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http://www.ener-chi.com/num_one.htm Hanna is the person to ask

This too. Listen to the audios -- http://www.ener-chi.com/num_one.htm

Plus you can buy his book and get telephone consultations.


Short term you need zero fat vegetarian diet to allieve your pain. Raw vegs

(salads) and fresh juices in the short term



----- Original Message -----

From: M


Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 4:09 PM

Subject: New to Group

Hi, I'm new to the group and am looking for some advice. Last month,

I had a ultra sound, upper GI endoscopy and a hyda-scan (sp?) done.

All that was found was gastritis, and the biopsies came back normal.

My question is, I have so much pain, I was on protonix, stopped

because it is not working. I go next monday for my follow up with the

GI doctor. I need some non-pharmaceutical advice here. I can barely

eat, sleep, function.

I'm 41, don't smoke, not over weight, I changed my diet to alleviate

the discomfort. I'm looking for rememdies that will make this more

tolerable or get rid of it!!!

Please, any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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Thanks for responding. I did some reading on gall bladder/liver flush and

it sounds rather uncomfortable/painful. The thought of drinking oil is

enough to make me gag. Is there any other remedies out there? I have

always ate very low fat diet and lately have cut out just about all meat.

This is just so frustrating. Any other suggestions from the group?

Thank you.

>From: " hanyax " <hanyax@...>


><gallstones >

>Subject: Re: New to Group

>Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 21:42:57 -0400


>http://www.ener-chi.com/num_one.htm Hanna is the person to ask


>This too. Listen to the audios -- http://www.ener-chi.com/num_one.htm


>Plus you can buy his book and get telephone consultations.



>Short term you need zero fat vegetarian diet to allieve your pain. Raw vegs

>(salads) and fresh juices in the short term
















> ----- Original Message -----

> From: M

> gallstones

> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 4:09 PM

> Subject: New to Group



> Hi, I'm new to the group and am looking for some advice. Last month,

> I had a ultra sound, upper GI endoscopy and a hyda-scan (sp?) done.

> All that was found was gastritis, and the biopsies came back normal.

> My question is, I have so much pain, I was on protonix, stopped

> because it is not working. I go next monday for my follow up with the

> GI doctor. I need some non-pharmaceutical advice here. I can barely

> eat, sleep, function.


> I'm 41, don't smoke, not over weight, I changed my diet to alleviate

> the discomfort. I'm looking for rememdies that will make this more

> tolerable or get rid of it!!!


> Please, any advice is greatly appreciated.


> Thank you,








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> Is there any other remedies

> out there?

I have just taken garlic every day for a week and then

some gallstones came out. It didn't happen last time,

but there was no other reason I could think of as to

why the gallstones came out now.

I too can't take the olive oil, I take Stone Free

daily and it seems to help. There's also a lot of

foods I avoid, like ice cream.



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Tina, forgive me but I am new...Can you tell me, do the gallstones

come out of your digestive system? If so, how clearly can you

identify that they are indeed gallstones? Is it obvious? I have

looked around curezone but really couldnt find an answer. Can people

just get rid of a gallstone without doing anything? Not know it and

not see it?

Sorry, I know Im a dork, LOL


> > Is there any other remedies

> > out there?


> I have just taken garlic every day for a week and then

> some gallstones came out. It didn't happen last time,

> but there was no other reason I could think of as to

> why the gallstones came out now.


> I too can't take the olive oil, I take Stone Free

> daily and it seems to help. There's also a lot of

> foods I avoid, like ice cream.


> Tina


> __________________________________________________


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Hi Tina,

Did you eat anything with fat in it right before your gall stones came

out? I ate a roast beef meal (heavily seasoned with garlic) after an

unplanned day of going without eating. I passed several gall stones

the next day. I attributed the spontaneous flush to the fat

triggering the gallbladder to contract and squeeze the stones out with

the bile.

Best Regards,



> > Is there any other remedies

> > out there?


> I have just taken garlic every day for a week and then

> some gallstones came out. It didn't happen last time,

> but there was no other reason I could think of as to

> why the gallstones came out now.


> I too can't take the olive oil, I take Stone Free

> daily and it seems to help. There's also a lot of

> foods I avoid, like ice cream.


> Tina

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This time I wasn't certain if they were gallstones or

not. But gallstones always float, they are small and

roundish. Sometimes they come out embedded and don't

float, so you could pass them an not know, but if you

pass a lot you know. Previously I've done something on

purpose to get them out. I was in the middle of a

garlic cleanse, but there was nothing else I can

remember that I did differently. Oh, I ate avacado on

my salad, but nothing else with fat in it.


--- rescombroker <rescombroker@...> wrote:

> Tina, forgive me but I am new...Can you tell me, do

> the gallstones

> come out of your digestive system? If so, how

> clearly can you

> identify that they are indeed gallstones? Is it

> obvious? I have

> looked around curezone but really couldnt find an

> answer. Can people

> just get rid of a gallstone without doing anything?

> Not know it and

> not see it?


> Sorry, I know Im a dork, LOL





> >

> > > Is there any other remedies

> > > out there?

> >

> > I have just taken garlic every day for a week and

> then

> > some gallstones came out. It didn't happen last

> time,

> > but there was no other reason I could think of as

> to

> > why the gallstones came out now.

> >

> > I too can't take the olive oil, I take Stone Free

> > daily and it seems to help. There's also a lot of

> > foods I avoid, like ice cream.

> >

> > Tina

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Maybe it was due to the garlic like mine.


--- Vince Richter <new_man85@...> wrote:

> Hi Tina,

> Did you eat anything with fat in it right before

> your gall stones came

> out? I ate a roast beef meal (heavily seasoned with

> garlic) after an

> unplanned day of going without eating. I passed

> several gall stones

> the next day. I attributed the spontaneous flush to

> the fat

> triggering the gallbladder to contract and squeeze

> the stones out with

> the bile.


> Best Regards,


> Vince




> >

> > > Is there any other remedies

> > > out there?

> >

> > I have just taken garlic every day for a week and

> then

> > some gallstones came out. It didn't happen last

> time,

> > but there was no other reason I could think of as

> to

> > why the gallstones came out now.

> >

> > I too can't take the olive oil, I take Stone Free

> > daily and it seems to help. There's also a lot of

> > foods I avoid, like ice cream.

> >

> > Tina








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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone. I joined this group because my mother was just

diagnosed with CML and I know very little about the disease and the

Gleevec she's taking. Any info would be greatly appreciated thank you

and God Bless You all

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, This is a good place to start. I was diagnosed 3 weeks and am just

learning myself...you'll see a lot of useful information here with links to

other more medical information.

Best wishes to you and your mother,


Stacey Thacker <Stacey1599@...> wrote:

Hello everyone. I joined this group because my mother was just

diagnosed with CML and I know very little about the disease and the

Gleevec she's taking. Any info would be greatly appreciated thank you

and God Bless You all

Margaret ,



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Welcom Stacey. Your Mom will need some support and you can make sure she

gets it. I will include a few websites you can view at the end of this post.

I have found that if you ask specific questions to this site, you will get

good answers from people who are more knowledgeable than me. Just ask away.

As far as help to your Mom, it will be harder for her at first getting on

Gleevec or whatever medications she will be on. However, just let her know it

will get better after her body adjusts.

Here are some sites with information that might help.

_Click here: CML Support: Most Comprehensive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

Information_ (http://www.cmlsupport.com/)

_Click here: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Symptoms, Diagnosis, Phases Info_



er_applied=true & NovaId=1178761707192321188)

_Click here: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - CML - Home_


Also the Leukemia Society was very instrumental with helping me to get on

track in my earlsy days. Please get you Mom on their mailing lists, so they

can mail her information that might be helpful.

With warm regards,



DX January 2005

Gleevec since March 2005

In a message dated 11/4/2006 1:13:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Stacey1599@... writes:

Hello everyone. I joined this group because my mother was just

diagnosed with CML and I know very little about the disease and the

Gleevec she's taking. Any info would be greatly appreciated thank you

and God Bless You all

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Hi, Stacey. Welcome to the group. How's your mother feeling? I

agree with Matt -- your best strategy is to browse through the posts

on this board and just ask any questions that you may have. You'll

learn a lot just reading other people's questions and answers and it

may lead to your own questions. We're all happy to help whenever we

can. Warmest regards. (Dov)


> Hello everyone. I joined this group because my mother was just

> diagnosed with CML and I know very little about the disease and the

> Gleevec she's taking. Any info would be greatly appreciated thank you

> and God Bless You all


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  • 1 month later...

I would like to know if anyone can suggest something that can either controll my diebities or to get my pancreas back in a working mode.

I have a friend who has Type II diabetes. He also has cancer. He went on Johanna Budwig's cottage cheese and flax oil diet...mainly for the cancer. He just wrote me and said that after only 2 weeks of being on the diet, he was able to cut his diabetes meds in half. He eats the cottage cheese and flax oil 2-3 times a day and the rest of his diet is grains and veggies. Needless to say he's thrilled to see these fast results and expects it to get even better.

Budwig was quite a genius. You can do a check for her on the web.


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Hello Phil, First welcome to our family. Please browse the files as there is a log of info in them. and the message archives.. What is your diet like? we need a bit more info on your health. Going to a raw diet will improve your health like you won't believe. Tell us what you eat drink etc... SuziPhilip Holbrook <phil_4656@...> wrote: Hello, I'm both new to this group and to natrual healing, so please bear with me as I will probable have a ton of guestions. My first guestion is. My Dr. just told me last month that I'm Type II diabetic. He wants me to talk some type of pill(which I don't want to). I have personally seen what these pill can and can't do. I would like to know if anyone can suggest something that can either controll my diebities or

to get my pancreas back in a working mode. Thanks for any help you can offer. Phil __________________________________________________

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Diabetics have great success with a raw food diet, if you are interested. There are a great many testimonies at www.hacres.com On the left side scroll down to "Testimonies" and click. Then you will see "diabetes" is the very first testimony group.

Type II is very treatable (can't say cured) with a raw food diet.


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Phil, I forgot to add some things you can start doing... exercise for one.. and food... Here are a few tips on making healthful food choices for you Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Try picking from the rainbow of colors available to maximize variety. Eat non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, carrots, broccoli or green beans . Choose whole grain foods over processed grain products. Try brown rice with your stir fry or whole wheat spaghetti with your favorite pasta sauce. But using zucchini or squash as spaghetti instead of pasta is even better. Include dried beans (like kidney or pinto beans) and lentils into your meals. Fresh fruits.Philip Holbrook <phil_4656@...> wrote: Hello, I'm both new to this group and to natrual healing, so please

bear with me as I will probable have a ton of guestions. My first guestion is. My Dr. just told me last month that I'm Type II diabetic. He wants me to talk some type of pill(which I don't want to). I have personally seen what these pill can and can't do. I would like to know if anyone can suggest something that can either controll my diebities or to get my pancreas back in a working mode. Thanks for any help you can offer. PhilPHIL Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats __________________________________________________

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I eat alot of fresh fruit, at 3 servings of fish each week, a serving of beef, pork or turkey each week. At least 2 servings of raw veggies a day. The only thing that I drink is about 1 gallon of water a day. On the fruit it's about 3 servings a day and high in fiber, prunes, aprocots, figs ect. no white potatoes or white bread. I eat sweet pot. wheat bread. I use extra virgin olive oil to cook with. Also I eat brown rice. I walk about 4 miles a day. If you need more info I'll get back with you next week, when I get back home from vacation. PhilSuzanne <suziesgoats@...> wrote: Hello Phil, First welcome to our family. Please browse the files as there is a log of info in them. and the message archives.. What is your diet like? we need a bit more info on your health. Going to a raw diet will improve your health like you won't believe. Tell us what you eat drink etc... SuziPhilip Holbrook <phil_4656 > wrote: Hello, I'm both new to this group and to natrual healing, so please bear with me as I will probable have a ton of guestions. My first guestion is. My Dr. just told me last month that I'm Type II diabetic. He wants me to talk some type of pill(which I don't want to). I have personally seen what these pill can and can't do. I would like to know if anyone can

suggest something that can either controll my diebities or to get my pancreas back in a working mode. Thanks for any help you can offer. Phil __________________________________________________

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Hello Phil and welcome to HAWK. The

first thing you need to do is change your diet. Any white processed

grains are poison to you now, just throw them out. You can replace them

with whole grains. Diabetics do best with meals that are smaller and

spaced out during the day. Try doing 3 smaller meals a day with snacks in

between. Try not to overdo anything that is mostly carbs, but don’t

cut them out of your diet completely as some fad diets will tell you. Insoluble

fiber is your friend. Oats, peas, lentils, and beans have lots of IF in

them. If you are not already, start exercising every day. Aim for

30 minutes a day of some kind of aerobic exercise. Type II diabetes can

be corrected without drugs if it is caught early enough. Good for you for

taking charge of your own health.


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Philip Holbrook

Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006

6:31 AM



New to Group


I'm both new to this group and to natrual healing, so please bear with

me as I will probable have a ton of guestions. My first guestion is. My Dr.

just told me last month that I'm Type II diabetic. He wants me to talk some

type of pill(which I don't want to). I have personally seen what these pill can

and can't do. I would like to know if anyone can suggest something that can

either controll my diebities or to get my pancreas back in a working mode.

Thanks for any help you can offer.



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Looks pretty good.. however, cut out the beef and pork...possibly the turkey and fish too... see how it goes.. if you can cut out all you're better off... but that is your choice.. Also cut back the fruit a tad and add alot of green and green leafy veggies. If you cook your veggies, try lightly steaming them instead. Do you eat garlic, cayenne? SuziPhilip Holbrook <phil_4656@...> wrote: I eat alot of fresh fruit, at 3 servings of fish each week, a serving of beef, pork or turkey each week. At least 2 servings of raw veggies a day. The only thing that I drink is about 1 gallon of water a day. On the fruit it's about 3 servings a day and high in fiber, prunes, aprocots, figs ect. no white potatoes or white bread. I eat sweet pot. wheat bread. I use extra virgin olive oil to cook

with. Also I eat brown rice. I walk about 4 miles a day. If you need more info I'll get back with you next week, when I get back home from vacation. Phil __________________________________________________

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thank you for the welcome, Janet. As I stated in an earler e-mail I have eliminated all white grains. I also walk about 4 miles a day. I also eat 5 small meals already. and am only taking in about 1500 cal a day. I will be studying more to find out what else I can be doing. PhilJanet Hamilton <dragonhealing@...> wrote: Hello Phil and

welcome to HAWK. The first thing you need to do is change your diet. Any white processed grains are poison to you now, just throw them out. You can replace them with whole grains. Diabetics do best with meals that are smaller and spaced out during the day. Try doing 3 smaller meals a day with snacks in between. Try not to overdo anything that is mostly carbs, but don’t cut them out of your diet completely as some fad diets will tell you. Insoluble fiber is your friend. Oats, peas, lentils, and beans have lots of IF in them. If you are not already, start exercising every day. Aim for 30 minutes a day of some kind of aerobic exercise. Type II diabetes can be corrected without drugs if it is caught early enough. Good for you for taking charge of your own health. Janet From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Philip HolbrookSent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 6:31 AMhealth Subject: New to Group Hello, I'm both new to this group and to natrual healing, so please bear with me as I will probable have a ton of guestions. My first guestion is. My Dr. just told me last month that I'm Type II diabetic. He wants me to talk some type of pill(which I don't

want to). I have personally seen what these pill can and can't do. I would like to know if anyone can suggest something that can either controll my diebities or to get my pancreas back in a working mode. Thanks for any help you can offer. Phil PHIL PHIL

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thank you for the welcome gloria. and for the info. I was already taking flax seed oil for the omega-3 now even more reason. PhilMorningGlory113@... wrote: I would like to know if anyone can suggest something that can either controll my diebities or to get my pancreas back in a working mode.I have a friend who has Type II diabetes. He also has cancer. He went on Johanna Budwig's cottage cheese and flax oil

diet...mainly for the cancer. He just wrote me and said that after only 2 weeks of being on the diet, he was able to cut his diabetes meds in half. He eats the cottage cheese and flax oil 2-3 times a day and the rest of his diet is grains and veggies. Needless to say he's thrilled to see these fast results and expects it to get even better.Budwig was quite a genius. You can do a check for her on the web. Gloria PHIL

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Phil, you should probably lower the amount

of fresh fruit and whole grains and replace them with more veggies and lean

proteins. Don’t totally cut them out, but do change the amount a

bit. Diabetics need more protein and soluble fiber than other

people. It keeps your blood sugar levels on a more even path. I’d

even choose to stay away from sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, and corn as a

general rule. They all have more starch and sugar than other

vegetables. Leafy greens, avocados, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and sea

vegetables would all be excellent choices. Fish, legumes, and lean cuts

of meat are all OK for protein sources. My brother has a very similar

case of Type II and had to cut out bread, rice, and pasta (even whole grain)

all together. He was very active, but had to up his exercise routine.

I believe he added strength training circuits to his aerobic routine. It

is an extremely hard thing to do, but he has no BS problems currently.

Our dad died of complications from diabetes, so that is his motivation. Keep

your spirits up, keep talking and asking questions and if you feel down please

let us know – it is what we are here for.


From: health [mailto:health ] On Behalf Of Philip Holbrook

Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006

9:28 AM


Subject: Re:

New to Group

I eat alot of fresh fruit, at 3 servings of fish each week, a serving

of beef, pork or turkey each week. At least 2 servings of raw veggies a day.

The only thing that I drink is about 1 gallon of water a day. On the fruit it's

about 3 servings a day and high in fiber, prunes, aprocots, figs ect. no white

potatoes or white bread. I eat sweet pot. wheat bread. I use extra virgin olive

oil to cook with. Also I eat brown rice. I walk about 4 miles a day. If you

need more info I'll get back with you next week, when I get back home from



Suzanne <suziesgoats >


Hello Phil,

First welcome to our family. Please browse the files as there is

a log of info in them. and the message archives..

What is your diet like? we need a bit more info on your

health. & bsp; Going to a raw diet will improve your health like you won't

believe. Tell us what you eat drink etc...


Philip Holbrook

<phil_4656 > wrote:


I'm both new to this group and to natrual healing, so please bear with

me as I will probable have a ton of guestions. My first guestion is. My Dr.

just told me last month that I'm Type II diabetic. He wants me to talk some

type of pill(which I don't want to). I have personally seen what these pill can

and can't do. I would like to know if anyone can suggest something that can

either controll my diebities or to get my pancreas back in a working mode.

Thanks for any help you can offer.



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  • 2 weeks later...


You bring up a question that we all have when we are first diagnosed. What

does the future hold? We have all thought of it at one time or another and

most of us even revisit it from time to time. However, please know that there

is true hope out there for everyone with CML and more coming down the road.

If Robb is prescribed with Gleevec, he will most likely be given a dose

between 400 mg to 800 mg. It varies by Doctor. How is body will handle


is unclear. After a period of adjustment (usually just the first few

months), most people do very well and adjust to the side effects with minimal

problems. I myself have worked 70 hour weeks on dosages beginning at 800 mg


the first year and only 400 mg the second.

He will find things that help him based on the list of items that others

have posted to the site, however I will tell you some that work for me:

Nausea I usually take Compazine or Phenergen if it is in the


Diarrhea Immodium

Muscle Cramps Heating Pad

Bone Pain Hot bath with Epsom salts

Flu like feeling Alieve

Fatigue Rest and relaxation

I have also tried massage therapy and acupuncture.

In the early months as your body gets used to Gleevec, other people

recommended that you do some visualization. For me, when I was in extreme

pain, I

would crank up my iPod and turn something mindless on TV so that I was

basically focusing on anything other than the pain.

There are certainly other things to try and other " tricks of the trade " that

you will find as you do your research. However, these things seem to work

for me. If he does get side effects, they will get easier on his body after

the initial adjustment.

Hope this is helpful.

With warm regards,


ville, FL

DX January of 2005

Gleevec Since May 2005

Father of 3

_mtmaynor@..._ (mailto:mtmaynor@...)

In a message dated 1/10/2007 2:50:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

rwilli72@... writes:

Hello, I am new to this group and had a couple of questions. My

husband was just diagnosed with CML 2 weeks ago. I have been reading

so much information, I can't keep it all straight. He is currectly

taking Hydrea (sp?) to lower his white blood count to a somewhat normal

level so that he is able to start Gleevac. My question is what can we

expect as far as side effects from this medication? His oncologist

makes it seem like no big deal and that life will be normal. After

reading some posts, I am not so sure. I just want to be prepared for

whatever the future holds for us. Right now he works full time in a

pretty demanding insurance sales job, while I stay home and take care

of the family. I am wondering if he might not be able to maintain that

and I may need to go back to work. Which I will do in a heartbeat if

that would help. I just don't want him to worry about us on top of his

new health issues.

If anyone can give me some advice, I sure would appreciate it. Thank

you all so much for just listening.


Wife of Robb, dx 12/14/06

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Hi Laurie,

You have found the right group! Everyone here is so helpful and there

is so much good advice and info. My husband was diagnosed in Sept '06

and we tried to scramble for information and such. He has been on

Gleevec for 2 1/2 months and things are getting better. He also works

a very demanding job as a lead animator in a huge studio. He also has

side things as an independant animator. I am currently a stay at home

mom with 3 kids...so no income from me right now!

My husband Tim took 10 days off when he got the diagnosis - no

physical reason - just trying to digest the information. After that

period- he was working his fulltime job though the first 6 weeks on

gleevec - all he could do was work then come home and sleep. We hoped

this was short-lived and it was. Now he has lots more energy -

working, plus snowboarding with our kids every 2nd day...it was super

hard - the first 7 weeks because as I mentioned on the posts - his

hemoglobin and neutrophils were in the gutter which left him sick and

super tired ALL the time.....

Every case varies...I have spoken with a woman who could not get out

of bed AT ALL for the first 8 weeks on gleevec- now 9 months later she

is working fulltime and feeling great. There are side effects - no

doubt - but this is a great list to ask questions - most have been

through it all..my husband experienced bad swelling, naseau, and

wicked bone pains. He took pain meds when needed, anti-naseau when

needed and we tried to have his feet up after work and a low salt diet

to combat the edema (I tried to get him to wear the stockings for

edema- like when I was pregnant and he said " Yeah Right! " ) He was told

by his dr to stop playing hockey and slow down on snowboarding as his

spleen was enlarged - now though it is back to normal size but he

wears more protective gear...Life is not back to normal ....nor would

we want it like that...sounds crazy I know...but having CML has really

made us realize the importance of life, family and friends...we call

it our cancer filter - Things which really don't matter get filtered


How old are your children? Have you told them? When we told out

children about the CML , my son (12 years old) said " I can deal with

CML but not cancer..so I am only going to call it CML " The other 2 see

their Dad tired and not feeling well and they are good - they just

snuggle where they can and life seems good for them. I hope this finds

you well- I know its all a lot to digest...hope this helps somehow


" Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you

burn. " - Wesley

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Hi Laurie,

Welcome to the group. We all know how overwhelming it is during

those first weeks after diagnosis but it really does get better with


It's impossible to say what kind of side effects your husband will

have from the Gleevec. Some people have absolutely no side effects

at all and are able to continue living life just as they always did

but others do have some side effects.

For the majority of people, I would say that there will be side

effects but they'll be more of a nuisance than a life altering

hindrance. Only a small percentage of people will have severe side

effects that prevent them from working or carrying on as they always

did. Only time will tell what kind of side effects your husband will


Don't hesitate to ask any questions, that's what we're here for.


Dx Jan 2002


> Hello, I am new to this group and had a couple of questions. My

> husband was just diagnosed with CML 2 weeks ago. I have been


> so much information, I can't keep it all straight. He is currectly

> taking Hydrea (sp?) to lower his white blood count to a somewhat


> level so that he is able to start Gleevac. My question is what can


> expect as far as side effects from this medication? His oncologist

> makes it seem like no big deal and that life will be normal. After

> reading some posts, I am not so sure. I just want to be prepared


> whatever the future holds for us. Right now he works full time in


> pretty demanding insurance sales job, while I stay home and take


> of the family. I am wondering if he might not be able to maintain


> and I may need to go back to work. Which I will do in a heartbeat


> that would help. I just don't want him to worry about us on top of


> new health issues.


> If anyone can give me some advice, I sure would appreciate it.


> you all so much for just listening.


> Laurie

> Wife of Robb, dx 12/14/06


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