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Angie and group

Not I Angie. What is under control mean. Does it mean not hurting you.

I havent got mine under conctrol but i do have what you said. Sounds

like panic attacks. Also, when I am low sugar my heart races. The

doctor said some of my medication gives me headaches. I don't take

what you take though.\

Ok I am off to bed. One more came in when I was about to delete. Good

night and God bless you all. Gently caring hugs to all.


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[ ] question

  Hi guys,

  I have a question for you all. My RA and fibro has been under control

  since my doctor switched me to arava and added nuerontin. My question

  is does anyone have problems with uncontrolled blood pressure, heart

  racing and severe headaches. I am currently seeing a new primary care

  doctor and he got the blood pressure down some but it is still high.

  Can all this be related to the ra and everything or what. Please let

  me know what you guys think as I am sick of feeling like this. Thanks

  alot for everything




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No I am no longer on prednisone this blood pressure issue started in March and

my old family doctor just kept on saying it was from the prednisone so I weaned

off of it by end of April.

McNally <McNacks@...> wrote: Angie, are you on prednisone?

mary in pa

[ ] question

Hi guys,

I have a question for you all. My RA and fibro has been under control

since my doctor switched me to arava and added nuerontin. My question

is does anyone have problems with uncontrolled blood pressure, heart

racing and severe headaches. I am currently seeing a new primary care

doctor and he got the blood pressure down some but it is still high.

Can all this be related to the ra and everything or what. Please let

me know what you guys think as I am sick of feeling like this. Thanks

alot for everything



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When I started to the Arava (3 weeks ago) my rheummy told me to

watch my blood pressure. It is a side effect. Normally my blood

pressure is ideal 120/76. It has been climbing the past few days. I

checked it 10 mins. ago and it is 169/100. I have one of the drug

store monitors but I don't fully trust it. I will stop by a fire

station today and get it checked.

I also have the bad headaches and sometimes I feel like I am having

heart palpitations but those are very infrequent. I attribute all of

this to the Arava. If it continues I will call my rheummy.


Angie, are you on

prednisone? mary in pa

> [ ] question


> Hi guys,


> I have a question for you all. My RA and fibro has been under


> since my doctor switched me to arava and added nuerontin. My


> is does anyone have problems with uncontrolled blood pressure,


> racing and severe headaches. I am currently seeing a new primary


> doctor and he got the blood pressure down some but it is still


> Can all this be related to the ra and everything or what. Please


> me know what you guys think as I am sick of feeling like this.


> alot for everything

> Thanks

> Angie



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I had that problem about a year ago. My pulse would get up to 140+, and

my BP put me in the ER a couple time. After numerous test, there was no

diagnosis. It has since resolved itself. BP and pulse are fine and no

headaches now. The only two things that changed in the last year is I

moved, and stopped taking antidepressants and NSAID's. So my deductions

was that it either had something to do with the altitude where I used

to live, or it was a side effect of one of the medications.

Read the information that comes with your prescriptions. It may be a

side effect.

Hope it gets resolved. It can be really scary, I've been in the same

boat. And no one wants headaches!!!

I hope it all goes away very soon.



> Hi guys,


> I have a question for you all. My RA and fibro has been under


> since my doctor switched me to arava and added nuerontin. My


> is does anyone have problems with uncontrolled blood pressure, heart

> racing and severe headaches. I am currently seeing a new primary


> doctor and he got the blood pressure down some but it is still high.

> Can all this be related to the ra and everything or what. Please let

> me know what you guys think as I am sick of feeling like this.


> alot for everything

> Thanks

> Angie


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My rheummy had me to stop the Arava. She thinks that is the cause

of the BP elevation. I am to keep a log and get back to her in a

week. She already wanted me on injections (not sure which drug) so

that will be the next step. We had to try another low cost drug

before my insurance would approve it. This morning my headache is

not as servere. My inflammation was way, way down with the Arava, I

am not sure if that relates to the BP elevation though.

I sure hope that this is not the root of your BP problems, since it

appears that Arava is working for you.

Hoping a great day for all,


> >From: Angie

> >

> > Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:53 PM

> > Subject: [ ] question

> >

> > Hi guys,

> >

> > I have a question for you all. My RA and fibro has been under

> control

> > since my doctor switched me to arava and added nuerontin. My

> question

> > is does anyone have problems with uncontrolled blood pressure,

> heart

> > racing and severe headaches. I am currently seeing a new primary

> care

> > doctor and he got the blood pressure down some but it is still

> high.

> > Can all this be related to the ra and everything or what. Please

> let

> > me know what you guys think as I am sick of feeling like this.

> Thanks

> > alot for everything

> > Thanks

> > Angie

> >

> >

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Heidi M

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 5:23 PM, Barbara <bcreedon@...> wrote:


> Hi Pamela: Here are the RA meds I take: MTX .8 inject. 1x week,

> Placquinil 400 mg a day, Sulfasalazine 3000 mg. a day, Pred. 2.5mg

> every 3rd. day, and Leucovorin 10 mg 12 hours after my MTX shot.


> I also take Actonal cal. 1x a week, and 2 Cal/vit. D everyday. I

> have been on Pred. since the day I got diagnosed with RA. At times, I

> took as much as 60 mg. a day.


> I tried many times to get off Pred., but was never able to do so until

> now. I was on 10 mg for a very long time, so I have done the decreasing

> from 10 mg to 2.5 a day over a 2 month period.


> Pamela, Have you ever been of the Pred?


> I hope this info. helps. Wishing you pain free days.



> Hugs, Barbara


> > Heidi,

> > I have had that happen to me in my hands, feet and jaw. Also your my

> > hand and fingers would lock up and i would have to get up and run

> > them under warm water and rub as i did that. Sometimes it would take

> > a bit. Good Luck and hopefully it will not happen much..

> >

> > Also Barbara,

> > I seen you are down to a small amount of prednisone. What kind of

> > other meds are you taking ? I have been on a min of 5 mg and max of

> > 15mg a day for the last 24 years..

> > Pamela

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks Sue!! I have heard that too. Time will tell, and I am

> > praying

> > > that I will continue to feel good. My feet and ankles were the

> > worst,

> > > and it is just so wonderful to stand on my feet, and not feel any

> > pain

> > > at all.

> > >

> > > My Rheumy said this is due to all the RA meds. finally doing their

> > job.

> > > My last blood work showed I was in a bad flare, but I have no

> > visual or

> > > physical signs of it. I thank God, and for all the prayers my

> > family,

> > > friends, and everyone here, have said for me.

> > >

> > > Praying and wishing everyone here will have pain free days.

> > >

> > > Hugs, Barbara

> > >

> > >

> >




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Barbara and Group

Omg Barbara and group. I go off prednisone in one month. What if the

humira don't work. My rheumy told me she would only let me have

prednisone for a month. I hear people say they can't go off the

prednisone cause the pain returns. How do people get their rheumys to

keep them on prednisone? I see some people been taking prednisone for

10 years.


Clora May

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Hi Clora:

In my case, I was in such agony all over from the RA, the Pred. was the

only thing that helped. Everytime I tried to reduce the dose, my pain

etc. just got worse. My RA was running wild, and out of any control.

Plus, it took quite awhile to find the right meds, and then they had to

begin working, and doing their job. Without the high doses of Pred. I

could never have gotten out of bed, etc.

I am doing so good now, and will be off the Pred. Aug. 7th. I am very

thankful that I have gotten this far!!! Time will tell!!

Clora, I am so happy for you that you are starting to feel better.

Don't worry about the Pred. I am sure your Rheumy will give you a RX.

for Pred. if you need it. I wish you good luck when you start your

Biological med. in 2 weeks.

I leave tomorrow for Mass. to see my family and friends, and I will be

back Aug. 28th. I am so excited to be spending time with my little

granddaughters, who are 2 and 1 years old!! Woohoo!!!!

God Bless you, and everyone here. Wishing you all pain free days. I

will be praying for everyone here to feel better soon.

Hugs, Barbara


> Barbara and Group


> Omg Barbara and group. I go off prednisone in one month. What if the

> humira don't work. My rheumy told me she would only let me have

> prednisone for a month. I hear people say they can't go off the

> prednisone cause the pain returns. How do people get their rheumys to

> keep them on prednisone? I see some people been taking prednisone for

> 10 years.


> worried

> Clora May


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Clora, your rheumy probably told you that because you are diabetic.

Prednisone has been known to even cause non-diabetics to get the

disease. It really can do a number on your BG's, and diabetes is hard

enough to deal with anyway.

I think that the longer a person has been on prednisone, and the bigger

dose, the harder it is to get off. I guess the body forgets how to make

its own cortisol. I was on prednisone for just a few months, but when I

learned about all of the bad side effects, I weaned myself off of it.

I am hoping that the Humira will work so well that you won't need

prednisone. I certainly don't need any with Enbrel.


On Thursday, July 31, 2008, at 02:03 PM, CLORA wrote:


> Omg Barbara and group. I go off prednisone in one month. What if the

> humira don't work. My rheumy told me she would only let me have

> prednisone for a month. I hear people say they can't go off the

> prednisone cause the pain returns. How do people get their rheumys to

> keep them on prednisone? I see some people been taking prednisone for

> 10 years.

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You should be OK. Your doctor probably believes that you have a very

good chance of responding well to the Humira. It should also kick in

pretty quickly. And it may be she will renew the prednisone for a

week or too while waiting for the Humira to kick in. It's worth

asking about.


> Barbara and Group


> Omg Barbara and group. I go off prednisone in one month. What if the

> humira don't work. My rheumy told me she would only let me have

> prednisone for a month. I hear people say they can't go off the

> prednisone cause the pain returns. How do people get their rheumys


> keep them on prednisone? I see some people been taking prednisone


> 10 years.


> worried

> Clora May


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Barbara and Group

Awe, Thank you so much for them comforting words Barbara. I felt at

ease the second I read it. Oh wow grankids, they are such a joy. I

am so happy for you. You have the greatest time of your life I pray.

You read all the letters and put so much heart into them, and you

feel it. I feel so good now. the suffering is gone its like a

miracle. I can't understand why she couldnt do this a year ago.

Unless she thought I was faking the pain. I know she told me many

things like infections have to heal first. I am a tad bitter about

that. Suffering for a year.

Was it because I begin to walk like a very very old lady? Did she

finally help cause I complained so much about pain? My son n laws

mother is suffering and I believe all she gets is loretabs. Omg

loretabs done nothing for my pain. Well anyway go to see your family

and just enjoy your self. We will all be thinking of you Woo hoo

Barbara is going on a fun holiday

Gentle gentle hugs for everyone



> Hi Clora:


> In my case, I was in such agony all over from the RA, the Pred.

was the

> only thing that helped. Everytime I tried to reduce the dose, my


> etc. just got worse. My RA was running wild, and out of any


> Plus, it took quite awhile to find the right meds, and then they

had to

> begin working, and doing their job. Without the high doses of

Pred. I

> could never have gotten out of bed, etc.


> I am doing so good now, and will be off the Pred. Aug. 7th. I am


> thankful that I have gotten this far!!! Time will tell!!


> Clora, I am so happy for you that you are starting to feel better.

> Don't worry about the Pred. I am sure your Rheumy will give you a


> for Pred. if you need it. I wish you good luck when you start your

> Biological med. in 2 weeks.


> I leave tomorrow for Mass. to see my family and friends, and I

will be

> back Aug. 28th. I am so excited to be spending time with my little

> granddaughters, who are 2 and 1 years old!! Woohoo!!!!


> God Bless you, and everyone here. Wishing you all pain free

days. I

> will be praying for everyone here to feel better soon.


> Hugs, Barbara




> >

> > Barbara and Group

> >

> > Omg Barbara and group. I go off prednisone in one month. What if


> > humira don't work. My rheumy told me she would only let me have

> > prednisone for a month. I hear people say they can't go off the

> > prednisone cause the pain returns. How do people get their

rheumys to

> > keep them on prednisone? I see some people been taking

prednisone for

> > 10 years.

> >

> > worried

> > Clora May

> >


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Sue and Group

Your right I am a diabetic. Wow didnt know that prednisone could do


thanks so much



> Clora, your rheumy probably told you that because you are


> Prednisone has been known to even cause non-diabetics to get the

> disease. It really can do a number on your BG's, and diabetes is


> enough to deal with anyway.


> I think that the longer a person has been on prednisone, and the


> dose, the harder it is to get off. I guess the body forgets how to


> its own cortisol. I was on prednisone for just a few months, but

when I

> learned about all of the bad side effects, I weaned myself off of



> I am hoping that the Humira will work so well that you won't need

> prednisone. I certainly don't need any with Enbrel.


> Sue



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  • 1 month later...


I lost consciousness, but I have no idea for how long.

When I came to, I am driving down the road and a

wave of panic hit because I did not have full motor

control of my body and I really was confused and

was not sure where I was. I had trouble seeing and it took

all I could muster to stay between the lines. When

I finally realized where I was, I was able to slow down

and move to the side of the road. I was about a mile

from church.

I had a very bad headache for the next few hours and

I have been drinking Gatorade today, just in case it

was an electrolyte issue but I go into the clinic on

Thursday, so I will bring it up then.

Just hoping that someone else would step up and

say, " Oh yes, that happened to me and I started

drinking a bananas and acai berry smoothie for

breakfast and everything was fine. " But so far,

no comments like that.

Thank you all for your comments, though.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

In a message dated 9/14/2008 7:33:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

deh12@... writes:

Hi, Matt. I've never experienced that, but I've been lucky enough

not to get the nausea while driving. Sounds like a scary episode.

Did you actually lose consciousness, or was it more like a panic?

Warm wishes and prayers,

--- In _@..._ (mailto: ) , mtmaynor@...



> I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

> church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

> but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

> make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

> second and when I became aware again, I was

> kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

> hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

> was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

> to church. However, this has never happened to

> me before.


> One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

> somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

> of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

> just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.



> With the warmest regards,


> Matt

> CML of Florida

> Dx January of 2005

> Gleevec March of 2005

> Tasigna November of 2007

> Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club





> ************ **** ************<WBR>**Psssst.<WBR>..Have yo

fashion blog,

> plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> (_http://www.stylelishttp://www.sthttp://www.stylehttp://ww_

(http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014) )



> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


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It used to happen to me a lot, the nausea accompanied by a panic reaction. Then

I guess my system got used to it. It's worse if I have to get up early in the

morning to cover a meeting or event (I am a reporter). I would take a plastic

bag with me, and pull over the minute I felt the whole thing start. It used to

just make me feel miserable. Now, I just take the nausea for granted, and the

panic seems to have subsided. If I sleep in late enough, I seem to miss the

nausea too!

From: mtmaynor@...

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:27:28 -0400

Subject: [ ] Question

I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

second and when I became aware again, I was

kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

to church. However, this has never happened to

me before.

One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


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Hi Matt,

I don't know what your lapse means but I hope someone here might. I just wanted

to let you know I'm thinking of you. It's just awful to have something happen

and start imagining the worst possible things. How about a phone call to your

onc tomorrow? :)



[ ] Question

I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

second and when I became aware again, I was

kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

to church. However, this has never happened to

me before.

One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


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From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 2:26 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Question

Hi Matt,

I don't know what your lapse means but I hope someone here might. I just

wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you. It's just awful to have

something happen and start imagining the worst possible things. How about a

phone call to your onc tomorrow? :)



[ ] Question

I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

second and when I became aware again, I was

kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

to church. However, this has never happened to

me before.

One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.




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Hi ,

 When I take my Gleevec 400mgs.  I make sure it is a quiet environment, and I am


in a hurry like driving.  I take it with food sometimes as I believe I need to

eat more, and since I am a vegetarian, there seems like nothing too solid to

prevent a stomach upset

and or the nausea.

Normally I take the Gleevec at dinner time which can be any hour between 4:30PM,

or at 7:30PM.  Then I wait 3 hours to add many anti-oxidant, with Chinese Green

Tea, or quality bottle of room temperature water that has electrolytes


If I am going to panic, I know it will be vomiting it out!  So, that is why I

never is in the

RUSH mode, when I take this drug!

I hope this helps you!  Sometimes where ever you are you could pull over, and

set the

car in park, deep breathe through your nose, and exhale several times to let the


pass.  I find too if I drink really cold water this reduces the anxiety of



Dory Doggie

From: Rosen Lum <rrosenlum@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] Question

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 4:20 PM

It used to happen to me a lot, the nausea accompanied by a panic reaction. Then

I guess my system got used to it. It's worse if I have to get up early in the

morning to cover a meeting or event (I am a reporter). I would take a plastic

bag with me, and pull over the minute I felt the whole thing start. It used to

just make me feel miserable. Now, I just take the nausea for granted, and the

panic seems to have subsided. If I sleep in late enough, I seem to miss the

nausea too!

groups (DOT) com

From: mtmaynoraol (DOT) com

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:27:28 -0400

Subject: [ ] Question

I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

second and when I became aware again, I was

kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

to church. However, this has never happened to

me before.

One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

************ **Psssst. ..Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

(http://www.stylelis t.com/trends? ncid=aolsty00050 000000014)

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bottle of room temperature water that has electrolytes contained.

What is that and where can I buy water that has electrolytes ????? That is

what Ineed.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Dory


Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 4:04 PM

Subject: RE: [ ] Question

Hi ,

When I take my Gleevec 400mgs. I make sure it is a quiet environment, and

I am not

in a hurry like driving. I take it with food sometimes as I believe I need

to eat more, and since I am a vegetarian, there seems like nothing too solid

to prevent a stomach upset

and or the nausea.

Normally I take the Gleevec at dinner time which can be any hour between


or at 7:30PM. Then I wait 3 hours to add many anti-oxidant, with Chinese


Tea, or quality bottle of room temperature water that has electrolytes


If I am going to panic, I know it will be vomiting it out! So, that is why

I never is in the

RUSH mode, when I take this drug!

I hope this helps you! Sometimes where ever you are you could pull over,

and set the

car in park, deep breathe through your nose, and exhale several times to let

the nausea

pass. I find too if I drink really cold water this reduces the anxiety of



Dory Doggie

From: Rosen Lum <rrosenlumhotmail (DOT) <mailto:rrosenlum%40hotmail.com>


Subject: RE: [ ] Question

groups (DOT) <mailto:%40> com

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 4:20 PM

It used to happen to me a lot, the nausea accompanied by a panic reaction.

Then I guess my system got used to it. It's worse if I have to get up early

in the morning to cover a meeting or event (I am a reporter). I would take a

plastic bag with me, and pull over the minute I felt the whole thing start.

It used to just make me feel miserable. Now, I just take the nausea for

granted, and the panic seems to have subsided. If I sleep in late enough, I

seem to miss the nausea too!

groups (DOT) com

From: mtmaynoraol (DOT) com

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:27:28 -0400

Subject: [ ] Question

I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

second and when I became aware again, I was

kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

to church. However, this has never happened to

me before.

One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

************ **Psssst. ..Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion


plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

(http://www.stylelis t.com/trends? ncid=aolsty00050 000000014)

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You're the best, Dory. I'm going to start drinking green tea again! I forgot how

helpful it was.

From: hellodoggie0009@...

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:04:27 -0700

Subject: RE: [ ] Question

Hi ,

When I take my Gleevec 400mgs. I make sure it is a quiet environment, and I am


in a hurry like driving. I take it with food sometimes as I believe I need to

eat more, and since I am a vegetarian, there seems like nothing too solid to

prevent a stomach upset

and or the nausea.

Normally I take the Gleevec at dinner time which can be any hour between 4:30PM,

or at 7:30PM. Then I wait 3 hours to add many anti-oxidant, with Chinese Green

Tea, or quality bottle of room temperature water that has electrolytes


If I am going to panic, I know it will be vomiting it out! So, that is why I

never is in the

RUSH mode, when I take this drug!

I hope this helps you! Sometimes where ever you are you could pull over, and

set the

car in park, deep breathe through your nose, and exhale several times to let the


pass. I find too if I drink really cold water this reduces the anxiety of



Dory Doggie

From: Rosen Lum <rrosenlum@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] Question

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 4:20 PM

It used to happen to me a lot, the nausea accompanied by a panic reaction. Then

I guess my system got used to it. It's worse if I have to get up early in the

morning to cover a meeting or event (I am a reporter). I would take a plastic

bag with me, and pull over the minute I felt the whole thing start. It used to

just make me feel miserable. Now, I just take the nausea for granted, and the

panic seems to have subsided. If I sleep in late enough, I seem to miss the

nausea too!

groups (DOT) com

From: mtmaynoraol (DOT) com

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:27:28 -0400

Subject: [ ] Question

I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

second and when I became aware again, I was

kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

to church. However, this has never happened to

me before.

One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

************ **Psssst. ..Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

(http://www.stylelis t.com/trends? ncid=aolsty00050 000000014)

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Hi, Matt. I've never experienced that, but I've been lucky enough

not to get the nausea while driving. Sounds like a scary episode.

Did you actually lose consciousness, or was it more like a panic?

Warm wishes and prayers,


> I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

> church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

> but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

> make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

> second and when I became aware again, I was

> kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

> hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

> was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

> to church. However, this has never happened to

> me before.


> One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

> somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

> of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

> just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.



> With the warmest regards,


> Matt

> CML of Florida

> Dx January of 2005

> Gleevec March of 2005

> Tasigna November of 2007

> Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club





> **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

fashion blog,

> plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)




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 Dear Sharon,

Electrolytes can be the 4 basics, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.


qualtiy botlles of water should not have the sodium.  However, Smartwater has

vapor distilled water + eletroytes ( calcium chloride, magnesium chloride and

posstassim bicarbonate), all these ingredient seems to help me, with the cramps,

that sometimes

shows up with Gleevec.  I have also used: L-Carinitine  330 mgs. (which prevents

most of the cramps, I use to get when I was in a deep sleep.

Depending where you live.  There is the water that  Whitestone, N.Y. produces


 Smartwater, go to  www.glaceau.com. or call: 1877-GLACEAU  However, Coco Cola

now owns the water.  It is a clear transparent bottle with navy blue and white

print, it is known in N.Y. as the electrolyte enhanced water. I like it because

it has NO SUGAR in it, and no artificial and white sugar.  Which you probably

knows grows all cancer cells!

If you live in a large metropolitian and have Trader's Joe grocery store, they

bottled their

own trades name for a electrolyte enhanced water, that was less expensive then


Sometimes I find the Smartwater, in all these ethnic grocery stores.  We have


Italian's to the North, and at Caputo's & Vali's Grocery store, I find them

cheap, in

the later isle.  They also come in a sport bottle.  However, if you drive with

your water,

please do not forget to take it in where ever you go.  There is a controversey

now on

how plastic bottles when heated, turns into a bad hormone harming us, and


breast cancer.

Hope this helps you!

Dory Doggie

From: Rosen Lum <rrosenlumhotmail (DOT) <mailto:rrosenlum% 40hotmail. com>


Subject: RE: [ ] Question

groups (DOT) <mailto:% 40groups. com> com

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 4:20 PM

It used to happen to me a lot, the nausea accompanied by a panic reaction.

Then I guess my system got used to it. It's worse if I have to get up early

in the morning to cover a meeting or event (I am a reporter). I would take a

plastic bag with me, and pull over the minute I felt the whole thing start.

It used to just make me feel miserable. Now, I just take the nausea for

granted, and the panic seems to have subsided. If I sleep in late enough, I

seem to miss the nausea too!

groups (DOT) com

From: mtmaynoraol (DOT) com

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:27:28 -0400

Subject: [ ] Question

I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

second and when I became aware again, I was

kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

to church. However, this has never happened to

me before.

One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

************ **Psssst. ..Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion


plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

(http://www.stylelis t.com/trends? ncid=aolsty00050 000000014)

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Thanks Dory

We do have a Trader Joes and I will look for it. Very interesting.



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Dory


Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 4:56 PM

Subject: RE: [ ] Question

Dear Sharon,

Electrolytes can be the 4 basics, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.


qualtiy botlles of water should not have the sodium. However, Smartwater

has vapor distilled water + eletroytes ( calcium chloride, magnesium

chloride and posstassim bicarbonate), all these ingredient seems to help me,

with the cramps, that sometimes

shows up with Gleevec. I have also used: L-Carinitine 330 mgs. (which

prevents most of the cramps, I use to get when I was in a deep sleep.

Depending where you live. There is the water that Whitestone, N.Y.

produces called

Smartwater, go to www.glaceau.com. or call: 1877-GLACEAU However, Coco

Cola now owns the water. It is a clear transparent bottle with navy blue

and white print, it is known in N.Y. as the electrolyte enhanced water. I

like it because it has NO SUGAR in it, and no artificial and white sugar.

Which you probably knows grows all cancer cells!

If you live in a large metropolitian and have Trader's Joe grocery store,

they bottled their

own trades name for a electrolyte enhanced water, that was less expensive



Sometimes I find the Smartwater, in all these ethnic grocery stores. We

have the

Italian's to the North, and at Caputo's & Vali's Grocery store, I find them

cheap, in

the later isle. They also come in a sport bottle. However, if you drive

with your water,

please do not forget to take it in where ever you go. There is a

controversey now on

how plastic bottles when heated, turns into a bad hormone harming us, and


breast cancer.

Hope this helps you!

Dory Doggie

From: Rosen Lum <rrosenlumhotmail (DOT) <mailto:rrosenlum% 40hotmail.



Subject: RE: [ ] Question

groups (DOT) <mailto:% 40groups. com> com

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008, 4:20 PM

It used to happen to me a lot, the nausea accompanied by a panic reaction.

Then I guess my system got used to it. It's worse if I have to get up early

in the morning to cover a meeting or event (I am a reporter). I would take a

plastic bag with me, and pull over the minute I felt the whole thing start.

It used to just make me feel miserable. Now, I just take the nausea for

granted, and the panic seems to have subsided. If I sleep in late enough, I

seem to miss the nausea too!

groups (DOT) com

From: mtmaynoraol (DOT) com

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:27:28 -0400

Subject: [ ] Question

I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

second and when I became aware again, I was

kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

to church. However, this has never happened to

me before.

One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

************ **Psssst. ..Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion


plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

(http://www.stylelis t.com/trends? ncid=aolsty00050 000000014)

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I want to tell you, when I was on gleevec, I had early morning ( I go

to work at 6 am) episodes in which I blanked out while driving. I took

the meds right after breakfast. I remember feeling very light headed

and dizzy, thought I was going to pass out, and then they passed after

about 5 minutes ( which felt like 20) and then they were gone I have not

had them on tasigna. In fact, after 9 months, I am feeling pretty safe.

BUT I take tasigna at about 5 am in the morning on an empty stomach and

do not eat until 1 hour later. So I don't know if that has anything to

do with it or not. I did have nausea right before the episode.

I hope it subsides for you and that it is nothing but a glitch in


Be well,


> >

> > I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

> > church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

> > but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

> > make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

> > second and when I became aware again, I was

> > kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

> > hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

> > was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

> > to church. However, this has never happened to

> > me before.

> >

> > One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

> > somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

> > of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

> > just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

> >

> >

> > With the warmest regards,

> >

> > Matt

> > CML of Florida

> > Dx January of 2005

> > Gleevec March of 2005

> > Tasigna November of 2007

> > Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

> fashion blog,

> > plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

> >

> >

> >

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Thank you, that makes me feel much better

and my circumstances were almost exactly

like yours.

With the warmest regards,


CML of Florida

Dx January of 2005

Gleevec March of 2005

Tasigna November of 2007

Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

In a message dated 9/14/2008 10:27:48 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

barbarastanley@... writes:


I want to tell you, when I was on gleevec, I had early morning ( I go

to work at 6 am) episodes in which I blanked out while driving. I took

the meds right after breakfast. I remember feeling very light headed

and dizzy, thought I was going to pass out, and then they passed after

about 5 minutes ( which felt like 20) and then they were gone I have not

had them on tasigna. In fact, after 9 months, I am feeling pretty safe.

BUT I take tasigna at about 5 am in the morning on an empty stomach and

do not eat until 1 hour later. So I don't know if that has anything to

do with it or not. I did have nausea right before the episode.

I hope it subsides for you and that it is nothing but a glitch in


Be well,



> Hi, Matt. I've never experienced that, but I've been lucky enough

> not to get the nausea while driving. Sounds like a scary episode.

> Did you actually lose consciousness, or was it more like a panic?

> Warm wishes and prayers,


> --- In _@..._ (mailto: ) , mtmaynor@


> >

> > I have a sort of strange question. I was driving to

> > church this morning and began to feel very nauseous

> > but since I was driving, I struggled to hold it back. To

> > make a long story short, I sort of lost myself for a

> > second and when I became aware again, I was

> > kind of panicked and was having trouble getting a

> > hold of myself. After a few seconds I was fine and

> > was able to pull off, get my wits and continue on

> > to church. However, this has never happened to

> > me before.

> >

> > One explanation is that fighting back the nausea

> > somehow restricted my air flow and the lack

> > of oxygen caused the subsequent reaction. I was

> > just wondering if anyone else dealt with this before.

> >

> >

> > With the warmest regards,

> >

> > Matt

> > CML of Florida

> > Dx January of 2005

> > Gleevec March of 2005

> > Tasigna November of 2007

> > Number 1078 in the Esteemed Zavie Zero Club

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ************ ******** ************<WBR>**Psssst.<WBR>..Have you h

> fashion blog,

> > plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> > (_http://www.stylelishttp://www.sthttp://www.stylehttp://ww_

(http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014) )

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

> >


**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.


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