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RE: Re: THR dislocation after 4 months!

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Shalom Margaret,

So sorry to hear about your disclocation. What a miserable thing to have to go

through. And getting the doctor to admit he did something wrong is pretty

amazing in itself. No matter what compensation you get it is not going to erase

the pain you have been suffering. My heart goes out to you.

Please know that we are all thinking of you and hoping to hear positive notes on

your recovery.

All the best and l'hitraot,


THR 4 July 08

> From: Lynn Badler <coalvilleut@...>

> Subject: Re: THR dislocation after 4 months!

> Joint Replacement

> Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 4:21 PM

> Oh Margaret, I'm so sorry. What a horrendous experience.

> I'll pray

> for your successful second surgery. Thanks for the warning

> about not

> recovering quickly: sounds like that is a definite warning

> signal.

> Lynn


> >

> > Imagine a worst nightmare scenario. You go to bed as

> normal one

> evening -

> > and wake in the middle of the night to agonising pain

> in your hip,

> and

> > completely unable to move your leg or get out of bed.

> >

> >

> >

> > This happened to me last Saturday night. My hip

> prosthesis

> completely

> > dislocated while I was sleeping. (this was a LTHR

> done on 4th

> August at

> > Poriya Hospital in north Israel, where I live.) I

> woke up at 3am

> to sudden

> > sharp pain in my hip, and with no control over my leg

> (which

> nevertheless

> > moved itself into an outward bent position). Luckily

> I have an

> emergency

> > alarm button by my bed (I am 65 and live alone) - I

> managed to

> reach and

> > press the button - the ambulance arrived quickly and

> took me on

> stretcher to

> > the local hospital ER - they did x-rays, found the hip

> dislocated,

> and

> > transferred me in another ambulance to the hospital

> where the

> original

> > surgery was done. In the afternoon I was taken into

> the operating

> room,

> > where a " closed reduction " was done under

> spinal anaesthesia (in

> other

> > words, they got the joint back into place without

> cutting me

> open). They

> > kept me in bed for 3 days with my leg in traction,

> then discharged

> me home

> > yesterday. They warned me that my hip is now very

> instable, and

> could

> > dislocate again at any time if I'm not careful.

> So I'm now back on

> a

> > walking frame, with all the old restrictions again (as

> for the 6

> weeks

> > following the original surgery). They told me to

> return on Sunday

> 28th Dec

> > for further surgery - revision of the prosthesis cup.

> Meanwhile to

> be very

> > careful and do as little activity as possible.

> >

> >

> >

> > The surgeon explained to me what had happened. First,

> the socket

> cup had

> > been incorrectly positioned in the acetabulum during

> the original

> surgery.

> > (He admits this was due to his mistake!!!) Since

> then, the cup had

> > shifted, so that instead of fitting snugly within the

> acetabulum,

> it was

> > partially projecting out. Then, last Saturday, the

> ball had

> completely come

> > out of the socket. [no wonder I was in agony!!]

> The closed

> reduction

> > got the ball back into the socket (and relieved my

> pain). Now,

> revision

> > surgery is required to reposition the cup correctly

> and fix it

> firmly.

> >

> >

> >

> > I guess this explains my slow recovery progress -

> before the

> dislocation, I

> > was still limping and needed to use a cane for

> walking. (despite

> all the

> > PT, swimming, water exercises I had been doing - which

> did help a

> lot in

> > strengthening my muscles - but didn't entirely

> return my walking to

> normal.)

> > And I had been getting some muscle pain especially

> around the top

> of my

> > thigh, whenever I overdid things - walked too far or

> moved too

> vigorously in

> > the pool. My PT told me some time ago that she

> suspected the

> surgery

> > hadn't been done properly, and she had been urging

> me to get a

> second

> > opinion - but I decided to wait and give the swimming

> a chance - I

> had been

> > going to the pool 4 times a week, and did feel

> definite

> improvement; and I

> > had been due for another follow-up appointment with my

> surgeon next

> Sunday.

> >

> >

> >

> > Tomorrow I am going for a second opinion to another

> orthopedic

> surgeon in

> > Haifa (recommended by my PT, and with the knowledge of

> my first

> surgeon).

> > I shall have to go by taxi, as I can't drive at

> present. The

> hospital have

> > given me the CD with my x-rays on it; so I'll see

> what he has to

> say. Then

> > I'll have to consider my options and decide

> whether to return and

> have the

> > revision surgery done at the same hospital and by the

> same surgeon;

> or

> > whether I have an option to have it done at another

> hospital (which

> will

> > involve travelling further and probably also a longer

> wait).

> And of

> > course, later, I intend to claim for compensation

> against the

> hospital for

> > medical negligence..... but my first priority is to

> get it put

> right.

> >

> >

> >

> > Needless to say, i am extremely disappointed!!!

> Just when I

> thought I was

> > nearly recovered and getting back to normal life and

> activities -

> now,

> > suddenly, all that has to be put on hold, and I shall

> have to

> undergo the

> > whole process all over again - surgery, rehab,

> recovery,

> healing.....

> > The muscles that have so recently healed will have to

> be cut

> again....

> > (will they heal so well a second time??) Luckily,

> the lower part

> of the

> > prosthesis seems to be OK, it is only the cup that has

> to be

> corrected - so

> > my surgeon says that the surgery will be shorter [and

> I hope less

> invasive]

> > than the original surgery, and the rehab and recovery

> time hopefully

> > quicker. [Thankfully my muscles are now strong due

> to all the

> exercise

> > I've been doing!]

> >

> >

> >

> > My own general doctor is very supportive and

> sympathetic - she

> phoned me

> > this morning. She says it's a very rare

> occurrence, and she was

> surprised -

> > this surgeon has a very good reputation, and she has

> had several

> patients

> > who had hip replacements done by him without any

> complications;

> mine is the

> > first she's heard of.

> >

> >

> >

> > My word of advice to anyone else who may be

> experiencing

> > slower-than-expected recovery or pain after THR - get

> it checked!

> If I had

> > taken my PT's advice, and sought a second opinion

> earlier, maybe

> this could

> > have been spotted at an earlier stage, before it

> actually

> dislocated.

> > (though I guess revision surgery would still have been

> required to

> correct

> > the original mistake - nevertheless it could have been

> planned, and

> I

> > wouldn't have had to undergo the shock and trauma

> of a sudden

> unexpected

> > dislocation!)

> >

> >

> >

> > Has anyone else undergone a similar experience?

> >

> >

> >

> > Margaret

> >

> > Galilee, Israel

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks, Lynn.

I went to Haifa by taxi last Friday for second opinion from Dr Levin

- his website http://www.hipsurgery.co.il/english/DrLevin.htm

(Wish I'd known of him earlier..... but I followed the recommendations of

my local doctors in choosing to go where I did.... )

He examined my exrays in great detail, an d measured precisely all the

angles with a special program - drawing and dragging green lines

superimposed on my xrays on his computer screen.

He confirmed that the cup had been placed at the wrong angle.

He wrote a letter to my OS with his findings and recommendations re the

revision surgery - to replace the cup and the ball.

He also phoned my OS while I was there, and had long technical chat with him

(re type of cup, type and size of ball....)

So I hope all will go well this time! I am sure my OS will be

*super-careful* in correcting his mistake.....

[seeking another hospital / surgeon at this stage simply isn't a practical

option for me.]

Will post update after I get back home. (am going into hospital Sunday 28

Dec - surgery the next day.)


From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of Lynn Badler

Sent: 20 December 2008 23:22

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: THR dislocation after 4 months!

Oh Margaret, I'm so sorry. What a horrendous experience. I'll pray

for your successful second surgery. Thanks for the warning about not

recovering quickly: sounds like that is a definite warning signal.



> Imagine a worst nightmare scenario. You go to bed as normal one

evening -

> and wake in the middle of the night to agonising pain in your hip,


> completely unable to move your leg or get out of bed.




> This happened to me last Saturday night. My hip prosthesis


> dislocated while I was sleeping.

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Thanks Anne! I'll keep the list updated on my recovery.

It is so frustrating to have to go through this all over again.........

just when I thought I was at last getting my lifeback.......

Chag Sameah!


From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of a smith

Sent: 21 December 2008 00:50

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: Re: THR dislocation after 4 months!

Shalom Margaret,

So sorry to hear about your disclocation. What a miserable thing to have to

go through. And getting the doctor to admit he did something wrong is pretty

amazing in itself. No matter what compensation you get it is not going to

erase the pain you have been suffering. My heart goes out to you.

Please know that we are all thinking of you and hoping to hear positive

notes on your recovery.

All the best and l'hitraot,


THR 4 July 08

> From: Lynn Badler <coalvilleut@... <mailto:coalvilleut%40>


> Subject: Re: THR dislocation after 4 months!

> Joint Replacement

<mailto:Joint Replacement%40>

> Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 4:21 PM

> Oh Margaret, I'm so sorry. What a horrendous experience.

> I'll pray

> for your successful second surgery. Thanks for the warning

> about not

> recovering quickly: sounds like that is a definite warning

> signal.

> Lynn


> >

> > Imagine a worst nightmare scenario. You go to bed as

> normal one

> evening -

> > and wake in the middle of the night to agonising pain

> in your hip,

> and

> > completely unable to move your leg or get out of bed.

> >

> >

> >

> > This happened to me last Saturday night. My hip

> prosthesis

> completely

> > dislocated while I was sleeping. (this was a LTHR

> done on 4th

> August at

> > Poriya Hospital in north Israel, where I live.) I

> woke up at 3am

> to sudden

> > sharp pain in my hip, and with no control over my leg

> (which

> nevertheless

> > moved itself into an outward bent position). Luckily

> I have an

> emergency

> > alarm button by my bed (I am 65 and live alone) - I

> managed to

> reach and

> > press the button - the ambulance arrived quickly and

> took me on

> stretcher to

> > the local hospital ER - they did x-rays, found the hip

> dislocated,

> and

> > transferred me in another ambulance to the hospital

> where the

> original

> > surgery was done. In the afternoon I was taken into

> the operating

> room,

> > where a " closed reduction " was done under

> spinal anaesthesia (in

> other

> > words, they got the joint back into place without

> cutting me

> open). They

> > kept me in bed for 3 days with my leg in traction,

> then discharged

> me home

> > yesterday. They warned me that my hip is now very

> instable, and

> could

> > dislocate again at any time if I'm not careful.

> So I'm now back on

> a

> > walking frame, with all the old restrictions again (as

> for the 6

> weeks

> > following the original surgery). They told me to

> return on Sunday

> 28th Dec

> > for further surgery - revision of the prosthesis cup.

> Meanwhile to

> be very

> > careful and do as little activity as possible.

> >

> >

> >

> > The surgeon explained to me what had happened. First,

> the socket

> cup had

> > been incorrectly positioned in the acetabulum during

> the original

> surgery.

> > (He admits this was due to his mistake!!!) Since

> then, the cup had

> > shifted, so that instead of fitting snugly within the

> acetabulum,

> it was

> > partially projecting out. Then, last Saturday, the

> ball had

> completely come

> > out of the socket. [no wonder I was in agony!!]

> The closed

> reduction

> > got the ball back into the socket (and relieved my

> pain). Now,

> revision

> > surgery is required to reposition the cup correctly

> and fix it

> firmly.

> >

> >

> >

> > I guess this explains my slow recovery progress -

> before the

> dislocation, I

> > was still limping and needed to use a cane for

> walking. (despite

> all the

> > PT, swimming, water exercises I had been doing - which

> did help a

> lot in

> > strengthening my muscles - but didn't entirely

> return my walking to

> normal.)

> > And I had been getting some muscle pain especially

> around the top

> of my

> > thigh, whenever I overdid things - walked too far or

> moved too

> vigorously in

> > the pool. My PT told me some time ago that she

> suspected the

> surgery

> > hadn't been done properly, and she had been urging

> me to get a

> second

> > opinion - but I decided to wait and give the swimming

> a chance - I

> had been

> > going to the pool 4 times a week, and did feel

> definite

> improvement; and I

> > had been due for another follow-up appointment with my

> surgeon next

> Sunday.

> >

> >

> >

> > Tomorrow I am going for a second opinion to another

> orthopedic

> surgeon in

> > Haifa (recommended by my PT, and with the knowledge of

> my first

> surgeon).

> > I shall have to go by taxi, as I can't drive at

> present. The

> hospital have

> > given me the CD with my x-rays on it; so I'll see

> what he has to

> say. Then

> > I'll have to consider my options and decide

> whether to return and

> have the

> > revision surgery done at the same hospital and by the

> same surgeon;

> or

> > whether I have an option to have it done at another

> hospital (which

> will

> > involve travelling further and probably also a longer

> wait).

> And of

> > course, later, I intend to claim for compensation

> against the

> hospital for

> > medical negligence..... but my first priority is to

> get it put

> right.

> >

> >

> >

> > Needless to say, i am extremely disappointed!!!

> Just when I

> thought I was

> > nearly recovered and getting back to normal life and

> activities -

> now,

> > suddenly, all that has to be put on hold, and I shall

> have to

> undergo the

> > whole process all over again - surgery, rehab,

> recovery,

> healing.....

> > The muscles that have so recently healed will have to

> be cut

> again....

> > (will they heal so well a second time??) Luckily,

> the lower part

> of the

> > prosthesis seems to be OK, it is only the cup that has

> to be

> corrected - so

> > my surgeon says that the surgery will be shorter [and

> I hope less

> invasive]

> > than the original surgery, and the rehab and recovery

> time hopefully

> > quicker. [Thankfully my muscles are now strong due

> to all the

> exercise

> > I've been doing!]

> >

> >

> >

> > My own general doctor is very supportive and

> sympathetic - she

> phoned me

> > this morning. She says it's a very rare

> occurrence, and she was

> surprised -

> > this surgeon has a very good reputation, and she has

> had several

> patients

> > who had hip replacements done by him without any

> complications;

> mine is the

> > first she's heard of.

> >

> >

> >

> > My word of advice to anyone else who may be

> experiencing

> > slower-than-expected recovery or pain after THR - get

> it checked!

> If I had

> > taken my PT's advice, and sought a second opinion

> earlier, maybe

> this could

> > have been spotted at an earlier stage, before it

> actually

> dislocated.

> > (though I guess revision surgery would still have been

> required to

> correct

> > the original mistake - nevertheless it could have been

> planned, and

> I

> > wouldn't have had to undergo the shock and trauma

> of a sudden

> unexpected

> > dislocation!)

> >

> >

> >

> > Has anyone else undergone a similar experience?

> >

> >

> >

> > Margaret

> >

> > Galilee, Israel

> >

> >

> >

> >

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