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Organic Sulfur and Your Health

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*Video: Interview with Dr. Seneff, nutrition expert, on Organic Sulfur



This is a long, but most interesting video. It should be watched,

especially, by all over the age of 50, even if they have zero health

problems. It could add years to your life for almost no cost. Dr.

Seneff has learned quite a few things about sulfur and certainly has

turned some new stones when it comes to Heart Health and Diseases.

Furthermore, Seneff has come up with some very important dietary

relationships between cholesterol and sulfur that actually make great

sense. Actually, I have followed her recommended diet quite closely for

sometime now and feel better for it. As kind of proof to her opinion,

for those mainstream doctors: one little nasty fact statistically (and

these are readily available) is that the higher your cholesterol levels

are once you reach age 80, the longer that you will live (and this age

is being lowered as we speak).

Even though I have followed the results of sulfur for years now, the

mainstream medical community is just now learning the incredible value

of it. I have been researching it on the web ever since I had my

wonderful results with MSM years ago. Seneff's list of sulfur's values

is just the beginning to take shape. Recent animal studies indicate

that: it is most likely a cancer shield of sorts, helps make arteries

more pliable, helps repair any number of diseases related to improper

tissue replication and much more. Seneff wants to get her information

first-hand and that is admirable, but much of what she has discovered

is repetitious and that info is available on the web.

_Her interesting talking points worth considering that are still

opinions, but make good sense:


Our joints are collagen which are high in sulfur. In order for our

overall body to exist, it must " steal " sulfur from the joints. So

feeding your joints (keeping an adequate supply) makes you healthy overall.


Soft water causes your body to loose sulfur, so if you have a water

softener, you really need more.

Eliminating carbs helps raise sulfur levels (and allows you to process

sugars better).

Eat high saturated fat foods like coconut oils... and avoid processed

sugar totally if your goal is health.

High sulfur and low carbs encourages weight optimization.

Modern farming practices have decreased the sulfur content of our crops

(and minerals, but she does not mention it).

Vitamin D & sulfur work together.

Aluminum Sulfate has been increased in vaccines along with mercury and

both are potentially huge problems Older people should never get flu

shots if this is correct.

Autistic children all have low sulfur levels.

Sulfur protects you from skin cancer (at least).

**ADHD and **Alzheimer's may be caused by a sulfur deficiency and, as

she says, they could actually be the same thing!

Anti-perspirants actually cause a reduction in sulfur and a

corresponding increase in aluminum.


*_My own opinions beyond her points:

_**Interesting that the woman does not know that high quantities of

Organic Sulfur (MSM) will heal joint problems... and that includes

joint problems that are so bad that they are subject to joint replacement.

I learned this, first hand, when Dr. Marvel (local Sports Injury Expert)

told me years ago that my knee would require joint replacement within

two years. Today, my knee is as good as it has ever been and ALL

of my previous arthritis is totally gone.*

*This Mercola video is telling us much of what I have learned from

personal experience using MSM. It is, in my opinion, the best source of

Organic Sulfur on the planet, and much more, from what I have learned

from videos like this, giving it to others, and reading test the

results.* M*SM is_the way_ to increase sulfur level quickly.

Chondroitin Sulfate is not bioavailable and Glucosamine Sulfate causes

gastric upset... so they are useless. **Eggs and all other foods are

actually a poor source of sulfur compared to MSM. **Beyond what Senett

says, I have found that, at least most of us, simply can't take too much

sulfur. Excess is quickly disposed of by the body. I have taken over

1/2 cup/ day for months on end with nothing but great

results.* *As Seneff would lead you to surmise, sulfur**apparently

softens you arteries. I have discovered that indirectly because when

people take MSM at my recommendation for their joints, they report that

their blood pressure tends to decrease.*


From this Video, 1/2 cup/day of MSM should actually CURE **Alzheimer's,

**Autism, and MS... and _quickly._**Cachexia (muscle wasting) is a

serious problem for anyone over 60 and should be stopped **dead by

taking it.*

*Whey on a daily basis is a great way of _maintaining _healthy sulfur

levels (Dr. Mercola is correct on this), but he does not know the whole

story. Duncan Crowe <http://members.shaw.ca/duncancrow/> is absolutely

the whey Guru for those who want to know more about it.

**Seneff does not really believe in supplementation. She follows Weston

A.Price <http://www.westonaprice.org/> (a great group nevertheless) too

closely IMHO (proving that you can overdo anything). As a result,

Seneff simply does not know anything about supplementation.


Recently, I spent an entire day at the U.S. Open at Flushing Meadows

roasting in the sun with absolutely no protection and got way too much.

My nose was burned _deeply_ as well as my upper arms above the tennis

shirt line, but I did not peel at all. I do take Astraxanthin, but

obviously, I have plenty of sulfur in my system. In any event, this

proves that the two together absolutely protect you from too much sun.

It is really incredible! You really do not need anything else. Wow!


**The bottom line: Everyone should be supplementing with at least

moderate amounts of MSM. It is actually a cheaper sulfur source than

every food that Seneff mentions. We now know that the population has

generally proven that common food sources can't deliver therapeutic

doses... or, for most, even maintenance doses.*



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