still have it wrong - it's just that the hucksters

> > selling snake oil (hey, some snake oils were actually very health

> > promoting) simply switched to selling drugs.

> >

> > Do you know what the term 'witch' as used in the Bible most closely

> > translates to today? 'Doctor'.

> >

> > > I applaud you faith in the " natural health industry "

> >

> > Sorry, I don't have faith in anything except my ability to discern - and

> > yes, of course I've been wrong about many things, many times, but I'm

> > not afraid to admit it when it happens.

> >

> > > I just choose to walk the border between modern medicine and old

> > > medicine. Honestly, do you really think you need all that

> > > resveratrol? [just as an example, not claiming you take it, please

> > > substitute it for something you do take]

> >

> > Yes - mega dosing a few days on vitamin c will prevent most any kind of

> > cold or flu (this is what I immediately start doing when it is 'going

> > around the office', and I *never* get sick, and everyone else *always*

> > does).

> >

> >

> >

> >

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On 2011-09-16 10:56 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> You cannot be pleased...

Oh, but I am... :)

> One thing for sure though... no matter how " healthy " you eat, no matter how

> many supplements you take, you still, in the end get to die.....

True, but irrelevant...

> And you know nothing about the immune system.

Probably also true, but I obviously know far more than you...

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On 2011-09-16 11:51 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> excruciating...

There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...


Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

Light Therapy

Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

extract added to each application)

A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula

But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.

I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often pinpoint

really hard to diagnose problems.

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For the spasms/cramps and Raynauds I'd suggest BlockBuster AllClear, a

fibrinolytic metabolic enzyme blend that opens/enables circulation, and ozone

limb bagging, which delivers a lot of oxygen. Actually if you can get the gear,

ozone saunas 3x a week will probably help a lot:


For limb bagging, even a portable SOTA WOZ is probably adequate, and you can use

it for ozonating water and olive oil too :)


all good,


> > so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> > especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> > hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> > excruciating...


> There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...



> Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

> Light Therapy

> Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

> DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

> extract added to each application)

> A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula


> But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

> detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.


> I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often pinpoint

> really hard to diagnose problems.


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No Tanstaafl... it is not at all obvious, I have seen no evidence of your

superior knowledge.



From: Tanstaafl <tanstaafl@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Fri, September 16, 2011 1:56:59 PM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

On 2011-09-16 10:56 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> You cannot be pleased...

Oh, but I am... :)

> One thing for sure though... no matter how " healthy " you eat, no matter how

> many supplements you take, you still, in the end get to die.....

True, but irrelevant...

> And you know nothing about the immune system.

Probably also true, but I obviously know far more than you...

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Can not afford alternative doctors... if insurance won't pay, I don't get to go.

Already tried the apple cider vinegar... what do you mean by lots? I still

drink ACV and honey like a hot tea.

Already tried the minerals.

Is light therapy, the same as heat therapy and if its expensive, can't afford


Did not know you could still by buy DMSO, and isn't MSM supposed to be the

active ingredient? If the object is heating the muscle to relax it, that has

never work either except on a temp basis.

And I am not making excuses because when the pain is a 10 you try anything and

everything and waiting around for weeks or months for something to work is not

going to be an option.

Health history... how much time to you have to read?

There is something radically wrong with my immune system... I really don't

think either side of the health system is going to be able to help much.. cause

it really helps to know when and where the problem started which I think was

after my first pregnancy, and since you don't believe that pregnancy can ruin a

women's immune system, where could we possibly go to from here? Unless you

happen to know the cause of autoimmune disorders and not just a guess?

I do have CLL, but unless its been brewing for 35 years, I can't imagine that is

what is the root of the immune issues, probably just another symptom and no I

have not had any chemo, and likely will not or at least won't have to face the

issue for a long time.

ps, the pain from the spasms is usually a ten and so far the only thing I have

found, other than plaquenil, that works is vicodin and baclofen. Haven't a clue

why they work so well and quickly, but they are only a temp fix. Each by

themselves doesn't work. Plaquenil literally stops the spasms before they

start. But like I said, I will probably have to stop taking it.

Just got my book " the miracle of msm " .. claims to cure just about everything..

we will see.


From: Tanstaafl <tanstaafl@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Fri, September 16, 2011 2:07:10 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on


On 2011-09-16 11:51 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> excruciating...

There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...


Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

Light Therapy

Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

extract added to each application)

A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula

But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.

I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often pinpoint

really hard to diagnose problems.

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DMSO and MSM are NOT the same thing, but ARE related.

I have both in my cabinet and would not be without either.

DMSO can be purchased on line, or health food stores, or farm stores

such as Agway.

As long as you sprang for your MSM book, you should get this one for

DMSO http://tinyurl.com/6yy89cm YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE SCOPE OF


It's effect on muscle spasm is usually immediate.

It's an importand locker room secret in pro sports.


Careful. We don't want to learn from this. - Calvin & Hobbes

On 9/16/2011 3:51:28 PM, Cody (lecody2001@...) wrote:

> Did not know you could still by buy DMSO, and isn't

> MSM supposed to be the

> active ingredient? If the object is heating the muscle to relax it, that

> has

> never work either except on a temp basis.



> And I am not making excuses because when the pain is a 10 you try anything

> and

> everything and waiting around for weeks or months for something to work is

> not

> going to be an option.

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Interesting that you pinpoint beginning of the symptoms to a pregnancy. Chinese

medicine teaches that the body can be " opened " up during certain life events:

for women, the menstrual cycle is one time when her body is " open " and just

after giving birth is another. I was married to a Chinese doctor who grew up and

studied Chinese medicine and western medicine in Beijing, and he would

constantly tell me I had to keep myself warm during my period, and after giving

birth it was an especially crucial time, so important that they recommend a

woman not leave her house (hardly her bed) for about a month after giving birth.

My husband said that a problem acquired after giving birth (because the body is

so " open " ), such as getting a chill or in another way compromising your body,

can only be remedied by fixing it the next time you give birth.

So, I'm not a Chinese doctor myself (not even Chinese) so I don't know more than

what he told me, but what you have described sounds enough like what he told me

that I'd suggest you find a really good Chinese medical practitioner and see

what they'd recommend for you. They usually go for acupuncture and herbs.

They also have a whole other paradigm about food (their take on food as

medicine). Some foods are " hot " and some are " cold. " So if your body has too

much " heat " you need to eat " cold " foods. It has nothing to do with temperature

or spiciness, though spicy foods usually do fall in the " hot " category.

If I were you I'd probably at least get checked out and see what they say. Maybe

someone in that field could at least tell you where to start looking to educate

yourself to see if their philosophy fits you. Where do you live? If I know of

any good practitioners near you I'll let you know.


> > so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> > especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> > hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> > excruciating...


> There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...



> Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

> Light Therapy

> Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

> DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

> extract added to each application)

> A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula


> But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

> detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.


> I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often pinpoint

> really hard to diagnose problems.





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Hi :

Not to upstage Tans, but magnesium deficiency could be your problem.



On 2011-09-16 11:51 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> excruciating...

>There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...


Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

Light Therapy

Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

extract added to each application)

A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula

But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.

I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often


really hard to diagnose problems.<

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Now, this gets me wondering. I have cramps in my feet at times, and yes, it

is severe pain, as states. Think I'll try the magnesium oil for a



On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Huuman <huuman60@...> wrote:

> **



> Hi :


> Not to upstage Tans, but magnesium deficiency could be your problem.


> Regards,

> Jim

> On 2011-09-16 11:51 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> > so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> > especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> > hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> > excruciating...


> >There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...



> Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

> Light Therapy

> Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

> DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

> extract added to each application)

> A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula


> But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

> detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.


> I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often

> pinpoint

> really hard to diagnose problems.<




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No, I was taking extra magnesium for years in the hopes it would help. I think

I was taking 1000 mgs a day.. As far as I know the only deficiency that I had

is vitamin D.

Thanks for the suggestion though...


From: Huuman <huuman60@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Sat, September 17, 2011 5:35:18 PM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

Hi :

Not to upstage Tans, but magnesium deficiency could be your problem.



On 2011-09-16 11:51 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> excruciating...

>There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...


Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

Light Therapy

Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

extract added to each application)

A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula

But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.

I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often


really hard to diagnose problems.<

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What form of magnesium do you take please?

From: Cody <lecody2001@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 4:54 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on



No, I was taking extra magnesium for years in the hopes it would help. I think

I was taking 1000 mgs a day.. As far as I know the only deficiency that I had

is vitamin D.

Thanks for the suggestion though...


From: Huuman <huuman60@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Sat, September 17, 2011 5:35:18 PM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

Hi :

Not to upstage Tans, but magnesium deficiency could be your problem.



On 2011-09-16 11:51 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> excruciating...

>There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...


Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

Light Therapy

Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

extract added to each application)

A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula

But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.

I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often


really hard to diagnose problems.<

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I have done just about all of them. Magnesium Malate was recommended for the

muscle spasms..at one point I was taking 2000 grams, can't say it helped me. I

have also done the mag. citrate and Ionic magnesium with potassium and other

minerals. Although to be fair, the Ionic mag. was this year and I wasn't having

spasms at the time.


From: <wilson19262003@...>

" Coconut Oil "

<Coconut Oil >

Sent: Sat, September 17, 2011 5:58:45 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on


What form of magnesium do you take please?

From: Cody <lecody2001@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 4:54 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on


No, I was taking extra magnesium for years in the hopes it would help. I think

I was taking 1000 mgs a day.. As far as I know the only deficiency that I had

is vitamin D.

Thanks for the suggestion though...


From: Huuman <huuman60@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Sat, September 17, 2011 5:35:18 PM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

Hi :

Not to upstage Tans, but magnesium deficiency could be your problem.



On 2011-09-16 11:51 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> excruciating...

>There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...


Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

Light Therapy

Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

extract added to each application)

A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula

But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.

I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often


really hard to diagnose problems.<

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Thank you laura

From: Cody <lecody2001@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 5:05 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on



I have done just about all of them. Magnesium Malate was recommended for the

muscle spasms..at one point I was taking 2000 grams, can't say it helped me. I

have also done the mag. citrate and Ionic magnesium with potassium and other

minerals. Although to be fair, the Ionic mag. was this year and I wasn't having

spasms at the time.


From: <wilson19262003@...>

" Coconut Oil "

<Coconut Oil >

Sent: Sat, September 17, 2011 5:58:45 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on


What form of magnesium do you take please?

From: Cody <lecody2001@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 4:54 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on


No, I was taking extra magnesium for years in the hopes it would help. I think

I was taking 1000 mgs a day.. As far as I know the only deficiency that I had

is vitamin D.

Thanks for the suggestion though...


From: Huuman <huuman60@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Sat, September 17, 2011 5:35:18 PM

Subject: Re: Coconut Oil/MCT oil Effect on Cholesterol

Hi :

Not to upstage Tans, but magnesium deficiency could be your problem.



On 2011-09-16 11:51 AM, Cody <lecody2001@...> wrote:

> so come up with something for severe muscle spasms/cramps,

> especially the ones in my dominant hand. Sometimes, just trying to

> hold a pen will set them off... and I kid you not, the pain is

> excruciating...

>There are a lot of things I could suggest you try...


Large doses of raw apple cider vinegar, many times daily

Light Therapy

Magnesium Oil (applied directly where it hurts)

DMSO (with a few drops of high quality non alcohol based cayenne

extract added to each application)

A high quality balanced sodium/potassium/magnesium formula

But the bottom line is, I'd need far more information (health history,

detailed current dietary profile, etc) before I could be more targeted.

I'd also try a traditional chinese doctor, a good one can often


really hard to diagnose problems.<

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Hi Judy :

We are all different, but magnesium oil is not enough to do the trick

for me and I use a lot of it trandermally. I take 400 mg Magnesium

Asporotate (Solaray) twice a day and still sometimes do not maintain

enough magnesium. That is all that I can ingest orally. Next, its foot

baths, but who has time for them? My requirement has gone up since I got

onto so much whey.



>Now, this gets me wondering. I have cramps in my feet at times, and

yes, it

is severe pain, as states. Think I'll try the magnesium oil for a



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