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Hello all. I'm still here, and trying to keep up with the board, which has been

quite a challange, considering how full of useful information this group is.

First, let me say to those who've recently received joint replacements, good

luck in your rehab, and just, work hard. But take it at your own pace. For you

newbies, one thing you will read again and again, is " everyone is different; so

your healing time isn't going to be just like everyone else's. " That's a hard

pill to swallow, I know. But since my own LTHR in May, I've read that a number

of times. It took that long to sink in. <G> And I'm thankful for those who

pounded it into my thick head. If you need encouragement, write here. You'll

get lots of support.

Guy, thanks for the tip. I'll have to see about having someone put hex nuts on

an old pair of sneakers for me.

, this is strictly my opinion, and I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on

TV. <BG> But, I would think the sooner you get your hip replaced, the better.

You're young, so healing and rehab will be easier. Plus, the less pain you have

before surgery, the better. It does sound to me like your hip does need

replaced, even though it doesn't bother you much. However, in time, it will get

harder and harder to walk and do things. You don't want to get to the point I

was at before May: Walking hurt so bad, I was practically paralyzed. So, I

didn't walk or even move unless absolutely necessary. Hence, my muscles

atrophied somewhat, making PT EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL!!!! You don't want to get

to that point. I'd say, do it now, if a surgeon will agree to do it.

As for me, well, my Depression and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are making

my life a living you-know-what. I simply don't have the mental energy to force

myself to do my PT exercises, or to even walk. I have a treadmill, so I really

have no excuse. I recently took in a rescued greyhound, who could use a walk

every now and then. And for awhile, I was able to give him that. It's too darn

cold out now, here in PA, and the weather lately has been atrocious. So getting

OUT for walks isn't something I really want to do right now. But as I said, I

have a treadmill, and have used it on occasion. I just can't make myself do it

every day, like I really should.

But, if there is a PT on the board, I would like to know if I'm really doing any

damage, or slowing down my healing at all by not religiously following the rehab

protocol. I know everyone is different, and any PT who doesn't actually know me

can only give me a generic answer. That's all I'm looking for. I'd appreciate

any comments from anyone, PT or anyone with experience in this area. Thanks.

Good luck to us all, and here's to a happy, HEALTHY, 2009!!!

Tammy Klaus and BlackJack, GH with an attitude!

LTHR: May, 2008


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