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Re: pain and detox

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Depends on the person.. if you're eating healthy, you won't see as many things happening as someone who eats "crappy".... If you can continue longer DO.. and it also depends on whether you're fast is organic juices, juiced juices, or store bought juices...

SuziKLSIRDDOGS@... wrote:

How much should one expect to feel on this 3 day cleanse? Pain, tension? I have had a day that is typical of the FMS person. I just don't know how much of it is just that or how much of it is detox? I can't imagine a LOT of detoxing happening with only 3 days of juice drinking, but....???.... D

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KLSIRDDOGS@... wrote:

> *How much should one expect to feel on this 3 day cleanse? Pain,

> tension? I have had a day that is typical of the FMS person. I just

> don't know how much of it is just that or how much of it is detox? I

> can't imagine a LOT of detoxing happening with only 3 days of juice

> drinking, but....???.... D*



Everyone is different Deborah. We are all unique to ourselves. No two

people will go through a cleanse the same way even though they do it

identically and they happen to be identical twins. Best to not have any

expectations and then you will be pleasantly surprised by what you do

feel. You might be surprised at how much detox can happen in three days.

Do this several times and then go for 6 days. Pretty awesome cleanse.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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