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So, do you take the OptiMSM Flakes or the powder from http://www.msm-msm.com


And where do you purchase the OptiMSM Flakes?


From: skpounds14 <skpounds14@...>

Subject: Re: MSM

Coconut Oil

Date: Sunday, March 6, 2011, 8:15 AM


Thank you very much Dee. One thing, I would be picky about the type of MSM

I buy. I love Swanson and order from them alot, but I noticed they don't say

what type of MSM is in their powder. I had bought Source Naturals OptiMSM Powder

and later bought the Flakes from msm-msm.com (99.9% pure) and they sure seemed

to work better to me. (I'm not promoting them, just believe they sell

high-quality MSM) They're a little more expensive but at 1/4 to 1/2 tsp day, it

lasts a long time. I always try to buy the best quality...when I can afford it.


For the ladies, MSM is a really a no-brainer and will make your skin look nicer!

" MSM is necessary for collagen synthesis: skin, hair and nails " Start off with

low-doses as the FAQ said, MSM will detox and don't want to overdo it. I see the

difference daily on my 51 year old skin just with 1/4 teaspoon. (And older,

mature women are the most beautiful anyway...don't let anyone kid you,

experience + beauty + personality is BEST! So you all will look mah-velous!)

Sorry they can have the latest 20 somethings....yuk!

Quality of MSM products

- http://purehealthsystems.com/msmqua.html

- http://www.beta-glucan-info.com/msm_quality_issues.htm

Best to you,

Underrated 80's music group - The Outfield

Classic Rock Ballad__Def Leppard - Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion)

(Google title, can hear it on Youtube!)


> ,


> Thanks for all the great info. Plus, I had been thinking about switching to

OptiMSM from Swansons and your experience, and that of your step dad, clinched



> Best,

> Dee

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JIm, thanks so much for your reply. Could you please advise what if anything you

take with the msm. I did not receive any email regarding this..

Also how did you manage to take 1/4C of MSM in one day? My daughter weighs

around 110 llb.  Agnes

From: Huuman <huuman60@...>

Subject: Re: MSM

Coconut Oil

Date: Sunday, March 6, 2011, 8:44 AM


Hi Agnes:

I certainly do. Also add Duncan's whey protocol and make sure that she

gets plenty of exercise. You also might add to that Interval training

(see Dr. Mercola's site for videos on that). Without exercise, the

nutrients can't move into the joints.

The point is that Ducan may be correct, but my MSM protocol absolutely

works. I have tested on myself and everyone that I know with joint

problems who is not hung up on allotropic medicine. It has never failed

as far as I know. Also, there is no such thing as an organic sulfur

overload. Too much is cheap insurance, and you simply pass whatever you

don't need.

Finally, even with daily MSM, MicroLactin and Whey supplementation, I

still hyper extend a knee, elbow, etc. occasionally a bit playing tennis

and the answer is always to take a couple of heaping tablespoons of MSM

as soon as I get home. From there, I just move on and forget about it.

So far, in ten years, recovery is always immediate. Life is good.

Read my past posts on amounts, etc. There is a lot to this. I buy mine

on ebay by the kilo..



>Jim, My daughter has rather severe problems with her back and hip

joints for whch she has to go to the chiropracter constantly for

adjustments as well as she has tried acupuncture. Now looking at

various types of exercise that might help.

Do you think MSM will help and please advise where you purchase your

msm, how much and how you take it. Comments from anyone else will also

be appreciated.


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Hi Agnes:

Good question.

Of course, I was taking all kinds of joint supplements when I first

discovered this gross MSM protocol that finally got me cured. As I once

posted here, they all worked to some extent, but none turned the

corner. Out of all of them, I came to believe that Swanson's

Microlactin seemed to help the most. I also continued taking

Turmeric... mainly because it is cheap and there were so many good

things said about it. One thing that I have always taken is Colloidal

Minerals and Magnesium. When Mark Sircus came out with his transdermal

magnesium, I started that also. Personally, I don't believe that you

could get too much magnesium.

About ten years ago, Duncan got me on HGH precursors... it is a long

list. He might be kind enough to give it to you if you asked. I first

took his supplement in one pill, then later went to the ingredients


Since then, Duncan has hooked me on whey and I also added selenium, and

pregnenolone. Even if whey were not so good for you, I would still take

it in smoothies... whey not (pun intended)?

D3 is a biggy now also, but I did not take it either when I found out

about MSM.

I am leaving plenty out, but this is the biggest part of it.

II only took 1/4 Cup/day during the time that I was getting my joints in

order. I did that by taking at least two heaping tablespoons three

times a day. That actually adds up to more than 1/4 cup/day, but who

is counting? I consider it food and I was taking as much as I could

ingest without disrupting my day... and still accomplish work.

The bottom line is that most of us can't take too much and if you still

hurt, you probably need more. One thing that I noticed is that MSM

actually helps reduce pain while it is doing its work... even better

than aspirin... pretty nice huh? So if I was still hurting, I'd take

more, duh!



>JIm, thanks so much for your reply. Could you please advise what if

anything you take with the msm. I did not receive any email regarding this..

Also how did you manage to take 1/4C of MSM in one day? My daughter

weighs around 110 llb. Agnes<

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Here is a detailed website on MSM. Snippets below followed by URL.




MSM is considered to be one of the least toxic substances in biology,

similar in toxicity to water. When MSM was administered to human

volunteers, no toxic effects were observed at intake levels of 1 gram

per kg of body weight per day for 30 days. Intravenous injections of

0.5 grams per kg body weight daily for five days a week produced no

measurable toxicity in human subjects. The lethal dose (LD50) of MSM

for mice is more than 20 g/kg body weight. MSM has been widely tested

as a food ingredient without any reports of allergic reactions. An

unpublished Oregon Health Sciences University study of the long-term

toxicity of MSM over a period of six months, showed no toxic effects.

More than 12,000 patients were treated with MSM at levels above two

grams daily, without toxicity (8).


In practice, most people who use MSM notice very little at the onset,

or may experience slight detoxification symptoms. These symptoms may

include mild forms of diarrhea, skin rash, headache and fatigue. After

one week, these symptoms usually disappear. Fewer than 20% of users of

MSM may feel moderately sick in the first few days of using MSM. It

may be small consolation to know, that the stronger the symptoms are,

the more toxicants had been stored in the body and the more MSM was

needed for its purification. If more moderate symptoms of

detoxification are experienced, it may be advisable to reduce the

dosage of MSM, and to gradually rebuild it once the symptoms


The types of pain which has been treated successfully with MSM include:

* Personal injury due to accidents, burns, etc.

* Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

* Fibromyalgia

* Lower back pains

* Headaches, migraines

* Muscle aches

* Bursitis

* Tennis elbows and other local sprots injuries

* Carpal Syndrome

* Sclerosis;

* Whiplash

* RSI (Repititive Strain Injury);

* Scars due to burns, operations, accidents, etc.

The way MSM impacts pain is currently explained by the following mechanisms:

* MSM is a natural analgetic: it blocks the transfer of pain

impulses through nerve fibers (C-fibers).

* MSM blocks inflammations and inflammatory processes. MSM

enhances the activity of cortisol, a natural anti-inflammatory hormone

produced by the body.

* MSM improves the permeability of cell membranes. This improves

the uptake of nutrients and many vitamins and the elimination of waste

products and excess cellular fluids.

* MSM dilates bloood vessels, enhancing the blood circulation.

This, too, helps to eliminate waste products from the body, which

speeds up healing.

* MSM is a muscle relaxant. This is an important and often

overlooked benefit of MSM. Many chronic pains are aggrevated by

chronic muscle tension in the body.

* MSM aids the natural defense mechanisms in the body by

regulating the prostaglandin metabolism, and regulates the formation

of anitbodies and immune complexes.

MSM slows down and restores crosslinking in collagen.

Crosslinking in collagen is a natural process in scar formation,

causing hard and often painful scar tissues. Particularly in the case

of burn scars, in which large surface areas may be affected, this may

lead to chronic pain. MSM heals scar tissue which makes the skin more

flexible. Dramatic examples are known of people who have treated burn

scars with a MSM ointment and have seen their scars almost disappear

and have eliminated associated pains.


On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Huuman <huuman60@...> wrote:

> Hi Suren:


> Is this a loaded question?  Of course, if you are allergic to something,

> it will cause irritation.


> However, as I have stated here before (and I don't have the reference,

> but it was a good source):  MSM is one of the least poisonous chemicals

> on the planet... and it is, in fact, less poisonous than water.  Just to

> reiterate further, if you are middle aged or older, a one gram tablet/

> day of MSM will do you as much good therapeutically as eating one peanut

> a day will.  So if you are going to go with minimal amounts, you will

> simply not completely heal, but you may not get worse.  One gram is

> better than none when you are deficient in organic sulfur.  However, a

> knee injury is not about a deficiency.  You need " lots " of organic

> sulfur to heal it completely and MSM is the best way to get that,

> because you simply can't get enough of it any other way.


> If you have a bad knee (or whatever) and you want to make it well,  you

> need to  eventually be taking 1/2 cup/ day or you will not get better.

> However, if you are 18 years old, and notice a joint problem, two grams

> of MSM or just taking whey protein isolates will probably make you

> better.  Old bodies simply do not absorb or react as well to nutrients.

> It is a fact of life.


> Regards,

> Jim


>  >Will MSM cause any irritation on the stomach for those who are sensitive?

> Suren<



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I apologize in advance if that ha already been answered but could people give me

an idea of some good MSM sources and their prices. From what I just read in

these posts. I will have to increase my MSM uptake ( about 2 g a day right now)

to 1/2 cup a day

thanks in advance


> Hi Suren:


> Is this a loaded question?  Of course, if you are allergic to something,

> it will cause irritation.


> However, as I have stated here before (and I don't have the reference,

> but it was a good source):  MSM is one of the least poisonous chemicals

> on the planet... and it is, in fact, less poisonous than water.  Just to

> reiterate further, if you are middle aged or older, a one gram tablet/

> day of MSM will do you as much good therapeutically as eating one peanut

> a day will.  So if you are going to go with minimal amounts, you will

> simply not completely heal, but you may not get worse.  One gram is

> better than none when you are deficient in organic sulfur.  However, a

> knee injury is not about a deficiency.  You need " lots " of organic

> sulfur to heal it completely and MSM is the best way to get that,

> because you simply can't get enough of it any other way.


> If you have a bad knee (or whatever) and you want to make it well,  you

> need to  eventually be taking 1/2 cup/ day or you will not get better.

> However, if you are 18 years old, and notice a joint problem, two grams

> of MSM or just taking whey protein isolates will probably make you

> better.  Old bodies simply do not absorb or react as well to nutrients.

> It is a fact of life.


> Regards,

> Jim


>  >Will MSM cause any irritation on the stomach for those who are sensitive?

> Suren<


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I used to order from www.bulkmsm.com. Their website now points to

http://www.vibrantlifenames.com/store/msmpowder.htm. Price is $55/for

1 kilo. Cheaper for larger quantities. Best deal is $320 for a 20

kilo sealed bag.


On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 9:22 AM, FrantzM <frantzgm@...> wrote:

> Hi

> I apologize in advance if that ha already been answered but could people give

me an idea of some good MSM sources and their prices. From what I just read in

these posts. I will have to increase my MSM uptake ( about 2 g a day right now)

to 1/2 cup a day


> thanks in advance

> Frantz



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You can save a lot of money by avoiding capsule form and buying bulk


It's bitter, but drinkable dissolved in water.

Best prices are around $10 lb.


Hospital Administrator: Do you mind telling me why you ran away from

the operating room?

Patient: Because the nurse said, " Don't be afraid! An appendectomy is

quite simple. "

Hospital Administrator: So?....

Patient: So?!! She was talking to the doctor.

On 3/15/2011 10:22:14 AM, FrantzM (frantzgm@...) wrote:

> Hi

> I apologize in advance if that ha already been answered but could people

> give me an idea of some good MSM sources and their prices. From what I

> just read in these posts. I will have to increase my MSM uptake ( about 2 g

> a day right now) to 1/2 cup a day


> thanks in advance

> Frantz



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Hi Jim,

It was not a loaded question. I do have a sensitive stomach and I need to be

careful with what I ingest. I am 68 and have some knee problems and some

osteoarthritis on left thumb etc. I appreciate the detailed information.


> Hi Suren:


> Is this a loaded question? Of course, if you are allergic to something,

> it will cause irritation.


> However, as I have stated here before (and I don't have the reference,

> but it was a good source): MSM is one of the least poisonous chemicals

> on the planet... and it is, in fact, less poisonous than water. Just to

> reiterate further, if you are middle aged or older, a one gram tablet/

> day of MSM will do you as much good therapeutically as eating one peanut

> a day will. So if you are going to go with minimal amounts, you will

> simply not completely heal, but you may not get worse. One gram is

> better than none when you are deficient in organic sulfur. However, a

> knee injury is not about a deficiency. You need " lots " of organic

> sulfur to heal it completely and MSM is the best way to get that,

> because you simply can't get enough of it any other way.


> If you have a bad knee (or whatever) and you want to make it well, you

> need to eventually be taking 1/2 cup/ day or you will not get better.

> However, if you are 18 years old, and notice a joint problem, two grams

> of MSM or just taking whey protein isolates will probably make you

> better. Old bodies simply do not absorb or react as well to nutrients.

> It is a fact of life.


> Regards,

> Jim


> >Will MSM cause any irritation on the stomach for those who are sensitive?

> Suren<


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Hi Suren:

Glad to help. Fortunately, I managed to come upon this information long

before I was 68, but better late than never. I would have given every

dime that I had at age 45 for what I know now about MSM.

Now that you know what to do about joint problems, at least now, you

can go on with the rest of your life without back, knee, elbow, and

finger pain... and just as important at least in my case, no sciatica!

I had two attacks of sciatica before I learned about taking this much

MSM. Talk about pain! Sciatica ranks right up there with classic

migraine and it lasts far longer.




>Re: MSM

<Coconut Oil/message/34436;_ylc=X3oDMTJ\



Posted by: " surenirukulla " surenirukulla@...


surenirukulla <surenirukulla>

Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:02 pm (PDT)

Hi Jim,

It was not a loaded question. I do have a sensitive stomach and I need

to be careful with what I ingest. I am 68 and have some knee problems

and some osteoarthritis on left thumb etc. I appreciate the detailed


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On 2011-03-17 8:01 AM, Huuman wrote:

> Someone else that Huuman left out the quote attribution for said:

>> I used to order from www.bulkmsm.com. Their website now points to

>> http://www.vibrantlifenames.com/store/msmpowder.htm

Hmmm... it still comes up as www.bulkmsm.com for me.

>> Price is $55/for 1 kilo. Cheaper for larger quantities. Best deal

>> is $320 for a 20 kilo sealed bag.

> I used to pay this much till I found the Country Health Products

> source on Ebay for about half that w/ S & H.

Yeah, those are good prices... too bad both of these are the powdered

form. Most everything I've read says that once the flakes have been

powdered it is vastly inferior (to the original flake form).

Wish I could find a good source for the good stuff at better prices than

what I'm paying now...

Hmmm... OptiMSM looks good, and appears to be almost half ($25/lb) what

I'm paying now ($45/lb)...


Double hmmm... this appears to be pure OptiMSM, but in a 20Kg box - for

only $375 - which comes out to about $8.50/lb...


Anyone know if the OptiMSM claims about manufacturing processes are true?

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I am interested in MSM. I also like to find the best deal for my (hard earned)

money. I like these prices .. I would like to understand what did you read that

lead you to think that once powered MSM is " vastly " inferior to powered form.

I have become very leery of marketing claims ... These feed on our insecurities

to pitch their wares. Making poweder from flakes seems to be a very simple

mechanical process. Are MSM properties destroyed by heat?

I thank you in advance


> Someone else that Huuman left out the quote attribution for said:

>> I used to order from www.bulkmsm.com. Their website now points to

>> http://www.vibrantlifenames.com/store/msmpowder.htm

Hmmm... it still comes up as www.bulkmsm.com for me.

>> Price is $55/for 1 kilo. Cheaper for larger quantities. Best deal

>> is $320 for a 20 kilo sealed bag.

> I used to pay this much till I found the Country Health Products

> source on Ebay for about half that w/ S & H.

Yeah, those are good prices... too bad both of these are the powdered

form. Most everything I've read says that once the flakes have been

powdered it is vastly inferior (to the original flake form).

Wish I could find a good source for the good stuff at better prices than

what I'm paying now...

Hmmm... OptiMSM looks good, and appears to be almost half ($25/lb) what

I'm paying now ($45/lb)...


Double hmmm... this appears to be pure OptiMSM, but in a 20Kg box - for

only $375 - which comes out to about $8.50/lb...


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On 2011-03-17 11:15 AM, FrantzM wrote:

> I would like to understand what did you read that lead you to think that

> once powered MSM is " vastly " inferior to powered form.

Maybe I overstated it a bit, but here's one of the pages where I read this:


Yes, it could be hype... but as a purist, I'm inclined to agree that the

less processed it is the better, so I'm still looking for the

unprocessed flakes.

I'll also say that this stuff tastes terrible - and the aftertaste just

lingers for hours... so I'm making my own capsules... much better...

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Hi Frantz:

I have never used flakes, so that is not an issue. Powdered works just

fine, but I have no flakes to compare it to. Vastly inferior? If

flakes are vastly superior, that would be unfathomable.

MSM is an oxidized form of DMSO. There is no further reduction that I

am aware of. Your deduction appears to be accurate and, certainly, MSM

is not destroyed by making it in powdered form.

Heat? I don't know. Why heat it?




I am interested in MSM. I also like to find the best deal for my (hard

earned) money. I like these prices .. I would like to understand what

did you read that lead you to think that once powered MSM is " vastly "

inferior to powered form.

I have become very leery of marketing claims ... These feed on our

insecurities to pitch their wares. Making poweder from flakes seems to

be a very simple mechanical process. Are MSM properties destroyed by heat?

I thank you in advance


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Tablets? You do not apparently understand the protocol. If you

currently have problems, you would have to take about 30 one gram

capsules a day to do any good. One the plus side, I have found that if

you take enough MSM, you will actually learn to like it. My wife did.

On the other hand, I do not mind the taste at all. It tastes like

healing to me and I like it just fine.

However, if I am wrong, the question is: which is worse, sciatica or

a bad taste in the mouth? How about a back operation that goes terribly

wrong and knee replacement or hip replacement surgery where the bone

breaks off, plus debilitating arthritis. These are the possible tradeoffs.



> also say that this stuff tastes terrible - and the aftertaste just

lingers for hours... so I'm making my own capsules... much better...<

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On 2011-03-18 12:17 PM, Huuman wrote:

> I have never used flakes, so that is not an issue.

Because you have never used them does not prove they are not superior.

They may or may not be, I don't know, I'm just saying the fact that you

have never used them has no bearing on the question.

> Powdered works just fine, but I have no flakes to compare it to.

> Vastly inferior? If flakes are vastly superior, that would be

> unfathomable.

Like I said, maybe I overstated it, but the claim is there. Wish I knew

how to prove or disprove it.

> MSM is an oxidized form of DMSO. There is no further reduction that I

> am aware of. Your deduction appears to be accurate and, certainly, MSM

> is not destroyed by making it in powdered form.

I didn't say it was 'destroyed', I said it was claimed by some to be

inferior (the vastly was a bad choice of words on my part, sorry about


> Heat? I don't know. Why heat it?

Didn't you know that distillation - using heat - is one of the two

primary processes for producing it? The other process is crystallization.

Tanstaafl said:

>> also say that this stuff tastes terrible - and the aftertaste just

>> lingers for hours... so I'm making my own capsules... much better...

> Tablets? You do not apparently understand the protocol.

Tablets? You apparently cannot read. ;) I didn't say tablets, I said


> If you currently have problems, you would have to take about 30 one

> gram capsules a day to do any good.

I don't have specific problems, but that's about what I've been taking.

It only takes about 30 minutes to make 100 capsules from the flakes I have.

> One the plus side, I have found that if you take enough MSM, you will

> actually learn to like it.

I don't know... maybe the powdered form doesn't taste the same. All I

know is, I can eat/drink a lot of things that don't taste good when I

know it is good for me, but this stuff is just not worth it when there

is an inexpensive alternative.

> I do not mind the taste at all. It tastes like healing to me and I

> like it just fine.


> However, if I am wrong, the question is: which is worse, sciatica or

> a bad taste in the mouth?

You're ignoring the fact that there is an alternative to the horrible

taste... make capsules, like I'm doing...

Here's what I use to make them:


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> I do not mind the taste at all. It tastes like healing to me and I

> like it just fine.


> However, if I am wrong, the question is: which is worse, sciatica or

> a bad taste in the mouth?

You're ignoring the fact that there is an alternative to the horrible

taste... make capsules, like I'm doing...


My method of making msm palatable is I douse the flakes in my spoon with

Barlean's Olive Leaf complex, which I get from Swansonvitamins.com. It has a

peppermint taste and completely covers the msm taste.

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I appreciate your comments on the taste, Tansfaafi. Where do you get

your crystals from?

Posted by: " Tanstaafl " tanstaafl@... bernardo_dela_paz

Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:08 am (PDT)

On 2011-03-18 12:17 PM, Huuman wrote:

> I have never used flakes, so that is not an issue.

Because you have never used them does not prove they are not superior.

They may or may not be, I don't know, I'm just saying the fact that you

have never used them has no bearing on the question.

> Powdered works just fine, but I have no flakes to compare it to.

> Vastly inferior? If flakes are vastly superior, that would be

> unfathomable.

Like I said, maybe I overstated it, but the claim is there. Wish I knew

how to prove or disprove it.

> MSM is an oxidized form of DMSO. There is no further reduction that I

> am aware of. Your deduction appears to be accurate and, certainly,


> is not destroyed by making it in powdered form.

I didn't say it was 'destroyed', I said it was claimed by some to be

inferior (the vastly was a bad choice of words on my part, sorry about


> Heat? I don't know. Why heat it?

Didn't you know that distillation - using heat - is one of the two

primary processes for producing it? The other process is


Tanstaafl said:

>> also say that this stuff tastes terrible - and the aftertaste just

>> lingers for hours... so I'm making my own capsules... much better...

> Tablets? You do not apparently understand the protocol.

Tablets? You apparently cannot read. ;) I didn't say tablets, I said


> If you currently have problems, you would have to take about 30 one

> gram capsules a day to do any good.

I don't have specific problems, but that's about what I've been taking.

It only takes about 30 minutes to make 100 capsules from the flakes I


> One the plus side, I have found that if you take enough MSM, you will

> actually learn to like it.

I don't know... maybe the powdered form doesn't taste the same. All I

know is, I can eat/drink a lot of things that don't taste good when I

know it is good for me, but this stuff is just not worth it when there

is an inexpensive alternative.

> I do not mind the taste at all. It tastes like healing to me and I

> like it just fine.


> However, if I am wrong, the question is: which is worse, sciatica or

> a bad taste in the mouth?

You're ignoring the fact that there is an alternative to the horrible

taste... make capsules, like I'm doing...

Here's what I use to make them:


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I am at least confused  on prices when it comes to MSM ... I would have simply

tried if it weren't something concerning my health ... I did find 1 Kg for about

$25.00 on eBay .. Powdered ...


How good can I expect this to be.. On one side you have it at more than $60.00

per kilo and this for $24 ... That is a wide swing... Now considering how

plentiful MSM truly is .. It shouldn't cost that much but I would like the

opinion from those more knowledgeable about it


> I have never used flakes, so that is not an issue.

Because you have never used them does not prove they are not superior.

They may or may not be, I don't know, I'm just saying the fact that you

have never used them has no bearing on the question.

> Powdered works just fine, but I have no flakes to compare it to.

> Vastly inferior? If flakes are vastly superior, that would be

> unfathomable.

Like I said, maybe I overstated it, but the claim is there. Wish I knew

how to prove or disprove it.

> MSM is an oxidized form of DMSO. There is no further reduction that I

> am aware of. Your deduction appears to be accurate and, certainly,


> is not destroyed by making it in powdered form.

I didn't say it was 'destroyed', I said it was claimed by some to be

inferior (the vastly was a bad choice of words on my part, sorry about


> Heat? I don't know. Why heat it?

Didn't you know that distillation - using heat - is one of the two

primary processes for producing it? The other process is


Tanstaafl said:

>> also say that this stuff tastes terrible - and the aftertaste just

>> lingers for hours... so I'm making my own capsules... much better...

> Tablets? You do not apparently understand the protocol.

Tablets? You apparently cannot read. ;) I didn't say tablets, I said


> If you currently have problems, you would have to take about 30 one

> gram capsules a day to do any good.

I don't have specific problems, but that's about what I've been taking.

It only takes about 30 minutes to make 100 capsules from the flakes I


> One the plus side, I have found that if you take enough MSM, you will

> actually learn to like it.

I don't know... maybe the powdered form doesn't taste the same. All I

know is, I can eat/drink a lot of things that don't taste good when I

know it is good for me, but this stuff is just not worth it when there

is an inexpensive alternative.

> I do not mind the taste at all. It tastes like healing to me and I

> like it just fine.


> However, if I am wrong, the question is: which is worse, sciatica or

> a bad taste in the mouth?

You're ignoring the fact that there is an alternative to the horrible

taste... make capsules, like I'm doing...

Here's what I use to make them:


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From: FrantzM <frantzgm@...>

Coconut Oil

Sent: Fri, March 18, 2011 4:23:09 PM

Subject: Re: Re: msm


I am at least confused on prices when it comes to MSM ... I would have simply

tried if it weren't something concerning my health ... I did find 1 Kg for about

$25.00 on eBay .. Powdered ...


How good can I expect this to be.. On one side you have it at more than $60.00

per kilo and this for $24 ... That is a wide swing... Now considering how

plentiful MSM truly is .. It shouldn't cost that much but I would like the

opinion from those more knowledgeable about it


> I have never used flakes, so that is not an issue.

Because you have never used them does not prove they are not superior.

They may or may not be, I don't know, I'm just saying the fact that you

have never used them has no bearing on the question.

> Powdered works just fine, but I have no flakes to compare it to.

> Vastly inferior? If flakes are vastly superior, that would be

> unfathomable.

Like I said, maybe I overstated it, but the claim is there. Wish I knew

how to prove or disprove it.

> MSM is an oxidized form of DMSO. There is no further reduction that I

> am aware of. Your deduction appears to be accurate and, certainly,


> is not destroyed by making it in powdered form.

I didn't say it was 'destroyed', I said it was claimed by some to be

inferior (the vastly was a bad choice of words on my part, sorry about


> Heat? I don't know. Why heat it?

Didn't you know that distillation - using heat - is one of the two

primary processes for producing it? The other process is


Tanstaafl said:

>> also say that this stuff tastes terrible - and the aftertaste just

>> lingers for hours... so I'm making my own capsules... much better...

> Tablets? You do not apparently understand the protocol.

Tablets? You apparently cannot read. ;) I didn't say tablets, I said


> If you currently have problems, you would have to take about 30 one

> gram capsules a day to do any good.

I don't have specific problems, but that's about what I've been taking.

It only takes about 30 minutes to make 100 capsules from the flakes I


> One the plus side, I have found that if you take enough MSM, you will

> actually learn to like it.

I don't know... maybe the powdered form doesn't taste the same. All I

know is, I can eat/drink a lot of things that don't taste good when I

know it is good for me, but this stuff is just not worth it when there

is an inexpensive alternative.

> I do not mind the taste at all. It tastes like healing to me and I

> like it just fine.


> However, if I am wrong, the question is: which is worse, sciatica or

> a bad taste in the mouth?

You're ignoring the fact that there is an alternative to the horrible

taste... make capsules, like I'm doing...

Here's what I use to make them:


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I always ad a 1/2 teaspoon of Natural Calm Magnesium (raspberry/lemon flavor) to

every single glass of water I drink. I just started taking msm and have in

addition been adding a 1/2 teaspoon of it also to every glass of my magnesium

water and it tastes fine.

From: Lyn K <godisbest4me@...>

Subject: Re: Re: msm

Coconut Oil

Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 12:15 PM


> I do not mind the taste at all. It tastes like healing to me and I

> like it just fine.


> However, if I am wrong, the question is: which is worse, sciatica or

> a bad taste in the mouth?

You're ignoring the fact that there is an alternative to the horrible

taste... make capsules, like I'm doing...


My method of making msm palatable is I douse the flakes in my spoon with

Barlean's Olive Leaf complex, which I get from Swansonvitamins.com. It has a

peppermint taste and completely covers the msm taste.

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How long have you been doing this?

Can you share with us any benefits you may be noticing?


From: Lyn K <godisbest4me@...>

Subject: Re: Re: msm

Coconut Oil

Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 12:15 PM


> I do not mind the taste at all. It tastes like healing to me and I

> like it just fine.


> However, if I am wrong, the question is: which is worse, sciatica or

> a bad taste in the mouth?

You're ignoring the fact that there is an alternative to the horrible

taste... make capsules, like I'm doing...


My method of making msm palatable is I douse the flakes in my spoon with

Barlean's Olive Leaf complex, which I get from Swansonvitamins.com. It has a

peppermint taste and completely covers the msm taste.

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Hi Don,

I just started the msm so am not able to say anything at this point. The

magnesium though I have been doing for several months and that has made a big

difference in my bathroom habits as well as lessening some of my anxiety. I

would often only be able to go the bathroom once every couple of days. Now I go

twice a day. I am 39 years old and very seldom in my entire life have I ever

been able to go to the bathroom twice in one day. I have become a very huge fan

of magnesium.

The msm I have just started and am only taking small doses until I get used to

it at which point I will increase the amounts I take. I am taking the opti-msm

flakes from www.msm-msm.com. Again I have just started taking it so cannot

report any effects yet, but I will say the customer service was some of the best

I have ever received.

I have also started taking diatomaceous earth (i take a huge heaping tablespoon

twice a day, usually on an empty stomach) and that has made my fingernails very

hard. They are usually very soft and bend very easily, but not anymore! 

From: Lyn K <godisbest4me@...>

Subject: Re: Re: msm

Coconut Oil

Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 12:15 PM


> I do not mind the taste at all. It tastes like healing to me and I

> like it just fine.


> However, if I am wrong, the question is: which is worse, sciatica or

> a bad taste in the mouth?

You're ignoring the fact that there is an alternative to the horrible

taste... make capsules, like I'm doing...


My method of making msm palatable is I douse the flakes in my spoon with

Barlean's Olive Leaf complex, which I get from Swansonvitamins.com. It has a

peppermint taste and completely covers the msm taste.

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Thanks for the link...  ...I  couldn't make much from the web site.. They make

quite a few statements without much proofs ... and theirs cost a lot more ...

I'll  take my chance with the powdered form

Thanks everybody .. I'll report to you soon ..


> I appreciate your comments on the taste, Tansfaafi. Where do you get

> your crystals from?

Same place I linked to that claims the powdered form is inferior...




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