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update on GJ.......Great News - I GOT MY KID BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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(Cheri had her son GJ on the GFCF diet for over 3 years and has been able to wean him off of the diet over this past year.)

Here is her letter I had to share with you all.

I just have to share a few of the things he has been doing lately.....initiating appropriate play with his classmates, and actually playing with them for extended amounts of time,,,,,,,eating a more varied diet, and still NOT gfcf anymore!! Total tolerance to crowded places, loud noises, which were impossible for him 2 years ago, coloring everything, which he alwasy hated to do,,,,,,spells and reads like a pro, no problems there, reading phonetically too...YAY!!! hold a conversation very normally, with just about anyone, WH questions are easy for him now, but impossible 2 years ago....he is so undistinguishable from his peers at this point.......

Cheri Henry

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