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Re: reactor meltdowns possibly worst predicted scenario

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I think they can't work on it; they're pulling back and leaving it to burn and

release radioisotope particles (fallout) for thousands of years.



Jet stream animation:


> >

> > Here's another radiation guide with new suggestions. Can likely find most of

these cheaply at Swanson's or iherb.

> >

> > Rosemary from the links I posted yesterday sounds very interesting,

> > " In a study published this year in the British Journal of Radiology,

February 2 edition, scientists in Spain reported finding that nothing fights

radiation damage to micronuclei as well as rosemary. "

> >

> > Guide to prevent the toxic effects of Radiation Sickness and help the body

rid itself of Radioactive Isotopes

> > http://bit.ly/kHk1be -or-

> >



> >

> > I wouldn't put down kelp so quickly Duncan, since the recommendation was

made by Leuren Moret, " a world reknown radiation expert " .

> >

> >

> >


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

June 18 2011 another 5.9 quake hit Japan; Fukushima melthrough 3 and building 4

have increased radioactive smog emissions.


Japan has been having a few to several quakes per day but this time there's

increased release. Nothing can be done but let the molten nuclear mess burn. And

this is the best we can hope for for thousands of years or until the corium

melts down to the water table, when it all goes up in a catastrophic radioactive

blast, spewing into the upper atmosphere as much as 30 Chernobyls in radiation.

These reactor foundations are only 30 feet above water table.

Although TEPCO and the governments and media aren't giving us quality

information, when the concrete melts through we'll know right away.

I'm of the opinion that much of the cores were ejected during the first

detonations during the meltdowns, so there's a lot in the air already and

perhaps as low as 12 Chernobyls may be released when it goes up. Still, the

environment is already showing contamination for several hundred miles in every

direction and with this added it's enough radioactivity to pinch off pretty much

all the longer-lived life forms in the world's biggest extinction-level event

since the meteorite hit at Yucutan. As it stands, about half the Japanese nation

is contaminated enough to perish even in the short-term and tens of millions of

cancers around the world will come out of this in the next 10 years.

International shipments from Japan often contain or are covered by radioactive

dust, even containers used in container shipping. I would not buy food products

from Japan at this point.

North American mechanics are urged to wear a particle mask and gloves when they

work underneath the car or replace air filters. I wear a particle mask now whan

I'm outside pressure washing and I'm on the west coast. Puddles accumulate

radioactive dust.

Take your iodine, boron, strontium, potassium, undenatured whey, selenium, to

strengthen yourself against hosting many radioemitters, clean your house and

area with HEPA filters in the vacuum cleaner, rinse off outside clothing before

you bring it in, and try to avoid breathing dust. I don't think avoidance does

much more than keep you in the upper quartile, but you might live longer than

those who don't practice avoidance and take supplements.


> I think they can't work on it; they're pulling back and leaving it to burn and

release radioisotope particles (fallout) for thousands of years.






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Japan heads admitted the news suppression was to prevent panic in society. So,

by the time they evacuated the first group they had all been exposed to lethal

radiation and will die soon. Now, about half the island is very high-risk for

cancer in less than 10 years due to radioactiity-emitting dust in the air and

food chain and about a third of the main island will be uninhabitable for any

reason for several hundred years or more due to ground level radiation from the

dust particles being enough to cook you.

News blackout about the other damaged reactor in Japan and the at-risk site at

Omaha Nebraska also fail to hit the news much. Global control of the news and

censorship in main search engines makes it difficult to get word out.

> > >

> > > I think they can't work on it; they're pulling back and leaving it to

> > burn and release radioisotope particles (fallout) for thousands of years.

> > >

> > > ><

> >



> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >




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Seems the gov's job #1 is to maintain order, not protect us. In Canada

apparently we're not testing Japanese imports when clearly they are exporting

radioactive goods. I think we have more radioactive fallout than the gov says,

given we're underneath the same jet stream as California especially on the wet



> >> >

> >> > I think they can't work on it; they're pulling back and leaving it to

> >> burn and release radioisotope particles (fallout) for thousands of years.

> >> >

> >> > ><

> >>



> >> >

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

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censoring search engines, that a dirty trick...about time a private search

engine is developed!!! bet you they wouldn't allow that.........we are so

controlled, but that control will be ending ....steadily you wait and see.


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Why can we not have scalar energy which is free!!! I hope they work on this

instead of weaponizing scalar energy.


> Media


> come on , when did the media tell the whole truth and nothing but the

truth...let alone even tell you come to that


> ajd24



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*There are far, far safer and totally efficient means of directly

creating energy. The " Wand " is a simple example. Nicola Tesla was onto

these and had we listened to him, nuclear would have never been

considered. Since Tesla was minimalized in the early part of the 20th

C, there have undoubtedly been hundreds of others. I am not talking

about carburetors or improvements on tired old systems, but totally new

forms that are direct transformations of Zero Point Energy.

In a society where large corporations control the media, few of these

ever slip into the news and those that do are usually made fun of like

" Cold Fusion, " but they are there and they work. * *

Real game changers would cost the entrenched powers a lot of money and

they can't be allowed to penetrate the market.. * *

Wind energy works, but barely. Photovoltaics still can't pay for

themselves under normal conditions. Passive solar works, but most

people are not interested. If we allowed these systems to be pushed

upon us, we'd have to make enormous changes in our lifestyles and those

that are calling for them have no idea what it suggests. For one thing,

you will never be able to drive a car directly on " alternative power " .

Even when photovoltaics " comes of age " , it will be an expensive, large,

slow system that will take days of direct sunlight to charge up a Chevy

Volt just to run a hundred miles. For this reason, these systems are

" allowed " to be discussed. They offer no threat. * *

We allowed nuclear into the system because it had perceived military

value. While nuclear itself is sophisticated, the ultimate applications

were used were lame brained and indirect. Nuclear power is as applied

today is an outgrowth of steam power. When nuclear was applied to

energy uses, those that came up with initial processes minds went

blank. Does it have potential? Maybe. But still there are far, far

better ways of producing energy that do not resort to two hundred year

old ideas. * *

Jim *

>The much safer nuclear reactors that use thorium fuel seem to have a

chance. Very little radioactive residue on the order of many grams over

ten years is produced and the reactor can't explode >or melt down. I

agree with not using uranium and plutonium but in this case of a thorium

reactor they only use a bit as a starter. The military can't use solar

and wind in their subs and carriers so >we'll always have the starter

available, and the threat of plutonium/HEU reactors.

>all good,


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*yes, we are off topic... my last post: Just because you have not " read

about them " does not mean that they do not exist. I speak from 1st

hand. They have panned out. Can't say more. *

> I am not talking about carburetors or improvements on tired old

> systems, but totally new forms that are direct transformations of

> Zero Point Energy.

I'd love to believe this, but I've been reading about ZPE type energy

systems for decades, and not once has anything ever panned out, just a

lot of scam artists that prey on the naive.

Show me something that WORKS, and I'll believe it.

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