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Hi , You're welcome and yes I am a Vet. I cut the 100 mg. tabs in

half. May not be the right thing to do, but they wanted almost the same

price for tabs 1/2 the strength! No value there and I have'nt had any

problems doing that. I have great respect for Pred. type drugs. With me, I

weigh the discomfort to the potential side effects of the drug to be used.

Knowing the effects of the DMARDS, I,ll choose Pred. first. I'm very excited

about the AP. It certainly works in animals! It is also logical. ( Why do

you think Tetracyclines are added to cattle feeds? ). I caught my disease

fairly quickly. First symptoms were in Mar. of 98. Diagnosed in May 98

R/A 1 to 640 Esr 41 ). I started the therapy in Sept 98 using Doxy 100

mg. 2x/day MWF. Your symptoms and duration sound to be more severe than

mine. You will probably require higher doses of Pred for a while. I would

love to be able to make recomendations for you, but having been in this

group for 5 mos., I have learned that humans are far more sensitive to drugs

than animals! I feel qualified only in sharing my own personal experiences.

Any dose over 10 mg. Pred for 2 weeks or longer should only be done under

supervision of your health care provider. I truly wish that I could be more

helpful for you. This group has given me strength, hope, and answers to

questions that Drs. cannot answer! It is my desire to try to give back what

has been given so freely and with love. Hope this helps a little. ( My wish

for you is a painless tomorrow! ) Hugs Al R. R/A Mar 98 A/P Sept 98


>Hi AL,

> Are you a vet? I kinda wondered from your Email address. I appreciate

>your info as I found it very useful. Wish I could come out of this flare

>or whatever the heck it is. I have never been so bad off as since I

>started the doxi but so much else is better as far as my " internal "

>health. I survived the bad flu breakout at school ( one of the few

>teachers who didn't get it) . THis time last year I had had pneumonia

>twice, pleurisy, flu, and bronchitis. What a year! I also have a headful

>of hair that is coming in.

> Any info on the safe used of prednisone? I am so fearful when taking it

>because of previous bone thinning ( I wasn't instructed about calcium and


> Hope I can get the 50mg of doxi. I only have the 100's right now which I

>have cut back to 100 every other day ( I was on 200 per day!) WHen I was

>on mino I did really well but due to terrible grey-blue marks had to

>switch. I looked as if I had been beaten and people were questioning me

>about wife abuse.

> Thanks for you help. I fond it VERY useful.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
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Just want to thank everyone for sending info and communicating with me

so that I better understand. Geoff, Jan, Liz and & Diane have

sent me some really good info and the discussions have been very

helpful. Also, I can't remember who sent the Lyme information but I am

going to talk to my doctor about this also. You are all a very nice

group of people. Love, Sharon


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  • 1 year later...
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Hi ! Geoff Crenshaw here.

Message: 17

Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 19:14:17 -0000

From: rabbitrew@...

Subject: Thanks

> 1) I am curious how different people deal with having to miss work

> due to illness. How do you cope with that? I feel like I could be at


> if I just stopped the treatment, though I know it will be better for


> long run to just tough it out.

Perhaps for a month or two...

I lost my life savings to physicians, started a business that would

allow me to work with little regard to the disease, providing I could at

least get to a phone & computer. (I thought)

I underestimated the potential severity of the disease -- there is no

such business. The disease can lay you completely away such that even if

you need no physical prowess whatsoever - can't use your fingers even -

but could still work, it can fog your brain to the point of uselessness.

Then I got very agressive about fighting the disease.

No mo' Mr. Nice Guy! ;)

> 2) I called my Dr. to let her know how I was doing, and she

> reccomended I increase my dose to 200 mg of Minocycline a day instead

> of just 100. I am scared I will just get worse, but she suggested it

> would be better to get that over with ow and get the med at optimum

> level rather than wait til I adjust to this level then raise it making

> me sick again. Argh! An success stories/ suggestions?

Oh yes. The Doctor seems to be pressing the 200mg/day protocol of the

O'Dell study. That's all well and good - for the Doctor. You, however,

must live with the consequences. Perhaps a better course FOR YOU would

be to follow the successful regimen developed by Dr. McPhearson Brown

and try 50mg every other day, increased after a week or two to 100mg

then 150 then 200 every other day (or M-W-F) and stay there.

> 3) Yeast infections...arrgh. I have one, and was given 3 50mg

This may be closer to the root of your problem. See the other post about


> 4) Diet. What kind of diets have you all found to work? I am

> drinking lots of water and trying to eliminate dairy, sugar, and


> How strict should we be?

Depends. Do you prefer to walk or ride?

Walk = strict diet.

But some people do point to a few benefits of riding in wheelchairs. I

doubt you'd find riding a convincing enough argument to justify that

candy or ice cream or steak, though.

> 5) Do the peroxide and salt baths work?

They help release toxins from the body if done properly.


Regards, -----------------------

Geoff ** Usual Disclaimers **


How can you have hope?

Get under the blood of the Passover Lamb.

EXO 12:7-3 / MAR 14:24 / REV 12:11

http://www.healingyou.org/ Nonprofit: Herbs, Homeopathics & supp's.

http://www.800-800-cruise.com/index-aff.html Make money & travel!

http://www.800-800-cruise.com/ Over a MILLION travel deals!

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You? Brain Fog? I would never believe that in a " bazillion " years! I

guess there is hope for me yet!


Geoff wrote:

> Hi ! Geoff Crenshaw here.


> Message: 17

> Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 19:14:17 -0000

> From: rabbitrew@...

> Subject: Thanks


> > 1) I am curious how different people deal with having to miss work

> > due to illness. How do you cope with that? I feel like I could be at

> work

> > if I just stopped the treatment, though I know it will be better for

> the

> > long run to just tough it out.


> Perhaps for a month or two...


> I lost my life savings to physicians, started a business that would

> allow me to work with little regard to the disease, providing I could at

> least get to a phone & computer. (I thought)


> I underestimated the potential severity of the disease -- there is no

> such business. The disease can lay you completely away such that even if

> you need no physical prowess whatsoever - can't use your fingers even -

> but could still work, it can fog your brain to the point of uselessness.


> Then I got very agressive about fighting the disease.

> No mo' Mr. Nice Guy! ;)


> > 2) I called my Dr. to let her know how I was doing, and she

> > reccomended I increase my dose to 200 mg of Minocycline a day instead

> > of just 100. I am scared I will just get worse, but she suggested it

> > would be better to get that over with ow and get the med at optimum

> > level rather than wait til I adjust to this level then raise it making

> > me sick again. Argh! An success stories/ suggestions?


> Oh yes. The Doctor seems to be pressing the 200mg/day protocol of the

> O'Dell study. That's all well and good - for the Doctor. You, however,

> must live with the consequences. Perhaps a better course FOR YOU would

> be to follow the successful regimen developed by Dr. McPhearson Brown

> and try 50mg every other day, increased after a week or two to 100mg

> then 150 then 200 every other day (or M-W-F) and stay there.


> > 3) Yeast infections...arrgh. I have one, and was given 3 50mg


> This may be closer to the root of your problem. See the other post about

> Klinghorn.


> > 4) Diet. What kind of diets have you all found to work? I am

> > drinking lots of water and trying to eliminate dairy, sugar, and

> carbs.

> > How strict should we be?


> Depends. Do you prefer to walk or ride?


> Walk = strict diet.


> But some people do point to a few benefits of riding in wheelchairs. I

> doubt you'd find riding a convincing enough argument to justify that

> candy or ice cream or steak, though.


> > 5) Do the peroxide and salt baths work?


> They help release toxins from the body if done properly.




> Regards, -----------------------

> Geoff ** Usual Disclaimers **

> -----------------------

> How can you have hope?

> Get under the blood of the Passover Lamb.

> EXO 12:7-3 / MAR 14:24 / REV 12:11


> http://www.healingyou.org/ Nonprofit: Herbs, Homeopathics & supp's.

> http://www.800-800-cruise.com/index-aff.html Make money & travel!

> http://www.800-800-cruise.com/ Over a MILLION travel deals!



> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Lois, when my intestines were really bad and there were problems both upper

and lower, I purchased the HCL and also had the Betaine sent to me by my

doctor. I would recommend you use this during and after meals. The

Betaine is used after the first bite of food and the HCL is immediately

following the meal. Also don't forget to do that aloe vera juice. I was

just reminded of its value today by a special mentor when inquiring about

using it for my daughter who is anorexic-bullemic and is having such pain

in her stomach at this time. I was also told to give her the L-glutamine

(which I neglected to say that I also use). You might consider these.

And I have a lot of respect for you having undertaken this by yourself and

herxing not knowing what was going on. Even knowing what is happening, it

can get pretty scarey at times.

Please never apologize for asking and commenting. If we all hesitated,

there would not be anyone here! Remember that!

Thinking of you, I remain,

> [Original Message]

> From: Lois <rzville@...>

> egroups <rheumatic >

> Date: 4/21/2001 8:09:09 PM

> Subject: rheumatic thanks


> Thanks Ronnie for your info. one never does know for sure what to do, do

we? not even the dr's.

> yes I have alot of esophocioal (sp) problems, which I take

Prilosec everyday for. Would u believe I think it helps me to swollow. &

does help the stomach.

> I dread to eat for fear of an upset stomach. so its mostly fruit &


> Can't chew to many mouth sores, & if I could it would still be hard on my

jaws. & they would get to tired then I wouldn't be able to talk.

> Gloria: Your right on Celebrex but I was put on it for pain in my legs &

knees so I could walk again. even tho I never had inflamation that I

noticed. O>thanks for the tip on going off slowly with Celexa U are right.

I must be careful. I do not feel depressed any more & I'm just sick of

being fatigued. & I feel sleeping l0 hrs at nite & 4 in the afternoon is a

bit much. Don't U?

> I was put on miocyclin l00mg 2xd & my rhumey never told me what to

expect. I was alone & for 3 days I thought I would die. I could not even

get out of bed, or off the floor. Was so sick it never entered my head to

call 911 or the dr.

> Then after I felt better I got online & found out stuff. whow what a

bundle of info. wish I'de have known before. Ok I won't burden u guys for

awhile. thanks

> Lois A


--- Fain

--- slfain@...

--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks. The reason for the attack I understand, somewhat. I think anyone

should be able to tell their experience. That was mine. I have plenty to

back it up. I emailed Charlene personally with names because I did not

feell it was appropriate to send to everyone. I have just found that people

who have went to BB in the past 3 months or so to be very defensive about

it. Many of us were burned a year ago. Maybe there style has changed, but

honestly, when I read about her gracious overture to Charlene, it just was

exactly what they were doing with people in the past. That behavior on its

own would send me running. To each his own. Personally, my own bedroom

looks over the lake as well, so they couldn't impress me much. Its a shame.

I want stats when Dr.'s are talking about kids recovery. My sons Dr. will

provide me with the names of over 50 recovered kids he has treated. He does

not take full credit for this either, he realizes it was a joint effort with

diet, speech, OT, ABA, , chelation, and supplements, and secretin.

We also see a great DAN doctor who he has worked closely with, and I

consider her one of my sons primary Dr's as well. She made the comment to

me just last week, that there is no quick fix, one simple answer. Some of

the kids need more than others. My son was definitly a combo fix. And I

am proud to say he is undistinguishable now with no diagnosis.

[ ] Re: Wendi



> I see no problem with you posting your opinion and I see no problem with

> Charlene posting her opinion. I don't understand why you are being

> attacked for sharing your experience! I like to hear ALL experiences

> with respect to autism treatments. Vicky


> _________________________________________________________


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I don't mind. We started with removing gluten and casein. Testing showed

high peptide levels-very high. We were okay with corn, soy, and some

others. Next we began our supplementation regimen. It included the heavy

B's-we liked Brainchild, CLO, zinc, calcium, Vit C, and epsom salt baths.

Then to get ready for chelation, we began loading with the additional

required supplements, and actually deleted the CLO. We did DMSA for 6

months. After testing, we added ALA to the DMSA. We are still doing this

because there is still a need, although he is doing fantastic. His last

tests showed low CO2. His doctor said that this is " suppossed " to mean he

is a good candidate for secretin. We began transdermal 2 weeks ago. His

bowel movements normalized, and his therapists noticed a difference in him.

I had not told them about the secretin. We are visiting Dr. Aguilar in

June. I am interested to see what his EEG shows. has had several at

Children's Hospital which were read as normal, although he has had seizures,

including 2 grand mals. He has been seizure free since last August. As far

as therapies, we do speech twice a week, OT twice a week, and for

ABA by a therapist who had his program made by Dr. Vince Carbone. I think

chelation has had the most profound benefit for him. He had been doing

speech and OT for 1 1/2 years with no good results. It was not until we

added chelation that he started improving. He went from an apraxic label to

articulation disorder. Now it's just minor speech delay. He was nonverbal

prior to chelation. I truly think he has needed everything we have done.

He now tests at a 5 year old level on most things, and he just turned 3.

Chelation was his magic pill so to speak. FYI, nearly died after his

DTaP. That is when our problems began. 1 month prior to his 2nd b'day.

After 2 weeks in the hospital, not knowing if he would make it, he was

discharged, only to be given his MMR at the pediatricians follow up visit.

If I only knew then what I know now!!! I'd be happy to go into further

detail on any this. I am just so happy he is better-not just better, but


Re: [ ] Re: Thanks

> Wendi,

> What interventions (biomedical and therapeutic) did you do for your son,

> if you don't mind me asking?


> Thanks,

> N.

> ________________________________________________________________


> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.


> =======================================================


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In wanted to add that I still do OT and just 4 hours a week of ABA. I'll

stop these in the fall when he starts school, but he really likes them, and

the insurance is still covering the OT. The DTT therapist has become a good

friend, and she likes to come play with -he loves her. Its kinda his

social time, and I am just waiting to fill it in with school. He has been

accepted to a normal classroom, private preschool. He will not have a

shadow or aide. The first couple of tests runs went great, except he likes

to take his shoes off!!

Re: [ ] Re: Thanks

> Wendi,

> What interventions (biomedical and therapeutic) did you do for your son,

> if you don't mind me asking?


> Thanks,

> N.

> ________________________________________________________________


> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.


> =======================================================


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We stopped CLO because we were getting really unpredictable behavior on it.

All of his EFA's were balanced, we tried different brands and dosages, but

he did not do well on it. He did not test sensitive to it. His doctor just

said that if a kid really needs it, it would make him better, so he probably

doesn't need it. He has done excellent off of it and doesn't do eye

stims-used to though. Yes, this is our first visit with Dr. Aguilar. Have

you seen him? If so, what did you think?

Re: [ ] Re: Thanks



> > Wendi,

> > What interventions (biomedical and therapeutic) did you do for your son,

> > if you don't mind me asking?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > N.

> > ________________________________________________________________


> > Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> > Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> > http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.

> >

> > =======================================================

> >

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Oh my goodness, Minc!! She smiled when you brought her CLO? I could only

dream of such cooperation! That is why I am relieved we stopped giving it.

Everything in my house smelled like cod, dead cod!!

Re: [ ] Re: Thanks

> > >

> > >

> > > > Wendi,

> > > > What interventions (biomedical and therapeutic) did you do for your

> son,

> > > > if you don't mind me asking?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks,

> > > > N.

> > > > ________________________________________________________________


> > > > Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> > > > Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> > > > http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.

> > > >

> > > > =======================================================

> > > >

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What interventions (biomedical and therapeutic) did you do for your son,

if you don't mind me asking?





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Why did you stop CLO and will this be your first visit to Dr. Aguliar?


Re: [ ] Re: Thanks

I don't mind. We started with removing gluten and casein. Testing showed

high peptide levels-very high. We were okay with corn, soy, and some

others. Next we began our supplementation regimen. It included the heavy

B's-we liked Brainchild, CLO, zinc, calcium, Vit C, and epsom salt baths.

Then to get ready for chelation, we began loading with the additional

required supplements, and actually deleted the CLO. We did DMSA for 6

months. After testing, we added ALA to the DMSA. We are still doing this

because there is still a need, although he is doing fantastic. His last

tests showed low CO2. His doctor said that this is " suppossed " to mean he

is a good candidate for secretin. We began transdermal 2 weeks ago. His

bowel movements normalized, and his therapists noticed a difference in him.

I had not told them about the secretin. We are visiting Dr. Aguilar in

June. I am interested to see what his EEG shows. has had several at

Children's Hospital which were read as normal, although he has had seizures,

including 2 grand mals. He has been seizure free since last August. As far

as therapies, we do speech twice a week, OT twice a week, and for

ABA by a therapist who had his program made by Dr. Vince Carbone. I think

chelation has had the most profound benefit for him. He had been doing

speech and OT for 1 1/2 years with no good results. It was not until we

added chelation that he started improving. He went from an apraxic label to

articulation disorder. Now it's just minor speech delay. He was nonverbal

prior to chelation. I truly think he has needed everything we have done.

He now tests at a 5 year old level on most things, and he just turned 3.

Chelation was his magic pill so to speak. FYI, nearly died after his

DTaP. That is when our problems began. 1 month prior to his 2nd b'day.

After 2 weeks in the hospital, not knowing if he would make it, he was

discharged, only to be given his MMR at the pediatricians follow up visit.

If I only knew then what I know now!!! I'd be happy to go into further

detail on any this. I am just so happy he is better-not just better, but


Re: [ ] Re: Thanks

> Wendi,

> What interventions (biomedical and therapeutic) did you do for your son,

> if you don't mind me asking?


> Thanks,

> N.

> ________________________________________________________________


> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.


> =======================================================


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To ready Lacey for chelation, I also stopped the CLO.

The CLO stopped her from a weird crossing-of-the-eyes she was doing, but

after a while she began to push it away and that was out of the ordinary

because she always was happy to take it previously and smiled at us when we

brought it.

Sometimes it appears she knows more than I do. I tried to muscle test her

and her answer was no cod liver oil at this time. (She's just begun to

cooperate for muscle testing now.)

We plan to start again once we chelate, however.


Re: [ ] Re: Thanks

> >

> >

> > > Wendi,

> > > What interventions (biomedical and therapeutic) did you do for your


> > > if you don't mind me asking?

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > > N.

> > > ________________________________________________________________


> > > Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> > > Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> > > http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.

> > >

> > > =======================================================

> > >

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Wendi Dupuy " <wrdupuy@...>

> Oh my goodness, Minc!! She smiled when you brought her CLO? I could only

dream of such cooperation.

Give me an inch and I'll take a mile.

I have one of the most mystical children on this planet, I think.

An artist named Froud painted a portrait of my daughter without ever

having seen her. In his book, " Good Faeries, Bad Faeries, " there sits Lacey

with lights around her fingers and toes as " The Faery of Pure Joy. "

She had a symptom where she whirled her fingers and toes when she was

extremely pleased.

When I asked Mr. Froud if he'd ever seen my daughter on the Internet or in

person, he said, " Only in my dreams. " He seemed very pleased that he had

placed those lights, however, and called it " divine intervention. "

One day I took Lacey to a telepath who deals with non-verbal autistic

children as a Special Ed teacher in San . I had a friend who had a

verbal child and when she was reading a story about Curious , her son

said, " Read it quietly in your mind and then ask me some questions. "

She did this and the young boy managed to answer them all and the mother

said he showed other telepathic abilities. Special giftedness is not

extraordinary in the world of autism.

So I decided to give that telepath a try. The telepath told me Lacey said

she wanted to visit " Connie at Mossrock Road for Jin Therapy. " It took me a

while to learn there was such a thing as Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy and I was

quite surprised to look in the white pages of my telephone book and see a

business called " Jin Shin Jytsu " existing on Mossrock Road.

I assumed then the telepath was in some sort of a scam with this therapist

and prepared myself accordingly since I thought this Connie would be

charging an exhorbant charge and try to convince me Jin Shin Jyutsu could

help my daughter.

When I telephoned her, I let her know flat-out that this telepath claimed

Lacey had known her in a previous life and had taught her healing.

Connie was undaunted and wanted to meet Lacey right away, so we went to

Mossrock Road and the office turned out to be a Buddhist temple inside.

Lacey went straight to the temple and at this age (4) she was very

hyperactive and somewhat violent and prone to temper tantrums. We watched

as she sat calmly upon a cushion, took a stick to a gong and struck it three

times against that gong, then folded her hands together, bowed her head and

then pushed her body to the floor, sitting there quietly as Connie and I got

to know each other a bit.

Connie is a Buddhist and they believe heavily in reincarnation. She said

she wanted to try her hand at Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy on Lacey and would

give her a lifetime of free therapy. She said she felt like she owed her a


In this therapy they subscribe to the idea of " gates " that release energies

in the body. The Quantum physicists call this energy " quanta " and Hindus

call it " prana " while acupuncturists claim it lays upon meridians in the


To release these gates, what Connie and her partner did, was lay Lacey upon

a table and me on a table beside her, have us hold hands and then they would

press certain accupressure points on each of us. The concept was we would

become attuned towards each other spiritually and she would develop empathy,

sympathy and have a love of the romance of life.

Although I have never understood these concepts, my daughter did grow into a

very jovial, mirthful and enchanting child who spreads good cheer wherever

she goes. The people who see her remark upon her beauty and they act as

though some leprecaun has just come into their lives - with glee, and they

all love to hold her.

She will sit upon the lap of a stranger and smile. She also looks into

their eyes with this " hear what I'm saying? " look upon her face and they all

walk away feeling cheerful and beloved by her.

Now, my daughter is never going to recover or be average or normal in any

manner because she has calcium lodged in her brain and there is no way to

get it out or break it down. However, she is gifted beyong measure and she

will do odd things such as bring me a book opened to a particular page and

make me study it.

While I read it, she sits next to me and just gazes lovingly at me, as if I

am a " good girl " and many times when I do something, she says " good girl! "

when in truth, she does not speak very often.

While I am writing my screenplays, she busies herself in self-studies and

even with a dry erase board, she is perfecting her abilities to write the

alphabet and numbers and to draw people's portraits. She is highly critical

of herself and if she is unhappy with the portrait, she will begin again

until she has mastered whatever she deems is perfection.

While I am writing sometimes, I'll have a thought (I teach Ascended Mastery

over the Internet) and she'll come over and embrace me as if to say, " That's

it, Mama! It's a good thought! You keep going with it. "

She is the most magical creature I've ever seen. She'll walk over to the

kitchen (and she's ony 7 years old) and wash the dishes or she'll go make my

bed in the mornings when I am so slow until I've had at least 2 cups of


She is an absolutely convenient child and now her father reports she pushes

away sodas. Why he insists on trying to give her sodas, I do not know and

it is a central argument between us. She also pushes away milk when she

stays at her aunt's house over night, they say, and I have decided to pay

attention because she just might have more wisdom than I.

Her movements are graceful and fluid and her manner is always calm. She

enjoys life and will peer out a window at the children below who are playing

soccer or basketball (we live in an apartment house that was converted from

an old high school).

She enjoys life to the hilt and seems to live in constant bliss no matter

what her surroundings are. Certain songs make her giggle and in truth the

only symptom that really bothers me now is the manic laughter while alone in

her bedroom, but hey, I have no idea whether or not she has some special

relationship with an angel or not and I dare not make hasty judgements

because this girl has been a perfect angel herself.

We worried the mercury toxicity was causing symptoms of Mad Hatter's

disease, but as time goes by, we wonder if she knows more than we do and as

I write screenplays to try to describe Heaven to little children and inspire

them to dream of what's to come, it is difficult for me not to engage in how

much grace I actually live with in partnership with this child.

There is no telling what chelation is going to do for her. Perhaps she'll

grow more somber and be more serious in her naturedness, but I am very much

enjoying the qualities she shows and the essence of her being.

Connie never charged me a dime and rather, gave me books and invited us out

to dinners wherein we were her guests. She treated my daughter with utmost

respect and my daughter showed no holds barred on how much she loved Connie.

It was a fascinating thing to see.

Later when Lacey was kidnapped for those 3 years, Connie told me not to

worry as she felt sure I would find a way to busy myself and Lacey would be

giving love to whomever she came across and it might just be a " dharma " by

design, a path we were each meant to experience.

I had a lot of spiritually worthwhile experiences during those 3 years and

felt as though Jesus placed my heart in a box to save me from anxiousness.

I walked with confidence that she belonged to me and in truth, had she never

been kidnapped and brought me to North Carolina, I never would have reached

this point in the here-and-now wherein I am considering the affections of

two men who wish to marry me (and who are each ideal!)

So all in all, I see Lacey as a miracle come to show what mirth and joy look

like in an incarnate body and I happen to know there is no one like her on

the face of this planet.

Sometimes I do wonder just who is the teacher and who is the student <grin>.

I do hope chelation allows her better articulation. She does try to speak

at times, but often gives up since we cannot understand her. When she is

substituting a D sound for FL, we are severely compromised.


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Minc, whilst I was reading your vivid description of your daughter, I

felt as thought I could visualize her. She sounds so angelic and it must

be such a thrill to have her around. Please don't say that she might

never be " normal " whatever that means. Leave the possibility open, don't

close any doors. She sounds like she has a lot to offer the world and I

hope the day comes when the world will appreciate her. Vicky

Minc wrote:


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Wendi Dupuy " <wrdupuy@...>


> > Oh my goodness, Minc!! She smiled when you brought her CLO? I

> could only

> dream of such cooperation.


> Give me an inch and I'll take a mile.


> I have one of the most mystical children on this planet, I think.


> An artist named Froud painted a portrait of my daughter without

> ever

> having seen her. In his book, " Good Faeries, Bad Faeries, " there sits

> Lacey

> with lights around her fingers and toes as " The Faery of Pure Joy. "


> She had a symptom where she whirled her fingers and toes when she was

> extremely pleased.


> When I asked Mr. Froud if he'd ever seen my daughter on the Internet

> or in

> person, he said, " Only in my dreams. " He seemed very pleased that he

> had

> placed those lights, however, and called it " divine intervention. "


> One day I took Lacey to a telepath who deals with non-verbal autistic

> children as a Special Ed teacher in San . I had a friend who

> had a

> verbal child and when she was reading a story about Curious ,

> her son

> said, " Read it quietly in your mind and then ask me some questions. "


> She did this and the young boy managed to answer them all and the

> mother

> said he showed other telepathic abilities. Special giftedness is not

> extraordinary in the world of autism.


> So I decided to give that telepath a try. The telepath told me Lacey

> said

> she wanted to visit " Connie at Mossrock Road for Jin Therapy. " It

> took me a

> while to learn there was such a thing as Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy and I

> was

> quite surprised to look in the white pages of my telephone book and

> see a

> business called " Jin Shin Jytsu " existing on Mossrock Road.


> I assumed then the telepath was in some sort of a scam with this

> therapist

> and prepared myself accordingly since I thought this Connie would be

> charging an exhorbant charge and try to convince me Jin Shin Jyutsu

> could

> help my daughter.


> When I telephoned her, I let her know flat-out that this telepath

> claimed

> Lacey had known her in a previous life and had taught her healing.


> Connie was undaunted and wanted to meet Lacey right away, so we went

> to

> Mossrock Road and the office turned out to be a Buddhist temple

> inside.


> Lacey went straight to the temple and at this age (4) she was very

> hyperactive and somewhat violent and prone to temper tantrums. We

> watched

> as she sat calmly upon a cushion, took a stick to a gong and struck it

> three

> times against that gong, then folded her hands together, bowed her

> head and

> then pushed her body to the floor, sitting there quietly as Connie and

> I got

> to know each other a bit.


> Connie is a Buddhist and they believe heavily in reincarnation. She

> said

> she wanted to try her hand at Jin Shin Jyutsu therapy on Lacey and

> would

> give her a lifetime of free therapy. She said she felt like she owed

> her a

> debt.


> In this therapy they subscribe to the idea of " gates " that release

> energies

> in the body. The Quantum physicists call this energy " quanta " and

> Hindus

> call it " prana " while acupuncturists claim it lays upon meridians in

> the

> body.


> To release these gates, what Connie and her partner did, was lay Lacey

> upon

> a table and me on a table beside her, have us hold hands and then they

> would

> press certain accupressure points on each of us. The concept was we

> would

> become attuned towards each other spiritually and she would develop

> empathy,

> sympathy and have a love of the romance of life.


> Although I have never understood these concepts, my daughter did grow

> into a

> very jovial, mirthful and enchanting child who spreads good cheer

> wherever

> she goes. The people who see her remark upon her beauty and they act

> as

> though some leprecaun has just come into their lives - with glee, and

> they

> all love to hold her.


> She will sit upon the lap of a stranger and smile. She also looks

> into

> their eyes with this " hear what I'm saying? " look upon her face and

> they all

> walk away feeling cheerful and beloved by her.


> Now, my daughter is never going to recover or be average or normal in

> any

> manner because she has calcium lodged in her brain and there is no way

> to

> get it out or break it down. However, she is gifted beyong measure

> and she

> will do odd things such as bring me a book opened to a particular page

> and

> make me study it.


> While I read it, she sits next to me and just gazes lovingly at me, as

> if I

> am a " good girl " and many times when I do something, she says " good

> girl! "

> when in truth, she does not speak very often.


> While I am writing my screenplays, she busies herself in self-studies

> and

> even with a dry erase board, she is perfecting her abilities to write

> the

> alphabet and numbers and to draw people's portraits. She is highly

> critical

> of herself and if she is unhappy with the portrait, she will begin

> again

> until she has mastered whatever she deems is perfection.


> While I am writing sometimes, I'll have a thought (I teach Ascended

> Mastery

> over the Internet) and she'll come over and embrace me as if to say,

> " That's

> it, Mama! It's a good thought! You keep going with it. "


> She is the most magical creature I've ever seen. She'll walk over to

> the

> kitchen (and she's ony 7 years old) and wash the dishes or she'll go

> make my

> bed in the mornings when I am so slow until I've had at least 2 cups

> of

> coffee.


> She is an absolutely convenient child and now her father reports she

> pushes

> away sodas. Why he insists on trying to give her sodas, I do not know

> and

> it is a central argument between us. She also pushes away milk when

> she

> stays at her aunt's house over night, they say, and I have decided to

> pay

> attention because she just might have more wisdom than I.


> Her movements are graceful and fluid and her manner is always calm.

> She

> enjoys life and will peer out a window at the children below who are

> playing

> soccer or basketball (we live in an apartment house that was converted

> from

> an old high school).


> She enjoys life to the hilt and seems to live in constant bliss no

> matter

> what her surroundings are. Certain songs make her giggle and in truth

> the

> only symptom that really bothers me now is the manic laughter while

> alone in

> her bedroom, but hey, I have no idea whether or not she has some

> special

> relationship with an angel or not and I dare not make hasty judgements

> because this girl has been a perfect angel herself.


> We worried the mercury toxicity was causing symptoms of Mad Hatter's

> disease, but as time goes by, we wonder if she knows more than we do

> and as

> I write screenplays to try to describe Heaven to little children and

> inspire

> them to dream of what's to come, it is difficult for me not to engage

> in how

> much grace I actually live with in partnership with this child.


> There is no telling what chelation is going to do for her. Perhaps

> she'll

> grow more somber and be more serious in her naturedness, but I am very

> much

> enjoying the qualities she shows and the essence of her being.


> Connie never charged me a dime and rather, gave me books and invited

> us out

> to dinners wherein we were her guests. She treated my daughter with

> utmost

> respect and my daughter showed no holds barred on how much she loved

> Connie.

> It was a fascinating thing to see.


> Later when Lacey was kidnapped for those 3 years, Connie told me not

> to

> worry as she felt sure I would find a way to busy myself and Lacey

> would be

> giving love to whomever she came across and it might just be a

> " dharma " by

> design, a path we were each meant to experience.


> I had a lot of spiritually worthwhile experiences during those 3 years

> and

> felt as though Jesus placed my heart in a box to save me from

> anxiousness.

> I walked with confidence that she belonged to me and in truth, had she

> never

> been kidnapped and brought me to North Carolina, I never would have

> reached

> this point in the here-and-now wherein I am considering the affections

> of

> two men who wish to marry me (and who are each ideal!)


> So all in all, I see Lacey as a miracle come to show what mirth and

> joy look

> like in an incarnate body and I happen to know there is no one like

> her on

> the face of this planet.


> Sometimes I do wonder just who is the teacher and who is the student

> <grin>.


> I do hope chelation allows her better articulation. She does try to

> speak

> at times, but often gives up since we cannot understand her. When she

> is

> substituting a D sound for FL, we are severely compromised.


> Minc



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This is so interesting about CLO and you noticing eye stims and your son

not doing well on it. I stopped giving it to my son for awhile and then

reintroduced it and he's been visually stimming like crazy and very

irritable. It may be a coincidence because he has a cold/allergies now

also. I'm going to take him off and see what happens. He also cries and

has mood swings while on evening primrose or borage oils.



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Wendi Dupuy wrote:

> I emailed Charlene personally with names because I did not

> feell it was appropriate to send to everyone.

I did receive that. Thanks Wendi!

> Personally, my own bedroom looks over the lake as well, so they

> couldn't impress me much.

Well wonderful.........now everyone knows I live in a house in the

slums!!! I swear there's an apartment building about 30 feet from my

bedroom window so the lake view was really special to me. Oh well --

some day I suppose.

> He does not take full credit for this either, he realizes it was a

> joint effort with

> diet, speech, OT, ABA, , chelation, and supplements, and

> secretin.


In addition to what my doctor approves of trough Dr. Kane my kids get

SP, OT, natural chelation, BEFE treatment, Ozone treatment, Snoezelen

therapy, PECS, sensory diet, etc.


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No we don't see Dr. Aguilar but are looking into it. Please keep us posted.

Very curious to see how it goes for you.


Re: [ ] Re: Thanks

We stopped CLO because we were getting really unpredictable behavior on it.

All of his EFA's were balanced, we tried different brands and dosages, but

he did not do well on it. He did not test sensitive to it. His doctor just

said that if a kid really needs it, it would make him better, so he probably

doesn't need it. He has done excellent off of it and doesn't do eye

stims-used to though. Yes, this is our first visit with Dr. Aguilar. Have

you seen him? If so, what did you think?

Re: [ ] Re: Thanks



> > Wendi,

> > What interventions (biomedical and therapeutic) did you do for your son,

> > if you don't mind me asking?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > N.

> > ________________________________________________________________


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> > Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> > http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.

> >

> > =======================================================

> >

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  • 3 months later...

>Moria, I am sure I am speaking for many when I say a sincere THANK

>YOU for all of your time, and helpful attention to this group as a

>whole, and the many individuals you have advised, both on and off the

>list. I am moved to write because of your latest update of Love

>Letters (I live for these updates, they are wonderful to read), but I

>frequently think of how lucky we are to have you here other days too.

>You have been so patient, thorough, knowledgeable... you are the




Dear ,

I have 2 responses, which may sort of SOUND LIKE they are in

conflict somehow, but really they are not. I mean BOTH of

these responses! (honest!)

1. thanks. That's very nice of you. I'm really glad if what I

do can contribute to the brillant success of chelation. Mercury

detox and chelation is inspiring to start with. And this list

is --well-- special. There are not many things that I know of

that change people's lives--- but chelation often seems to do so.

And this list plays a big part. I know that for many of us the

list makes a critical difference. I am glad if I can contribute

to people's recoveries/progress. You are welcome.

2. the work on the love letters file in particular is being done

MOSTLY by Rita. (I guess we should have Rita announce when the

new file is there, huh?) Rita, I hope your halo is glowing today :)

That " thank you " is for you, too.

I have saved progress reports since March 2000. I've been forwarding

these to Rita, who then goes and finds the " post # " for each one.

(I don't know actually how she searches for them, but I'd guess

she is getting pretty skilled at moving around in the archive!)

Rita sends me batches of these post #s, and I then add them to

the file (with some very minor HTML tweaking on my part). Then

I upload the new file. Rita has ALMOST worked her way through

all the saved stuff I have (March 2000 to today). It is a lot

of work (many hours, I would think).

I am NOT dismissing the work I do--- just acknowledging some

work that is shared--- want to give credit where it is due ;)

As for the wonder and hope and excitement of reading the progress

reports--- I AGREE! Can I agree 110%? Can I shout from the

rooftops? I have laughed, I have cried, and I am inspired

beyond anything else currently in my life.... I think we all

sorta live for these.... and celebrate them. I sure do.

THANKS! My halo will be glowing all day ;)



p.s. send the URL for love letters far and wide. The bottom line

is in the difference in the lives lived by these children. There

is no success in a good THEORY about autism-- the success is in

the ACTUAL progress of these children. Which is told in the

progress reports. Even once there ARE double-blind studies, there

will always be people who are more impressed and more motivated by

the details of a story. So, pass it on to any lists or groups

you are a part of, if you wish. (Also pass along the URL for

the FAQ if you wish.)

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  • 4 months later...

I have alway loved that story, thank you for the way you said thanks, so

nice. I feel the same way, so many have helped me get to this point with my

son!! cabbie

[ ]Thanks


> Who Packs Your Parachute?


> Plumb was a U.S. Navy jet pilot in Vietnam.

> After 75 combat missions, his plane was destroyed

> by a surface-to-air missile. Plumb ejected and

> parachuted into enemy hands. He was captured

> and spent 6 years in a communist Vietnamese prison.

> He survived the ordeal and now lectures on lessons

> learned from that experience.


> One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting

> in a restaurant, a man at another table came up

> and said, " You're Plumb! You flew jet fighters in

> Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk.

> You were shot down! "


> " How in the world did you know that? " asked Plumb.


> " I packed your parachute, " the man replied.

> Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude.


> The man pumped his hand and said, " I guess it worked! "

> Plumb assured him, " It sure did. If your chute hadn't

> worked, I wouldn't be here today. "


> Plumb couldn't sleep that night, thinking about that man.

> Plumb says, " I kept wondering what he might have looked

> like in a Navy uniform: a white hat, a bib in the back,

> and bell-bottom trousers. I wonder how many times I

> might have seen him and not even said 'Good morning,

> how are you?' or anything because, you see, I was a

> fighter pilot and he was just a sailor. "


> Plumb thought of the many hours the sailor had spent

> on a long wooden table in the bowels of the ship,

> carefully weaving the shrouds and folding the silks

> of each chute, holding in his hands each time

> the fate of someone he didn't know.


> Now, Plumb asks his audience, " Who's packing

> your parachute? " Everyone has someone who provides

> what they need to make it through the day. Plumb

> also points out that he needed many kinds of

> parachutes when his plane was shot down over enemy

> territory - he needed his physical parachute, his mental

> parachute, his emotional parachute, and his

> spiritual parachute. He called on all these

> supports before reaching safety.


> Sometimes in the daily challenges that life gives us,

> we miss what is really important. We may fail to

> say hello, please, or thank you, congratulate

> someone on something wonderful that has happened

> to them, give a compliment, or just do something

> nice for no reason.


> As you go through this week, this month, this year,

> recognize people who pack your parachute. I am sending

> you this as my way of thanking you for your part in packing

> my parachute !!! And I hope you will send it on to

> those who have helped pack yours!


> Sometimes, we wonder why friends keep forwarding jokes to us

> without writing a word? Maybe this could explain:


> When you are very busy, but still want to keep in touch,

> guess what you do? You forward jokes.


> And to let you know that you are still remembered, you are

> still important, you are still loved, you are still cared for, guess

> what you get? A forwarded joke.


> So next time, if you get a joke, don't think that you've been

> sent just another forwarded joke, but that you've been thought of

> today and your friend on the other end of your computer wanted to send


> you a smile. :)


> Thanks to everyone here for helping pack my son's parachute!!(mine too)

> La Rue




> =======================================================


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