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....and then these same doctors tell us not to go onto the Internet to look for answers. Oh, if only THEY would, how much easier our lives would be. Thank heaven for the Internet is all I can say.

luv - Sheila

I also had this internal shaking however I only noticed it just as Iwas waking up. It WAS a peculiar feeling. Now that I know it wasadrenal, it makes sense and now I am addressing the adrenals and havenot noticed it. It is amazing what doctors do not know. I cannottell you how many times I brought this up to several doctors and NOONE OF THEM brought up adrenals....What a travisty.Venizia>> > Hi Leah,> Adrenal- 'a peculiar internal shivering'? is a symptomsof low adrenals do the questionnaire in the files.> http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/111354027/direct/01/>

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I actually did the adrenal questionnaire some time back and it came

back as moderate adrenal fatigue. I recognised many of the symptoms

which are described as adrenal fatigue, but when I then did an ASI on

the strength of this, it came back as normal to high, and suggested I

was in resistance phase. I had forgotten about the internal shivering

and hadn't really realised that the weird shaky feeling was the same


I spoke to Dr P yesterday and though I can't get to see him until the

end of NOV he has given me some advice (to cut back the thyroid meds

and add in nutri adrenal, then build thyroid meds back up), and will

speak to me in a couple of weeks to see how I am getting on... (bless


Leah x



> Hi Leah,

> Adrenal- 'a peculiar internal shivering'? is a

symptoms of low adrenals do the questionnaire in the files.

> http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/111354027/direct/01/


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Hi Everyone

Well all I can say is what an excellent service. The salivary testing

kit has just arrived I only decided to order it yesterday. Can I just

query as I am now desperate for some answers, did I not see that you

only needed to stop the NAE for about 24 hours mentioned on this

forum. I know Sheila you told me at least a week but I'm sure I read a

comment somewhere that someone had called them and they had said about

24 hours because it wasn't cortisone?? I don't know whether to go for

increasing the NAE to six a day and see what happens or whether to

stop it today and get the test sent off early next week. The longer I

leave it the more it is going to co-incide with my appt with Dr B on

24th this month. Or should I keep hold of the kit, increase the NAE to

six a day and wait until after seeing Dr B, then I will have a few

months leeway to stop and start things etc, oh decisions, decisions

the more I think the more confused I become I am my own worst enemy.

I'm still having the shaky feelings am I safe to continue taking all

my thyroxine when feeling like this?

Love form a confused Lizzie

> Well I've done it! I've ordered the 24 hr salivary test kit

from Lab

> 21.I am so fed up of never feeling right. I really did think I was

> getting there until a few days ago but these shaking feelings are

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Hi Lizzie - it is recommended you stop NAE for a week and then do the test. If you are taking HC, you need to sotp that for 6 weeks, but I should imagine that for anybody on HC having to do that, it would just about knock them for six. However, you may well be right about them saying to sotp it for 24 hours. Why not give them a ring and ask them.

Decisions indeed. I am not sure what to recommend Lizzie, but personally, I feel that if it IS your adrenals, you should not be carrying on taking the thyroid hormone replacement that you are and you should be getting them boosted as soon as possible. See whether you have to sotp them for 24 hours only, and if so, think about doing the test and you will get the results back within a week, and then you may be in a better position to decide whether to start treatment or wait until after you have seen Dr B. Oh, how I wish you were able to just tell Dr B that you have had the adrenal salivary profile and that you need to boost your adrenals, and for him to accept this - but he won't.

Luv - Sheila

The longer I leave it the more it is going to co-incide with my appt with Dr B on24th this month. Or should I keep hold of the kit, increase the NAE tosix a day and wait until after seeing Dr B, then I will have a fewmonths leeway to stop and start things etc, oh decisions, decisionsthe more I think the more confused I become I am my own worst enemy.I'm still having the shaky feelings am I safe to continue taking allmy thyroxine when feeling like this?Love form a confused Lizzie >


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De P is none other than Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield, Patron and one of the Medical Advisers to TPA-UK. He runs metabolic clinics throughout the UK and many of the members here are patients of his. And NO, sorry, but you must definitely cannot have him in the US. He's all ours, and we think the world of him. He trained under Broda in the US and has given back normal health to thousands over there and over here.

Luv - Sheila

Who is this Dr. P? We need on of him in the U.S. desperately.Venizia


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Hi Sheila

Have just contacted Lab 21, they were extremely helpful and gave me

two options. If I want to know the effects that the NAE are having on

my adrenals then to continue taking them or if I want a baseline test

to stop them for 24 hours. Now I have to decide what to do about that.

Do you think I would be best to get a baseline or see if the NAE is

doing any good?

Love Lizzie

> Hi Lizzie - it is recommended you stop NAE for a week and then do

the test. If you are taking HC, you need to sotp that for 6 weeks, but

I should imagine that for anybody on HC having to do that, it would

just about knock them for six. However, you may well be right about

them saying to sotp it for 24 hours. Why not give them a ring and ask




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I'm sure you can find good practitioners in the States, Venizia. Most

of the books I have been reading about low thyroid problems have been

from the US. Some of them list resources in the back. Then there are

quite a few websites.

The Broda Foundation:


Dr Mark Starr:


Janie Bowthorpe's website:




Dr (adrenal fatigue expert):


Dr Lee (natural hormone expert):


This group is UK based, which is why we keep mentioning Dr P. If you

joined some US group you would probably find a lot more information

about practitioners and other resources near you.

Best wishes,


> Who is this Dr. P? We need on of him in the U.S. desperately.

> Venizia

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I have been to 6 doctors so far and now am seeing a Naturopathic MD.

I have my hopes up with her. Many of us on the adrenal and thyroid

groups in the U.S. are having a devil of a time finding a good doctor.

Shoman just kicked off one of our most knowledgable members for

telling someone about the Natural thyroid support groups available.

It does not look encouraging here but thank you for all the info. I

will definitely look it through.


> > Who is this Dr. P? We need on of him in the U.S. desperately.

> > Venizia


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Hi Lizzie

I cannot see the point of doiong a baseline test to see whether the NAE are working or not because you don't know what your adrenals were like before you started NAE. I would stop for 24 hours and then do the test and then we can take it from there. At least, you will know whether you have an adrenal problem or not.

Luv - Sheila

Hi SheilaHave just contacted Lab 21, they were extremely helpful and gave metwo options. If I want to know the effects that the NAE are having onmy adrenals then to continue taking them or if I want a baseline testto stop them for 24 hours. Now I have to decide what to do about that.Do you think I would be best to get a baseline or see if the NAE isdoing any good? Love Lizzie> Hi Lizzie - it is recommended you stop NAE for a week and then dothe test. If you are taking HC, you need to sotp that for 6 weeks, butI should imagine that for anybody on HC having to do that, it wouldjust about knock them for six. However, you may well be right aboutthem saying to sotp it for 24 hours. Why not give them a ring and askthem.> >

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Never mind Venizia - read all the good stuff he has written on our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk - and you can pretend he is talking to you.

Luv - Sheila

:(Venizia-- In thyroid treatment , "sheilaturner"<sheilaturner@...> wrote:>> De P is none other than Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield, Patron and oneof the Medical Advisers to TPA-UK. He runs metabolic clinicsthroughout the UK and many of the members here are patients of his.And NO, sorry, but you must definitely cannot have him in the US. He'sall ours> > Luv - Sheila> >


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You are too funny Sheila! :) Thanks so much will do.


> >

> > De P is none other than Dr Barry Durrant-Peatfield, Patron and one

> of the Medical Advisers to TPA-UK. He runs metabolic clinics

> throughout the UK and many of the members here are patients of his.

> And NO, sorry, but you must definitely cannot have him in the US. He's

> all ours

> >

> > Luv - Sheila

> >

> >


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I just had a quick look at the to see what they had for

thyroid in the US.


There are 7 thriving groups with lots of members. One belongs to

" Stop the Thyroid Madness " and one to Shomon, but others are more

independent. You could join them all if you ticked the option of

reading messages on the website instead of getting them sent to your

inbox! I'm sure you could find some good leads here.


> Who is this Dr. P? We need on of him in the U.S. desperately.

> Venizia

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Venizia is already a member of an active Hypothyroid group Miriam.

Luv - Sheila

I just had a quick look at the to see what they had forthyroid in the US. http://uk./search?query=thyroid+USThere are 7 thriving groups with lots of members. One belongs to"Stop the Thyroid Madness" and one to Shomon, but others are moreindependent. You could join them all if you ticked the option ofreading messages on the website instead of getting them sent to yourinbox! I'm sure you could find some good leads here.Miriam


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Yes, but she is trying to trace practitioners in the States and we

don't have a lot of information about that here do we?


> Venizia is already a member of an active Hypothyroid group


> Luv - Sheila

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Sorory Miriam, I forgot to say that she is a member of at least one American hypothyroid forum. However, I do believe that Shomon has a list of doctors, but not all of them apparently can be relied upon. Not sure how up to date her list is.

Luv - Sheila

Yes, but she is trying to trace practitioners in the States and wedon't have a lot of information about that here do we?Miriam> Venizia is already a member of an active Hypothyroid groupMiriam. > Luv - Sheila

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I see! :-) It's amazing you manage to keep track of everything so

well Sheila.

> Sorry Miriam, I forgot to say that she is a member of at least one

American hypothyroid forum. However, I do believe that Shomon has

a list of doctors, but not all of them apparently can be relied upon.

Not sure how up to date her list is.

> Luv - Sheila

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It's a struggle sometimes Miriam - especially as new members are coming along on a daily basis.

Luv - Sheila

I see! :-) It's amazing you manage to keep track of everything sowell Sheila.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

It helps to monitor your pulse rate too. If mine gets higher than 80 I know I

am increasing the thyroid hormone too rapidly. Pulse depends partly on age. I

am 55. If you are older a higher pulse rate is probably OK. My temperature

still seems to fluctuate according to the weather and my activity so is not such

a good guide for me.


> My basal temp for the last 5 mornings has been 36.7, 36.7, 36.7, 36.8 and

today 36.9. My daytime temp has been averaging 37.


> I am feeling that after 6 weeks on the armour I am only just starting to feel

the benefits of the Armour. My hands were as warm as toast at breakfast and my

son exclaimed " Gosh Mum your hands are usually like ice " .

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Guest guest

I would say that your body is probably adjusting to all the

different hormones and the unspecified enzymes that are in Armour - and would

persevere a little longer. I have heard of this happening before, so you are

not alone, and yes, their body does eventually get used to these new changes.

Luv - Sheila

I am a little worried about these woozy feelings but think that my adrenals

must be coping with those good temps, could I be still on too much Armour or

are these symptoms a sign of my body adjusting to it and getting used to it.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

just wondering if anyone has had this problem. I had surgery in Jan. and had

the usual pt which went well. Now the problems are starting...

My new right knee actually straightened my leg out. It did fine for awhile

but now im having back problems , foot problems and all my muscles are fighting

each other.

Went to foot doctor and he says since ive straighten my right leg,, my left

leg is shorter,good grief i said. So what next, i guess total left knee or they

will build up my shoe to match my other leg. I also have a bakers cyst behind

the knee which is causing pain when i do any bending.

Everyday is a challenge and im hoping someday it will all be patched back

together, so i can go rockhounding again..

thanks for listening, guess i needed to vent some...linda

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