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19 new links added to Website Link Resources (See *New additions)

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Here is a list of Website Links for Resources and group support.

This list will be sent out every two weeks. For new members and others who might need the information. ~Forward to anyone in need~

All Links are Alphabetically arranged. - *New additions will be added and Let me know if you need any other links. Also, send in any that you would

like to add to this list: P2ParentsChatPC@... I hope I have something for everyone. :o)

I'll compose a catagorical list with the same links soon.


ABA - What is ABA? A good explaination of what ABA is.

*New addition

ABA Connections - Website for finding ABA specialists and ABA finding families This is a great site to find an ABA specialist or consultant in your area. Also for ABA specialists and consultants to find family clients.

ABA Resources for Recovery from Autism/PDD/Hyperlexia A very good resource for information about ABA for treating Autism/PDD and Hyperlexia.

Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network

*New additon

Auditory Processing Therapy Program - The Listening Program

AIT - Auditory Integration Therapy.

Autism NDI - Autism Network for Dietary Intervention

The Website for the Gluten Free/ Casein Free dietary Intervention. (See also GFCFKids for discussion group.)

*New addition

Autism/PDD Resources Network: Main Page A very resourceful website with lots of information and links. Also a page for a diagnostic checklist.

Autism Research Institute - DAN Dr. List

Dr. Bernard Rimland founder of the ARI. Website for resourceful information. See this DAN doctor list after a few paragraphs on this page.

Autism Society of America: What is Autism? A brief description of characteristics and diagnosis information.

*New addition Autism Today, latest news and resources for autism and autism related issues -

Autism Treatment Center of America - Home Page "The Autism Treatment Center of America" - The Son-Rise Program.

*New addition

Autistic Spectrum - Coping.org A good description of Autistic Spectrum. Very good information on many aspects of coping with autism.

"Breaking The Vicious Cycle" Beginner's guide for the SCD diet. Explaination for the Dietary Intervention for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. (See also ElainesChildren for discussion group.) - (See also Lucy's Kitchen Shop for SCD items and SCD Recipes ).


Custom Probiotics, acidophilus, bifidobacteria, candida, probiotics,yogurt,whey For pro-biotic needs.

Feingold.org - Dietary Intervention

The Feingold diet explaination and website with information.

Floor Time Method - Coping.org Floor-time method as described by the Greenspan method.

*New addition

Future Horizons - World Leader in Autism / Asperger's / PDD Publications A very good website with lots of information and books to order.

GFCF Diet - Food List (Health & Hygiene) A list of GFCF foods and products such as lotions, soaps and other chemical free products.

Great Plains Laboratory, your center of testing and analysis for Autism "The Great Plains Labratory" - Information on what to test for in Autism.

Kirkman Laboratories

website for vitamins and supplements for Autism.

*New addition

Lucy's Kitchen Shop - products for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, a dietary tr Website for recipes, articles, recommendations for vitamins and more for the SCD.

Method: for Children with Autism Spectrum and Severe Learning Disorders-

A therapuetic method to help children with social interaction and following directions using a platform that the child walks on.

*New additon :o))

Parent to Parent for Autism - Home Page (formally called Parent to Parent 4SN)

Website for parents seeking information for resources and other helpful parenting ideas

This website features ParentsChat - a weekly internet chat for parents. See also discussion group: P2ParentsChat

Parent to Parent of New Hampshire - Support for Families with Special Needs Chi A very helpful and resourceful website for any parent seeking information and especially those of New Hampshire.

*New addition

Pervasive Developmental Disorders PDD-NOS, Asperger's Disorder and Autism Information on PDD and Aspergers' syndrome.

SCD Autism Summary This page is a good explaination of bacteria and other microorganisms that play a role in bowel disorders and therefore explains the need for the SCD diet.

* New addition

SCD Recipes Recipes for those on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. (See "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" for information about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.)

Tushies - The Alternative Diaper Disposable Diapers that are made of all cotton and woodpulp. These work well. I recommend them for a good alternative to regular diapers with gel.

*New additon

US Social Security Administration Office Locator

WebMD - Online Health information

The Original WebMD website.

WebMD - Prescription Drug Reference

*New additon

Wild Oats Market - Gluten/Casein free and organic foods Wild Oats Market - specialty store for Gluten/ Casein free and organic foods.


~~ and other discussion groups Alphabetical Listing.~~

ElainesChildren - Message board Discussion group for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. (Elaine Gottschall Author of the book "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" is an active participant in this board).

: autismandenvironment A group to discuss Environmental issues relating to autism.

*New addition

: Autism-Florida

*New addition

: southflorida_autism South Florida

*New addition

: Autism_land

: Discussion on mercury toxins and vaccinations.

: For Residents in North East Ohio, Cuyahoga and surounding counties.

: AutismOhio

For All Residents of Ohio. Most members in this group are located in the middle of Ohio. : BIA-Indiana A group for Indiana residents to network with each other.

*New addition

: EMPOWER_COLORADO Colorado Residents discussion group.

: GFCFKids A group specifically for the Gluten Free/ Casein Free dietary Intervention.

*New additon

: Homeschool_SpecialNeedsKidz

A Discussion group for Homeschoolers.

: Feingold-Program4us- A group specifically for discussing the Feingold dietary Intervention.

*New addition

: NJFamiliesWAutism New Jersey Families with Autism.

*New addition

: PDD-BPkids (PDD and Bipolar)

This is a discussion group for parents of children who are diagnosed with both PDD and Bipolar disorder.

: puzzleparentsOM2 Group discussion for OsteoMed II


(This list is compiled to help seekers find information.

None of these links are affiliates and are not for commercial purposes

Compiled by n. - Parent to Parent for Autism).

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