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  • 1 year later...

Hello, I was wondering if you could help -- I recently was told from a blood

test that I have gout in my feet and hands. The doctor seems to think it

might be from the blood pressure pills I am taking and that they have

affected my kidney function. My foot was so painful on top that I thought I

had broken it somehow and I had stress fractures on it. This was about 2

weeks ago and the swelling has gone down but hands are worse and I have

general aches and pains other places. I researched it on the internet and

came up with apple cidar vinegar as being an excellent remedy topically and

also a spoonful a day in warm water as well. It has been years since I had

the book, which I gave away and dont know if cider vinegar is an avoid,

Ithought it was....I also was told to look at the list of foods to avoid,

and red meat is top of list after alcohol. The doctor said to continue

taking the blood pressure pills, and after that runs out he will give me

another one. I am tempted to stop them altogether but when I forget to take

I have a thumping headache, so really dont know where to turn. He doesnt

seem worried, but the count was well over 500.

I know arthritis in general is due to poor elimination and have noticed that

my skin is dry and sandy and this is supposed to be the result that sweat

glands have just given up the battle....I have been quite constipated since

I gave up bread but am drinking a lot of water which has me up in the night,

so between the pain and the trips to the loo I am quite tired all the time.

I dont exercise because of my back and hips as well as my feet, so feeling

rather trapped at the moment.

I was just wondering if there was anything for elimination or the gout, I

know a alkaline diet is supposed to help-- except for prunes being

beneficial I cant remember anything else that might improve this process.

Thank you for your help.

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 3/30/2004 1:15:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,

toni_canuck@... writes:

> I am asking this question for a friend who is at his wits end with

> the pain of gout in his hands and arms. Cannot even open a door or

> grip the steering wheel, it is so bad.

> Doctors have him on all kinds of stuff that is supposed to work, but

> isn't really..are we surprised?

> He is an O type although not eating as we do.


Dr Atkins suggested some remedy but I don't have my book right now. Here is

an excerpt I found:

Gout is caused when the body produces more uric acid than it excretes. The

amount of excess uric acid in the blood then crystalizes and the crystals adhere

to joints, causing inflammation. Some medications can cause or aggravate this

condition. These include some antibiotics, diuretics, cyclosporine, levodopa

and aspirin. Long-term complications of gout can include deformity of joints

and kidney stones.

Self treatment for gout should begin with fluid intake. At least six to ten

glasses of water should be consumed daily to help dilute the uric acid and

flush it from the system through urine. Alcoholic drinks are to be avoided since

they promote high uric acid levels in the blood. Also to be avoided are foods

which break down into uric acid such as sardines, shrimp, anchovies, mushrooms

and dried beans. Cherries and strawberries are believed to be helpful in

relieving gout symptoms. Filter drinking water to reduce exposure to possible


contaminants. Maintaining a healthy blood pressure level and weight can reduce

the risk of gout since those with high blood pressure are at a higher risk.

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Toni - have your friend e mail me privately. You always want to work on

the cause, not the symptom if you want to see lasting results.

ABO Specifics Inc. - http://www.foodforyourblood.com


Hello everyone!

I am asking this question for a friend who is at his wits end with

the pain of gout in his hands and arms. Cannot even open a door or

grip the steering wheel, it is so bad.

Doctors have him on all kinds of stuff that is supposed to work, but

isn't really..are we surprised?

He is an O type although not eating as we do.

Any ideas to get him started would be most appreciated. Nothing

comes up with an archive search, or at first glance in any of my ER


Thanks for all your help.


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Type O diet would probably help. Especially cherries, which are supposed to

help gout and are highly beneficial for O's. (It might also be important to

avoid certain foods.)


Hello everyone!

I am asking this question for a friend who is at his wits end with

the pain of gout in his hands and arms. Cannot even open a door or

grip the steering wheel, it is so bad.

Doctors have him on all kinds of stuff that is supposed to work, but

isn't really..are we surprised?

He is an O type although not eating as we do.

Any ideas to get him started would be most appreciated. Nothing

comes up with an archive search, or at first glance in any of my ER


Thanks for all your help.


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Large servings of cherries or cherry juice/concentrate, not sweetened and 1 gal

of water (distilled may be best). There is also a Tart Cherry pill from

Solaray. Should see improvement within 3 days.

Should improve eating and keep in enough water, the standard for good health and

may avoid more gout.


Toni <toni_canuck@...> wrote:

Hello everyone!

I am asking this question for a friend who is at his wits end with

the pain of gout in his hands and arms. Cannot even open a door or

grip the steering wheel, it is so bad.

Doctors have him on all kinds of stuff that is supposed to work, but

isn't really..are we surprised?

He is an O type although not eating as we do.

Any ideas to get him started would be most appreciated. Nothing

comes up with an archive search, or at first glance in any of my ER


Thanks for all your help.


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Oh, typical AMA advice would go something like this for gout- avoid

MEAT since it has a gout inducing substance (cannot think of this by-

product's name) - never-ye-mind that the body also manufactures this

product (name still escapes me.)

Right along the lines of eliminating cholesterol from diet to reduce


Right along the lines of telling pregnant women to cut out salt

intake when having hypertension....

It never ends,


> Type O diet would probably help. Especially cherries, which are

supposed to help gout and are highly beneficial for O's. (It might

also be important to avoid certain foods.)



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Magnets do help. Nikken has excellent ones. However, I think avoiding

potatoes will give the best dietary help. He should also ice the bad areas

to reduce inflamation. Also frequently drugs themselves cause more problems

then they solve. Medicine is better for acute illness and herbal and diet

for chronic illness.

from Canada


'Be Well and Prosper'

Nikken Independent Wellness Consultant

>From: susan forrester <sfor58@...>



>Subject: Re: Gout

>Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 12:42:19 -0800 (PST)


>First thing he needs to do is eliminate all wheat,

>corn, and Pork!! Have him try some magnet therapy. I

>found mine on www.magnettherapy.com.....I don't need

>them any longer, but they did help. Next, ask

>!!! Best person to get advice from.



>--- Toni <toni_canuck@...> wrote:

> > Hello everyone!

> > I am asking this question for a friend who is at his

> > wits end with

> > the pain of gout in his hands and arms. Cannot even

> > open a door or

> > grip the steering wheel, it is so bad.

> > Doctors have him on all kinds of stuff that is

> > supposed to work, but

> > isn't really..are we surprised?



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> Gout is caused when the body produces more uric acid than it

excretes. The

> amount of excess uric acid in the blood then crystalizes and the

crystals adhere

> to joints, causing inflammation.

I know nothing about Gout, but I do know that copper used externally

removes uric acid from joints quite nicely. Wrap some copper wire

just above the joint. Yes, it turns your skin green right under the

wire. That's how you know the chemical reaction is taking place. It

washes off easily. I have used copper rings and bracelets for sore

hand joints in the past.

This could speed up the elimination of the built up uric acid and

make him feel better faster, but and everyone else are right.

The real solution is to stop the acid from building up in the first

place. He must deal with the cause, not the symptom.


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  • 2 years later...


> Hello.

> I'm a compliant female O in Florida with few health problems since

> embarking upon ER4YT about 5 years ago.

> I have an " O " male friend 60YO who was just diagnosed with gout.

> Does anybody have any info on how ER4YT might help the health of

> someone with these gout issues?

> Any references would be appreciated.

> Thanks so much and Happy New Year!

> Merrill



You kind of answered your own question in the first line: " ... with few

health problems since embarking upon ER4YT about 5 years ago " .

I'll see if I can find any info specific to gout, though.


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Some answers from dadamo.com

This first one is from D'Adamo

Type O Diet And Gout


I'm concerned the higher level of beef suggested for O's maybe

loading my system with gout triggering purines. As a gout prone O any

thing to look out for in the O ER4YT plan?


Although red meat is high in purines (which can trigger gout), and

purine are linked to uric acid metabolism, studies have repeatedly

shown that the joints of gout sufferers have no higher levels of uric

acid in them than non-gout patients, so the issue is far from clear-

cut. In general, meats do acidify the system (but any perusal of the

acid-alkaline charts will disclose that whole wheat is a close second)


Avoiding wheat and dairy should compensate for the addition of the

purine rich red meats in a type O, especialy if the diet is high in

other " alkaline " food such as black cherry juice, vegetables and

other fruits.

As an additional insurance, 800mcg of folic acid can be added to the


Remember also, that gout crystals precipitate in the joints because

they have reached their 'iso-electric point,' a point of saturation

where the material begins to come out of solution. Anyone who has

ever made rock candy as a kid would know what I was talking about!

Anyway, the quickest and best way to lower one's isoelectric point is

to drink plenty of water!


Gout is a metabolic disorder of which excess uric acid in the system

is a symptom but not the cause. If red meat were the cause of gout,

every native american would have been too stiff to set up their

teepee or igloo. However, once you have the condition, then foods

high in purines, such as red meat, can aggravate the condition, but

again, they are not the cause. The cause is a lifetime of eating


Go on a strict type O diet immediately with certain modifications:

For now, don't eat any red meat. Instead, make fish and chicken your

main protein sources. Dark turkey meat is high in purines, so are

most beans. Be especially careful to avoid coffee, tea, sugar,

potatoes, dairy products (butter is ok) and products containing wheat

in any form. Go easy on nuts. Sometimes spinach, chard, tomatoes and

asparagus aggravate gout, but generally, you should eat lots of

vegetables and salad, fresh fruit too. Your diet should be fish,

chicken, vegetables, and fruit. (boring...sorry!) Rice is ok. Try

millet or buckwheat.

Many gout sufferers have found black cherry juice to be helpful. Make

sure you get pure black cherry juice without sugar or other

ingredients. Diluted concentrate is OK. Drink two or three 8 oz. cups

daily. Other natural substances that can help are tumeric (curcumin),

ginger, quercetin, and boswellia. Some people have been helped by a

teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in warm water once a day for about

a week.

In the long run, the O diet should be of great benefit. As you

improve, you may find that red meat doesn't cause you any problems,

but for now, do the O diet without it.

Bob L


My father suffered from gout for many years until he and my mom

discovered that taking a couple of tablespoons of cherry juice

concentrate in a glass of water neutralized the chrystals and the

pain in his big toe.

I don't know if eating cherries will have the same effect, but

definitely try the concentrated cherry juice, which can be purchased

at health food stores.


Hope this helps.

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  • 1 year later...
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Any kind of cherries. (real, plain cherries --- no sugar or color)

Distilled water (6-8 oz every hour)

Eat all the cherries you can get down and drink a gallon of distilled water

a day.

In 2 days and you should be much better.

I don't remember what all your issues are, but some things definitely need

to be address health wise. If you were being O compliant I don't think the

meat would be a problem.

A couple possible considerations from some of your comments.

1. Magnesium, potassium & Vit C --- for B/P and constipation

2. Lemon & olive oil - Milk thistle (herb) and lecithin --- for dry skin

and constipation possibly connected to poor liver/gallbladder function.

3. Eat mostly fresh O fruits and veges every day and your meat (protein)



On Fri, Sep 13, 2002 at 8:20 AM, Kae Tattersall <ket@...>


> Hello, I was wondering if you could help -- I recently was told from a

> blood

> test that I have gout in my feet and hands. The doctor seems to think it

> might be from the blood pressure pills I am taking and that they have

> affected my kidney function. My foot was so painful on top that I thought I

> had broken it somehow and I had stress fractures on it. This was about 2

> weeks ago and the swelling has gone down but hands are worse and I have

> general aches and pains other places. I researched it on the internet and

> came up with apple cidar vinegar as being an excellent remedy topically and

> also a spoonful a day in warm water as well. It has been years since I had

> the book, which I gave away and dont know if cider vinegar is an avoid,

> Ithought it was....I also was told to look at the list of foods to avoid,

> and red meat is top of list after alcohol. The doctor said to continue

> taking the blood pressure pills, and after that runs out he will give me

> another one. I am tempted to stop them altogether but when I forget to take

> I have a thumping headache, so really dont know where to turn. He doesnt

> seem worried, but the count was well over 500.


> I know arthritis in general is due to poor elimination and have noticed

> that

> my skin is dry and sandy and this is supposed to be the result that sweat

> glands have just given up the battle....I have been quite constipated since

> I gave up bread but am drinking a lot of water which has me up in the

> night,

> so between the pain and the trips to the loo I am quite tired all the time.

> I dont exercise because of my back and hips as well as my feet, so feeling

> rather trapped at the moment.


> I was just wondering if there was anything for elimination or the gout, I

> know a alkaline diet is supposed to help-- except for prunes being

> beneficial I cant remember anything else that might improve this process.

> Thank you for your help.



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First you must fix your date time on your computer as it is no longer 2002. I

had to hunt for the new message as I knew my message total and it showed 3 new

and there was only two.

I use garlic to lower my BP. Last summer it was over 190/90 and I was worried.

Yesterday it was 125/75. I am not taking any medication other than vitamins and

garlic pills every day. I also take potassium every day and use 'No Salt'.

Drink lots of water too. I think the apple cider vinegar is a no-no but see how

you feel when/if you decide to try.

Sour cherry I think that is what the supplement is called is for gout. I would

recommend that first before you try the vinegar.

Kae Tattersall <ket@...> wrote:

Hello, I was wondering if you could help -- I recently was told from a blood

test that I have gout in my feet and hands. The doctor seems to think it

might be from the blood pressure pills I am taking and that they have

affected my kidney function. My foot was so painful on top that I thought I

had broken it somehow and I had stress fractures on it. This was about 2

weeks ago and the swelling has gone down but hands are worse and I have

general aches and pains other places. I researched it on the internet and

came up with apple cidar vinegar as being an excellent remedy topically and

also a spoonful a day in warm water as well. It has been years since I had

the book, which I gave away and dont know if cider vinegar is an avoid,

Ithought it was....I also was told to look at the list of foods to avoid,

and red meat is top of list after alcohol. The doctor said to continue

taking the blood pressure pills, and after that runs out he will give me

another one. I am tempted to stop them altogether but when I forget to take

I have a thumping headache, so really dont know where to turn. He doesnt

seem worried, but the count was well over 500.

I know arthritis in general is due to poor elimination and have noticed that

my skin is dry and sandy and this is supposed to be the result that sweat

glands have just given up the battle....I have been quite constipated since

I gave up bread but am drinking a lot of water which has me up in the night,

so between the pain and the trips to the loo I am quite tired all the time.

I dont exercise because of my back and hips as well as my feet, so feeling

rather trapped at the moment.

I was just wondering if there was anything for elimination or the gout, I

know a alkaline diet is supposed to help-- except for prunes being

beneficial I cant remember anything else that might improve this process.

Thank you for your help.

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On Jun 15, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Hilchie wrote:

> Kae


> First you must fix your date time on your computer as it is no

> longer 2002. I had to hunt for the new message as I knew my

> message total and it showed 3 new and there was only two.



I have set my system to sort messages by date *received*, and then

there is no problem with posts being out of sequence due to things

like a computer with dead time battery - but more realistically it

avoids problems from different time zones in the world, especially

overseas posts that come in weird order in the conversation unless i

use time received. Just an idea:-)

I also use non-drugs to control my Bloood pressure. Can't pay me to

use drugs with their horrid side effects. Plain dangerous and totally


I used to have mine in good control but I have a version of Cushing's

syndrome and it recently shot my BP up 184 systolic. I got quite a

fright as it is a stress response in my case - and I am more used to

102 t0 124 systolic, depending on my potassium level.

(More potassium, less blood pressure)

So it went this way:

Wed 4 Jun - 2 hr stress event.

Thurs 5 June BP 184/102.

I started taking hawthornberry 2 caps twice a day for 2 days then 3

caps twice a day - and I am about to go to 4 caps twice a day.

PLUS CO-Q-10 300mg a day

Plus Fish oil 6 caps a day.

Plus 1000 IU of Vit E per day

Here's the response:

Fri 6 Jun 175/96

Thu 12 Jun 156/89

It has a way to go still but I think a reduction of 28 points

systolic in one week is not bad.

Hawthorn-berry (herbal capsules) is a very powerful heart remedy by

the way.

This is why I introduced it slowly, working up to the amount that is

right for me per day in 2 divided doses.

Last tiemn I needed it was in 2001 when my BP spiked up. I used the

herb for about 6 months then tapered it off as it had healed the

heart damage. Apparently more heart damage has occurred (in my case

due to cortisol damage) so I shall need some more repairs from this

foursome of supplements.

> I use garlic to lower my BP. Last summer it was over 190/90 and I

> was worried. Yesterday it was 125/75. I am not taking any

> medication other than vitamins and garlic pills every day. I also

> take potassium every day and use 'No Salt'.

I also take potassium and eat only no-salt-added food.

GOUT diet ideas:

Eat a high protein diet as protein reduces uric acid crystals (the

cause of gout pain)

But some fats that come with protein are unhelpful. SO here's the low-


Eat more: Egg, dairy, chicken and other white meat - these unlimited.

Avoid beans, peas, organ meats. heerring, mackerel, anchovies, trout,

in particular.

Avoid red meat initially and when reintroducing it, remove all fat

and use Extra virgin olive oil instead and add lecithin supplement.

Reduce fish initially and avoid the ones listed.

(This diet based on Harvard research on 17,140 men.)

You can also google homeopathy for gout.




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom/D.Vet.Hom.

P.O. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

" Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it. "

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Morning Kae, I've always heard that 10 cherries a day (any kind or

preparation) will keep gout away. Probably more if already have it. I eat

cherries all year. This time of year I buy from packing shed and freeze for

rest of year.

lorrie -O sec Hunter

Kae Tattersall <ket@...> wrote:

Hello, I was wondering if you could help -- I recently was told from a


test that I have gout in my feet and hands. The doctor seems to think it

might be from the blood pressure pills I am taking and that they have

affected my kidney function. My foot was so painful on top that I thought I

had broken it somehow and I had stress fractures on it. This was about 2

weeks ago and the swelling has gone down but hands are worse and I have

general aches and pains other places. I researched it on the internet and

came up with apple cidar vinegar as being an excellent remedy topically and

also a spoonful a day in warm water as well. It has been years since I had

the book, which I gave away and dont know if cider vinegar is an avoid,

Ithought it was....I also was told to look at the list of foods to avoid,

and red meat is top of list after alcohol. The doctor said to continue

taking the blood pressure pills, and after that runs out he will give me

another one. I am tempted to stop them altogether but when I forget to take

I have a thumping headache, so really dont know where to turn. He doesnt

seem worried, but the count was well over 500.

I know arthritis in general is due to poor elimination and have noticed that

my skin is dry and sandy and this is supposed to be the result that sweat

glands have just given up the battle....I have been quite constipated since

I gave up bread but am drinking a lot of water which has me up in the night,

so between the pain and the trips to the loo I am quite tired all the time.

I dont exercise because of my back and hips as well as my feet, so feeling

rather trapped at the moment.

I was just wondering if there was anything for elimination or the gout, I

know a alkaline diet is supposed to help-- except for prunes being

beneficial I cant remember anything else that might improve this process.

Thank you for your help.

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I just today (June 16, 2008) received this email dated September 13, 2002.

For gout caused by blood pressure medication:

1. Stop taking the medication (taper off). Tell your doctor you are doing it.

Research natural ways to normalize blood pressure. There are lots.

2. Eat cherries.

Apple cider vinegar is neutral for O secretors, but avoid for O nonsecretors.

Re: gout

Hello, I was wondering if you could help -- I recently was told from a blood

test that I have gout in my feet and hands. The doctor seems to think it

might be from the blood pressure pills I am taking and that they have

affected my kidney function. My foot was so painful on top that I thought I

had broken it somehow and I had stress fractures on it. This was about 2

weeks ago and the swelling has gone down but hands are worse and I have

general aches and pains other places. I researched it on the internet and

came up with apple cidar vinegar as being an excellent remedy topically and

also a spoonful a day in warm water as well. It has been years since I had

the book, which I gave away and dont know if cider vinegar is an avoid,

Ithought it was....I also was told to look at the list of foods to avoid,

and red meat is top of list after alcohol. The doctor said to continue

taking the blood pressure pills, and after that runs out he will give me

another one. I am tempted to stop them altogether but when I forget to take

I have a thumping headache, so really dont know where to turn. He doesnt

seem worried, but the count was well over 500.

I know arthritis in general is due to poor elimination and have noticed that

my skin is dry and sandy and this is supposed to be the result that sweat

glands have just given up the battle....I have been quite constipated since

I gave up bread but am drinking a lot of water which has me up in the night,

so between the pain and the trips to the loo I am quite tired all the time.

I dont exercise because of my back and hips as well as my feet, so feeling

rather trapped at the moment.

I was just wondering if there was anything for elimination or the gout, I

know a alkaline diet is supposed to help-- except for prunes being

beneficial I cant remember anything else that might improve this process.

Thank you for your help.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


My friend is having a flare up of gout and had asked me about any natural

remedies. Not having that condition myself, I have no information for him other

than ACV. Does anyone have any experience they might share? Thank you so much


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Hi Robin,

My brother had great success with unsweetened tart cherry juice and

black cherry juice powder. He had been on all kinds of drugs

(colchicine, etc) and was able to get off them all, and has not had a

gout attack since.

On Apr 19, 2011, at 6:20 AM, Robin wrote:

> Hello

> My friend is having a flare up of gout and had asked me about any

> natural remedies. Not having that condition myself, I have no

> information for him other than ACV. Does anyone have any experience

> they might share? Thank you so much

> Robin


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Does he take this as a preventative every day or only when a crisis flares up ?



New web site: www.auchatelet.com

Administrateure du forum " Passionnement Danois "

Coconut Oil

From: cathybuckley@...

Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 06:26:08 -0700

Subject: Re: Gout

Hi Robin,

My brother had great success with unsweetened tart cherry juice and

black cherry juice powder. He had been on all kinds of drugs

(colchicine, etc) and was able to get off them all, and has not had a

gout attack since.

On Apr 19, 2011, at 6:20 AM, Robin wrote:

> Hello

> My friend is having a flare up of gout and had asked me about any

> natural remedies. Not having that condition myself, I have no

> information for him other than ACV. Does anyone have any experience

> they might share? Thank you so much

> Robin


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He takes it every day as a tonic.

On Apr 19, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Claude Lessard - Au Chatelet Great

Danes wrote:


> Does he take this as a preventative every day or only when a crisis

> flares up ?



> Claude


> New web site: www.auchatelet.com

> Administrateure du forum " Passionnement Danois "




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Robin -

Your friend may want to check out The Gout Dugout Newsletter at


Natural remedies are featured, but not exclusively.


From: Robin <redstene@...>

Subject: Gout

Coconut Oil

Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 9:20 AM



My friend is having a flare up of gout and had asked me about any natural

remedies. Not having that condition myself, I have no information for him other

than ACV. Does anyone have any experience they might share? Thank you so much


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My husband and I have both had gout. For me, celery seed works good in

about a day; that didn't work for him. He uses black cherry juice, and that

kills the pain.


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 8:20 AM, Robin <redstene@...> wrote:



> Hello

> My friend is having a flare up of gout and had asked me about any natural

> remedies. Not having that condition myself, I have no information for him

> other than ACV. Does anyone have any experience they might share? Thank you

> so much

> Robin




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Fresh young coconut juice is a perfect solution for taking care of gout

attacks. It will help clear the accumulated uric acid at the joints. Pain

and swelling (inflammation) will noticeably subside after taking only 3-4

young coconuts. However, although it works very fast, this is still only a

symptomatic remover. It will not take care of the root of the problem. The

subject may still face future attacks.

In order to take care of the root of the problem, one has to strengthen the

kidney (ability to break down purine) and cleanse the blood.

Here are two simple Chinese Food therapies that will help getting rid of

gout for good:

1. Green Papaya: cut a green (unripen) papaya into pieces and boil it

for 15 minutes. Add 1 teaspoonful of green tea tea leaves to the hot papaya

water and let it sit for another 15 minutes. Drink this once a day for 14

days and watch the gout problem fade away.

2. Fox Nut: 30g fox nut, add 32 oz water. Bring it to boil and keep

boiling for 20 minutes. Eat the nuts and drink the soup/tea and repeat

daily for 3 weeks. This is a very powerful kidney strengthening recipe.

When the kidney is functioning normally, it will take care of the gout

problem for good. I have also seen some amazing applications other than

gout with this humble nut.

Hope this will help those with the gout problem. Simple method, great



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