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Partial knee replacement

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I had a partial knee replacement last September and have never had a minutes

problem. My Dr said I was too young to do the full and I only needed a


Dr Todd Schmidt does hundreds of knees every year and works with several of

our professional sports teams in the Atlanta area. He does great work.

Martha in Stockbridge, GA

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I am having a partial knee replacement on the 27th of this month. I

was going to have a total but I have been reading about partials and

went to a doctor that has done ton of partials (and never had one

fail). I want my surgery to be as minimally invasive as can have it.

And I only need a partial. Will let you know how it goes after the

27th :}



> I am pretty sure I am heading for a partial knee replacement

> Has anyone gone through this? Would appreciate any insight, history

> advice.


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Debbie, thanks and good luck.

may I ask who the Dr. is and what reading you have been doing on this

procedure? I would like to study up as well.

My initial search is indicating it's for lighter people who are not

very active. I am the opposite.

> >

> > I am pretty sure I am heading for a partial knee replacement

> > Has anyone gone through this? Would appreciate any insight, history

> > advice.

> >


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My doctor is in Georgia, where I live and I have been reading on the

internet about partials. I just did a search and got success stories,

etc. I am overweight and not active for the past 4 years,since I have

had a knee problem. I am hoping after my surgery to become more active

and loose this weight I have gained. I used to bike ride long distances

but have had to give it up for the past 4 years. I am looking forward

to doing this again.


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hi deb even though i m having promblems with my partial i had put in in jan 2008

i still am more active than i was and lost 28 pds so far!!!!!! Kim

From: ddobbs2008 <debbied1923@...>

Subject: Re: Partial knee replacement

Joint Replacement

Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 8:07 PM

My doctor is in Georgia, where I live and I have been reading on the

internet about partials. I just did a search and got success stories,

etc. I am overweight and not active for the past 4 years,since I have

had a knee problem. I am hoping after my surgery to become more active

and loose this weight I have gained. I used to bike ride long distances

but have had to give it up for the past 4 years. I am looking forward

to doing this again.


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My husband was scheduled for a partial knee replacement in July 2007 - when the

surgeon got in there, he decided that while some things didn't show on MRI, my

husband would not be happy with just a partial, so he converted the surgery to a

total. We were so happy he did this - much better than having to go back in any

time soon!

Maybe one thing to discuss with surgeons is HOW they make the last minute

decision to switch from a partial to a total. We never discussed that - were

lucky, but I am thinking it might be a worthy discussion topic.

Good luck to all of you with recent knee surgeries. I am 7 weeks out from left

THR and doing well - started outpatient PT today and I doubt I'll continue

beyond 2 weeks - doing well, in other words!

Take care all,

Betsy(LTHR 6/17

From: kimberly houghton

Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 4:46 PM

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: Re: Partial knee replacement

I beleive that...That's what happened to me i guess now they say i need a total

why didnt the y do it when they were in their and fixing it...you wonder..we are

the ones who have to go through the pain and rehab....But, the docs feel less is

better to keep your most of your knee, cause they only replace them 2 times then

your left with it the way it is...i guess kik

From: Torrey <don_torrey@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Partial knee replacement

Joint Replacement

Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 8:29 AM

Thanks Don


don_torrey (DOT) com

[Total_Joint_ Replacement] Re: Partial knee replacement

I asked about that before I had my knee done. My doctor told me that

there are three areas that go bad and need this kind of procedure

whether total or partial. The first is the left side of the joint the

other is the right side and the third is the knee cap.

In my case I had problems with the right side knee and knee cap. That

is two of the three and a total is want is needed. He also said he

did not think much of partials because more surgery could or would be

needed later if one of the other two was needed.

When you have major engine work on say the head of your car. You

replace the valve springs even if they are OK. Same with this kind of

an operation. If you are going to have it done go all the way not

half or partial. Kind of made sense but everyone should make that

decision him or herself.



> I am pretty sure I am heading for a partial knee replacement

> Has anyone gone through this? Would appreciate any insight, history

> advice.


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  • 1 year later...
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I'm having as TKR next week. My doctor said that for me I wouldn't have as much

range of motion with a partial. I have a pretty good range of motion at this

point so I don't want it to get worse.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Partial Knee Replacement

I am due for a knee replacement and am interested in a partial as it can have

some significant advantages- smaller incision, less muscle/ligament damage etc.

I have consulted a surgeon and he advised against it. I found out later that he

had stopped doing them as revisions were not as successful as total knee

replacements done initially. Has anyone any experience with Partial Knee

replacements please?

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My girlfriend had a full knee on one side, a year later had a partial knee

the other, and its already failed in 5 years where as the full knee is still

going strong.

She now has had to have the partial re-done into a full knee.



OSA member since 04/2002

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-- Partial Knee Replacement

I am due for a knee replacement and am interested in a partial as it can

have some significant advantages- smaller incision, less muscle/ligament

damage etc. I have consulted a surgeon and he advised against it. I found

out later that he had stopped doing them as revisions were not as successful

as total knee replacements done initially. Has anyone any experience with

Partial Knee replacements please?


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