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The tissue removed will more than likely go to a lab pathologist for inspection, that is typical of any type of tissue removal. It is a CYA deal doctors do so that if a person ends up with cancer down the road at that site, then the doctor has a pathology report to back his treatment.

It is also in the patients best interest. In my 26 years in the med field, we never removed anything without a path . The laws protect the criminals in this case, and not the victoms. So, we must not be victoms, we should place our focus of being survivors, and what our journey is teaching us, and how to share the education with others.

How are you feeling these days? How is your arm? and your tootsies?

Hugs A~ D

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Personally I would not put out the $$ to have the

capsules examined. For the most part, the info.

you receive is not going to help you heal.


At 08:25 AM 7/4/2007, you wrote:

>Should I put out the money ?

>to have my capsules examined.


>It seems like this war on implants.

>We will never win over.


>It's very obvious it's all about

>MONEY not human life.


>So far these Lawyer's have not

>been able to assist any of us.


>I made many phone calls to Lawyers.

>None of them want to get involved.


>I think we have to ban together

>with signs to get media attention.


>Because we live in different states

>That would make this task difficult.


>It's very sad to know woman are suffering

>because they cannot afford ex-plant


>What does everyone think about

>a site to sell t- shirts?


>I bet we all could come up

>with funny quotes, etc.


>To bring awareness and help

>those who cannot afford explant.


>Just A Suggestion,
















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Putting out the money for analysis of your capsules is a hard

decision, Sandy. When you have very little in the way of funds, it

is probably better to spend the money on taking care of yourself

with the right foods and therapies. However, in that case you will

have to make assumptions about what you may be dealing with, and

treat for everything, rather than target your approach to what you

know is there from the analysis.

While some may say that this is not a good approach, this is what I

have done. Rather than expensive testing, I have often just

treated, " as if " I had to address a fungal issue, or a bacterial

issue, or a parasite issue. I view it is good prevention, anyway.

I'd rather assume I have some type of infection that I could treat

for safely, than to risk testing with a false negative (which seems

to happen alot in medicine these days, especially when you say

you've had implants!) and believing it wasn't a problem when in fact

it was.

I treated " as if " I had candida by taking large amounts of caprylic

acid, raw garlic, oil of oregano, etc. Those same supplements are

good for antibacterial effect as well. Generally, there are many

things you can do from the comfort of your home that will assist in

treating subclinical infections, which are also very safe. Raw

garlic is spectacular in this regard. But you have to take it as if

you were taking an antibiotic. It doesn't help to take it just when

you feel like it. Adequate amounts are needed to wipe out what you

need to wipe out.

However, there are probably some infections, such as mycobacteria,

that need a more focused approach. This gets expensive regarding

testing and treatment. If you want to try alternative medicine with

it, there are homeopathic treatments for mycobacteria that may be

considered. I would see a homeopath to take that approach. I was

given a homeopathic product called " Pleo-Poly A Drops 9 X " by my

homeopath, but he never told me what it was for. The label

says, " antitoxins and antigens 9 X of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

typus bovinus and brevis. " Knowing how homeopathics works, it is

apparent he was targeting some kind of mycobacterium in me.

Legally, Sandy, you may be right...I am not sure we will ever win

this war on implants. But physically and in our health, I have to

believe we can win. I've seen too many success stories not to

believe that. I am hoping with all of the hope in me that we will

get vindication someday in the medical field and they will recognize

that implants have made us very sick. That remains a burning flame

inside me, but I have left it in God's hands, trusting that He will

go before us and lead the way into our victory. His ways are

mysterious, but they are always powerful.



> Should I put out the money ?

> to have my capsules examined.


> It seems like this war on implants.

> We will never win over.


> It's very obvious it's all about

> MONEY not human life.


> So far these Lawyer's have not

> been able to assist any of us.


> I made many phone calls to Lawyers.

> None of them want to get involved.


> I think we have to ban together

> with signs to get media attention.


> Because we live in different states

> That would make this task difficult.


> It's very sad to know woman are suffering

> because they cannot afford ex-plant


> What does everyone think about

> a site to sell t- shirts?


> I bet we all could come up

> with funny quotes, etc.


> To bring awareness and help

> those who cannot afford explant.


> Just A Suggestion,

> Sandy~













> .


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I meant to leave a link for the homeopathic remedies for

bacteria/virus/fungus/yeast, and I forgot. Here it is:


> >

> > Should I put out the money ?

> > to have my capsules examined.

> >

> > It seems like this war on implants.

> > We will never win over.

> >

> > It's very obvious it's all about

> > MONEY not human life.

> >

> > So far these Lawyer's have not

> > been able to assist any of us.

> >

> > I made many phone calls to Lawyers.

> > None of them want to get involved.

> >

> > I think we have to ban together

> > with signs to get media attention.

> >

> > Because we live in different states

> > That would make this task difficult.

> >

> > It's very sad to know woman are suffering

> > because they cannot afford ex-plant

> >

> > What does everyone think about

> > a site to sell t- shirts?

> >

> > I bet we all could come up

> > with funny quotes, etc.

> >

> > To bring awareness and help

> > those who cannot afford explant.

> >

> > Just A Suggestion,

> > Sandy~

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > .

> >


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Yes, sure have ! I get it off and on still, had a rupture back in the early 90's and it has followed me since... Had a blister as well, not long ago......Are you having any more symptoms? Do you still have implants? I hope you find your answers.

Blessings ~ DedeGet a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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In a message dated 7/25/2007 1:31:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, DGRAHAMA@... writes:

Yes, sure have ! I get it off and on still, had a rupture back in the early 90's and it has followed me since... Had a blister as well, not long ago......Are you having any more symptoms? Do you still have implants? I hope you find your answers.

Blessings ~ Dede

thanks for posting Dede, I still have my implants and i had them done in 1979.......they are like rocks. The rash looks like a blister sore...its one big rash and it itches.... Barbara JeanGet a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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PD . .. Rashes are usually the body's way of trying to get rid of toxins. . . Just another indication those implants need to come out soon. Be careful what you put on the rash though . . . more chemicals may cause more problems. Corn startch may help. Hugs and prayers, Rogenepromise2dream@... wrote: In a message dated 7/25/2007

1:31:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, DGRAHAMAaol writes: Yes, sure have ! I get it off and on still, had a rupture back in the early 90's and it has followed me since... Had a blister as well, not long ago......Are you having any more symptoms? Do you still have implants? I hope you find your answers. Blessings ~ Dede thanks for posting Dede, I still have my implants and i had them done in 1979.......they are like rocks. The rash looks like a blister sore...its one big rash and it itches.... Barbara Get a sneak peek of the all-new


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  • 1 month later...

they are getting ready for the new season starting monday yes this are strange.

Did you have a firewall ! Were you on wi fi !

[ ] Question

This may sound silly but I wonder if it's happening to anyone else. As you know,

I was harassed last night. From this morning when I watched my Sunday morning

prograam then turned tv back on for my nighttime shows, all of the commercials

have been the same playing over and over and over and none of my favorites

)there are a few) and it's starting to feel like a police state around here. I'm

really not nuts but this is not normal in all of my years of watching



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> This may sound silly but I wonder if it's happening to anyone else.

As you know, I was harassed last night. From this morning when I

watched my Sunday morning prograam then turned tv back on for my

nighttime shows, all of the commercials have been the same playing over

and over and over and none of my favorites )there are a few) and it's

starting to feel like a police state around here. I'm really not nuts

but this is not normal in all of my years of watching television.


> L



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  • 4 weeks later...

A sonogram will tell you whether you have stones or not. It's a simple,

noninvasive test. There are many different types of flushes published within

this group. Many of us here have done flushes and still have our gallbladders.

Don't rush to surgery before you do your research.


The dr thinks i might have gallstones, im not sure who knows. I was

wondering if anyone knows any ways to try to get rid of the problem

without surgery or meds from the dr? as well be moving in 3 months so i

dont have time for this right now. Thanks :)



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  • 1 month later...

Okay, Mattie. Don't laugh at this. But the reason why I started an

anti-depressant wasn't for depression, but to help with my sleep.

Which in turn helps by getting a better quality of deep sleep and my

pain levels are better. Not that our pain completely goes away ever,

but it really does help some.

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Hi Matti,

My name is Betty and I am also having trouble with my meds not working very

well. The one thing that did seem to help some was that I switched to injectable

methotrexate. The doc says that a lot of the meds are passed on thru and

destroyed by the digestive system so that using the injectables lets your body

use more of the medicine. It also takes away most of the stomach problems with

methotrexate pills. Hope you find something to help you real soon.

Betty in Mi.

fancydee05 <fancydee05@...> wrote:

My name is Mattie and I am in my mid 50's. I was diagnosed with RA 3

yrs ago and unfortunately after nodules had already developed on my

right hand.

I am now on Methotrexate (6 tabs weekly), Sulfasalizine (1 tab twice


day) and Humera once every two weeks. Prednisone shot all my blood

levels through the roof and for months the doctor thought I had both

kidney and liver disease because of the high readings so I dont know


I had an allergic reation to it or not.

My current problem is that either I am having one very long and


flareup or my medicine is nolonger working for me. I am in pain esp


my mid back and hips (which will rotate to the groin area). But my

hands, ankles, feet hurt too.

I've heard there are medicines that enhance your pain meds or make


work more efficently. I take 7.5mg Oxycodone at bedtime and it


helps at this point.

I see my RA specialist in about a week so does anyone have any

suggestions for me that I can discuss with him?


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My rheumy also has me taking anti-depressants, to make the pain meds

work better, to help me sleep, and to counter some of the prednisone

(mood) side effects. My gynocologist also had me on it when I was

taking hormones, the anti-depressant let you take a lower dose of

that, too!

I am on Methotrexate once a week, 6 tabs; Humira once a week; and 2 mg

of prednisone daily. Im now at the point where I only take an

occasional vicodin and use pain patches for the day to day pain (after

using pain meds daily for over 5 yrs).

On Nov 27, 2007 2:00 PM, fancydee05 <fancydee05@...> wrote:

> My name is Mattie and I am in my mid 50's. I was diagnosed with RA 3

> yrs ago and unfortunately after nodules had already developed on my

> right hand.


> I am now on Methotrexate (6 tabs weekly), Sulfasalizine (1 tab twice

> a

> day) and Humera once every two weeks. Prednisone shot all my blood

> levels through the roof and for months the doctor thought I had both

> kidney and liver disease because of the high readings so I dont know

> if

> I had an allergic reation to it or not.


> My current problem is that either I am having one very long and

> painful

> flareup or my medicine is nolonger working for me. I am in pain esp

> in

> my mid back and hips (which will rotate to the groin area). But my

> hands, ankles, feet hurt too.


> I've heard there are medicines that enhance your pain meds or make

> them

> work more efficently. I take 7.5mg Oxycodone at bedtime and it

> barely

> helps at this point.


> I see my RA specialist in about a week so does anyone have any

> suggestions for me that I can discuss with him?



South Pasadena, CA / Lilydale, MN

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M. Schulz - " All you need is love. But a little chocolate now

and then doesn't hurt. "

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Hi Betty,

I'm sorry I am taking so long to answer your note. I am watching my sons

children for a week, they went to jamaica. I did it last year, I don't


Maybe I will try the metho at night. That sounds like a good idea. I just

don't see a difference anymore. Actually right now I am not doing to badly.

Thank you for your help, I will try it.

Original Message:


From: BETTY FELLHAUER bj_fell@...

Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 10:45:17 -0800 (PST)

Subject: Re: [ ] Question

Hi Matti,

My name is Betty and I am also having trouble with my meds not working

very well. The one thing that did seem to help some was that I switched to

injectable methotrexate. The doc says that a lot of the meds are passed on

thru and destroyed by the digestive system so that using the injectables

lets your body use more of the medicine. It also takes away most of the

stomach problems with methotrexate pills. Hope you find something to help

you real soon.

Betty in Mi.

fancydee05 <fancydee05@...> wrote:

My name is Mattie and I am in my mid 50's. I was diagnosed with

RA 3

yrs ago and unfortunately after nodules had already developed on my

right hand.

I am now on Methotrexate (6 tabs weekly), Sulfasalizine (1 tab twice


day) and Humera once every two weeks. Prednisone shot all my blood

levels through the roof and for months the doctor thought I had both

kidney and liver disease because of the high readings so I dont know


I had an allergic reation to it or not.

My current problem is that either I am having one very long and


flareup or my medicine is nolonger working for me. I am in pain esp


my mid back and hips (which will rotate to the groin area). But my

hands, ankles, feet hurt too.

I've heard there are medicines that enhance your pain meds or make


work more efficently. I take 7.5mg Oxycodone at bedtime and it


helps at this point.

I see my RA specialist in about a week so does anyone have any

suggestions for me that I can discuss with him?


Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

--- In , " Joyce Hudson " <bjoyful@...>



> Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and shampoo, made me

wonder, if our files are being searched by the members. All of those

recipes were already in the files.


> I really need to know if the files are being searched for

information by anyone on the group. If anyone who has used the

files, would let me know either on the group or personally, it would

be very helpful. I am thinking, that maybe Michele and I can save a

lot of time and energy and drop the files if they are not being



> Now, if they are being utilized, then that is absolutely,

positively, wonderful, and all of the hard work has been worth it.


> I would also, like to know if anything in particular was not

found. I am sure that is a high possibility, as I still have

hundreds of articles to upload and there is no way I can create a

thorough encyclopedia. Lol!


> I can personally tell you, I have put in hundreds of hours in

researching for articles, transferring them to word and up loading

them to the files. Today, I captured 40 screens of article titles

from each category in the files. have attached a few, to give you an

idea. If no one is using them, then there is no need to do all of

this work.


> Blessings, Joy


All I know is that I was asked me for help and I was more then glad

to be able to help them. I did not mean to cause any problems.


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Sugar, you did fine. What I want to know is how many people are accessing the files and looking for their selves to see what we have. When you reposted the article on soap, it was in the file already. When she asked for a shampoo, that told me she hadn't even looked in the files. Now, if the files are not being used, why am I going to such an energy/time involved effort to create them? If they are not going to look in them, then I am wasting my valuable time and energy, and I will quit with the files. That's all. So you posting that, actually was good for me. It told me to look closely, am I wasting my time? We will have to see on that. Love you, Joy

[ ] Re: Question

>> Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and shampoo, made me wonder, if our files are being searched by the members. All of those recipes were already in the files.> > I really need to know if the files are being searched for information by anyone on the group. If anyone who has used the files, would let me know either on the group or personally, it would be very helpful. I am thinking, that maybe Michele and I can save a lot of time and energy and drop the files if they are not being utilized. > > Now, if they are being utilized, then that is absolutely, positively, wonderful, and all of the hard work has been worth it. > > I would also, like to know if anything in particular was not found. I am sure that is a high possibility, as I still have hundreds of articles to upload and there is no way I can create a thorough encyclopedia. Lol!> > I can personally tell you, I have put in hundreds of hours in researching for articles, transferring them to word and up loading them to the files. Today, I captured 40 screens of article titles from each category in the files. have attached a few, to give you an idea. If no one is using them, then there is no need to do all of this work.> > Blessings, Joy>All I know is that I was asked me for help and I was more then glad to be able to help them. I did not mean to cause any problems. Mystic

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Now, new members may not have had a chance to look at the files. And hey, it's easier to ask, than look, right? Asking is good, in that the material may have been on the sight many months ago, or it may be new unexplored information.

My point, is I may be making a lot of unecessary work for myself, if they aren't being used. And if they aren't being used, who needs them. No one.

So, I am trying to find out if they are needed, and that is why I asked the question about the files.

Love, Joy

[ ] Re: Question

>> Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and shampoo, made me wonder, if our files are being searched by the members. All of those recipes were already in the files.> > I really need to know if the files are being searched for information by anyone on the group. If anyone who has used the files, would let me know either on the group or personally, it would be very helpful. I am thinking, that maybe Michele and I can save a lot of time and energy and drop the files if they are not being utilized. > > Now, if they are being utilized, then that is absolutely, positively, wonderful, and all of the hard work has been worth it. > > I would also, like to know if anything in particular was not found. I am sure that is a high possibility, as I still have hundreds of articles to upload and there is no way I can create a thorough encyclopedia. Lol!> > I can personally tell you, I have put in hundreds of hours in researching for articles, transferring them to word and up loading them to the files. Today, I captured 40 screens of article titles from each category in the files. have attached a few, to give you an idea. If no one is using them, then there is no need to do all of this work.> > Blessings, Joy>All I know is that I was asked me for help and I was more then glad to be able to help them. I did not mean to cause any problems. Mystic

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I have looked in the files,I just finished looking in

the color file.

some times something comes to mind and we just post

the question,

we are a lazy creature so asking is easier than



--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and

> shampoo, made me wonder, if our files are being

> searched by the members. All of those recipes were

> already in the files.


> I really need to know if the files are being

> searched for information by anyone on the group. If

> anyone who has used the files, would let me know

> either on the group or personally, it would be very

> helpful. I am thinking, that maybe Michele and I

> can save a lot of time and energy and drop the files

> if they are not being utilized.


> Now, if they are being utilized, then that is

> absolutely, positively, wonderful, and all of the

> hard work has been worth it.


> I would also, like to know if anything in

> particular was not found. I am sure that is a high

> possibility, as I still have hundreds of articles to

> upload and there is no way I can create a thorough

> encyclopedia. Lol!


> I can personally tell you, I have put in hundreds of

> hours in researching for articles, transferring them

> to word and up loading them to the files. Today, I

> captured 40 screens of article titles from each

> category in the files. have attached a few, to give

> you an idea. If no one is using them, then there is

> no need to do all of this work.


> Blessings, Joy

Spiritual freedom is my birthright.

I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mental

prejudices and stereotypes of others.

I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulate

me or deceive me.

I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love.

Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritual




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I do not think you are wasting your time,they are

there for you also so you can do quick research.

the files will be there for you in the future so you

will not have to do the research later.

I think this is a [[[ work of love ]]] for you.

live well


--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> Sugar, you did fine. What I want to know is how

> many people are accessing the files and looking for

> their selves to see what we have. When you reposted

> the article on soap, it was in the file already.

> When she asked for a shampoo, that told me she

> hadn't even looked in the files. Now, if the files

> are not being used, why am I going to such an

> energy/time involved effort to create them? If they

> are not going to look in them, then I am wasting my

> valuable time and energy, and I will quit with the

> files. That's all. So you posting that, actually

> was good for me. It told me to look closely, am I

> wasting my time? We will have to see on that. Love

> you, Joy

> [ ] Re: Question




> >

> > Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and

> shampoo, made me

> wonder, if our files are being searched by the

> members. All of those

> recipes were already in the files.

> >

> > I really need to know if the files are being

> searched for

> information by anyone on the group. If anyone who

> has used the

> files, would let me know either on the group or

> personally, it would

> be very helpful. I am thinking, that maybe

> Michele and I can save a

> lot of time and energy and drop the files if they

> are not being

> utilized.

> >

> > Now, if they are being utilized, then that is

> absolutely,

> positively, wonderful, and all of the hard work

> has been worth it.

> >

> > I would also, like to know if anything in

> particular was not

> found. I am sure that is a high possibility, as I

> still have

> hundreds of articles to upload and there is no way

> I can create a

> thorough encyclopedia. Lol!

> >

> > I can personally tell you, I have put in

> hundreds of hours in

> researching for articles, transferring them to

> word and up loading

> them to the files. Today, I captured 40 screens

> of article titles

> from each category in the files. have attached a

> few, to give you an

> idea. If no one is using them, then there is no

> need to do all of

> this work.

> >

> > Blessings, Joy

> >

> All I know is that I was asked me for help and I

> was more then glad

> to be able to help them. I did not mean to cause

> any problems.

> Mystic








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Yup, I just said, it's easier to ask than look, but I doubt you got that email. I am also, glad you were looking at the files. I have lots more of articles for each of the categories, but haven't been able to do the work yet.

I am trying to find out, if it's even necessary, that's all.

Love, Joy

Re: [ ] Question

JOY, I have looked in the files,I just finished looking inthe color file.some times something comes to mind and we just postthe question,we are a lazy creature so asking is easier thanlooking!! Marty--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:> Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and> shampoo, made me wonder, if our files are being> searched by the members. All of those recipes were> already in the files.> > I really need to know if the files are being> searched for information by anyone on the group. If> anyone who has used the files, would let me know> either on the group or personally, it would be very> helpful. I am thinking, that maybe Michele and I> can save a lot of time and energy and drop the files> if they are not being utilized. > > Now, if they are being utilized, then that is> absolutely, positively, wonderful, and all of the> hard work has been worth it. > > I would also, like to know if anything in> particular was not found. I am sure that is a high> possibility, as I still have hundreds of articles to> upload and there is no way I can create a thorough> encyclopedia. Lol!> > I can personally tell you, I have put in hundreds of> hours in researching for articles, transferring them> to word and up loading them to the files. Today, I> captured 40 screens of article titles from each> category in the files. have attached a few, to give> you an idea. If no one is using them, then there is> no need to do all of this work.> > Blessings, JoySpiritual freedom is my birthright. I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mentalprejudices and stereotypes of others. I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulateme or deceive me. I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love. Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritualfreedom. ____________________________________________________________________________________Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping

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well I feel bad now,I would ask before I looked!!

I would not have the heart to say you are wasting your



--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> Now, new members may not have had a chance to look

> at the files. And hey, it's easier to ask, than

> look, right? Asking is good, in that the material

> may have been on the sight many months ago, or it

> may be new unexplored information.


> My point, is I may be making a lot of unecessary

> work for myself, if they aren't being used. And if

> they aren't being used, who needs them. No one.

> So, I am trying to find out if they are needed, and

> that is why I asked the question about the files.


> Love, Joy

> [ ] Re: Question




> >

> > Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and

> shampoo, made me

> wonder, if our files are being searched by the

> members. All of those

> recipes were already in the files.

> >

> > I really need to know if the files are being

> searched for

> information by anyone on the group. If anyone

> who has used the

> files, would let me know either on the group or

> personally, it would

> be very helpful. I am thinking, that maybe

> Michele and I can save a

> lot of time and energy and drop the files if

> they are not being

> utilized.

> >

> > Now, if they are being utilized, then that is

> absolutely,

> positively, wonderful, and all of the hard work

> has been worth it.

> >

> > I would also, like to know if anything in

> particular was not

> found. I am sure that is a high possibility, as

> I still have

> hundreds of articles to upload and there is no

> way I can create a

> thorough encyclopedia. Lol!

> >

> > I can personally tell you, I have put in

> hundreds of hours in

> researching for articles, transferring them to

> word and up loading

> them to the files. Today, I captured 40 screens

> of article titles

> from each category in the files. have attached

> a few, to give you an

> idea. If no one is using them, then there is no

> need to do all of

> this work.

> >

> > Blessings, Joy

> >

> All I know is that I was asked me for help and I

> was more then glad

> to be able to help them. I did not mean to cause

> any problems.

> Mystic








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Sugar, I already have them on my computer. My research will go on, no matter what, for my own learning, and they are organized under my health folder on my desktop. I wish the rest of my computer was as organized. Lol!

The whole question is about whether anyone else are looking into the files. And I am thoroughly happy this came up, as it is something I need to look into. Now if the files are being used by others, then it's a labor of love. If they are not, then I am wasting time and energy putting them into word and up loading them.

By the way, Randolph, thank you for reposting that soap article. And Kat, Thank You for asking about the shampoo. Without you two, I would not have looked into this, and it needed to be done. Spirit, works in mysterious ways. It's called synchronicity. I was wondering how I could free myself up some. My personal life is being very demanding right now.

Blessings and Love, Joy

[ ] Re: Question> > > > >> > Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and> shampoo, made me > wonder, if our files are being searched by the> members. All of those > recipes were already in the files.> > > > I really need to know if the files are being> searched for > information by anyone on the group. If anyone who> has used the > files, would let me know either on the group or> personally, it would > be very helpful. I am thinking, that maybe> Michele and I can save a > lot of time and energy and drop the files if they> are not being > utilized. > > > > Now, if they are being utilized, then that is> absolutely, > positively, wonderful, and all of the hard work> has been worth it. > > > > I would also, like to know if anything in> particular was not > found. I am sure that is a high possibility, as I> still have > hundreds of articles to upload and there is no way> I can create a > thorough encyclopedia. Lol!> > > > I can personally tell you, I have put in> hundreds of hours in > researching for articles, transferring them to> word and up loading > them to the files. Today, I captured 40 screens> of article titles > from each category in the files. have attached a> few, to give you an > idea. If no one is using them, then there is no> need to do all of > this work.> > > > Blessings, Joy> >> All I know is that I was asked me for help and I> was more then glad > to be able to help them. I did not mean to cause> any problems.> Mystic> > > > > > >

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Ahhh, Brother, I know your heart. It treads softly. But no matter what, Truth is what is needed at all times, for me. And if I am wasting my time, it's a valuable lesson for me to learn. For what I might think people needs, they don't. I am here to help, but not here to enable, and sometimes I forget the difference between the two. Lots of Love, Joy

[ ] Re: Question> > > > >> > Mystic reposting of the recipes for soap and> shampoo, made me > wonder, if our files are being searched by the> members. All of those > recipes were already in the files.> > > > I really need to know if the files are being> searched for > information by anyone on the group. If anyone> who has used the > files, would let me know either on the group or> personally, it would > be very helpful. I am thinking, that maybe> Michele and I can save a > lot of time and energy and drop the files if> they are not being > utilized. > > > > Now, if they are being utilized, then that is> absolutely, > positively, wonderful, and all of the hard work> has been worth it. > > > > I would also, like to know if anything in> particular was not > found. I am sure that is a high possibility, as> I still have > hundreds of articles to upload and there is no> way I can create a > thorough encyclopedia. Lol!> > > > I can personally tell you, I have put in> hundreds of hours in > researching for articles, transferring them to> word and up loading > them to the files. Today, I captured 40 screens> of article titles > from each category in the files. have attached> a few, to give you an > idea. If no one is using them, then there is no> need to do all of > this work.> > > > Blessings, Joy> >> All I know is that I was asked me for help and I> was more then glad > to be able to help them. I did not mean to cause> any problems.> Mystic> > > > > > >

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--- In , " Joyce Hudson " <bjoyful@...>



> Ahhh, Brother, I know your heart. It treads softly. But no matter

what, Truth is what is needed at all times, for me. And if I am

wasting my time, it's a valuable lesson for me to learn. For what I

might think people needs, they don't. I am here to help, but not here

to enable, and sometimes I forget the difference between the two. Lots

of Love, Joy


I would not say you are wasting your time. I would like to inform the

group that if you would like to ask me a question you can email me.

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--- In , " Joyce Hudson " <bjoyful@...>



> Ahhh, Brother, I know your heart. It treads softly. But no matter

what, Truth is what is needed at all times, for me. And if I am

wasting my time, it's a valuable lesson for me to learn. For what I

might think people needs, they don't. I am here to help, but not here

to enable, and sometimes I forget the difference between the two. Lots

of Love, Joy

This is just a small part of the Herbal information that I have.

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