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RA or PsA -- the inside scoop on degenerative illness

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The best reason to go off NSAIDS is that they accelerate actual damage as they

relieve the pain, similar to corticosteroids ruining the gut lining and one's

joints. The outcome is a poor prognosis, usually bowel resection surgery, joint

replacements and so on.

" Free radicals play an important role in the pathophysiology of adjuvant

arthritis. "


In the glutathione references are some links to arthritis and other diseases in

the context of oxidative stress:


" oxidative stress is more intense in active disease group than in the inactive

disease group. "


There are literally piles of data. Anyway you look at it, the group of oxidative

stress diseases: arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid, Crohn's, IBS,

colitis, alzheimer's and other neurodegeneratives, CFS/ME and fibromyalgia,

depressed immune system, failure to thrive, age-related degeneration and so on,

are " oxidative stress " symptoms in your weakest spots, probably not separate

" diseases " . Whatever the doctor calls it doesn't matter; over time a person with

a chronic degenerative disease usually gets a cluster of symptoms of more than

one of the oxidative disorders.

And, all of these diseases respond to elevating glutathione.

Not that high glutathione is the cure, more on that in a moment, but it is the

most important antioxidant you could fail to support.

You're on the right track with oil or colloidal silver pulling to reduce mouth

toxins, but there's a lot more to reducing toxin sources. A link to bowel

dysbiosis has been made in all of these diseases, and the bad ecology dysbiosis

is known for presents a huge toxin load 24/7 as well as depleted glutathione,

the master antioxidant and one of your energy creation molecules.

As you'll see in the references the significance of chronically depleted

glutathione is that it continually suppresses cellular function and allows

permenent damage to your energy creation centers, the mitochondria. All these

diseases are in the category of " mitochondrial disorders " or mitochondrial

impairments, and all are either caused or exacerbated by the toxins in the bowel

disorder, which deplete the glutathione. Since elevated glutathione is also

chemotherapeutic, one might speculate low glutathione is a precancerous

condition, and certainly, dysbiosis is a precancerous condition for bowel


So, usually a person responds to dietary change like reduced carbing, an

anti-candida diet to get rid of the candida/dysbiosis/leaky gut, eliminating

toxic rancid inflammatory oils and some other foods you might be reacting to,

and vastly increased glutathione precursors and inulin to support the bowel

probiotics. Dietary change is the cure.

all good,



> [who wants to] get out of arithritis medication ( e.g. NASAID, DMARDS, etc )

....by doing the coconut oil drinking and the oil pulling therapy

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