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RE: Bad news from the surgeon and trying to figure out what to do next

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Sorry to hear this, yes look on line and find a good surgeon,, sometimes one

that does the athletics hip replacements etc--they are up to date on all the

new possibilities as they have to be.  Go to someone else. 



From: contessia <contessica03@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2011 11:12 AM

Subject: Bad news from the surgeon and trying to

figure out what to do next


Hi all, I saw my surgeon yesterday and well it was not at all what I

expected. I did the normal x-rays and my appointment ended with him

saying there wasn't anything surigical he could do for me. To say I am

devasted is an understatement I currently am unable to sit up for longer

than half an hour or 40 mins, have gotten stuck if I sit over this

amount of time and ended up in the er from going to a movie, going for

dinner with my family, coming home once from seeing my surgeon in

Toronto - and the list goes on. I can't stand for longer than ten

minutes at a time without the hip spasming and going into so much pain

that I have to lie down. I haven't been able to go grocery shopping or

anything - thankfully I can still bathe myself and go to the washroom.

It is like living the rest of your life in the condition a person is a

week or two after a hip replacement and yet the hip looks perfectly

fine, blood work all came back normal, mri/bone scan shows nothing -

techincally at the moment it appears that I am screwed.

I really have no idea what to do, and yes I know my surgeon is a highly

respected surgeon in Canada but at the moment I think he sucks. I am

only 31 and he has basically handed me something worst than a death

sentence. I am looking into options at the moment including a second

opinion any ideas are welcomed.

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second opinion definitely........BARB in Florida

Bad news from the surgeon and trying to

figure out what to do next

Hi all, I saw my surgeon yesterday and well it was not at all what I

expected. I did the normal x-rays and my appointment ended with him

saying there wasn't anything surigical he could do for me. To say I am

devasted is an understatement I currently am unable to sit up for longer

than half an hour or 40 mins, have gotten stuck if I sit over this

amount of time and ended up in the er from going to a movie, going for

dinner with my family, coming home once from seeing my surgeon in

Toronto - and the list goes on. I can't stand for longer than ten

minutes at a time without the hip spasming and going into so much pain

that I have to lie down. I haven't been able to go grocery shopping or

anything - thankfully I can still bathe myself and go to the washroom.

It is like living the rest of your life in the condition a person is a

week or two after a hip replacement and yet the hip looks perfectly

fine, blood work all came back normal, mri/bone scan shows nothing -

techincally at the moment it appears that I am screwed.

I really have no idea what to do, and yes I know my surgeon is a highly

respected surgeon in Canada but at the moment I think he sucks. I am

only 31 and he has basically handed me something worst than a death

sentence. I am looking into options at the moment including a second

opinion any ideas are welcomed.

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Yes, a second opinion is a definite. Joan


From: BARB <barbmch@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Thu, June 2, 2011 1:39:51 PM

Subject: Re: Bad news from the surgeon and trying to

figure out what to do next

second opinion definitely........BARB in Florida

Bad news from the surgeon and trying to

figure out what to do next

Hi all, I saw my surgeon yesterday and well it was not at all what I

expected. I did the normal x-rays and my appointment ended with him

saying there wasn't anything surigical he could do for me. To say I am

devasted is an understatement I currently am unable to sit up for longer

than half an hour or 40 mins, have gotten stuck if I sit over this

amount of time and ended up in the er from going to a movie, going for

dinner with my family, coming home once from seeing my surgeon in

Toronto - and the list goes on. I can't stand for longer than ten

minutes at a time without the hip spasming and going into so much pain

that I have to lie down. I haven't been able to go grocery shopping or

anything - thankfully I can still bathe myself and go to the washroom.

It is like living the rest of your life in the condition a person is a

week or two after a hip replacement and yet the hip looks perfectly

fine, blood work all came back normal, mri/bone scan shows nothing -

techincally at the moment it appears that I am screwed.

I really have no idea what to do, and yes I know my surgeon is a highly

respected surgeon in Canada but at the moment I think he sucks. I am

only 31 and he has basically handed me something worst than a death

sentence. I am looking into options at the moment including a second

opinion any ideas are welcomed.

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I suggest you consult Dr. Bostrom at HSS in New York.

This is an Orthopaedic only hospital rated as the best in the world

(Newsweek and I think I saw other articles with similar recommendations)

I came all the way from Israel for him to do the surgery after two

supposedly top doctors here left me totslly disabled-crippled- after failed

(I say messed up) TKR and messed up revision TKR.

Good luck


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 1:21 AM, maryanne.waspe1@... <

maryanne.waspe1@...> wrote:

> Second and third opinion until you get the help you need. There is

> definitely something amiss,


> One of the AVN's I had on a hip didn't show up on x-ray, CT ,bone scan or

> MRI, but after lengthy discussions with my surgeon, he said the clinical

> signs are all there will you take a risk of a hip replacement. Well when

> you

> are just about ready to buy a wheelchair you will do just about anything.

> My

> GP was so worried I was making the wrong decision, he was there in theatre

> with a camera, took a photo of the ball and it was absolutely disgusting it

> was virtually at a state of collapse,of course pathology confrimed it.

> So the motto of this story... X-rays and scans aren't always the be all and

> end All of diagnosis. A clever surgeon who is going by what he was taught

> and of course he knew my diving history.


> hang in there and keep going you have to you are way too young..


> -- Re: Bad news from the surgeon and trying

> to

> figure out what to do next



> second opinion definitely........BARB in Florida


> Bad news from the surgeon and trying to

> figure out what to do next


> Hi all, I saw my surgeon yesterday and well it was not at all what I

> expected. I did the normal x-rays and my appointment ended with him

> saying there wasn't anything surigical he could do for me. To say I am

> devasted is an understatement I currently am unable to sit up for longer

> than half an hour or 40 mins, have gotten stuck if I sit over this

> amount of time and ended up in the er from going to a movie, going for

> dinner with my family, coming home once from seeing my surgeon in

> Toronto - and the list goes on. I can't stand for longer than ten

> minutes at a time without the hip spasming and going into so much pain

> that I have to lie down. I haven't been able to go grocery shopping or

> anything - thankfully I can still bathe myself and go to the washroom.

> It is like living the rest of your life in the condition a person is a

> week or two after a hip replacement and yet the hip looks perfectly

> fine, blood work all came back normal, mri/bone scan shows nothing -

> techincally at the moment it appears that I am screwed.


> I really have no idea what to do, and yes I know my surgeon is a highly

> respected surgeon in Canada but at the moment I think he sucks. I am

> only 31 and he has basically handed me something worst than a death

> sentence. I am looking into options at the moment including a second

> opinion any ideas are welcomed.



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This is really upsetting. I'm curious about a couple things. How long has it

been since you've had your surgery and why did you have to have it at such a

young age? So the doctor isn't bringing in others to help figure this out? I'm

with the others and wondering if the tests aren't showing something else that is

going on. Another set of eyes and ears is absolutely necessary. The problem is

(although I don't know about Canada) but in the US I've heard where other

surgeons did not want to be involved with someone elses mistakes. Not to be

negative, but a similar thing happened to my girlfriend and it took forever to

find someone who would get involved. It sounds to me like you will need several

opinions, and this could be a neurological problem also. I'm sooo sorry this has

happened. I want to mirror what everyone else wrote and encourage you to keep

getting help until you find out what is causing this.

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.

Joint Replacement

From: contessica03@...

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:12:08 +0000

Subject: Bad news from the surgeon and trying to

figure out what to do next

Hi all, I saw my surgeon yesterday and well it was not at all what I

expected. I did the normal x-rays and my appointment ended with him

saying there wasn't anything surigical he could do for me. To say I am

devasted is an understatement I currently am unable to sit up for longer

than half an hour or 40 mins, have gotten stuck if I sit over this

amount of time and ended up in the er from going to a movie, going for

dinner with my family, coming home once from seeing my surgeon in

Toronto - and the list goes on. I can't stand for longer than ten

minutes at a time without the hip spasming and going into so much pain

that I have to lie down. I haven't been able to go grocery shopping or

anything - thankfully I can still bathe myself and go to the washroom.

It is like living the rest of your life in the condition a person is a

week or two after a hip replacement and yet the hip looks perfectly

fine, blood work all came back normal, mri/bone scan shows nothing -

techincally at the moment it appears that I am screwed.

I really have no idea what to do, and yes I know my surgeon is a highly

respected surgeon in Canada but at the moment I think he sucks. I am

only 31 and he has basically handed me something worst than a death

sentence. I am looking into options at the moment including a second

opinion any ideas are welcomed.

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Hi , my surgery was done in summer 2 years ago all I remember is

that the nurses were talking about s death on the last

night I was in and I was in for 5 days so I suppose I could look up the

date lol. Why I had it done at such a young age? I was born with my hip

dislocated, they didn't find it until I was almost 3 did the whole lower

body cast, surgery thing, was fine for a few years when they realized

that I had a leg length differance and took x-rays because I was

expriencing some pain but it was off and on you know have a few good

weeks be in bed for a few days that type of thing. Xrays showed the

ball rubbing and basically eating away at the ball and socket - hip

resurfacing wasn't heard of then and I was only 12 so they fused it -

basically made a cement/paste with bone marrow and other stuff and

shoved it between the ball and socket. Took me almost two years to heal

from it - why no clue and too young to know question it much.

It worked ok for about 4 to 5 years after that - had to save up for

college so got a job at a coffee shop at 21/22 - had time finding a job

when you walk with a limp and a cane. lots of pain after 6 months -

after a year and falling/hip giving out and pain went to Dr. Gross. My

original surgeron was at Sick Kids in Toronto and I was no longer a kid

he said that a hip replacement was my best bet since with the hip fusion

- resurfacing was a no go since I basically really didn't have a surface

anymore it was all one big chunk.

Waited for 3 years for first hip replacement was in the hospital one day

shy of 2 weeks took a full 8 months for it to work and no restrictions

but for about five months it worked great and then started hurting -

mostly lower back pain that is where I feel most the hip pain all my

life when it acted up, xrays showed a shadow, show more scans more done

and he couldn't figure out it was and I was pretty much as bad as I am

now. So he decided to go in and see what was going on the whole hip had

loosened so he ripped it out and replaced it.

Was only in the hospital for one week with the second replacement -

everyone knows that the first little bit after surgery it is painful to

sit up so I expected that. Six months after surgery I thought I was good

enough to see a movie and I was really stiff and sore afterwards just

thought first movie - long time sitting you know didn't think much of

it. But steadly it got worst and last summer I got stuck for the first

time on the subway in Toronto I went around the whole track a few times

- lost track because of the pain and getting upset after 4 hours 911 was

called to get me up and when they helped me up - from seat to stretcher

I screamed I literally felt like my lower back top of my hip was being

ripped out of me. ER didn't find anything after a few shots of

painkillers and flat on my back for a few hours I could get up agaiin

and sent home.

And that is basically my story I have been in the ER more times than I

can count - can find nothing wrong. But they know I am in pain because i

break out into a cold sweat, my perfectly fine blood pressure rises

whenever they move me - but they can find nothing wrong.

I am worried about finding a doctor willing to give me a second opinion

because my two surgeons to date have been top of the line - both teach

as well the first one is retired now but he was also on the medical

board who gave out medical licences so yeah getting second opinions is

going to be difficult but I am going to fight for as long as I can. Not

like I have much of a choice.

I thought maybe joining the Y and working the muscles would help since

PT is next to impossible to get since it isn't covered by disability and

well I couldn't afford it. I actually looked up muscles specalists

online and got pointed to orthopadics not helpful lol. I am worried

about the muscle since my first surgeon took me out of phys ed when I

was only 8 and haven't done any working ot exercises besides pt after

surgeries since then - I hope they aren't damaged beyond repair.



> This is really upsetting. I'm curious about a couple things. How long

has it been since you've had your surgery and why did you have to have

it at such a young age? So the doctor isn't bringing in others to help

figure this out? I'm with the others and wondering if the tests aren't

showing something else that is going on. Another set of eyes and ears is

absolutely necessary. The problem is (although I don't know about

Canada) but in the US I've heard where other surgeons did not want to be

involved with someone elses mistakes. Not to be negative, but a similar

thing happened to my girlfriend and it took forever to find someone who

would get involved. It sounds to me like you will need several opinions,

and this could be a neurological problem also. I'm sooo sorry this has

happened. I want to mirror what everyone else wrote and encourage you to

keep getting help until you find out what is causing this.





> You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.







> Joint Replacement

> From: contessica03@...

> Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:12:08 +0000

> Subject: Bad news from the surgeon and

trying to figure out what to do next








> Hi all, I saw my surgeon yesterday and well it was not at all what I

> expected. I did the normal x-rays and my appointment ended with him

> saying there wasn't anything surigical he could do for me. To say I am

> devasted is an understatement I currently am unable to sit up for


> than half an hour or 40 mins, have gotten stuck if I sit over this

> amount of time and ended up in the er from going to a movie, going for

> dinner with my family, coming home once from seeing my surgeon in

> Toronto - and the list goes on. I can't stand for longer than ten

> minutes at a time without the hip spasming and going into so much pain

> that I have to lie down. I haven't been able to go grocery shopping or

> anything - thankfully I can still bathe myself and go to the washroom.

> It is like living the rest of your life in the condition a person is a

> week or two after a hip replacement and yet the hip looks perfectly

> fine, blood work all came back normal, mri/bone scan shows nothing -

> techincally at the moment it appears that I am screwed.


> I really have no idea what to do, and yes I know my surgeon is a


> respected surgeon in Canada but at the moment I think he sucks. I am

> only 31 and he has basically handed me something worst than a death

> sentence. I am looking into options at the moment including a second

> opinion any ideas are welcomed.



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