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Cannabis Breast Cancer Recovery 2010 to doc appt significally reduced to now

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Dear Group,

I wanted to wait until I could show you direct proof of about what I am

about to say. It may be hard to hear but it is none the less the truth.

Remember I said that I had not heard any of you using the same thing the


used 7 out of 9 cancers to cure me. It is all natural but it is rather

controversial. I have been in cancer studies since 1979 for this. This June

will be my 31 year anniversary in these studies though I have danced with

cancer 34 years. This time since they doubled my dosage from olden days since

my body had become immune to the original dosages it is working just as

quickly and just as well.

I wanted to update you on my cannabis cancer cure... using a couple

supplements, 2 specific digestive enzymes, coconut oil and juice, good diet,


electromagnetic device. I was finally able to get a small comparison of

the original cancer this time in which the doctor said significantly

reduced... The final picture is now after the doubled dosage.... The images are

very tactfully cropped for privacy and dignity purposes. I hope you will all

understand.... The reasoning... to see the updates on my head see my site at


(http://www.lynnicewedewer.com/id11.html) click on them to enlarge Do nto

think you can go out and just

inhale it to gain these results. You have to inhale, juice raw, eat it, and

wear it topically. I hope I have supplied enough proof that you can

understand why I did not mention it first. I wanted to show you so you could


for yourself if it cures or not. I am helping with legislation to be

reenacted here in Iowa we hope next year though I remain legal the rest of my



This is my cancer cure story to see the rest go to _www.lynnicewedewer.com_

(http://www.lynnicewedewer.com/) or _www.cannabishumand.org_

(http://www.cannabishumand.org/) which is my research site. This and my books


1/3 of my research for 31 years in this area. I hope it will be the cure

you have prayed for as it was mine all these years. I thank God for his plant

of renown that in the bible states the leaves can heal all nations. I am

living proof this is true.

My name is Lynnice Wedewer, PhD; I have been a legal cannabis user for

almost 31 years now this June 2011. I am one of the original children just

barely adults, that the Iowa 1979 marijuana bill was written for and was

written to protect these same five children for life. The original study opened

in June- July 1980- 1981.

We were cancer prone our bodies could not stop cancer production on its

own. One of the cannabinoids was found to stop cancer production and in this

first study they learned cannabis was a neuro-protectant and antioxidant.

There is so much we know today about cannabis that these studies paved the

way for. Many kids and individuals died when now we know how we could have

helped them better. They lost their lives so that we now could have a better

understanding of how cannabis can assist cancer patients. I know I am one

of them that lived due to my prescription. I realize this testimony is

lengthy but I hope you will take the time to read the whole story to gain a new

perspective on marijuana and what 30 years of treatments and cancers has

taught me. I am most likely one of the longest legal medical cannabis

therapeutic users.

You will hear me testify in detail to the fact I cannot have any more

radiation treatments for cancer, as I had all of them I could at a teen age.

You will further hear me testify that I cannot take chemotherapy because I am

allergic to 5-7 kinds in fact causing heart failure within less then or up

to 1 dose. You will in addition find I am and have cured in major part

because of medical marijuana. You will hear me testify and see proof that I

have been a legal marijuana user for cancer since 1980 in Iowa. You will see

in this testimony parts of my medical records that support this.

Note under HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: (bottom paragraph) This shows

proof I currently have breast cancer and it is significantly deceased in size.

You will see that what I used at this time to stop its growth and decrease

the size was only cannabis, organic healthy diet low in protein, specific

digestive enzymes, diatomaceous earth, and a few supplements. Medical

Cannabis is and has been the mainstay of my cancer care plan or protocols for

many years now and 6 cancers.

This shows proof I did in fact have Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1979-1981 in

which the study I was first in was conducted that the Iowa 1979 law was

written. I will testify in detail regarding this below and the outline of my

prescription at that time and currently for my current cancer.

The images above, lists my cancer history in short detail. It does not

detail all cancer found each time only the “opening cancer†not where it

spread to during the course of putting git into remission. You will hear me

testify that the reason for the large gaps in time in-between them is due to

my cannabis prescription. When I stop my body is vulnerable.

From these images above are taken from my last heart tests from the

University of Iowa Hospital medical records. You can see I did indeed have


and was treated for Hodgkins Disease, this is the cancer I had during the

original Cancer study in 1980 in which the 1979 Iowa marijuana law was

written, and was further protected by the federal marijuana laws.

Below is a copy from this same record which shows I am still a legal

medical cannabis user for my cancer, I have currently. Look under clinical


This image taken from my medical records I carry in my purse at all times

proves I am in fact a legal medical cannabis user.

I am still alive, in which modern medicine cannot explain off easily

without admitting that natural cannabis if smoked and eaten as medicine has the

ability to cure. Then they would also have to admit that at least 2 of the

children died who were the ones who choose to take the pill form of

cannabis. I still today thank God I listened and choose the natural herbal


by God, and why I am still alive today.

You may not think this to be true. I would have to ask you then; why do

AIDS/HIV individuals die of a failing immune system, I have less then they

do? Interesting question when you look at it in retrospect. They also have a

spleen, I do not and have not since I was 14 years old as you will read

later in this testimony. This is your bodies’ natural filtering system and a

major part of the immune system, any medical professional reading this knows

it to be true.

I am sure that is not popular to understand though everyone may be willing

to give merit to its medical properties. Not many will admit it can

actually cure. But I can and will. Taking away this law will cause me directly

to die also, and it will be a slow and painful death in which I have been

spared because of cannabis and that bill.

My first cancer was the vaccine induced Hodgkin's lymphoma disease. This

was considered the old timers disease, I was 14 years old with hybrid blood.

It was the SV40 virus that started my history with cancer and vaccine laws

that require mandated vaccines without testing.

I was born in 1962. I was around 12-13 years old when I received a series

of 3-5 vaccines in a gun. I received this vaccine contaminated with SV40

virus years after they already knew these vaccines were risky and causing

issues. Over my life that first cancer wakes up in various parts of my body.

They never killed it, only put it into remission (asleep). The cannabis

helps my body keep it asleep. There are only a few things that can totally kill

the SV40 virus, vitamin B 17 is one of them.

In 1960, it was determined that the _rhesus monkey_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhesus_monkey) kidney cells used to prepare the


vaccines were infected with the _SV40_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SV40)


(Simian Virus-40)._[47]_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-SV-46) SV40 was also

discovered in 1960 and is a naturally occurring

_virus_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virus) that infects monkeys. In 1961,

SV40 was found to cause tumors in _rodents_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodent) ._[48]_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-Eddy_1961-47) More

recently, the virus was found in certain forms of _cancer_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer) in humans first discovered in 1976-1981,

for instance _brain_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_tumor) and _bone

tumors_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_tumor) , _mesotheliomas_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesothelioma) , and some types of _non- and


lymphoma_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Hodgkin's_lymphoma) ._[49]_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-48) _[50]_ (ht

tp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-49) However, it has not


determined that SV40 causes these cancers._[51]_


In fact my medicals records should prove this is in fact true. It was at

Junior High School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa I received my shot in the

dark. I did not want it and even begged not to have it, yet I was forced

into the line at school to receive my vaccine gun shot and polio vaccines. I

reacted badly, I got so sick.

In 1960, it was determined that the _rhesus monkey_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhesus_monkey) kidney cells used to prepare the


vaccines were infected with the _SV40_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SV40)


(Simian Virus-40)._[47]_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-SV-46) SV40 was also

discovered in 1960 and is a naturally occurring

_virus_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virus) that infects monkeys. In 1961,

SV40 was found to cause tumors in _rodents_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodent) ._[48]_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-Eddy_1961-47) More

recently, the virus was found in certain forms of _cancer_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer) in humans, for instance _brain_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_tumor) and _bone tumors_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_tumor) , _mesotheliomas_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesothelioma) , and some types of _non-Hodgkin's


(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Hodgkin's_lymphoma) ._[49]_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-48) _[50]_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-49) However, it has not

been determined that SV40 causes these

cancers._[51]_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-Engels-50)

SV40 was found to be present in stocks of the injected form of the polio

vaccine (IPV) in use between 1955 to 1963._[47]_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-SV-46) It is not found

in the OPV form._[47]_

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#cite_note-SV-46) Over 98

million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine between 1955 to

1963 when a proportion of vaccine was contaminated with SV40; it has been

estimated that 10–30 million Americans may have received a dose of vaccine

contaminated with SV40.

This doctor was about to perform my first cancer surgery at 14 years old,

to remove a cyst which was about a golf ball sized tumor from one of my

ovaries, a tumor softball sized on my chest, and a tumor baseball sized in my

neck, my entire spleen had to be removed as it was completely filled and

ready to burst of cancer. As they removed it from my body it actually did

burst. The doctor in addition found a few small pieces on other tissues, they

wanted to catch it early in which a partial ovary was taken and 1 and a

half ovary remained. So much was taken from my teen body that day it is a

miracle I even lived.

When I was 17 years old they Dr Hass of Mercy Hospital found cancer again

and had a conversation with my fiancee and myself stating if we wanted to

have children I would have to get pregnant quickly. I did, we wanted

children badly. Hoping I could beat the odds and the baby would be born before


cancer got out of control and my chances of ever having a child. I was

fighting the University of Iowa not to do a surgery that might hurt the fetus

growing within me.

My personal doctor Dr. E Reinertson, MD, was the first doctor who

prescribed Cannabis originally for me. He called Dr. Weisenfield and

asked him to take my case while I was there. Dr said that Dr.

Weisenfield was about to start a study for Children with my cancer and he would


me. He then told me what my prescription was to be and that the

prescription would change over to the study once I was transitioned and all


was completed.

I have to admit I was shocked, mouth almost to the floor and eyes bugged

out. I could first of all not believe what I was hearing Cannabis I was told

to believe like you, that it was a bad thing, evil, it can hurt you. I

asked him but how was I going to get this I am no druggie.

On many occasions my father would have to hold my head up and hold the

joint or pipe for me up to my mouth. I was projectile vomiting and would

almost break my nose on the toilet. It was with such force as my body was

totally rejecting their medicine that I thought in puking I would die alone. I

would splash 4-5 foot back into my face.

This is not an exaggeration this is the cold hard truth. It was gross,

the smell of the radiation smells like death, it alone was enough to make me

puke for weeks. I still cannot handle going in that area of the Hall Mar

Radiation Center in Mercy Hospital without my stomach reacting to it.

He made an appointment for about 2 weeks later in which I would be placed

into the hospital and given chemotherapy. The cannabis really helped. It

gave me strength, it helped me sleep, it instantly as it was building up in

my system changing my over all feeling. I was not so sick.

Then came the chemo, I believe the first was alkeran. I was so allergic to

it they had to stop the first dose and reverse it. I should mention the

same thing happened each time they tried another " brand " of the year with

various cancers such as lukeran (sp?). The doctors would always state this one

is different, you may not react, it is their newest and best. My body

would not accept it on any level not any kind. The final time I was admitted

for three days because they almost could not save me.

Over the next few years as I said I was found in remission several

different times, I attribute this to the cannabis each time, and each cancer.


I had more then one form of cancer in my lifetime. Because of the stigma

surrounding cannabis no matter how much I realized my body " required " it so

I did not develop cancer, as my body did not have it ability to do that on

it's own anymore, something broke that ability. I also realized and know

that each time if I eat and smoke cannabis if I produce cancer, I will be

cured of it.

Sometimes I would get stubborn in my life and stop smoking it for great

periods of time. Not once was I addicted to it. I could stop at any time I

wanted. The problem was my body required cannabis to live and on a daily

basis stop the ability of my body to produce cancer. You will see this in my

medical record. If I smoked it I would remain cancer free until a period of

time after I quit. If I continued I would get no cancer. (note the above

medical record and dates for proof)

When I was in remission months to years later I would stop. You have to

remember at first I did not want to do it because of what " we all were

taught " cannabis is a bad thing. Yet, I knew in my heart it wasn't. I spent


nights struggling with this. Why would God make something evil be the only

thing that seemed to cure me every time? Of course God did no such thing

and cannabis is good like God.

You need to understand that each time I quit smoking cannabis because I

did not want to take it for life, it was a matter of time and my body

developed another form of cancer. This was an extension of cancers gone by. It


only asleep and was silently hiding in my body. This is why it is so easy

for my body to recreate it, it just takes a trigger to “wake it upâ€. With

it, after a period of time I had it no more. Are you seeing a pattern here?

Many people ask me how I can prove cannabis cures cancer. Below are some

shocking images taken just over the past two months that shows incredible

reduction in the cancer on her head (only) showing the difference cannabis,

specific digestive enzymes, diatomaceous earth, a few other natural things,

with a good nutrient pack organic diet cures cancer.

After seeing these images you have to ask yourself why is there not a cure

for cancer? Why is cannabis illegal? Why is not cannabis used to cure all

cancer patients? We promise to do no harm first, is that not the oath the

medical community takes. Is this policy upheld? Then again ask yourself why?

Money... you are correct.

They attempt to claim there are no benefits, is this true? Let's look at

facts, then you yourself make an educated guess.

Below is a portion of an upcoming key note speech by Lynnice Wedewer,

Ph.D. (See download for her Iowa legislative testimony regarding cancer and

medical cannabis)

Medical Cannabis Can Cure Cancer

By: Lynnice Wedewer, Ph.D.

Currently, there are over 892,700 GRAND TOTAL COLLECTIVE Recorded Medical

Deficiencies in the human body of cannabinoids Clinical Trails, Medical

Studies, Abstracts, and Articles (PubMed) AND United States Department of

Heath and U.S. Governmental Patents (PatentStorm)

7,186,075 GRAND TOTAL COLLECTIVE Natural Cannabis Plant Proven Benefits

Recorded Medical Deficiencies in the human body of cannabinoids Clinical

Trails, Medical Studies, Abstracts, and Articles (PubMed) AND United States

Department of Heath and U.S. Governmental Patents (PatentStorm) Note: The

break down will be available after my keynote speech on May 7. 2011

Each documents list a minimum of 2-5 benefits each. Bring the total to a

staggering amount. There is no one item in history with this much positive

documented proof.

The question you should ask yourself is clear at this point. Could this be

very well the one herbal God speaks of in the bible that could heal all

nations of all things. It appears by medical and scientific " PROOF " that it

may very well indeed be.

Yet, vaccines and pharmaceuticals have side effects, can cause damage, or

even death. Does God not warn us that any likeness could do just this. In

the bible it is written clearly that this would in fact be the case.

Did you know that in the United States Congressional Autism and Vaccine

hearings it was brought to the congressional teams attention that there had

only been one vaccine safety test that made all vaccines safe. There was no

follow up to this original study. This is unheard of in the medical

community. Yet during those hearing after investigation into the study

participants most were found to have died within the first 12 months some

lasted a few

months more. Yet today we are still mandated to vaccine our children, our

elderly, and our military with medical and scientifically prove unsafe

vaccines. Again you should ask yourself what is the purpose behind this

practice, and how stands to gain. These are the facts, google this information


encourage you to MAKE ONLY INFORMED DECISIONS. Ask lots of questions from

everyone, do not even just take my word for it. Prove it to yourself.

FACTS DIRECTED QUOTED FROM: Medical Marijuana Studies and US Department

of Health and Governmental Patents:

Marijuana Cannabinoid Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabidiol (CBD), is a major constituent of medical cannabis. CBD

represents up to 40% of extracts of the medical cannabis plant. Cannabidiol

relieves convulsion, inflammation, anxiety, nausea, and inhibits cancer cell

growth. Recent studies have shown cannabidiol to be as effective as atypical

antipsychotics in treating schizophrenia. Because cannabidiol relieves the

aforementioned symptoms, cannabis strains with a high amount of CBD would be

ideal for people with multiple sclerosis, frequent anxiety attacks and

Tourette syndrome. Cannabidiol is shown to decrease activity of the limbic

system and to decrease social isolation induced by THC.

In November 2007, it was reported that CBD reduces growth of aggressive

human breast cancer cells in vitro and reduces their invasiveness. Cannabis

keeps in check inflammation as cancer dies, controls nausea associated to

cancer. In addition it causes T4 Cells to thrive.

Marijuana Cannabinoid Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (is the active

alkaloid in Cannabis) A Harvard study released on April 17, 2007 shows that

the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, cuts tumor growth in common lung

cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to

spread. In studies tumors were reduced in size and weight by about 50 - 60

percent as well as a significant reduction in protein markers associated with

cancer progression.

Researchers from Complutense University in Madrid have found that “the

active component of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, causes

cancerdefine cells to undergo a process called autophagy. This is the breakdown


occurs when the cell essentially self-digests. " THC causes brain cancer

cells to undergo a process called autophagy in which cells feed upon

themselves, according to the study

Co-author of the Madrid study Guillermo Velasco and colleagues at

Complutense University in Spain. After a 26- to 30-day THC treatment regimen.


found that THC eliminated the cancer cells while leaving healthy cells

intact. The team also made another discovery when they tracked the signaling

route by which this process was activated.

" We found that the anti-tumoral action of THC is based on its ability to

activate an intracellular signaling pathway that promotes the activation of

a cellular process called 'autophagy'. The activation of this pathway leads

to cancer cell death, " revealed Guillermo Velasco. The researchers

declared that the work shows how " a new family of potential antitumoral agent "

exists among THC and is related to cannabinoids.

(April 2009 issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation)

Autophagy is the process of self-digestion by a cell through the action of

enzymes originating within the same cell.

The cannabinoids tested by the Spanish team are thought to work against

prostate cancer because they block a receptor, or molecular doorway, on the

surface of tumour cells. This stops them from dividing. In effect, the

cancer cell receptors can recognize and " talk to " chemicals found in cannabis

The process of self-digestion by a cell through the action of enzymes

originating within the same cell.

Marijuana cigarettes have been used to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea

and vomiting, activate appetite, while suppressing wasting. Research has

shown that THC is more quickly absorbed from marijuana smoke than from an

oral preparation. (National Cancer Institute (NCI) scientists and The

Institute of Medicine (IOM), part of the National Academy of Sciences). The IOM

project was funded by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

The IOM released its report on March 17, 1999.

Chemicals found in cannabis could prove an effective treatment for the

inflammatory bowel diseases. Laboratory tests have shown that two compounds

found in the cannabis plant -- the cannabinoids THC and cannabidiol --

interact with the body's system that controls gut function. Dr ,


Trust Lecturer in Biomedicine at Lancaster University. Her team's work

with two cannabinoids -- called methanandamide and JWH-015 -- is the first

demonstration that such cannabis chemicals prevent cancer cells from


Dr , working with colleagues at the School of Graduate Entry

Medicine and Health in Derby, has shown that cells that react to cannabinoid

compounds play an important role in normal gut function as well as the immune

system's inflammatory response.

" The body produces its own cannabinoid molecules, called endocannabinoids,

which we have shown increase the permeability of the epithelium during

inflammation, implying that overproduction may be detrimental, " said Dr


" However, we were able to reverse this process using plant-derived

cannabinoids, which appeared to allow the epithelial cells to form tighter


with each other and restore the membrane barrier. "

Some will tell you that cannabis can harm you if you have heart disease or

blood pressure issues, yet these medical and scientific facts prove

otherwise, you be the judge.

Now I would like to explain how cannabis has protected my heart through

the process of killing cancer when I have aortic valve disease and high blood


Heart Problems

It is accepted in medical circles today that marijuana use causes no

evident long-term cardiovascular problems for normal persons. Marijuana's

effects on blood pressure are complex and inconsistent as of yet.

Marijuana dilates the blood vessels and in turn that brings down the blood

pressure, especially Indica. Sativa is known for raising the blood

pressure only slightly.

Most recently, Swiss and German researchers have shown that a very small

dose of THC slows the progression of atherosclerosis (clogging of the

arteries) in mice. It's a pretty amazing study, especially since


is the leading cause of heart disease, and strokes, in the world.

I believe each of you reading this is highly intelligent and can form your

own decision once " all " the facts are presented. You just need the rest of

the information suppressed from your review. Now you can clearly see how

Medical Cannabis has in fact kept me alive (stops wasting), Kills and stops

cancer in it's tracks, and even assists my heart and entire body to work

together and indeed get back to a point of living and thriving... this is my

story in download of this email and my testimony to the truth. (Given to

Iowa Legislators) Medical records image proof included.

Soon I will explain how cannabis activates Stem Cells and another one on

how cannabis stops strokes. I am writing my position paper on this now!

-----Original Message-----

From: DrRevLynn@...

Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 05:49:22 EDT

Subject: Cannabis Breast Cancer Recovery 2010 to doc appt significally

reduced to now


I will let the images speak for themselves. Bare in mind in between I tried

other things and stopped cannabis because it was not working like before.

Once they doubled it I went off most everything and back to cannabis full

time... notice the difference it made....

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