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I used to ferment Kombucha and never had any problems. My mushroom gave up

the ghost when I moved, however, and haven't gotten around to getting

another one. I got my mushroom from Laurel farms.


----- Original Message -----

From: irenab17 <irene@...>

< >

Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 7:55 PM

Subject: Kombucha

> Is there anyone out there in Native Nutrition land fermenting

> Kombucha? If so have you had any problems with it? And where did you

> get your starter " mushroom " ?


> Irena





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Hi Irena,

I have been fermenting Kombucha for quite a while now, and have never had a

problem. This Kombucha is so healthy and grows so fast. Just a few hours after

I bottle it little Kombucha babies are growing in the tea.

I got my from a private party. If you do this, make sure how they store it, do

they have pets, do they smoke, things like that which could affect the quality.

Also, I have seen that they sell Kombucha in the health foods stores now (I am

in California). There are also on-line companies.

If you decide to try it, make sure you start with just a little every day (maybe

even as little as 1 oz), then work up to about 8 oz per day. Also, drink a lot

of water.

I have not seen immediate health benefits, but use it more for preventative, and

now that I am used to it I love the taste!

Take care!



----- Original Message -----

From: irenab17

Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 4:55 PM

Subject: Kombucha

Is there anyone out there in Native Nutrition land fermenting

Kombucha? If so have you had any problems with it? And where did you

get your starter " mushroom " ?


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Hi Irena,

I've just started doing Kombucha again. Got my mushroom from GEM cultures.

Be sure to start out slow, because it can really start to move the toxins.

The first time I used it, I loved the taste so much I drunk a whoole bunch,

a cup or two a day, and broke out in a rash all over, took me a while to

figure it out. Not that clearing toxins is bad but I like to clear them more

slowly. This time I started out with just a 1/2 oz (to be cautious) and am

upping it slowing every week as tolerated. There is a whole list devoted to

Kombucha, lots of nice friendly people that are great about helping newbies


It's pretty easy to grow once you have the basics down and continually

replenishes itself like kefir, so if you take of it you only have to buy the

mushroom once. It's the only reason I can see to use white sugar--that and

tea are what kombucha eat to thrive and the wonderful beasties turn it into

this lovely drink.


-----Original Message-----

From: irenab17 [mailto:irene@...]

Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 4:55 PM

Subject: Kombucha

Is there anyone out there in Native Nutrition land fermenting

Kombucha? If so have you had any problems with it? And where did you

get your starter " mushroom " ?


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Does anybody know what happens to the caffeine in Kombucha? I like the idea of

a fermented drink, but I don't know that I want caffeine in my body.


----- Original Message -----

From: Pellicer

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 1:48 PM

Subject: RE: Kombucha

Hi Irena,

I've just started doing Kombucha again. Got my mushroom from GEM cultures.

Be sure to start out slow, because it can really start to move the toxins.

The first time I used it, I loved the taste so much I drunk a whoole bunch,

a cup or two a day, and broke out in a rash all over, took me a while to

figure it out. Not that clearing toxins is bad but I like to clear them more

slowly. This time I started out with just a 1/2 oz (to be cautious) and am

upping it slowing every week as tolerated. There is a whole list devoted to

Kombucha, lots of nice friendly people that are great about helping newbies


It's pretty easy to grow once you have the basics down and continually

replenishes itself like kefir, so if you take of it you only have to buy the

mushroom once. It's the only reason I can see to use white sugar--that and

tea are what kombucha eat to thrive and the wonderful beasties turn it into

this lovely drink.


-----Original Message-----

From: irenab17 [mailto:irene@...]

Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 4:55 PM

Subject: Kombucha

Is there anyone out there in Native Nutrition land fermenting

Kombucha? If so have you had any problems with it? And where did you

get your starter " mushroom " ?


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The caffeine is alive and well in Kombucha. Some people use less tea to cut the

caffeine. Even though Kombucha is supposed to be transformed into some type of

protein, I still react to it as if it were a carb. so need to be careful not to

drink too much.

Even with all this I feel the potential health benefits are worth it.

If you want fermented drinks, try learning about fermenting with whey. I make

ginger ale, fruit drinks (no-alcohol), veggie drinks, kefir with pineapple, etc.

with kefir whey. It is wonderful, fizzy and flavorful.

Another fermented drink is the raw apple cider vinegar. I make it a couple of

ways: 1 pint water to 1 tbsp. ACV to 2 tbsp. honey. or substitute molasses for

the honey and I have little to no blood sugar reactions.

I have also found that all fermented drinks dehydrate me (same as alcohol), so I

make sure I drink at least equal amounts of water when I do drink these.



----- Original Message -----

From: Darmohray

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 6:25 PM

Subject: Re: Kombucha

Does anybody know what happens to the caffeine in Kombucha? I like the idea

of a fermented drink, but I don't know that I want caffeine in my body.


----- Original Message -----

From: Pellicer

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 1:48 PM

Subject: RE: Kombucha

Hi Irena,

I've just started doing Kombucha again. Got my mushroom from GEM cultures.

Be sure to start out slow, because it can really start to move the toxins.

The first time I used it, I loved the taste so much I drunk a whoole bunch,

a cup or two a day, and broke out in a rash all over, took me a while to

figure it out. Not that clearing toxins is bad but I like to clear them more

slowly. This time I started out with just a 1/2 oz (to be cautious) and am

upping it slowing every week as tolerated. There is a whole list devoted to

Kombucha, lots of nice friendly people that are great about helping newbies


It's pretty easy to grow once you have the basics down and continually

replenishes itself like kefir, so if you take of it you only have to buy the

mushroom once. It's the only reason I can see to use white sugar--that and

tea are what kombucha eat to thrive and the wonderful beasties turn it into

this lovely drink.


-----Original Message-----

From: irenab17 [mailto:irene@...]

Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 4:55 PM

Subject: Kombucha

Is there anyone out there in Native Nutrition land fermenting

Kombucha? If so have you had any problems with it? And where did you

get your starter " mushroom " ?


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I'm not an expert on Kombucha but I found some tidbits on a Kombucha site

that mat muddy the water for you ( :

From an FAQ: (http://w3.trib.com/~kombu/FAQ/part01a.html#BM113t)

" 1.13 Can I use decaffeinated tea to make Kombucha Tea?

Yes. Some people use only decaffeinated tea . Others use a combination of 3

or 4 bags decaffeinated tea with 1 or 2 bags regular black tea.

Decaffeinated tea still has about 3% caffeine content.

1.14 Is the caffeine in Kombucha Tea all used up by the colony?

No. The caffeine content of Kombucha Tea remains unchanged by the

fermentation process. "

I cut the following exerpt out of a article about Kombucha, the link to the

entire article is: http://www.kombu.de/nutrient.htm

" Black or green tea provides all the additional components and growth

factors required by the Kombucha culture. It not only contains a number of

important trace elements but also nitrogen compounds, carbohydrates, enzymes

and vitamins. The stimulating components, caffeine and theophylline, belong

to the purine groups which are required for building nucleic acids. Since

these groups are used by the microorganisms, it could be assumed that the

caffeine and theophylline in the tea are actually used up because they

represent a source of nitrogen. What happens to the caffeine in Kombucha tea

is a frequently asked question and this perhaps provides the likely answer.

Total nitrogen in black tea represents 4.5% of the dry weight: 0.92% is

found in soluble proteins, 2.51% is insoluble and 1.07% is contained in

caffeine (for a tea containing 3.71% caffeine) and theophylline. According

to one source (Abraham, 1995) green tea contains 5% caffeine and black tea

only 2%. Green tea therefore provides more than twice the amount of nitrogen

for the Kombucha culture. It is important to keep in mind that herbal teas

do not contain these particular important nutrients and can for this and

other reasons not be considered very suitable for making Kombucha.

Gunther (1994) already mentioned that Bing considers the purines - and

caffeine belongs to this family - as providers of important nutrients for

Kombucha. My assumption that the microorganisms in Kombucha do in fact break

down caffeine to obtain critical nutrients is supported by an analysis

performed by Chappuis. He reported in a post to the Kombucha

discussion group that he observed a reduction of caffeine by 25% during the

first two weeks. " (Feb. 28, 1998).

so there you go, I think that there is not much reduction in a traditional

brewing for drinking, but the caffeine may get used up eventually.


-----Original Message-----

From: Darmohray [mailto:edarmohray@...]

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 6:26 PM

Subject: Re: Kombucha

Does anybody know what happens to the caffeine in Kombucha? I like the idea

of a fermented drink, but I don't know that I want caffeine in my body.


----- Original Message -----

From: Pellicer

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 1:48 PM

Subject: RE: Kombucha

Hi Irena,

I've just started doing Kombucha again. Got my mushroom from GEM


Be sure to start out slow, because it can really start to move the toxins.

The first time I used it, I loved the taste so much I drunk a whoole


a cup or two a day, and broke out in a rash all over, took me a while to

figure it out. Not that clearing toxins is bad but I like to clear them


slowly. This time I started out with just a 1/2 oz (to be cautious) and


upping it slowing every week as tolerated. There is a whole list devoted


Kombucha, lots of nice friendly people that are great about helping



It's pretty easy to grow once you have the basics down and continually

replenishes itself like kefir, so if you take of it you only have to buy


mushroom once. It's the only reason I can see to use white sugar--that


tea are what kombucha eat to thrive and the wonderful beasties turn it


this lovely drink.


-----Original Message-----

From: irenab17 [mailto:irene@...]

Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 4:55 PM

Subject: Kombucha

Is there anyone out there in Native Nutrition land fermenting

Kombucha? If so have you had any problems with it? And where did you

get your starter " mushroom " ?


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Lady G,

Take a look here:



On 10/20/05, ladyguinevere@... <ladyguinevere@...

> wrote:


sure this has already been asked..but how does one go about getting a

starter for this...and how does one grow more to continue making more?

I'm a bit behind and have wanted to try this but have no idea where to get it and how to keep it going! lol


" Besides

from all of the health benefits, it is great tasting. Yesterday I

harvested a batch and it was so great I could have drank the whole

gallon right then and there. It is different every time but I

have never had a batch that I didn't enjoy

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I have several that are sitting waiting to be cycled out. You are

welcome to one of my babies for free if you are willing to pay for


I've actually tossed out some batches before because i had so much i

could not consume it all.

Once you are ready with everything you need to grow a batch, let me

know (offline) and i will pack one up for you.


h10feet@... if you have any questions.


> Thank you for this site...it is very informative. I learned quite

a bit from reading it...answers many of my questions.


> Well, except for one...who can I get a starter from without paying

so much?? LOL


> Caroline


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This is hysterical! My husband said he once knew someone that said

that the culture spoke to him....i see you are a similar believer :o)

Funny, but when i first got my culture, i made and drank a bunch.

Lately we have not been drinking so much, in fact i have not drank

any in a month, but i am letting my batches go super sour and using

them for Vinegar. They tend to be less " BUZZY " that way if you know

what i mean!


> I'm sure this has already been asked..but how does one go about

getting a starter for this...and how does one grow more to continue

making more?


> I'm a bit behind and have wanted to try this but have no idea

where to get it and how to keep it going! lol


> Caroline



> " Besides from all of the health benefits, it is great tasting.

Yesterday I harvested a batch and it was so great I could have drank

the whole gallon right then and there. It is different every time

but I have never had a batch that I didn't enjoy





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Sylvia - don't throw it away! Water your plants, rinse your hair, use for a facial astringent, antiseptic, douche, clean your toilets! Just don't throw any away. If it sits long enough it becomes vinegar and you can use it in place of the poison they call vinegar on the market (apple cider vinegar not included!).


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When you say "buzzy" do you mean like in fizzy or as in "catching a buzz"?

Peace, love, laughter

"A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest man."Sylvia <h10feet@...> wrote:

This is hysterical! My husband said he once knew someone that said that the culture spoke to him....i see you are a similar believer :o)Funny, but when i first got my culture, i made and drank a bunch. Lately we have not been drinking so much, in fact i have not drank any in a month, but i am letting my batches go super sour and using them for Vinegar. They tend to be less "BUZZY" that way if you know what i mean!Sylvia

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I have stuff in the fridge, i have stuff in dormant fermentation, and

i have stuff with the " moms/babies " , i just havent been interested in

consuming it lately? NOt sure why....

Also, my batches seem to be getting progressivly " headier " and ....

maybe i need a little time out and i should explore this.



> do you have other cultures or are you just denying yourself the joy

of the bootch?


> beaN



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Kind of both . I've had a few batches that were " WOW " quick

buzzy body high and then gone in about 30 minutes.

But it's not really like " alcohol " intoxication (even though the

fermented product does contain a small percentage of alcohol) it's

the combination of nutrients and " b's " and the small alchy

that " punches " it into your blood stream. It's weird, but cool.

hmmm i really should go visit one of my batches :o)



> When you say " buzzy " do you mean like in fizzy or as in " catching

a buzz " ?


> Peace, love, laughter



> " A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest man. "




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