Guest guest Posted February 1, 2005 Report Share Posted February 1, 2005 I hope this answers your question. MSM is a naturally-occurring nutrient, a sulfur compound, found in normal human diets and the diet of all other vertebrates. Sulfur is an element present in all living organisms. It belongs in the same chemical family which includes oxygen. For organisms living in environments where there is no oxygen, sulfur often replaces oxygen as the source of chemical energy that drives life. It is not a pharmaceutical drug but a dietary supplement. Sulfur, the eighth most abundant element in the human body, has a long history as a healing agent. For centuries mankind has soaked in sulfur-rich, mineral hot springs to help heal a variety of ailments. While sulfur’s natural anti-inflammatory properties have shown benefits for a range of health problems, including arthritis, muscle and joint pain, much is still unknown about precisely how it works in the body. Without sulfur, life as we know it would not exist. Some of the essential functions that make sulfur possible for us to live include maintaining the structure of the proteins of the body, helping in the formation of keratin, which is essential for hair and nail growth, aiding in the production of immunoglobulin, which maintains the normal immune system, catalyzing the chemical reactions which change food into energy and neutralizing or eliminating toxins from the body. (Sulfur is needed to create/hold the molecular structure, particularly the sulfur amino acids: methionine, cysteine, taurine.) MSM and its related compounds provide the source of 85 percent of the sulfur found in all living organisms. The cycle of these naturally-occurring sulfur compounds begins in the ocean where microscopic plants called plankton release sulfur compounds. These salts are transformed in the ocean water into the very volatile compound dimethyl sulfide (DMS), which escapes from the ocean water as a gas. It then rises into the upper atmosphere where in the presence of ozone and high energy ultraviolet light, the DMS is converted into its cousins DMSO and MSM. Unlike the DMS, both DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) and MSM are soluble in water and when they return to the surface of the earth it is as rain. Plants take MSM rapidly into their root systems and concentrate it a hundredfold. MSM, and the sulfur it contains, is incorporated into the plant’s structure. Through plant metabolism the MSM, along with other sulfur compounds that it has spawned, is ultimately mineralized and transported back to the sea. Then the sulfur cycle begins again. Almost everyone in our modern society is deficient in MSM but with age the deficiency grows even more pronounced. What’s happening in our lives today is that we’re processing too many foods. The highest concentration of MSM is found in milk. MSM is a natural component of many fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat. However, heat and processing reduce the MSM in foods. Onions, garlic, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are sulfur-rich foods, but not as rich as eggs and red peppers. Food preparation, like washing and steaming, also reduces the levels of MSM. The most efficient way to assure sufficient levels of MSM in the body, or to benefit from the therapeutic benefits, is to include it as a staple of one’s daily nutritional supplement program. MSM is available in capsules that can be taken with meals or in crystal form for mixing with drinks. It can also be purchased as a cream, lotion or gel and applied directly to the skin for additional relief from pain and inflammation. Although MSM is commonly characterized as a breakthrough remedy for people with osteoarthritis, its benefits extend beyond the treatment of chronic illnesses. In fact, in recent years athletes and fitness enthusiasts have begun to rely on MSM to reduce the pain, soreness and inflammation associated with injuries, strained or cramped muscles and over-extended joints. Many use MSM in ointment form to alleviate the pain of sprained ankles, elbows and shoulders, strained muscles and ligaments and tendon injuries. Experience shows that MSM is often so effective for pain relief that doctors are able to lower the dosage of medication they prescribe for patients. The end result is relief with fewer or no side effects that are frequently caused by prescription pain medications. It is also important to understand in that MSM is a naturally-occurring sulfur compound found in the body, it is not similar to inorganic sulfides, sulfites and sulfates to which many individuals are allergic. Another major natural health property of MSM is that it is excellent for preventing allergies. I would say that it is probably the most important substance we have had for the prevention of allergies since the advent of the antihistaminic agents, and that was over four decades ago. People taking MSM orally, or sometimes supplementing that with nose drops, will not have the conventional burning of the eyes or the running nose or the hoarseness associated with allergies to pollens, dust and molds. MSM also has anti-parasitic properties. We have studied the two most common parasites in the gastrointestinal tract. The giardia is a parasitic infection of the small intestine which causes poor absorption of nutrition in humans. It is the most frequent cause of water-carried diarrhea in the U.S. MSM is quite effective when taken orally in controlling the symptoms and fighting the invading organism. Many women complain of yeast infections, which are caused by a parasite called trichomonas. The symptoms include increased itching and discharge which may be malodorous and discolored. Both the topical and oral supplements are effective therapy. MSM helps to control hyperacidity/heartburn naturally. Patients who have used antacids and products like TagametÔ and ZantacÔ make themselves worse by becoming dependent upon them. MSM is a nutritional supplement that has been shown to be more effective in stabilizing the digestive process and environment in doses of 3000 mg per day. Researchers at Oregon Health Sciences University studied a strain of mice that were prone to the spontaneous development of joint lesions similar to those in rheumatoid arthritis. They found that animals that were fed a diet that included a three percent solution of MSM as drinking water, from two months to five months of age, suffered no degeneration of articular cartilage. In a control group of mice receiving only tap water, 50 percent of the animals were found to have a focal degeneration of articular cartilage. Of the 16 patents granted to MSM, one is for relief from snoring. Research at Oregon Health Sciences University on 35 subjects suffering from chronic snoring has shown that MSM, as a 16 percent water solution administered to each nostril 15 minutes before sleep, provided significant reduction in 80 percent of the subjects after one to four days of use. As a control, in eight patients showing relief with MSM, saline solution was substituted for MSM without their knowledge. Seven of eight patients resumed loud snoring. The change occurred within 24 hours of the substitution. After the MSM treatment was restored, these eight again showed a significant reduction of snoring. Many years of clinical use at Oregon Health Sciences University has demonstrated that MSM provides the following pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits without serious side effects: Inhibition of pain impulses along nerve fibers (analgesia) Lessening of inflammation Increase in blood supply Reduction of muscle spasm Softening of scar tissue To date more than 12,000 patients have been treated at the university with Lignisul MSM at levels above two grams daily with no serious toxicity. About as toxic as water, even common table salt can be more toxic than MSM, which is a crystalline solid that is odorless, tasteless and readily dissolves in water. We recently completed a double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot trial showing that 100 percent of the subjects on Lignisul MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) increased hair growth, compared to the group on placebo. Only one subject on placebo showed an increase in hair length. In addition, 30 percent of the subjects on Lignisul showed improvement in hair brilliance, while none of the subjects on placebo showed such an improvement. A second double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot trial, conducted simultaneously, showed that 50 percent of the subjects on Lignisul MSM showed increased nail length and nail thickness growth compared to the group on placebo. Approximately 10 percent of those on placebo showed increased nail length growth. None of the subjects on placebo showed an increase in nail thickness. Based on the results of the two trials, we concluded that oral supplementation with Lignisul MSM is a valuable addition to hair and nail growth. Hair and nail health was significantly improved in a short term of six weeks. The hair trial involved a total of 21 patients – five women and 16 men. Data was collected by certified cosmetologists under my direction. The trial parameters included hair length, brilliance and diameter of the individual hair shafts using industry standard measurement scales. The nail trial involved a total of 11 subjects – 10 women and one man. Again data was collected by certified cosmetologists. Trial parameters included nail length, thickness, luster and general appearance using industry standard measurement scales. All subjects supplemented with Lignisul MSM were duly impressed with the changes in the health and appearance of their hair. The cosmetologists literally could differentiate which participants were on MSM by the appearance of the hair alone after six weeks. _____ While researchers make no claim for cures, as a food supplement or dietary ingredient the following conditions seen in the clinic have responded to oral Lignisul MSM. Allergies Arthritis Acne Cancer: breast, colon Hyperacidity/heartburn Constipation Burns (thermal) Brittle/soft nails Diabetes Eye health Hypersensitivity to drugs Insect bites Lung disease Lupus Mental acuity Muscle soreness/pain Oral dental health Parasites Rheumatoid arthritis Scar tissue Snoring Skin, hair and nails Stress Sunburn Joint health – MSM combined with glucosamine Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 20, 2005 Report Share Posted September 20, 2005 Probably be best with food. wrote: Does it matter if I take MSM with or without food? Gretchen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2005 Report Share Posted September 21, 2005 > Does it matter if I take MSM with or without food? > > Gretchen > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 21, 2005 Report Share Posted September 21, 2005 I'm just starting to take it as anti-inflammatory for tendonitis in my shoulder. I read that it is now considered helpful for O's, though when I first started using the protocols it wasn't on the list. I also take Glucosamine, bromelain, cayenne and some other supplements that are supposed to help. I'm just assuming they tendonitis comes and goes, seemingly affected by many factors including, of course, whether I overuse the shoulder, do the appropriate exercises and stretches, and avoid corn and wheat. I also have taken a course of ibuprofen many times to " calm it down " but that seems to be ineffectual. Ice is good, I know, but so much less convenient than popping a pill! Gretchen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ wrote] Gretchen, Are you taking MSM as part of the sinus protocol? Does it work? Cheers, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 31, 2006 Report Share Posted March 31, 2006 Dear Gail, Thanks for the info. We were selling MSM back in 1993 when we could only get it through vets... Best of Health! Dr. Saul Pressman Re: Miracle Mist Plus is great for itchy rashes > Hi Saul, I hope you will also consider MSM. > Originally, I started using it for pain. And although I had heard it > was very good for the skin, I was still very pleasantly suprised at > how well it does help. > Gail Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 13, 2009 Report Share Posted October 13, 2009 Very high quality MSM can be found at There are 2 types of MSM, Lignisul and Opti-MSM. Find out which works best for you by experimenting and " feel " . I used the small size cheaper name brands to experiment (Source Naturals/Dr's Best), then bought the high quality MSM from the above site. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 Bobby, It is interesting that MSM is often added to glucosamine-chrondrotin products because of the sulphuric component which is reported to bring relief to painful joints. For a while I took "Move Free Advanced" twice a day, which has 1500 mg MSM in 3 tablets. This wouldn't reach the level recommended by Mr. Common Sense, but I'm wondering if it might help. I haven't been taking it lately, and I recently developed a rash over the torso and legs - some sort of allergic reaction - maybe from some other products I've been using (10% BP OTC on torso and legs until I get the 2.5% from Kern), or a purging - I don't know, but I seemed to be better when I was taking the glucosamine w/MSM product. I had also relaxed my protocol of showering with 10% sulphur soap recently. Last night was one of the worst I've had in regard to under-the-skin crawlies. Also, I have a bottle of Humco sublimed sulphur (Flowers of Sulphur) which I planned to mix with lotion and apply to the skin, but I noticed it states "may cause skin irritation" and in the precautions it states "if on skin, immediately flush with water." Is this safe to use as a balm? It seems to me that you, Marie and Bill ( Doe) and others have mentioned using this before? Have you found it safe to use on the skin? Did you find it helpful? Where are you getting the MSM in higher doses and how do you take it? It seems that sulphur has played an important part in so many ways in this battle - maybe this might be another resource for getting rid of these things internally for those who are not allergic to it or who don't take medications that might pose an interaction. Thanks for posting this! ....Judy MSM Has anyone been taking MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site?I have been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly at first though. B. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 I've used Flowers of Sulpher and it does help. Just be careful not to put it near the eyes or face, or on any other sensitive tissue. It would help to have it mixed with some sort of cream. Go slowly at first to see if you can tolerate it.L. MSM Has anyone been taking MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site?I have been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly at first though. B. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010  Thank you ! J MSM Has anyone been taking MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site?I have been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly at first though. B. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 Lynn, I did jump in a little strong with the herbalhealer program and felt like crapola for while, everything ached, muscles, joints, headaches worse than usual. Six weeks into this protocol, I have not felt this good since I had heart surgery three years ago. I am actaully away this week because I was feeling so much better. Still buggy, but I think I am purging like crazy right now. I think I may repeat month two to keep the purging going, if I am still purging like this at the end of week eight. I have faith in Sue H. She is very wise and now much healhier and bug free due to this program and her additional protocols. If it clears me, it will probaly clear some of the worst infested cases with a little extra time. Twenty onths has set them in sooo deeply. B > > Hi Bobby > > Does this mean you are finally feeling better. I believe you gave yourself a huge hurex doing so many extras all to once before you primed your pump. Are you less buggy??? Sounds like you are by your post here. Do you feel like your health has taken a step. Its weird but feels good. Each part of the 3 points plan gives a feeling of health in different ways. Like recovering lost peices. I would not be able to directly say what parts and how you feel healthier, except that it does feel like you are putting peices back in order. I feel healtheir now than I ever did before I ever had any bugs or knew anything like this could happen. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 Hi Judy, thanks for the info on combining the msm with the G/C. After this is over, I think I will try that. The msm has relly helped my joints and muscle aches. That strong a BP 10 percent will cause rashes. We tried it on the site last year but all of us found it too strong. Rita's find on the 2. five percent will really help you and hopefully not cause a rash. I would think you may want to discontinue the 10 percent till you get your 2.five. (My number keys are too much orange guard) I would keep up with the 10 perecent sulphur soap, as your skin tolerates it. MR Common Sense uses it daily for whole body and scalp. I find I need to moisturize after using any sulphur product. The esp soap new hope Ii now has menthols in it and a smaller dose of sulphur. I am hoping for a newhope II soap with 10 sulphur, it would be a great combo and bug killer. Stay Marie has posted your answers on mixing flower of sulphur. I never had much luck with it, it never seemed to blend well with me. I started with the jarrow formulas msm from whole foods. I now have ordered my next bottles from the herbal healer. The quality of the products from her site are great. B > > Bobby, > It is interesting that MSM is often added to glucosamine-chrondrotin products because of the sulphuric component which is reported to bring relief to painful joints. For a while I took " Move Free Advanced " twice a day, which has 1500 mg MSM in 3 tablets. This wouldn't reach the level recommended by Mr. Common Sense, but I'm wondering if it might help. I haven't been taking it lately, and I recently developed a rash over the torso and legs - some sort of allergic reaction - maybe from some other products I've been using (10% BP OTC on torso and legs until I get the 2.5% from Kern), or a purging - I don't know, but I seemed to be better when I was taking the glucosamine w/MSM product. I had also relaxed my protocol of showering with 10% sulphur soap recently. Last night was one of the worst I've had in regard to under-the-skin crawlies. > > Also, I have a bottle of Humco sublimed sulphur (Flowers of Sulphur) which I planned to mix with lotion and apply to the skin, but I noticed it states " may cause skin irritation " and in the precautions it states " if on skin, immediately flush with water. " Is this safe to use as a balm? It seems to me that you, Marie and Bill ( Doe) and others have mentioned using this before? Have you found it safe to use on the skin? Did you find it helpful? > > Where are you getting the MSM in higher doses and how do you take it? It seems that sulphur has played an important part in so many ways in this battle - maybe this might be another resource for getting rid of these things internally for those who are not allergic to it or who don't take medications that might pose an interaction. > > Thanks for posting this! > > ...Judy > > > > MSM > > > > Has anyone been taking MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site? > I have been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly at first though. B. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 19, 2010 Report Share Posted February 19, 2010 Thank you Bobby! The 2.5% BP arrived today, have it on now - plus jojoba oil. All the best, Judy MSM> > > > Has anyone been taking MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site?> I have been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly at first though. B.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 20, 2010 Report Share Posted February 20, 2010 Hi Judy You asked about the sulfur you said : & #39; Humco sublimed sulphur (Flowers of Sulphur) which I planned to mix with lotion and apply to the skin, but I noticed it states & quot;may cause skin irritation & quot; and in the precautions it states & quot;if on skin, immediately flush with water. & quot; Is this safe to use as a balm? It seems to me that you, Marie and Bill ( Doe) and others have mentioned using this before? Have you found it safe to use on the skin? Did you find it helpful? & gt; & gt; Where are you getting the MSM in higher doses and how do you take it? Answ: The skin irratation is very mild , but after 3-5days it feel like a sun tan ,after 10 days it feels like a light sunburn. I stopped & rested from using it then .I layed in the tub & let my skin soak up water to rehyrate the skin.The sulfur 1 teasp & 1 teasp coconut oil in a small dish soap bottle shaken for 10seconds, then 8 tsp of healthy hand creme & shooken again for 15 seconds made the most soothing balm , almost all itches ceased in minutes , somtimes it took 1 hr. I used the sulfur mix for 1 year, I had to stop & start to let my skin rest. Around the eyes the sulfur would get to be too much & slighlty burn , so I used sulfur from a pine tree : MSM. The MSM creme from www . nowfood . com worked great and was the only thing that got the bug off my hairline. The msm creme is totally like applying pure lotion , no burn , nothing , I could put it right on my eyelids with no sensation at all. The Humco sublimed sulfur burned if it got in my eyes I would have to wash it off. I made MSM lotion too 8, 250 mg tablets , or capules( broke open) diluted in in 3 oz of water then add & 4 oz of hand creme put in dishsoap bottle & shake for 10 second, it was very very good , I used 8 msm, 250 mg pills in 8 oz of water on my head to stop scalp itches , it leaves no residue & was invisible . I learned this from chelz on topix 3 years ago. She is since 100 perc cured & has forgotten this whole bug ordeal , Praise God ! God bless you , Bill Judy Reynolds wrote: > > Thank you Bobby! The 2.5% BP arrived today, have it on now - plus > jojoba oil. > All the best, > > Judy > > MSM > > > > Has anyone been taking > MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can > take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site? > I have > been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less > tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are > much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point > plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a > 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap > helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly > at first though. B. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 20, 2010 Report Share Posted February 20, 2010 Hi Judy You asked about the sulfur you said : & #39; Humco sublimed sulphur (Flowers of Sulphur) which I planned to mix with lotion and apply to the skin, but I noticed it states & quot;may cause skin irritation & quot; and in the precautions it states & quot;if on skin, immediately flush with water. & quot; Is this safe to use as a balm? It seems to me that you, Marie and Bill ( Doe) and others have mentioned using this before? Have you found it safe to use on the skin? Did you find it helpful? & gt; & gt; Where are you getting the MSM in higher doses and how do you take it? Answ: The skin irratation is very mild , but after 3-5days it feel like a sun tan ,after 10 days it feels like a light sunburn. I stopped & rested from using it then .I layed in the tub & let my skin soak up water to rehyrate the skin.The sulfur 1 teasp & 1 teasp coconut oil in a small dish soap bottle shaken for 10seconds, then 8 tsp of healthy hand creme & shooken again for 15 seconds made the most soothing balm , almost all itches ceased in minutes , somtimes it took 1 hr. I used the sulfur mix for 1 year, I had to stop & start to let my skin rest. Around the eyes the sulfur would get to be too much & slighlty burn , so I used sulfur from a pine tree : MSM. The MSM creme from www . nowfood . com worked great and was the only thing that got the bug off my hairline. The msm creme is totally like applying pure lotion , no burn , nothing , I could put it right on my eyelids with no sensation at all. The Humco sublimed sulfur burned if it got in my eyes I would have to wash it off. I made MSM lotion too 8, 250 mg tablets , or capules( broke open) diluted in in 3 oz of water then add & 4 oz of hand creme put in dishsoap bottle & shake for 10 second, it was very very good , I used 8 msm, 250 mg pills in 8 oz of water on my head to stop scalp itches , it leaves no residue & was invisible . I learned this from chelz on topix 3 years ago. She is since 100 perc cured & has forgotten this whole bug ordeal , Praise God ! God bless you , Bill Judy Reynolds wrote: > > Thank you Bobby! The 2.5% BP arrived today, have it on now - plus > jojoba oil. > All the best, > > Judy > > MSM > > > > Has anyone been taking > MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can > take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site? > I have > been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less > tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are > much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point > plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a > 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap > helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly > at first though. B. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 20, 2010 Report Share Posted February 20, 2010 God Bless You Bill for this sulphur recipe a kind service.I love the way You speak of The Lord.Just a note to the ladies that(or Gents) that sulphur will completely ruin Your silver jewelry so maybe don't wear it during these applications...Love,Rose --- doe1769@... wrote: From: Doe <doe1769@...> " jreynolds009@... " <jreynolds009@...> Cc: " bird mites " <bird mites > Subject: Re: Re: MSM Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 01:41:50 -0800 (PST) Hi Judy You asked about the sulfur you said : & #39; Humco sublimed sulphur (Flowers of Sulphur) which I planned to mix with lotion and apply to the skin, but I noticed it states & quot;may cause skin irritation & quot; and in the precautions it states & quot;if on skin, immediately flush with water. & quot; Is this safe to use as a balm? It seems to me that you, Marie and Bill ( Doe) and others have mentioned using this before? Have you found it safe to use on the skin? Did you find it helpful? & gt; & gt; Where are you getting the MSM in higher doses and how do you take it? Answ: The skin irratation is very mild , but after 3-5days it feel like a sun tan ,after 10 days it feels like a light sunburn. I stopped & rested from using it then .I layed in the tub & let my skin soak up water to rehyrate the skin.The sulfur 1 teasp & 1 teasp coconut oil in a small dish soap bottle shaken for 10seconds, then 8 tsp of healthy hand creme & shooken again for 15 seconds made the most soothing balm , almost all itches ceased in minutes , somtimes it took 1 hr. I used the sulfur mix for 1 year, I had to stop & start to let my skin rest. Around the eyes the sulfur would get to be too much & slighlty burn , so I used sulfur from a pine tree : MSM. The MSM creme from www . nowfood . com worked great and was the only thing that got the bug off my hairline. The msm creme is totally like applying pure lotion , no burn , nothing , I could put it right on my eyelids with no sensation at all. The Humco sublimed sulfur burned if it got in my eyes I would have to wash it off. I made MSM lotion too 8, 250 mg tablets , or capules( broke open) diluted in in 3 oz of water then add & 4 oz of hand creme put in dishsoap bottle & shake for 10 second, it was very very good , I used 8 msm, 250 mg pills in 8 oz of water on my head to stop scalp itches , it leaves no residue & was invisible . I learned this from chelz on topix 3 years ago. She is since 100 perc cured & has forgotten this whole bug ordeal , Praise God ! God bless you , Bill Judy Reynolds wrote: >  > Thank you Bobby! The 2.5% BP arrived today, have it on now - plus > jojoba oil. > All the best, >  > Judy > > MSM > > > > Has anyone been taking > MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can > take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site? > I have > been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less > tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are > much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point > plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a > 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap > helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly > at first though. B. > > ------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 20, 2010 Report Share Posted February 20, 2010 Bill I buy my MSM at the feed mill for my horses, if it is good enough for my babies it is good enough for me. It comes in crystals or granules great for the MSM water. > > > > Bobby, > It is interesting that MSM is often added to > > glucosamine- chrondrotin products because of the sulphuric component which > > is reported to bring relief to painful joints. For a while I took " Move Free > > Advanced " twice a day, which has 1500 mg MSM in 3 tablets. This wouldn't reach > > the level recommended by Mr. Common Sense, but I'm wondering if it might help. > > I haven't been taking it lately, and I recently developed a rash over the > > torso and legs - some sort of allergic reaction - maybe from some other > > products I've been using (10% BP OTC on torso and legs until I get the 2.5% > > from Kern), or a purging - I don't know, but I seemed to be better when > > I was taking the glucosamine w/MSM product. I had also relaxed my protocol of > > showering with 10% sulphur soap recently. Last night was one of the worst I've > > had in regard to under-the-skin crawlies. > > Also, I have a > > bottle of Humco sublimed sulphur (Flowers of Sulphur) which I planned to mix > > with lotion and apply to the skin, but I noticed it states " may cause skin > > irritation " and in the precautions it states " if on skin, immediately flush > > with water. " Is this safe to use as a balm? It seems to me that you, Marie and > > Bill ( Doe) and others have mentioned using this before? Have you found it > > safe to use on the skin? Did you find it helpful? > > Where are > > you getting the MSM in higher doses and how do you take it? It seems that > > sulphur has played an important part in so many ways in this battle - maybe > > this might be another resource for getting rid of these things internally for > > those who are not allergic to it or who don't take medications that might pose > > an interaction. > > Thanks for posting this! > > > > ...Judy > > > > > > MSM > > > > Has anyone been taking > > MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can > > take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site? > I have > > been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less > > tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are > > much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point > > plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a > > 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap > > helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly > > at first though. B. > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 20, 2010 Report Share Posted February 20, 2010  Thanks for the tip Rose - I noticed that my hands were sort of "tan" after applying, and scrubbed thoroughly - wasn't wearing rings thankfully! .... Judy > MSM > > > > Has anyone been taking > MSM, at the higher doses of three to six thousand mg daily as your stomach can > take, as recommended by Mr Common Sense and the Nanotech site? > I have > been and I think it has really been helping to cause a purge and make me less > tasty to them. My joint and muscular aches and pains from fibromyalgia are > much better too. This may be a good addition to the herbalhealer three point > plan if you are not allergic to sulphur. I also mix the New Hope II soap and a > 10 sulphur soap as a body and scalp wash. The esp botanicals Hew Hope II soap > helps to make the sulphur soap less drying. The MSM will make you more crawly > at first though. B. > > ------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 Jim, are you referring to 1 Tbsp MSM or 1 Tbsp whey? If it is the former, I would definitely not start out that high. This is advice I was given on a different group: " We always recommend starting at a low level of between 500 and 1000 mg (eighth to a quarter teaspoon) per day. Stay at that level for about a week and then add another 500 to 1000 mg per day and stay at that level for a week. Continue in the same way for several weeks never adding more than 2000 mg (half teaspoon) at one time, until you are taking between 6 and 8 teaspoons per day. This high level makes up for the years of deficiency that your body has experienced. Then reduce the amount to a maintenance level for whatever works for you. This is a balance between addressing what you want to address and being able to sleep as well as you would like at night. For most people the maintenance level is between 1 and 2 teaspoons (4000 to 8000 mg) per day. Always drink LOTS of water when starting on MSM or when increasing the amount you are taking.†I myself had major detox symptoms after my very first dose, so I would advise anyone starting this to take it slowly and build into it. Here is a link you can try for ordering I was told that the crystals work better than the powder. It tastes very bad, so if you want to start, be prepared for this. Personally, I put it on a spoon with Barleans Olive Leaf Complex which has peppermint and it helps alot with the bitter taste. ________________________________ From: Huuman <huuman60@...> Coconut Oil Sent: Fri, February 25, 2011 2:55:49 PM Subject: Re: Whey Hi : MSM will help. Take it in bulk starting with Tblspn/ day for a week & work up to 3 heaping Tblespn (in a month or so). When the pain is gone, cut back. This will fix any soft tissue injury & make all joint tissue more pliable. Whey makes you well, in general. Regards, Jim >Just wondering I'm recouping from a meniscus tear operation in which I had been walking on that tear for over a year. Gave me every diagnoses except the correct ONE.( military healthcare) Anyway, would whey be beneficial for me? I am lactose intolerant and hypothyroid meaning weight is a battle. Is there a good one out there I should take? Thanks < Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 When I started MSM, I started at 1 TBSP, three times daily, then doubled it a week later. When I began MSM, I was unable to tie my shoes, put on winter gloves (or even an oven mitt) or button my shirt without a lot of pain. When the pain all was gone (I still have stiffness) I cut back to 2 one gram tablets, twice a day. The only downside to MSM I ever found is the yucky taste! Alobar On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Lyn K <godisbest4me@...> wrote: > Jim, are you referring to 1 Tbsp MSM or 1 Tbsp whey? If it is the former, I > would definitely not start out that high. This is advice I was given on a > different group: > > " We always recommend starting at a low level of between 500 and 1000 mg (eighth > to a quarter teaspoon) per day. Stay at that level for about a week and then add > another 500 to 1000 mg per day and stay at that level for a week. Continue in > the same way for several weeks never adding more than 2000 mg (half teaspoon) at > one time, until you are taking between 6 and 8 teaspoons per day. This high > level makes up for the years of deficiency that your body has experienced. Then > reduce the amount to a maintenance level for whatever works for you. This is a > balance between addressing what you want to address and being able to sleep as > well as you would like at night. For most people the maintenance level is > between 1 and 2 teaspoons (4000 to 8000 mg) per day. Always drink LOTS of water > when starting on MSM or when increasing the amount you are taking.” > > > I myself had major detox symptoms after my very first dose, so I would advise > anyone starting this to take it slowly and build into it. > > Here is a link you can try for ordering I was told that > the crystals work better than the powder. It tastes very bad, so if you want to > start, be prepared for this. Personally, I put it on a spoon with Barleans Olive > Leaf Complex which has peppermint and it helps alot with the bitter taste. > > > ________________________________ > From: Huuman <huuman60@...> > Coconut Oil > Sent: Fri, February 25, 2011 2:55:49 PM > Subject: Re: Whey > > > Hi : > > MSM will help. Take it in bulk starting with Tblspn/ day for a week & > work up to 3 heaping Tblespn (in a month or so). When the pain is gone, > cut back. This will fix any soft tissue injury & make all joint tissue > more pliable. Whey makes you well, in general. > > Regards, > Jim > >>Just wondering I'm recouping from a meniscus tear operation in which I > had been walking on that tear for over a year. Gave me every diagnoses > except the correct ONE.( military healthcare) Anyway, would whey be > beneficial for me? I am lactose intolerant and hypothyroid meaning > weight is a battle. Is there a good one out there I should take? > Thanks < > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 25, 2011 Report Share Posted February 25, 2011 WOW. Judging by how I felt after just a one Tsp dose, I would just die if I did 3 TBSP per day! No one would miss me, either, because I live alone. For 's sake then, if you get the kind from the link I gave you, I want you to know that the Lignisul Pure Granular is what I started with, and you can go from there and the quote from the other group that I had put with my first reply. It may be that other MSM is not so potent. ________________________________ From: Alobar <Alobar@...> Coconut Oil Sent: Fri, February 25, 2011 7:10:46 PM Subject: Re: MSM When I started MSM, I started at 1 TBSP, three times daily, then doubled it a week later. When I began MSM, I was unable to tie my shoes, put on winter gloves (or even an oven mitt) or button my shirt without a lot of pain. When the pain all was gone (I still have stiffness) I cut back to 2 one gram tablets, twice a day. The only downside to MSM I ever found is the yucky taste! Alobar On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Lyn K <godisbest4me@...> wrote: > Jim, are you referring to 1 Tbsp MSM or 1 Tbsp whey? If it is the former, I > would definitely not start out that high. This is advice I was given on a > different group: > > " We always recommend starting at a low level of between 500 and 1000 mg (eighth > to a quarter teaspoon) per day. Stay at that level for about a week and then >add > another 500 to 1000 mg per day and stay at that level for a week. Continue in > the same way for several weeks never adding more than 2000 mg (half teaspoon) >at > one time, until you are taking between 6 and 8 teaspoons per day. This high > level makes up for the years of deficiency that your body has experienced. Then > reduce the amount to a maintenance level for whatever works for you. This is a > balance between addressing what you want to address and being able to sleep as > well as you would like at night. For most people the maintenance level is > between 1 and 2 teaspoons (4000 to 8000 mg) per day. Always drink LOTS of water > when starting on MSM or when increasing the amount you are taking.†> > > I myself had major detox symptoms after my very first dose, so I would advise > anyone starting this to take it slowly and build into it. > > Here is a link you can try for ordering I was told that > the crystals work better than the powder. It tastes very bad, so if you want to > start, be prepared for this. Personally, I put it on a spoon with Barleans >Olive > Leaf Complex which has peppermint and it helps alot with the bitter taste. > > > ________________________________ > From: Huuman <huuman60@...> > Coconut Oil > Sent: Fri, February 25, 2011 2:55:49 PM > Subject: Re: Whey > > > Hi : > > MSM will help. Take it in bulk starting with Tblspn/ day for a week & > work up to 3 heaping Tblespn (in a month or so). When the pain is gone, > cut back. This will fix any soft tissue injury & make all joint tissue > more pliable. Whey makes you well, in general. > > Regards, > Jim > >>Just wondering I'm recouping from a meniscus tear operation in which I > had been walking on that tear for over a year. Gave me every diagnoses > except the correct ONE.( military healthcare) Anyway, would whey be > beneficial for me? I am lactose intolerant and hypothyroid meaning > weight is a battle. Is there a good one out there I should take? > Thanks < > ------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 On 2/25/2011 3:18 PM, Lyn K wrote: > Jim, are you referring to 1 Tbsp MSM or 1 Tbsp whey? If it is the > former, I would definitely not start out that high. This is advice I > was given on a different group: > > " We always recommend starting at a low level of between 500 and 1000 > mg (eighth to a quarter teaspoon) per day. <snip> > I myself had major detox symptoms after my very first dose, so I > would advise anyone starting this to take it slowly and build into > it. Hy Lyn, What were your symptoms? I ask because my wife was taking some MSM/Glucosamine/Chondroiten that had larger amounts of MSM, and it upset her stomach a lot - to the point she couldn't take it any more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 On 2/26/2011 7:04 PM, lindamusician wrote: > Several of you have mentioned how bad MSM powder tastes. I just bought > some that comes in capsules. Is the powdered form better? Would the > capsules be less effective? Thanks....melinda You're fine with the capsules, as long as it is a good quality MSM... You can get by much cheaper though by buying bulk MSM and making your own capsules (ie, a 'Cap-M-Quik' or something similar)... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 My solution to te bad taste is usingf MSM tablets, which I chew before swallowing along with a mouthful of water with ascorbic acid. The tartness of vivamin C helps with the bitterness of the MSM. Alobar On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 6:04 PM, lindamusician <lindamusician@...> wrote: > Several of you have mentioned how bad MSM powder tastes. I just bought some that comes in capsules. Is the powdered form better? Would the capsules be less effective? Thanks....melinda > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 Thanks to you and Alobar for the advice...I will try both....melinda ________________________________ From: Tanstaafl <tanstaafl@...> Coconut Oil Sent: Sat, February 26, 2011 7:33:05 PM Subject: Re: MSM Â On 2/26/2011 7:04 PM, lindamusician wrote: > Several of you have mentioned how bad MSM powder tastes. I just bought > some that comes in capsules. Is the powdered form better? Would the > capsules be less effective? Thanks....melinda You're fine with the capsules, as long as it is a good quality MSM... You can get by much cheaper though by buying bulk MSM and making your own capsules (ie, a 'Cap-M-Quik' or something similar)... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 Hi Lyn: No one really knew much about MSM when I first heard about mega dosing it. I started out taking much more than 1tbsp/day MSM, but I had taken 1/2 gm/day previously with no effect. Is 1tbsp too much? If someone has a mouthful of mercury, it certainly could cause an overload. My instructions were scant. I have given much more thorough/ careful directions here in the past here on many occasions. But OK: 1/2 gram to start (if your joint pain tolerance is high and you are patient). If you want to get'ter done. Take a tablespoon full and test the water. It could make you feel badly, but it may be just what the doctor ordered. If that has no ill effect, move right on up toward 1/2 cup/day. The fact stands that MSM is one of the least poisonous chemicals on earth... less so than water and it has the potential of relieving a whole lot of joint pain fast... and permanently. On the other hand, a tablespoon of whey per day would be ridiculous... like three chlorella pills/day. It will not hurt, but your body will no notice it unless you are nearly starved. Cheers, Jim On 2/25/2011 3:18 PM, Lyn K wrote: > Jim, are you referring to 1 Tbsp MSM or 1 Tbsp whey? If it is the > former, I would definitely not start out that high. This is advice I > was given on a different group: > > " We always recommend starting at a low level of between 500 and 1000 > mg (eighth to a quarter teaspoon) per day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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