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THR 3 months after: various questions

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I'm now 3 months after my LTHR (4th August). Doing reasonably well, I

think, though I get impatient with my slow progress. Still have to walk

with a cane, as I limp without it - my abductor muscles not fully recovered

yet. (I had " classic " surgical procedure, not minimal invasive - scar down

side of thigh. Slower healing, I guess, due to cut muscles. I've heard it

can take up to a year to fully recover.) However, I'm now able to walk

short distances without limping; and I do daily hikes of about half an hour

(or more; sometimes twice a day) in the forest, using a pair of walking

poles, with which I can generally walk fine and without limping. Beginning

to feel almost " normal " again.

My PT gave me 3 pages of printed exercises to do at home - the only one I am

still completely unable to do is lying on my unoperated side and raising the

operated leg in the air (I can do it a bit with leg bent at knee, but not

with leg straight. During my weekly PT session, my PT helps me do it with

leg supported in sling. Without help and support, I can barely raise it a

centimetre or two! She reassures me it is a very difficult exercise, and I

should keep a hopeful attitude...)

I have a couple of questions:

1. Water exercises. I just took out a subscription to my local

swimming pool, as my PT recommended swimming. I haven't yet started as I

was nervous about walking on wet slippery tiles from changing-room to pool,

also about managing ladders in and out of pool (there are no steps).

However, I'm now feeling steady enough to attempt it. Please can anyone

recommend suitable water exercises, especially for strengthening abductor

muscles? Any recommended websites (especially with pictures or diagrams)?

2. The last 2 - 3 days I had mild stabbing pains in the muscles round

the top of my leg and in my buttock, especially when walking - was unable

to do my usual daily half-hour walk - was hobbling in pain after 5-10

minutes. My thigh muscles felt stiff and slightly warm. I took things very

easy for the past 2 days - lay down and rested a lot, took a pain-killer,

and did minimal exercise. Today seems to be better again - was able to walk

my usual distance this morning without pain. The weather has been

changeable the past week or so (cool and rain, then back to mild and sunny);

and I also had a cold with a stuffy head for the past week (now wearing

off). Can a cold or similar mild infection affect the hip muscles?



Galilee, Israel

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Hello Margaret: When I saw you posting it was nice to realize that someone else

was at the same place as I am.  I too had a classic RTHR on Aug 26th and am

disheartened by what appears to be slow progress.


Having a small dog I walk twice a day (with cane) but find by the end of 20

minutes I am limping noticeably. My big thrill came 10 days ago when I was able

to put on my own socks without and assistance or dressing aids.


I go to physio twice a week (very helpful) and do a similar set of exercises at



The good news I can assure you is that the muscle issue will definately improve

over the next two or three months.  I had a quad heart bypass in August last

year and the cut chest muscles and sternum hurt like heck for the first few

months but all this discomfort is now gone and I am working on getting rid of

the hip abductor discomfort.


The cold wet temperature at this time of year seems to bother my hip as well but

I wonder if this is psychosematic.  The days are damp, and dull so perhaps the

dullness makes me just imagine that my hip is sore.


Anyway things will improve.  Treat youself well and this  too will pass


Guy Bauer

Guelph Ontario

From: Margaret Hayon <margaret@...>

Subject: THR 3 months after: various questions

Joint Replacement

Received: Monday, November 3, 2008, 4:26 AM

I'm now 3 months after my LTHR (4th August). Doing reasonably well, I

think, though I get impatient with my slow progress. Still have to walk

with a cane, as I limp without it - my abductor muscles not fully recovered

yet. (I had " classic " surgical procedure, not minimal invasive - scar down

side of thigh. Slower healing, I guess, due to cut muscles. I've heard it

can take up to a year to fully recover.) However, I'm now able to walk

short distances without limping; and I do daily hikes of about half an hour

(or more; sometimes twice a day) in the forest, using a pair of walking

poles, with which I can generally walk fine and without limping. Beginning

to feel almost " normal " again.

My PT gave me 3 pages of printed exercises to do at home - the only one I am

still completely unable to do is lying on my unoperated side and raising the

operated leg in the air (I can do it a bit with leg bent at knee, but not

with leg straight. During my weekly PT session, my PT helps me do it with

leg supported in sling. Without help and support, I can barely raise it a

centimetre or two! She reassures me it is a very difficult exercise, and I

should keep a hopeful attitude...)

I have a couple of questions:

1. Water exercises. I just took out a subscription to my local

swimming pool, as my PT recommended swimming. I haven't yet started as I

was nervous about walking on wet slippery tiles from changing-room to pool,

also about managing ladders in and out of pool (there are no steps).

However, I'm now feeling steady enough to attempt it. Please can anyone

recommend suitable water exercises, especially for strengthening abductor

muscles? Any recommended websites (especially with pictures or diagrams)?

2. The last 2 - 3 days I had mild stabbing pains in the muscles round

the top of my leg and in my buttock, especially when walking - was unable

to do my usual daily half-hour walk - was hobbling in pain after 5-10

minutes. My thigh muscles felt stiff and slightly warm. I took things very

easy for the past 2 days - lay down and rested a lot, took a pain-killer,

and did minimal exercise. Today seems to be better again - was able to walk

my usual distance this morning without pain. The weather has been

changeable the past week or so (cool and rain, then back to mild and sunny);

and I also had a cold with a stuffy head for the past week (now wearing

off). Can a cold or similar mild infection affect the hip muscles?



Galilee, Israel

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For what it is worth - I had a RTHR on the same day a Margaret. I have been

walking withour a cane for quite awhile. can put on my socks ok, and don't

have pain (or tiny amounts once in awhile).

With all that, things are not back to normal.

1. If I have been sitting for awhile, most of the time, when I get up to

walk, I end up stumbling around for awhile. Eventually I can walk close to

" normal " .

2. As I walk, it just does not feel right. It makes me not want to walk, and

it gets tiring quickly.

3. Last week, the surgeon told me the only exercise I need to do, is to lie

on my good side and raise my bad leg 3 sets of 20 a day. I can do this


4. THe doc says, and I know that the bad leg is slightly longer. He

suggested I put a shoe foam pad in the good side. No difference. I am going

to talk to the podiatrist when I see him next week.

The good part is that in the last 4 weeks I have been on 8 flight segments

and it has been fine.

I just want to get back to the point where I can take a long leisurely walk

when I want to.

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 9:53 AM, guy bauer <gy_bauer@...> wrote:

> Hello Margaret: When I saw you posting it was nice to realize that

> someone else was at the same place as I am. I too had a classic RTHR on Aug

> 26th and am disheartened by what appears to be slow progress.


> Having a small dog I walk twice a day (with cane) but find by the end of 20

> minutes I am limping noticeably. My big thrill came 10 days ago when I was

> able to put on my own socks without and assistance or dressing aids.


> I go to physio twice a week (very helpful) and do a similar set of

> exercises at home.


> The good news I can assure you is that the muscle issue will definately

> improve over the next two or three months. I had a quad heart bypass in

> August last year and the cut chest muscles and sternum hurt like heck for

> the first few months but all this discomfort is now gone and I am working on

> getting rid of the hip abductor discomfort.


> The cold wet temperature at this time of year seems to bother my hip as

> well but I wonder if this is psychosematic. The days are damp, and dull so

> perhaps the dullness makes me just imagine that my hip is sore.


> Anyway things will improve. Treat youself well and this too will pass


> Guy Bauer

> Guelph Ontario




> From: Margaret Hayon <margaret@... <margaret%40actcom.co.il>>

> Subject: THR 3 months after: various questions

> To:

Joint Replacement <Joint Replacement%40groups.co\


> Received: Monday, November 3, 2008, 4:26 AM



> I'm now 3 months after my LTHR (4th August). Doing reasonably well, I

> think, though I get impatient with my slow progress. Still have to walk

> with a cane, as I limp without it - my abductor muscles not fully recovered

> yet. (I had " classic " surgical procedure, not minimal invasive - scar down

> side of thigh. Slower healing, I guess, due to cut muscles. I've heard it

> can take up to a year to fully recover.) However, I'm now able to walk

> short distances without limping; and I do daily hikes of about half an hour

> (or more; sometimes twice a day) in the forest, using a pair of walking

> poles, with which I can generally walk fine and without limping. Beginning

> to feel almost " normal " again.


> My PT gave me 3 pages of printed exercises to do at home - the only one I

> am

> still completely unable to do is lying on my unoperated side and raising

> the

> operated leg in the air (I can do it a bit with leg bent at knee, but not

> with leg straight. During my weekly PT session, my PT helps me do it with

> leg supported in sling. Without help and support, I can barely raise it a

> centimetre or two! She reassures me it is a very difficult exercise, and I

> should keep a hopeful attitude...)


> I have a couple of questions:


> 1. Water exercises. I just took out a subscription to my local

> swimming pool, as my PT recommended swimming. I haven't yet started as I

> was nervous about walking on wet slippery tiles from changing-room to pool,

> also about managing ladders in and out of pool (there are no steps).

> However, I'm now feeling steady enough to attempt it. Please can anyone

> recommend suitable water exercises, especially for strengthening abductor

> muscles? Any recommended websites (especially with pictures or diagrams)?


> 2. The last 2 - 3 days I had mild stabbing pains in the muscles round

> the top of my leg and in my buttock, especially when walking - was unable

> to do my usual daily half-hour walk - was hobbling in pain after 5-10

> minutes. My thigh muscles felt stiff and slightly warm. I took things very

> easy for the past 2 days - lay down and rested a lot, took a pain-killer,

> and did minimal exercise. Today seems to be better again - was able to walk

> my usual distance this morning without pain. The weather has been

> changeable the past week or so (cool and rain, then back to mild and

> sunny);

> and I also had a cold with a stuffy head for the past week (now wearing

> off). Can a cold or similar mild infection affect the hip muscles?


> Thanks,


> Margaret


> Galilee, Israel



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> I have a couple of questions:


> 1. Water exercises. I just took out a subscription to my


> swimming pool, as my PT recommended swimming. I haven't yet

started as I

> was nervous about walking on wet slippery tiles from changing-room

to pool,

> also about managing ladders in and out of pool (there are no steps).

> However, I'm now feeling steady enough to attempt it. Please can


> recommend suitable water exercises, especially for strengthening


> muscles? Any recommended websites (especially with pictures or



> >

> Thanks,


> Margaret


> Galilee, Israel


Hi Margaret,

I've been doing water aerobics for 5 years and it has been an

enormous help.

I was told 5 years ago that I had to have both hips replaced due to

arthritis. I lost some weight and did water PT and then went on to

water aerobics 3 times per week. I believe that the water has allowed

me to put off the surgery until this year. (I'm finally getting a

RTHR in December)

I would suggest starting with an instructor in the water and buying a

good pair of water shoes is a must!

There is a good water exercise book for hips called " Heal your Hips "

by Dr. Klapper. You can find it on Amazon.

Good Luck!





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Hi ,

Good to hear from you again - sounds like you've made good progress! -

especially in walking without a cane (which I still can't do without limping

- although I do manage to get round the house ok without the cane, and

without limping if I walk carefully and concentrate on my gait.) That

exercise that you do (3 below) is the only one that I *can't* yet do! I

guess everyone's progress is individual and a bit different. I haven't been

so aware of the difference in leg length as I was a week or two back - so

maybe it was the weak gluteal muscles after all - time will tell.....

I also feel very stiff and clumsy when I first get up in the morning, or

after sitting for some time - but it does wear off after I've walked a bit.

The muscles in my upper thigh also still feel a bit strange - rather rigid

and tight - although they are now gradually starting to ease and to feel

more natural.

I do enjoy my daily gentle walks in the forest - and strongly recommend a

pair of Nordic walking poles - I wouldn't yet be able to do that sort of

walking without them. I've always enjoyed hiking and country walks, and

used the poles for several years simply as a hiking-aid when my walking was

still good - but I am particularly glad of them now. My PT very much

approves of them!

Wishing us both continued improvement.


From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of Kollin

Sent: 03 November 2008 18:55

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: THR 3 months after: various questions

For what it is worth - I had a RTHR on the same day a Margaret. I have been

walking withour a cane for quite awhile. can put on my socks ok, and don't

have pain (or tiny amounts once in awhile).

With all that, things are not back to normal.

1. If I have been sitting for awhile, most of the time, when I get up to

walk, I end up stumbling around for awhile. Eventually I can walk close to

" normal " .

2. As I walk, it just does not feel right. It makes me not want to walk, and

it gets tiring quickly.

3. Last week, the surgeon told me the only exercise I need to do, is to lie

on my good side and raise my bad leg 3 sets of 20 a day. I can do this


4. THe doc says, and I know that the bad leg is slightly longer. He

suggested I put a shoe foam pad in the good side. No difference. I am going

to talk to the podiatrist when I see him next week.

The good part is that in the last 4 weeks I have been on 8 flight segments

and it has been fine.

I just want to get back to the point where I can take a long leisurely walk

when I want to.

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 9:53 AM, guy bauer <gy_bauer@...

<mailto:gy_bauer%40.ca> > wrote:

> Hello Margaret: When I saw you posting it was nice to realize that

> someone else was at the same place as I am. I too had a classic RTHR on


> 26th and am disheartened by what appears to be slow progress.


> Having a small dog I walk twice a day (with cane) but find by the end of


> minutes I am limping noticeably. My big thrill came 10 days ago when I was

> able to put on my own socks without and assistance or dressing aids.


> I go to physio twice a week (very helpful) and do a similar set of

> exercises at home.


> The good news I can assure you is that the muscle issue will definately

> improve over the next two or three months. I had a quad heart bypass in

> August last year and the cut chest muscles and sternum hurt like heck for

> the first few months but all this discomfort is now gone and I am working


> getting rid of the hip abductor discomfort.


> The cold wet temperature at this time of year seems to bother my hip as

> well but I wonder if this is psychosematic. The days are damp, and dull so

> perhaps the dullness makes me just imagine that my hip is sore.


> Anyway things will improve. Treat youself well and this too will pass


> Guy Bauer

> Guelph Ontario


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Hello Guy, Thanks for your message, and for the reassurance that the muscle

issue will improve.

Re dog walking - I have 2 small lively dogs - I occasionally walk them near

home on their leads (with cane), but find it very tiring as they get excited

and pull! Also, I find that walking on hard pavements (with or without

dogs) is tiring on my legs after a while, and makes me limp more. Luckily

I have a car, and countryside nearby, so I usually drive them out to places

where they can safely run free, while I can walk at my own pace on unpaved

nature trails.

I was getting actual stabbing pains in my thigh and hip for the past couple

of days, which was rather worrying - but those pains disappeared today and I

feel much better. We did have a cold wet spell, but the weather here (north

Israel) has now returned to mild and sunny and blue skies. So maybe

weather does make a difference, one way or another....

Wishing us all continued improvement.


From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of guy bauer

Sent: 03 November 2008 16:53

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: THR 3 months after: various questions

Hello Margaret: When I saw you posting it was nice to realize that someone

else was at the same place as I am. I too had a classic RTHR on Aug 26th

and am disheartened by what appears to be slow progress.

Having a small dog I walk twice a day (with cane) but find by the end of 20

minutes I am limping noticeably. My big thrill came 10 days ago when I was

able to put on my own socks without and assistance or dressing aids.

I go to physio twice a week (very helpful) and do a similar set of exercises

at home.

The good news I can assure you is that the muscle issue will definately

improve over the next two or three months. I had a quad heart bypass in

August last year and the cut chest muscles and sternum hurt like heck for

the first few months but all this discomfort is now gone and I am working on

getting rid of the hip abductor discomfort.

The cold wet temperature at this time of year seems to bother my hip as well

but I wonder if this is psychosematic. The days are damp, and dull so

perhaps the dullness makes me just imagine that my hip is sore.

Anyway things will improve. Treat youself well and this too will pass

Guy Bauer

Guelph Ontario

From: Margaret Hayon <margaret@... <mailto:margaret%40actcom.co.il>


Subject: THR 3 months after: various questions

Joint Replacement

<mailto:Joint Replacement%40>

Received: Monday, November 3, 2008, 4:26 AM

I'm now 3 months after my LTHR (4th August). Doing reasonably well, I

think, though I get impatient with my slow progress. Still have to walk

with a cane, as I limp without it - my abductor muscles not fully recovered

yet. (I had " classic " surgical procedure, not minimal invasive - scar down

side of thigh. Slower healing, I guess, due to cut muscles. I've heard it

can take up to a year to fully recover.) However, I'm now able to walk

short distances without limping; and I do daily hikes of about half an hour

(or more; sometimes twice a day) in the forest, using a pair of walking

poles, with which I can generally walk fine and without limping. Beginning

to feel almost " normal " again.

My PT gave me 3 pages of printed exercises to do at home - the only one I am

still completely unable to do is lying on my unoperated side and raising the

operated leg in the air (I can do it a bit with leg bent at knee, but not

with leg straight. During my weekly PT session, my PT helps me do it with

leg supported in sling. Without help and support, I can barely raise it a

centimetre or two! She reassures me it is a very difficult exercise, and I

should keep a hopeful attitude...)

I have a couple of questions:

1. Water exercises. I just took out a subscription to my local

swimming pool, as my PT recommended swimming. I haven't yet started as I

was nervous about walking on wet slippery tiles from changing-room to pool,

also about managing ladders in and out of pool (there are no steps).

However, I'm now feeling steady enough to attempt it. Please can anyone

recommend suitable water exercises, especially for strengthening abductor

muscles? Any recommended websites (especially with pictures or diagrams)?

2. The last 2 - 3 days I had mild stabbing pains in the muscles round

the top of my leg and in my buttock, especially when walking - was unable

to do my usual daily half-hour walk - was hobbling in pain after 5-10

minutes. My thigh muscles felt stiff and slightly warm. I took things very

easy for the past 2 days - lay down and rested a lot, took a pain-killer,

and did minimal exercise. Today seems to be better again - was able to walk

my usual distance this morning without pain. The weather has been

changeable the past week or so (cool and rain, then back to mild and sunny);

and I also had a cold with a stuffy head for the past week (now wearing

off). Can a cold or similar mild infection affect the hip muscles?



Galilee, Israel

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Thanks, Ed. I don't think they do organised water PT or aerobics at my

local swimming pool - but I will ask my PT for advice, and will also look at

that book you recommended.

Best wishes,


From: Joint Replacement

[mailto:Joint Replacement ] On Behalf Of Eddiegr

Sent: 03 November 2008 19:21

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: THR 3 months after: various questions



> I have a couple of questions:


> 1. Water exercises. I just took out a subscription to my


> swimming pool, as my PT recommended swimming. I haven't yet

started as I

> was nervous about walking on wet slippery tiles from changing-room

to pool,

> also about managing ladders in and out of pool (there are no steps).

> However, I'm now feeling steady enough to attempt it. Please can


> recommend suitable water exercises, especially for strengthening


> muscles? Any recommended websites (especially with pictures or



> >

> Thanks,


> Margaret


> Galilee, Israel


Hi Margaret,

I've been doing water aerobics for 5 years and it has been an

enormous help.

I was told 5 years ago that I had to have both hips replaced due to

arthritis. I lost some weight and did water PT and then went on to

water aerobics 3 times per week. I believe that the water has allowed

me to put off the surgery until this year. (I'm finally getting a

RTHR in December)

I would suggest starting with an instructor in the water and buying a

good pair of water shoes is a must!

There is a good water exercise book for hips called " Heal your Hips "

by Dr. Klapper. You can find it on Amazon.

Good Luck!





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Ditto on the book by Dr Klapper. Those exercises helped so much before my RTHR 4

weeks ago. I will be going into the pool to just wate walk starting next week,

my OS relased me to do that.

My PT will add in the exercises.

Water is awesome.

Best of Luck


Patti Widener NCTMWidener Piano Studiohappykeys88@...

Joint Replacement@...: eddiegr@...: Mon, 3 Nov

2008 17:20:41 +0000Subject: Re: THR 3 months after:

various questions

> > > I have a couple of questions:> > 1. Water exercises. I just took out

a subscription to my local> swimming pool, as my PT recommended swimming. I

haven't yet started as I> was nervous about walking on wet slippery tiles from

changing-room to pool,> also about managing ladders in and out of pool (there

are no steps).> However, I'm now feeling steady enough to attempt it. Please can

anyone> recommend suitable water exercises, especially for strengthening

abductor> muscles? Any recommended websites (especially with pictures or

diagrams)?> > > > Thanks,> > Margaret> > Galilee, Israel> Hi Margaret,I've been

doing water aerobics for 5 years and it has been an enormous help.I was told 5

years ago that I had to have both hips replaced due to arthritis. I lost some

weight and did water PT and then went on to water aerobics 3 times per week. I

believe that the water has allowed me to put off the surgery until this year.

(I'm finally getting a RTHR in December)I would suggest starting with an

instructor in the water and buying a good pair of water shoes is a must!There is

a good water exercise book for hips called " Heal your Hips " by Dr.

Klapper. You can find it on Amazon.Good Luck!Ed> >>

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