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pain meds

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Wow, Suzy,

Your problems sound like my moms.

She didn't have scoliosis, but she had two back surgeries,,,,about 25 years

apart, with rods and fusioN both thimes. The second time they gave her a

mylegram to find out what shape she was in and literally did emergency

surgery on her back because it was crumbling apart! She, too , has

arthritis, stenosis, scar tissue, degenerative discs, etc and is always in

pain. WHat has helped her is a morphine pain pump. They installed it

internally and she has to get it refilled every 8 weeks. But she's taken

everything there is for chronic, severe pain and got to where she had to

have blood tests after meds to keep her liver from registering overload.

This pain pump delivers her dose directly to her spine and is non-addicting.

You might want to consider talking to you dr about that.

Marcia in PA

pain meds

> Here is a question regarding that touchy subject-pain meds. Since my

> terrible pain of last year I have gone up a notch on the narcotic

> medicine. I am now taking Tylenol 4 and was taking Tylenol 3 for a few

> years with good relief. I also take Ultram, Vioxx and Paxil. I won't go

> off the vioxx or paxil for anything-they virtually saved my life last

> year. I have tried to cut down the Tylenol 4 and did for a while, but

> now my pain levels are back up.


> Here is my problem. If I don't take pain meds I can't function. I can

> function fairly well on pain medication, meaning I can do chores around

> the house and get back in bed at 5pm every day. I can do mild exercise

> and muscle toning when the pain is in check. I won't even try to move

> without pain killers. If I stop pain meds and don't exercise the amount

> of pain I will be in will triple. For some physiological reasons

> exercise really saves me. If I stop mild exercise I can't stand the

> pain. So, I've just stayed with my doc's recommendation of these

> medicines and am trying to live to the fullest under the circumstances.

> However, I in my attempt to be even more functional: drive a car, speak

> to someone outside the family...I need to adjust something. My memory

> is terrible and I look like a zombie at times (although this can be

> related to lack of sleep).

> I'm sure the pain meds could be part of all of my memory problem. Could

> anything aside from narcotics cause memory loss? My cognitive function

> isn't what it used to be. Does anyone else have this problem? Does

> anyone have any suggestions? I want to go back to Tylenol 3, but right

> now I can't get out of pain on Tylenol 4. Are there any new

> non-narcotic pain meds that would reduce pain without impairing

> cognitive function? Ultram alone doesn't do the trick. The paxil

> really helped the pain and if I go off Vioxx I can't stand the pain.

> Oh, I can't take vicodine even though it relieves the pain better than

> Tylenol.


> Suzy Habibi, 16 years undiagnosed chronic pain untreated until recent

> years, pseudarthorisis, six degenerated discs, cervical stenosis, minor

> nerve impairment, Flatback, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis...








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  • 9 months later...

Hi Keri,

I'm new here and new to Still's, but I've been misdiagnosed for eight

years as having Fibromyalgia. I've spent a lot of time on a newsgroup

for Fibro patients on usenet, and there we have a lot of posts about

addiction vs. dependence on pain meds for chronically ill patients.

It seems the current research at medical universities is that

addiction is the use of drugs despite harm. I don't think this is you

at all. Yes, we get physiologically dependent on them, meaning we

can't stop them without side effects, but the pain meds increase our

quality of life, and doesn't harm us. Also, we are on strict watch

from our doctors, and I'm sure our doctors are careful to give us a

safe dose of pain meds. Usually, on the street, they'd take numerous

doses and ingest them all at one time, trying to get a 'high.' You

are not doing that either.

I really don't think there's anything to worry about, but if you're

still worried, why don't you talk to your doctor about your fears?

I'm sure he/she will be able to clarify if you have anything to worry

about or not.


> Hi everyone-

> I have a question. <snip>

> Is anyone addicted to any pain meds? I think I am addicted to the


> because if I don't change it on the third day even before it is time to

> change it I start to get uncomfortable and unable to sleep and I am

in alot

> of pain.

> My Mom keeps saying we will worry about you being addicted once you are

> better, I am not going to get " better. " Yea I might have good days

and bad

> days but the last thing I want to worry about is going into rehab.

> Any advices is appreciated!

> Love & support,

> Keri




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hon, a person will *not* become addicted to pain meds if they

are taking them to relieve pain. However, if they are taking

them to get high....it can happen.

Your friend, tricia


Anyway my question and fear is I am afraid that if I just start taking oxy

every 4-6 hours so I can function will I end up in rehab from being addicted

to oxy? I am so afraid of being addicted to pain meds even though I NEED


Is anyone addicted to any pain meds? I think I am addicted to the patch

because if I don't change it on the third day even before it is time to

change it I start to get uncomfortable and unable to sleep and I am in alot

of pain.

My Mom keeps saying we will worry about you being addicted once you are

better, I am not going to get " better. " Yea I might have good days and bad

days but the last thing I want to worry about is going into rehab.

Any advices is appreciated!

Love & support,



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> > Hi everyone-

> > I have a question. <snip>

> > Is anyone addicted to any pain meds? I think I am addicted to the

> patch

> > because if I don't change it on the third day even before it is

time to

> > change it I start to get uncomfortable and unable to sleep and I am

> in alot

> > of pain.

> > My Mom keeps saying we will worry about you being addicted once

you are

> > better, I am not going to get " better. " Yea I might have good days

> and bad

> > days but the last thing I want to worry about is going into rehab.

> > Any advices is appreciated!

> > Love & support,

> > Keri

> >

> >

> >

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I totally agree with tricia. I also find that if I don't keep on top of my

pain that I will crash and end up in a flare. The most important thing is to

keep your pain under control so you can function and take care of your son. I

have a two year old also and I understand how hard it is to be a good Mom with

this awful disease. I am being pulled of me prednisone right now and I feel

awful. It's really hard for me to take care of him right now. I had a bone

scan a couple of weeks ago that showed severe arthritis in the joint in-between

my breast bone. My pain there at night and in the mornings is awful. If I

hadn't have had that bone scan I would think I was having a heart attack.

Anyway, you listen to your Mom. One battle at a time.

cynthia 2

Re: pain meds


hon, a person will *not* become addicted to pain meds if they

are taking them to relieve pain. However, if they are taking

them to get high....it can happen.

Your friend, tricia


Anyway my question and fear is I am afraid that if I just start taking oxy

every 4-6 hours so I can function will I end up in rehab from being addicted

to oxy? I am so afraid of being addicted to pain meds even though I NEED


Is anyone addicted to any pain meds? I think I am addicted to the patch

because if I don't change it on the third day even before it is time to

change it I start to get uncomfortable and unable to sleep and I am in alot

of pain.

My Mom keeps saying we will worry about you being addicted once you are

better, I am not going to get " better. " Yea I might have good days and bad

days but the last thing I want to worry about is going into rehab.

Any advices is appreciated!

Love & support,



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Hi there , I just wanted to tell you that is where my

arthritis is acting up the most lately. It sure is painful and as

you say, if you don't control the pain it leads to more pain. Good

luck dear. I see my rheumy at the end of the month and one thing

they said he might do is an injection at the site. Doesn't sound

good in my book but neither does this pain on an ongoing basis. Till

soon, Melt

I had a bone scan a couple of weeks ago that showed severe arthritis

in the joint in-between my breast bone. My pain there at night and

in the mornings is awful. If I hadn't have had that bone scan I

would think I was having a heart attack.

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I am sorry you have it there too. What would they inject you with? I'm

interested if it comes up again. Like I said earlier I am coming off my

prednisone and I am so sick again. In the morning I can't get out of bed by

myself to get to my medicine. Once I get the prednisone in me I can move

again. I guess the Kineret isn't working and my Ruemmy has upped my dose of

Meth but I don't know- I am really getting down again. I have gained so much

weight. My neck, face and back area are so swollen. My weight can go up or

down 5 pounds in 1 day just from being swollen. Does anyone else have that? I

know I am rambling. I am so miserable I don't know what I'm typing. I hope you

are doing well Melt and I will pray for your chest too.

cynthia 2

Re: pain meds

Hi there , I just wanted to tell you that is where my

arthritis is acting up the most lately. It sure is painful and as

you say, if you don't control the pain it leads to more pain. Good

luck dear. I see my rheumy at the end of the month and one thing

they said he might do is an injection at the site. Doesn't sound

good in my book but neither does this pain on an ongoing basis. Till

soon, Melt

I had a bone scan a couple of weeks ago that showed severe arthritis

in the joint in-between my breast bone. My pain there at night and

in the mornings is awful. If I hadn't have had that bone scan I

would think I was having a heart attack.

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Hi, I am new to the group. I was diagnosed in August, after being hospitalized

for a week. They started me on NAISDs but I was so bloated I had to come off.

Then they started me on Prednisone. I was on 60 but have been on a taper. It is

true for me also that will each decrease I have a flare or rebound effect, then

feel better again. I have gained a huge amount of weight and like you can gain 5

lbs in a day. Trying to cut back on my diet and walk has done NOTHING!

They also started me on Methotrxate and I am loosing my hair-I don't know how

common this is or what to do. I hope you feel better and hang in there. I know a

woman who's son has this disease and he is doing fantastic, though it took him a

year to feel like himself. So there is hope!

Re: pain meds

Hi there , I just wanted to tell you that is where my

arthritis is acting up the most lately. It sure is painful and as

you say, if you don't control the pain it leads to more pain. Good

luck dear. I see my rheumy at the end of the month and one thing

they said he might do is an injection at the site. Doesn't sound

good in my book but neither does this pain on an ongoing basis. Till

soon, Melt

I had a bone scan a couple of weeks ago that showed severe arthritis

in the joint in-between my breast bone. My pain there at night and

in the mornings is awful. If I hadn't have had that bone scan I

would think I was having a heart attack.

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Hi Cyn, the only use of the word injection that has ever come from my

rheumatologist has meant steroids. I am wondering though where might

he give me a shot because it is all the bone areas from my shoulers

down to the ribcage on both sides at times. I was thinking I would

have been over it by now but it keeps reacurring so I shall see. I

was advised to use heat and ice when it was the most sever for 15 min

at a time whithin 20- minute intervals. It helps a lot but for me it

is on it's third time of flaring in the past month. Do take

everything you have to do easy and slow and lay down a lot to let it

calm down. I'm here most anytime you may need. Wishing you the

best, Melt

> I had a bone scan a couple of weeks ago that showed severe


> in the joint in-between my breast bone. My pain there at night


> in the mornings is awful. If I hadn't have had that bone scan I

> would think I was having a heart attack.





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Thank you -

I'm tired of feeling and bad and really tired of the uglies! Thank you for the


cynthia 2

Re: Re: pain meds

he might do is an injection at the site. Doesn't sound

good in my book but neither does this pain on an ongoing basis. Till

soon, Melt

I had a bone scan a couple of weeks ago that showed severe arthritis

in the joint in-between my breast bone. My pain there at night and

in the mornings is awful. If I hadn't have had that bone scan I

would think I was having a heart attack.

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Welcome ,

You will find out all you ever wanted to know about AOSD,

(or the " dragon " as we sometimes call the disease) and


About your hair loss. Did your doctor also prescribe Folic

Acid to be taken daily? This should help decrease side

effects including hair loss. I am also taking the MTX.

After being on the pill form for 2 years, the side effects

got the best of me, even with taking the Folic Acid. Not

only was my hair thining, but I felt like I was being " poisoned. "

I am now taking the MTX via injection. Less side effects,

and the shot is only once a week. I am starting to feel better.

(shut my mouth!!)

How many mgs. of MTX are you on??

You should feel better as time goes on and your doctor helps

to get you on a so called " med cocktail " that works best for


So, again.., welcome to Stilligan's Island!

Your new friend, Tricia




Hi, I am new to the group. I was diagnosed in August, after being

hospitalized for a week. They started me on NAISDs but I was so bloated I

had to come off. Then they started me on Prednisone. I was on 60 but have

been on a taper. It is true for me also that will each decrease I have a

flare or rebound effect, then feel better again. I have gained a huge amount

of weight and like you can gain 5 lbs in a day. Trying to cut back on my

diet and walk has done NOTHING!

They also started me on Methotrxate and I am loosing my hair-I don't know

how common this is or what to do. I hope you feel better and hang in there.

I know a woman who's son has this disease and he is doing fantastic, though

it took him a year to feel like himself. So there is hope!


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Hi , Its helpful to hear from someone else about the physical changes AKA

feeling unattractive. I look so different now and its not easy to talk about as

I feel like I'm being petty and vain! But I hate the weight gain and the hair

loss freaked me out entirely!

Re: Re: pain meds

he might do is an injection at the site. Doesn't sound

good in my book but neither does this pain on an ongoing basis. Till

soon, Melt

I had a bone scan a couple of weeks ago that showed severe arthritis

in the joint in-between my breast bone. My pain there at night and

in the mornings is awful. If I hadn't have had that bone scan I

would think I was having a heart attack.

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Hi Tricia, I'm on folic acid. It sounds like its worth check into the

injections as my MD doesn't want me to come off the methotrexate-I'm on 20mgs.

Thanks for the welcome!

Re: Re: pain meds

Welcome ,

You will find out all you ever wanted to know about AOSD,

(or the " dragon " as we sometimes call the disease) and


About your hair loss. Did your doctor also prescribe Folic

Acid to be taken daily? This should help decrease side

effects including hair loss. I am also taking the MTX.

After being on the pill form for 2 years, the side effects

got the best of me, even with taking the Folic Acid. Not

only was my hair thining, but I felt like I was being " poisoned. "

I am now taking the MTX via injection. Less side effects,

and the shot is only once a week. I am starting to feel better.

(shut my mouth!!)

How many mgs. of MTX are you on??

You should feel better as time goes on and your doctor helps

to get you on a so called " med cocktail " that works best for


So, again.., welcome to Stilligan's Island!

Your new friend, Tricia




Hi, I am new to the group. I was diagnosed in August, after being

hospitalized for a week. They started me on NAISDs but I was so bloated I

had to come off. Then they started me on Prednisone. I was on 60 but have

been on a taper. It is true for me also that will each decrease I have a

flare or rebound effect, then feel better again. I have gained a huge amount

of weight and like you can gain 5 lbs in a day. Trying to cut back on my

diet and walk has done NOTHING!

They also started me on Methotrxate and I am loosing my hair-I don't know

how common this is or what to do. I hope you feel better and hang in there.

I know a woman who's son has this disease and he is doing fantastic, though

it took him a year to feel like himself. So there is hope!


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Hi this is the other ...things you need to learn:

1) Jump in and voice your opinion. It is fun. Everyone is horribly


2) Love yourself.

3) respect your buddah belly and the whump on the neck hump.

4) welcome the pimples as if it were a sign of renewed youth...{ I m a teen


5) to quote our Sharon " I hope you dance. " but in my case, I advise you

to DANCE NAKED howl in the moonlight and be the best darn cabbage patch kid

you can!!!

6) Make sure you leet Tom know when you are going to dance naked....he

likes it...lol

welcome and enjoy...we really are a fun group!!!

Goddess of the Full Moon. { I used to be just Goddess of the moon

but thanks to prednisone....]



> Hi , Its helpful to hear from someone else about the physical

> changes AKA feeling unattractive. I look so different now and its not

> easy to talk about as I feel like I'm being petty and vain! & nbsp; But I

> hate the weight gain and the hair loss freaked me out entirely!

> & nbsp; Re: Re: pain meds



> & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; he might do is an injection at the site. & nbsp;

> Doesn't sound & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; good in my

> book but neither does this pain on an ongoing basis. & nbsp; Till

> & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; soon, Melt



> & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

> & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; I had a bone scan a couple

> of weeks ago that showed severe arthritis

> & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in the joint in-between my

> breast bone. & nbsp; My pain there at night and

> & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in the mornings is

> awful. & nbsp; If I hadn't have had that bone scan I

> & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; would think I was having a

> heart attack.





& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbs



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  • 7 months later...

Hi Lynn,

I get my pain medication from my Rheumatologist. I've asked for pain pills

before and he will always say.... " How strong do you want them and how

many? " .......he's a GEM !!! I guess he realizes that I am not an abusive

person nor

will I sell them on a street corner... :o)

I've never asked my PCP as I mainly see my Rheumatologist now. My PCP I

usually only see for my yearly checkup. I don't know what to tell you as for


getting some relief from your pain. Maybe you should look into another

Rheumatologist. Do you not have a new PCP where you live now? I hope you find

something and someone to take away that pain. I know it can be maddening.

Good Luck....


Mi. Carmen

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Hi Lynn,

How smart you are. I'm sure the RA support group will have some good and

compassionate doctors and will give you their names. I don't think I have ever

read a post from here that suggests contacting the local Arthritis Center and

that's such a good idea. I wish you luck in being turned on to the " best " one.


Mi. Carmen

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Thanks a ton Carmen!! I am looking for new doctors here and checking out an RA

support group next month hoping i can get some referrals for the good docs!


Re: Pain meds

Hi Lynn,

I get my pain medication from my Rheumatologist. I've asked for pain pills

before and he will always say.... " How strong do you want them and how

many? " .......he's a GEM !!! I guess he realizes that I am not an abusive

person nor

will I sell them on a street corner... :o)

I've never asked my PCP as I mainly see my Rheumatologist now. My PCP I

usually only see for my yearly checkup. I don't know what to tell you as for


getting some relief from your pain. Maybe you should look into another

Rheumatologist. Do you not have a new PCP where you live now? I hope you


something and someone to take away that pain. I know it can be maddening.

Good Luck....


Mi. Carmen

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  • 5 months later...

On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 21:32:17 -0000, Laurie wrote:

>I'm going to have to remember this. Now, can a post-op have Toradol

>or is it a no-no for bleeding issues? And to the medical world out

>there, what exactly is Oxycotin? I'm remembering they gave me that

>in the hospital and it seemed to control my pain, although I think I

>slept a lot. And I think they may have given it to me along with

>something else. I'll have to call and see what they gave me last

>hospitalization. I react to most all narcotics. But I think the

>Oxycotin was good. I had forgotten about that. I'm wondering what

>Dr. K will use to control my post-op pain. I have listed on my drug

>allergy list all of the following: Morphine, Dilaudid, Darvocet,

>Percocet, Codeine, and Vicodin.


Both good news and bad.. Dr. K. usually uses the Toradol as the primary

pain relief medication, at least he did with me. That's the good news.

The bad news is that he also gives you a PCM (I think that's what it's

called) pump with morphine to use if the pain becomes too bad. MAKE SURE

YOU STRESS your drug allergies to him and when you check into DMRC. He

also prescribes Vicodin for use after you leave the hospital, so that's

another issue you'll need to address.


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On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 21:32:17 -0000, Laurie wrote:

>I'm going to have to remember this. Now, can a post-op have Toradol

>or is it a no-no for bleeding issues? And to the medical world out

>there, what exactly is Oxycotin? I'm remembering they gave me that

>in the hospital and it seemed to control my pain, although I think I

>slept a lot. And I think they may have given it to me along with

>something else. I'll have to call and see what they gave me last

>hospitalization. I react to most all narcotics. But I think the

>Oxycotin was good. I had forgotten about that. I'm wondering what

>Dr. K will use to control my post-op pain. I have listed on my drug

>allergy list all of the following: Morphine, Dilaudid, Darvocet,

>Percocet, Codeine, and Vicodin.


Both good news and bad.. Dr. K. usually uses the Toradol as the primary

pain relief medication, at least he did with me. That's the good news.

The bad news is that he also gives you a PCM (I think that's what it's

called) pump with morphine to use if the pain becomes too bad. MAKE SURE

YOU STRESS your drug allergies to him and when you check into DMRC. He

also prescribes Vicodin for use after you leave the hospital, so that's

another issue you'll need to address.


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Now, can a post-op have Toradol?

Yes. See Jerry's response. Toradol is an excellent pain medication,

but stings going in!

But I think the

> Oxycotin was good.

Ocycontin is famous in the med world be being extremely abused. It is

extened release oxycodone. People chew it and get extremely high.

> I'm wondering what

> Dr. K will use to control my post-op pain. I have listed on my


> allergy list all of the following: Morphine, Dilaudid, Darvocet,

> Percocet, Codeine, and Vicodin.

Laurie, are you really alllergic to all those meds or do you just

have adverse reactions to them? A true allergy is either anaphylaxis

or hives. Vomiting is an intolerance, for example.

A pharmacist recently told me to try

> Ultram. Isn't that for nueropathy?

Ultram is a pain med that falls in the " other " category. You have to

be careful of it if you drink alcohol or take antidepressants. I can

also be abused by those with addictive personalities. Sigh.

Dr.K will control your pain, but you have to discuss it with him. He

can't read minds. Also, most people find the DS is not that

painful. There are exceptions. People who are on antidepressants,

for example, might have pain tolerance issues. Depression is

associated with higher pain sensitivity, I mean. Not the meds. He

will work with you so your pain meds control your pain. If you can't

take vicodin he can give you something else. Geeze, I would hate to

have to treat your pain, you are allergic to just about every darn

thing! LOL!


sensitive to pain meds, but not in the same way as Laurie...

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Now, can a post-op have Toradol?

Yes. See Jerry's response. Toradol is an excellent pain medication,

but stings going in!

But I think the

> Oxycotin was good.

Ocycontin is famous in the med world be being extremely abused. It is

extened release oxycodone. People chew it and get extremely high.

> I'm wondering what

> Dr. K will use to control my post-op pain. I have listed on my


> allergy list all of the following: Morphine, Dilaudid, Darvocet,

> Percocet, Codeine, and Vicodin.

Laurie, are you really alllergic to all those meds or do you just

have adverse reactions to them? A true allergy is either anaphylaxis

or hives. Vomiting is an intolerance, for example.

A pharmacist recently told me to try

> Ultram. Isn't that for nueropathy?

Ultram is a pain med that falls in the " other " category. You have to

be careful of it if you drink alcohol or take antidepressants. I can

also be abused by those with addictive personalities. Sigh.

Dr.K will control your pain, but you have to discuss it with him. He

can't read minds. Also, most people find the DS is not that

painful. There are exceptions. People who are on antidepressants,

for example, might have pain tolerance issues. Depression is

associated with higher pain sensitivity, I mean. Not the meds. He

will work with you so your pain meds control your pain. If you can't

take vicodin he can give you something else. Geeze, I would hate to

have to treat your pain, you are allergic to just about every darn

thing! LOL!


sensitive to pain meds, but not in the same way as Laurie...

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> be careful of it if you drink alcohol or take antidepressants. I


> also be abused by those with addictive personalities. Sigh.

I'm sure you can.... were you looking for the word " It " instead

of " I " ?

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> > be careful of it if you drink alcohol or take antidepressants. I

> can

> > also be abused by those with addictive personalities. Sigh.


> I'm sure you can.... were you looking for the word " It " instead

> of " I " ?

Sorry, Freud.


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