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6 weeks post op

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Hi. I have classic chondromalacia symptoms: grating under kneecap,

dull occassional pain on innder knee and upper shin, tightness around

the knee etc. I have started doing some strenghtening and stretching

exericses for my quads.

I was wondering what hamstring strenghtening exercises I could do.

Also, from your experience, is it okay to use a cross-trainer (like

the ski machine), elliptical etc.?

In addition, are there certain things I should stay clear of? For

example, would bending forward to touch my toes put any unwanted

pressure on my knees?

After some stretches and strength exercises, such as quad

contractions, and straight leg movements up and down for both the

quads and inner thighs, I do occassionally feel sore/tight around my

knee. Does that mean I should avoid these exercises for a while

longer, or is such soreness normal?

Thanks very much.


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I'm not a doctor, but I've been on this list long enough to have learned from

other people's experience (not to mention my own). My answers inserted into

your text below.


Re: 6 weeks post op

>Hi. I have classic chondromalacia symptoms: grating under kneecap,

>dull occassional pain on innder knee and upper shin, tightness around

>the knee etc. I have started doing some strenghtening and stretching

>exericses for my quads.

My OS said the best strengthening ex. for the quads is the sitting quad chair

at the gym. Only raise the bar about 6 " to avoid lots of scraping.

>I was wondering what hamstring strenghtening exercises I could do.

I use the ham chair. However, I find that even this irritates my CP. I use

McConnell tape for all my exercises. Are you familiar with this

>Also, from your experience, is it okay to use a cross-trainer (like

>the ski machine), elliptical etc.?

Use anything that doesn't hurt or doesn't cause a flare-up later, l like the

next day.

>In addition, are there certain things I should stay clear of? For

>example, would bending forward to touch my toes put any unwanted

>pressure on my knees?

I don't think that will, but DO avoid squatting and kneeling.

>After some stretches and strength exercises, such as quad

>contractions, and straight leg movements up and down for both the

>quads and inner thighs, I do occassionally feel sore/tight around my

>knee. Does that mean I should avoid these exercises for a while

>longer, or is such soreness normal?

It means you're rubbing more tissue off the articular membranes of your

kneecap and femur. I thin the tightness is due to surrounding tissues trying to

get away from the pain, or else swelling, dependign on where it is. If you're

not familiar with knee tape (the McConnell tape I mentioned above, write me &

I'll send you instructions. Knee tape makes the difference between my being

able to do strengthening exercises or use the treadmill and not. E-mail is



Thanks very much.


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I should have said, w/r/t the quad chair, start out w/legs straight and only

LOWER and raise the bar about 6 " .


Re: 6 weeks post op

>Hi. I have classic chondromalacia symptoms: grating under kneecap,

>dull occassional pain on innder knee and upper shin, tightness around

>the knee etc. I have started doing some strenghtening and stretching

>exericses for my quads.

My OS said the best strengthening ex. for the quads is the sitting quad

chair at the gym. Only raise the bar about 6 " to avoid lots of scraping.

>I was wondering what hamstring strenghtening exercises I could do.

I use the ham chair. However, I find that even this irritates my CP. I use

McConnell tape for all my exercises. Are you familiar with this

>Also, from your experience, is it okay to use a cross-trainer (like

>the ski machine), elliptical etc.?

Use anything that doesn't hurt or doesn't cause a flare-up later, l like the

next day.

>In addition, are there certain things I should stay clear of? For

>example, would bending forward to touch my toes put any unwanted

>pressure on my knees?

I don't think that will, but DO avoid squatting and kneeling.

>After some stretches and strength exercises, such as quad

>contractions, and straight leg movements up and down for both the

>quads and inner thighs, I do occassionally feel sore/tight around my

>knee. Does that mean I should avoid these exercises for a while

>longer, or is such soreness normal?

It means you're rubbing more tissue off the articular membranes of your

kneecap and femur. I thin the tightness is due to surrounding tissues trying to

get away from the pain, or else swelling, dependign on where it is. If you're

not familiar with knee tape (the McConnell tape I mentioned above, write me &

I'll send you instructions. Knee tape makes the difference between my being

able to do strengthening exercises or use the treadmill and not. E-mail is



Thanks very much.


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  • 3 years later...

Hi all

I am 6 weeks post THR and just gone from crutches to a stick. I was

partial weight bearing on crutches as I had a bone graft. Has anyone

experience of this amd how long did it take to be able to walk properly

without anything. Since changing walking aids I have had quite a lot

of pain in the joint and the whole leg aches especially at night. Is

this just beacuse I am using muscles now I haven't used in a while?



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> Hi all


> I am 6 weeks post THR and just gone from crutches to a stick. I was

> partial weight bearing on crutches as I had a bone graft. Has anyone

> experience of this amd how long did it take to be able to walk


> without anything. Since changing walking aids I have had quite a lot

> of pain in the joint and the whole leg aches especially at night. Is

> this just beacuse I am using muscles now I haven't used in a while?

> Thanks

> Hannah


Hi Hannah, I also had a THR about 10 weeks ago, and although I did not

need to have a bone graft I can tell you that, yes, at each different

stage my leg would ache while it adjusted to each differnet kind of

walking I was doing. My back also was not happy at times, as well as

my knee. I can say at this point my leg/back only hurt abit at night

and most of the time I don't even take anything for it. Good Luck!


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