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I'm and I live in Brooklyn.

I have 2 daughters, (will be 3 in July) and Brigette (just

turned 15 months).

About 3 months ago, I started noticing changes in Brigette's

behavior. She was starting to avoid eye contact and not looking when

we called her name. Around 11 or 12 months, she first started

babbling, but it was very rare. After awhile, she completely stopped.

Now she just blows raspberries and moans a lot. She's still not

walking but she is standing on her own and furniture walking. She

doesn't really play with toys, she just bangs them against a table or

whatever is near. She also likes to hold a toy or a piece of paper

and shake it, she finds that interesting. When she's holding a

bottle, she's slapping at it while drinking. She slaps at a lot of

things. She's into shaking her head 'no' but she's not waving. The

only thing she imitates is clapping. She does love to be held and

rocked and will hold her arms out to me to pick her up. She used to

get excited when I came into the room and cry when I would leave but

she doesn't do that anymore.

I do have fillings in my mouth that I've had

since I was a child. I'm wondering if maybe I passed mercury to her

during pregnancy. This is something I read about recently doing

research on the internet. She just had her MMR shot last Saturday

which now that I know a lot about it, I regret her getting.

She still smiles and laughs. She loves being tickled and held in the

air. I know she doesn't like her sister. has always been very

mean to her. When she thought we weren't looking, she would hit,

push, kick and jerk toys away from Brigette. I can never leave them

alone for even a second. Usually when gets close, Brigette

moves away or puts down the toy she was holding. Is this


Another thing. Sorry, I know this is long. She was born 4 weeks

early. She couldn't breath when she was born but they still gave her

to me and she stayed with me in recovery for about 45 minutes until

my mom noticed she kept making a grunting noise. The nurse took her,

checked her chest and immediately took her to NICU. She was in NICU

for 11 days on a ventilator. At one time, she extubated herself.

The hospital never told me if any damage was done. I assumed there

wasn't since they gave her a brain scan and other tests that I don't

really know much about.

Anyway, we're waiting on a neuro evaluation at the Cleveland Clinic

and neuro tests at the University Hospitals, but that is not til

Sept. I don't think I can handle waiting 4 months to find out what's

wrong with my baby. Any suggestions on who else I could try for neuro


Early intervention specialist is coming next Monday. And the ped dr.

ordered a lead, anemia and thyroid blood test.

What I really want her to have is her heavy metals checked. If my

doctor won't do it, do you know how I can have this done? She's still

real young and I don't know if they will do it at her age.

Has anyone had this done?

Well, thank you for reading.

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