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Thanks for the tip, . My chest pains always scared me before I found out about achalasia. I was sure I was having a heart attack! The fact that I am only in my mid thirties did nothing to deter this thought. Now that I have had a myotomy, the spasms come only rarely. I will look into the oil, it sounds interesting.



While on vacation I had the worst attack of spasms since before mydilation almost two years ago. It really felt like a heart attack. Itwas probably the saurkraut I had for dinner and it caused incredible gaspains that burping and belching only gave some relief. The next day itcontinued, and any food intake was painful because it set off thespasms. Liquids would go down. Finally, I gulped a large mouthful offlax oil to ease the pain. It worked almost instantly! I 'm back to mynormal conscious eating and no spasms since.Hope this helps others,

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--- " H. M. Ottenheimer, Ph.D. " <howard@...>


> While on vacation I had the worst attack of spasms

> since before my

> dilation almost two years ago. It really felt like a

> heart attack. It

> was probably the saurkraut I had for dinner and it

> caused incredible gas

> pains that burping and belching only gave some

> relief. The next day it

> continued, and any food intake was painful because

> it set off the

> spasms. Liquids would go down. Finally, I gulped a

> large mouthful of

> flax oil to ease the pain. It worked almost

> instantly! I 'm back to my

> normal conscious eating and no spasms since.

> Hope this helps others,


Thanks for the good tip, . I will try the flax

oil next time I get the spasms.





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- your experience with the flax seed oil to relieve your spasm was

similar to my discovery of cola syrup, an old fashioned remedy for simple

nausea. I stumbled upon the use of the syrup by accident and for many

months found it to be the only thing to relieve my spasms, but was at a

loss - as was my MD - to know why. I now think, after reading of your

experience, that it might have been the consistency of the syrup rather than

anything inherent in the formula of the cola syrup - sugar, caffeine,


Whatever works, right?



> While on vacation I had the worst attack of spasms since before my

> dilation almost two years ago. It really felt like a heart attack. It

> was probably the saurkraut I had for dinner and it caused incredible gas

> pains that burping and belching only gave some relief. The next day it

> continued, and any food intake was painful because it set off the

> spasms. Liquids would go down. Finally, I gulped a large mouthful of

> flax oil to ease the pain. It worked almost instantly! I 'm back to my

> normal conscious eating and no spasms since.

> Hope this helps others,







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Alan - Hi! As I've posted a few times in the past, my two tricks-of-the-trade in dealing with these chest spasms are either Cola syrup, an over-the-counter remedy for simple nausea that, much like 's flax seed oil, works for reasons unknown; or a prescription medication called Levsin, which I now swear by as being more reliable.



While on vacation I had the worst attack of spasms since before mydilation almost two years ago. It really felt like a heart attack. Itwas probably the saurkraut I had for dinner and it caused incredible gaspains that burping and belching only gave some relief. The next day itcontinued, and any food intake was painful because it set off thespasms. Liquids would go down. Finally, I gulped a large mouthful offlax oil to ease the pain. It worked almost instantly! I 'm back to mynormal conscious eating and no spasms since.Hope this helps others,

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Good to hear from you again, Carol! I, too, have had good luck with your cola syrup suggestion. My swallowing is much improved and things do not get stuck too much anymore. I am still amazed at how much this disease defies reason! Everyone seems to have different foods that cause trouble. I know you have trouble with rice. But, rice is one of my easiest meals. I guess everyone's esophagus gets misshapen in a unique way.



While on vacation I had the worst attack of spasms since before mydilation almost two years ago. It really felt like a heart attack. Itwas probably the saurkraut I had for dinner and it caused incredible gaspains that burping and belching only gave some relief. The next day itcontinued, and any food intake was painful because it set off thespasms. Liquids would go down. Finally, I gulped a large mouthful offlax oil to ease the pain. It worked almost instantly! I 'm back to mynormal conscious eating and no spasms since.Hope this helps others,

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Hi, Alan - good to hear from you again, too. Yes, it's interesting to read how we are all similar in some respects, different in others. The individual variations in the disease is undoubtedly what makes it so difficult for the medical community to diagnose, treat and - ultimately - cure. I'm glad you can eat rice - I miss it - and would be happy to supply you with a ton of good rice recipes I can no longer prepare for myself!

Take care -



While on vacation I had the worst attack of spasms since before mydilation almost two years ago. It really felt like a heart attack. Itwas probably the saurkraut I had for dinner and it caused incredible gaspains that burping and belching only gave some relief. The next day itcontinued, and any food intake was painful because it set off thespasms. Liquids would go down. Finally, I gulped a large mouthful offlax oil to ease the pain. It worked almost instantly! I 'm back to mynormal conscious eating and no spasms since.Hope this helps others,

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  • 1 month later...
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, I have wanted to ask this question also. My history is such

that I began having what I called spasms years before any other

symptoms were noted. In 1977 I had a piece of roast stick in my

chest or what I thoat was my windpipe at the time. Obviously it was

my esophagus, at a point between the breast area. It was extremely

painful and seemed to move upward only to move back again repeatedly

with great pain. I was gagging and it was generally a bad time for

several minutes. I did not actually feel it go on through, but must

have, as the pain left. I continued to have this happen infrequently-

-about half a dozen times a year--when eating in a hurry or not

chewing solid food (usually meat)sufficiently. These " spasms " lasted

from a few minutes to 20 minutes or more. My husband diagnosed it as

muscle spasms and later a doctor agreed. Many years later, in 1999,

my family doctor sent me for X-rays where a " narrowed, scarred "

esphagus was noted. I told him about the spasms and he sent me to my

gastroenterologist for a dilation. This was done with an 18mm

balloon, much smaller than those used for achalasia treatments. I

have had only one such attack since then. It was about six months

after the dilation and was worse attack ever, lasting longer than any

other, with throwing up from the gagging. Those were my SPASMS.

What is the experience of others?

Flora Alyce (the email address is my husbands--and mine)

> Could ALL of you that have spasms please take a minute

> and tell me what happens when you have one? I have

> something that usually happens during the night and it

> is fast and sudden but it is from my waist to my neck

> and armpit to armpit. I wouldnt describe it as a

> " spasm " though. I wonder if that IS what it is. I

> have been reading the mail and I want to be able to

> say the right thing to a doc. Maybe I am saying it

> wrong. I would call it an incredable burning feeling

> and when I see on the TV people with heartburn I could

> never sit up and speak so there is no way it is that!

> However Maloxx and Mylanta make it go away right away

> I feel it go down and it is as if it is putting out a

> fire. I am 36 and have had Achalasia for about 4 yrs.

> I am so finding all of your writing interesting and

> extreamly helpful! Cathey


> __________________________________________________


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My spasms feel like a heart attack. I can always tell when they are starting.

They always begin at the sphincter and spread into my chest, teeth, left arm

and into my back. Sometimes it is hard to breathe as well as hard to

swallow. Sometimes they last for a few minutes and sometimes for hours.

Lots of times I get " clammy " and cold and perspire. All in all, they are

awful and now that I started Nexium I have been better. I too, used Maalox

and Tums and Zantac.

I hope I have helped.


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Hi Cathey. When I have a spasm, it doesn't have to be while I'm eating. It

can be any time, day or night. Wake me right up out of a sound sleep or

while I'm in the shower. It is tremendous pain that begins right behind my

right breast and a " tight " sensation radiates up my neck and into my jaw.

When I first started having them, bread and water, or milk, would help take

it away. I had a myotomy in Nov. 99 and I rarely get the spasms anymore, but

when I do, bread and water no longer do the trick. I was on Nitroglycerin,

and that helped for a while, but no longer helps. My latest trial is

Valium. Starting on Sunday night was the beginning of the worst spasm I have

ever had. Dr. prescribed low dosage valium for me, and this morning was the

first time I have not had to take it since then. For some reason, I was

really clenched up and the spasm wouldn't release. I'm finally back to

normal now. I've never had a spasm last that long.

That's the definition of a spasm for me! Such fun, isn't it?!

Cathey Hartwig wrote:

> Could ALL of you that have spasms please take a minute

> and tell me what happens when you have one? I have

> something that usually happens during the night and it

> is fast and sudden but it is from my waist to my neck

> and armpit to armpit. I wouldnt describe it as a

> " spasm " though. I wonder if that IS what it is. I

> have been reading the mail and I want to be able to

> say the right thing to a doc. Maybe I am saying it

> wrong. I would call it an incredable burning feeling

> and when I see on the TV people with heartburn I could

> never sit up and speak so there is no way it is that!

> However Maloxx and Mylanta make it go away right away

> I feel it go down and it is as if it is putting out a

> fire. I am 36 and have had Achalasia for about 4 yrs.

> I am so finding all of your writing interesting and

> extreamly helpful! Cathey


> __________________________________________________


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My spasms vary. Sometimes they just feel like bad

heartburn, but for the most part they are

excruciating. It feels like my chest is in a vice, I

break into a cold sweat, can hardly catch my breath,

and the pain radiates down my left arm and up into my



--- Cathey Hartwig <catorjon@...> wrote:

> Could ALL of you that have spasms please take a

> minute

> and tell me what happens when you have one? I have

> something that usually happens during the night and

> it

> is fast and sudden but it is from my waist to my

> neck

> and armpit to armpit. I wouldnt describe it as a

> " spasm " though. I wonder if that IS what it is. I

> have been reading the mail and I want to be able to

> say the right thing to a doc. Maybe I am saying it

> wrong. I would call it an incredable burning

> feeling

> and when I see on the TV people with heartburn I

> could

> never sit up and speak so there is no way it is

> that!

> However Maloxx and Mylanta make it go away right

> away

> I feel it go down and it is as if it is putting out

> a

> fire. I am 36 and have had Achalasia for about 4

> yrs.

> I am so finding all of your writing interesting and

> extreamly helpful! Cathey


> __________________________________________________


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Hi Cathey -

My spasms (which thank goodness I don't have much anymore) started

years before I had any noticible trouble with swallowing.

The first time I had one I thought I was having a heart attack. My

symptoms were a dull but heavy and persistent pain in the center of

my chest right under my breastbone. The pain led to a general

feeling of overall discomfort and unwellness.

Since I was a woman, and young, and the first " attacks " passed in a

few minutes, I didn't think they could really be from my heart. When

asking around everyone told me it was heartburn. I never really

thought so, because there was never a " burning " sensation and also it

occured at all kinds of odd times that didn't seem to be related to

eating - e.g. at 3:00am when I hadn't eaten since 6pm the night

before, etc.

A few years later, the spasms (altho I didn't know they were spasms

because everyone was saying they were heartburn - I felt like the

pains were more gas-like than heartburn-like but the seemed to be

neither) were growing worse and I was taking tons of heartburn remedy

with not much effect. I think the act of forcing swallowing - e.g.

chewing antacid, sipping water, etc, occasionally helped stop the


When my dysphagia started, the spasms became fairly rare. When I had

a balloon dilation, for two or three days after, the pains were back

and very intense. Now thinking back, I haven't had a spasm for ages.

I think if yours are a burning feeling and if Maalox and Mylanta

actually consistently help, then you are probably actually having

reflux heartburn. Have you asked your doctor?

> Could ALL of you that have spasms please take a minute

> and tell me what happens when you have one? I have

> something that usually happens during the night and it

> is fast and sudden but it is from my waist to my neck

> and armpit to armpit. I wouldnt describe it as a

> " spasm " though. I wonder if that IS what it is. I

> have been reading the mail and I want to be able to

> say the right thing to a doc. Maybe I am saying it

> wrong. I would call it an incredable burning feeling

> and when I see on the TV people with heartburn I could

> never sit up and speak so there is no way it is that!

> However Maloxx and Mylanta make it go away right away

> I feel it go down and it is as if it is putting out a

> fire. I am 36 and have had Achalasia for about 4 yrs.

> I am so finding all of your writing interesting and

> extreamly helpful! Cathey


> __________________________________________________


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The pain of achalasia spasms should be ruled out not to be cardiac in nature. NEVER, NEVER assume that he pain in the chest, especially when accompanied by radiation to your left arm and jaw as well as breaking out into cold sweats and being unable to catch your breath, as being caused by achalasia. The symptoms described here sound cardiac in nature also. When the pains are that bad, call 911 get to a hospital, do not assume that achalasia is the cause, get ruled out for cardiac problems. Chest pains are not to be taken lightly. You might just save your life. ph , RN CCRN Re: spasms My spasms vary. Sometimes they just feel like badheartburn, but for the most part they areexcruciating. It feels like my chest is in a vice, Ibreak into a cold sweat, can hardly catch my breath,and the pain radiates down my left arm and up into myjaw. Weins--- Cathey Hartwig <catorjon@...> wrote:> Could ALL of you that have spasms please take a> minute> and tell me what happens when you have one? I have> something that usually happens during the night and> it> is fast and sudden but it is from my waist to my> neck> and armpit to armpit. I wouldnt describe it as a> "spasm" though. I wonder if that IS what it is. I> have been reading the mail and I want to be able to> say the right thing to a doc. Maybe I am saying it> wrong. I would call it an incredable burning> feeling> and when I see on the TV people with heartburn I> could> never sit up and speak so there is no way it is> that! > However Maloxx and Mylanta make it go away right> away> I feel it go down and it is as if it is putting out> a> fire. I am 36 and have had Achalasia for about 4> yrs.> I am so finding all of your writing interesting and> extreamly helpful! Cathey> > __________________________________________________>

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  • 6 months later...

Yes, I get those all of the time. The thing that works for me almost instantly is a piece of bread and LOTS of water. It stops the spasm immediately.


minny342002 <wynneerin@...> wrote: i had the surgery of november 2000 and it went wonderful im a new person because of it. the only problem i have are these awful spasms and as time gos on they get worse and worse i was just curious does anybody experience the same kind of thing i wake out of my sleep and it feels like my heart is leeping through my chest...........erin

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thanx for replying that used to work for it diesnt help anymore. im so

petrified im going to get cancer from this

>From: Weins <rubgood2001@...>



>Subject: Re: spasms

>Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2002 21:56:24 -0800 (PST)



> Yes, I get those all of the time. The thing that works for me almost

>instantly is a piece of bread and LOTS of water. It stops the spasm


> Weins

> minny342002 <wynneerin@...> wrote: i had the surgery of november

>2000 and it went wonderful im a new

>person because of it. the only problem i have are these awful spasms

>and as time gos on they get worse and worse i was just curious does

>anybody experience the same kind of thing i wake out of my sleep and

>it feels like my heart is leeping through my chest...........erin





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Oh yes, I too have the awful spasms. Had my myotomy

in Nov. 99. I actually had one yesterday that was a

doozy. It would not let up. I've tried various

muscle relaxers, nitroglycerin, vicodin (from a

previous tooth problem, had some left...that worked

but am afraid to ask my doctor for it for fear of

being a " drug searcher " or something) and now I take

Valium for them. Bread, milk, water, crackers, all of

that used to work, but I've become, for a lack of a

better word, " immune " to that cure. Valium usually

works for me, but yesterday was different. I could

just feel the pain under my right breast bone, and

drank water, milk, ate some crackers, some bread, a

bagel, so much stuff until I though I was going to

vomit just from gorging myself, I finally decided it

was time to take a valium. I sat in the middle of the

floor, indian style, and decided that maybe I should

try some kind of a meditation thing, even though I

don't know how to meditate. I just closed my eyes and

cleared my head and concentrated on my breathing.

That seemed to work for a minute, until I got back up

again. So, back down on the floor, for about a good

20 minutes...by this time the valium should have

kicked in, but it didn't. So I waited, in misery, and

began to think that maybe something happened and I

tore my esoph. or something. I began to panick. I

took another valium pill. They are each 5 mg, for a

grand total of 10mg. I believe that is what they give

to out of control " psych ward " patients?!

My husband watched as I laid on the couch, kind of

writhering around in pain. I just kept repeating,

there's something wrong with me, and he kept asking,

do you want to go to the hospital, to which I would

reply, NO! The poor man, he's really witnessed a lot

happening to me and not being able to do anything

about it tears him apart... Finally, on the couch, I

told him, I'm gonna be sound asleep in about 2 minutes

here...as I drifted off from the medications. I woke

about 1/2 hour later and realized that my pain was

still there a little. I got up and took it easy for

the rest of the afternoon, slowly sipping water, so as

not to " disturb " my esophagus again. That one was

probably the worst one I've had since my surgery. I

am afraid to go in and get scoped again because the

last time they couldn't even finish the procedure.

They had given me the medications to relax and put me

out, so to speak, two times, and I still fought them

off, hyperventilating and the whole works. The doctor

gave up. I think I've been scoped so many times that

I just can't do it anymore unless I am put right to


It's funny though, the fact that I kind of know when I

am going to get " spazzy " . I can tell a day or two

before hand when I try to eat and everything seems

harder to get down. Lot's of water. Maybe it starts

tightening up slowly before the spasms?

Can anyone who has spasms actually feel the EXACT spot

that is hurting when they eat or drink during a spasm?

I can. When I am gulping my water, or whatever, I

can feel it pass by a particular spot EVERY TIME.

That's what worries me about the bad ones, wondering

if it is just a spasm or maybe a tear or something in

that very spot.

You guys are all great. It is wonderful to just come

on the group and write an experience or ask a question

to people who actually KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!

I hope you all have a great and " spasm free " day.

--- minny342002 <wynneerin@...> wrote:

> i had the surgery of november 2000 and it went

> wonderful im a new

> person because of it. the only problem i have are

> these awful spasms

> and as time gos on they get worse and worse i was

> just curious does

> anybody experience the same kind of thing i wake out

> of my sleep and

> it feels like my heart is leeping through my

> chest...........erin





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>From: Wickman <kellywickman@...>



>Subject: Re: spasms

>Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 10:21:58 -0800 (PST)


>Oh yes, I too have the awful spasms. Had my myotomy

>in Nov. 99. I actually had one yesterday that was a

>doozy. It would not let up. I've tried various

>muscle relaxers, nitroglycerin, vicodin (from a

>previous tooth problem, had some left...that worked

>but am afraid to ask my doctor for it for fear of

>being a " drug searcher " or something) and now I take

>Valium for them. Bread, milk, water, crackers, all of

>that used to work, but I've become, for a lack of a

>better word, " immune " to that cure. Valium usually

>works for me, but yesterday was different. I could

>just feel the pain under my right breast bone, and

>drank water, milk, ate some crackers, some bread, a

>bagel, so much stuff until I though I was going to

>vomit just from gorging myself, I finally decided it

>was time to take a valium. I sat in the middle of the

>floor, indian style, and decided that maybe I should

>try some kind of a meditation thing, even though I

>don't know how to meditate. I just closed my eyes and

>cleared my head and concentrated on my breathing.

>That seemed to work for a minute, until I got back up

>again. So, back down on the floor, for about a good

>20 minutes...by this time the valium should have

>kicked in, but it didn't. So I waited, in misery, and

>began to think that maybe something happened and I

>tore my esoph. or something. I began to panick. I

>took another valium pill. They are each 5 mg, for a

>grand total of 10mg. I believe that is what they give

>to out of control " psych ward " patients?!

>My husband watched as I laid on the couch, kind of

>writhering around in pain. I just kept repeating,

>there's something wrong with me, and he kept asking,

>do you want to go to the hospital, to which I would

>reply, NO! The poor man, he's really witnessed a lot

>happening to me and not being able to do anything

>about it tears him apart... Finally, on the couch, I

>told him, I'm gonna be sound asleep in about 2 minutes

>here...as I drifted off from the medications. I woke

>about 1/2 hour later and realized that my pain was

>still there a little. I got up and took it easy for

>the rest of the afternoon, slowly sipping water, so as

>not to " disturb " my esophagus again. That one was

>probably the worst one I've had since my surgery. I

>am afraid to go in and get scoped again because the

>last time they couldn't even finish the procedure.

>They had given me the medications to relax and put me

>out, so to speak, two times, and I still fought them

>off, hyperventilating and the whole works. The doctor

>gave up. I think I've been scoped so many times that

>I just can't do it anymore unless I am put right to


>It's funny though, the fact that I kind of know when I

>am going to get " spazzy " . I can tell a day or two

>before hand when I try to eat and everything seems

>harder to get down. Lot's of water. Maybe it starts

>tightening up slowly before the spasms?


>Can anyone who has spasms actually feel the EXACT spot

>that is hurting when they eat or drink during a spasm?

> I can. When I am gulping my water, or whatever, I

>can feel it pass by a particular spot EVERY TIME.

>That's what worries me about the bad ones, wondering

>if it is just a spasm or maybe a tear or something in

>that very spot.


>You guys are all great. It is wonderful to just come

>on the group and write an experience or ask a question

>to people who actually KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!

>I hope you all have a great and " spasm free " day.



>--- minny342002 <wynneerin@...> wrote:

> > i had the surgery of november 2000 and it went

> > wonderful im a new

> > person because of it. the only problem i have are

> > these awful spasms

> > and as time gos on they get worse and worse i was

> > just curious does

> > anybody experience the same kind of thing i wake out

> > of my sleep and

> > it feels like my heart is leeping through my

> > chest...........erin

> >

> >

> >





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  • 3 months later...
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Hi Gil,

I'm fairly new to this group and this is my first posting. I've

suffered from achalasia for around 15 years. I had agonising pains

for quite a few years before I had a dilatation in 1995. I also had

problems swallowing much of anything.

The dilatation eliminated my pains for about 6 months but they

gradually returned. However, I don't get them anywhere near as bad

as before. They were unbearable.

Reading the posts in this forum, you will have noted that what works

for one doesn't necessarily work for others. That's the great thing

about this group, you can get an array of tips to help you and

hopefully you'll find one that works. I think it's great that Kari

gets relief from ibuprofen. Anything is worth a try when you're in

such pain.

For me, ibuprofen had the opposite effect. I had horrible pains for

days. I took the tablets for a migraine but was heartily sorry I

did. Perhaps your friend might try a low dose to start with - just

in case. Of course, he or she may have no problems at all and find

it helps her as much as it helps Kari. I certainly hope so.

Best of luck to your friend.


> Thanks Kari for your quick response. I will relay the information

> about Naproxen to my friend. It certainly sounds promising.


> of the severity of the spasms she's been afraid to hold a regular

> job, since they keep her flat on her back for days at a time. This

> just might be the assitance she needs to get out into the work

> force. I'll let you know how it works, but of course, we have to

> await another spasm to see how effective this treatment is.


> Thanks again.


> Gil

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  • 6 months later...

I almost always get my spasms at night when

i'm in bed. I'd try a few ideas: ice cold liquid, hot liquid, then Mylanta. Then I'd go to sleep.

Sometimes I'd wake up spasming... But I've never had a spasm during the day during

a stressful event. And I've got several stressful

events occuring routinely.

I've had the idea that the spasm was caused by overuse... on one of those days that my e just was as tight as a drum and I'd force food and drink.

in Oregon

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Although there seems to be no rhyme nor reason as to why or when I get spasm attacks, I have noticed the following consistencies:

when I'm overly tired (after a few sleepless nights or long, hard days)

when I'm overly stressed (in the midst of a stressful situation or after a situation has been resolved and my body "shuts down)

while I'm sleeping and have turned over onto my left side

Of course, they also come from out of nowhere. I can be calm, happy, minding my own business and ... whammo! ... I get a spasm. This is why I always carry my Levsin and a water bottle with me and have a stash of Levsin strategically placed around the house.

I can also go for days, weeks without an attack and then again, whammo! I get several in the course of a week or two.

Go figure.

So...from my personal experience and reading what others have posted, I'd say there is no hard-and-fast rule as to what causes spasms. My advice is to pay attention to what is going on in your life when you have an attack - time of day, state of mind, food intake, etc. When and if you can determine a pattern, you can then formulate a plan to deal with them.

Also, read back through the postings to find tricks of the trade that work for other members. I swear by Levsin, but before my MD prescribed this for me, I was using an over-the-counter medication called Cola Syrup to ease the muscle contraction. I don't think there was anything special about the Cola Syrup per se, but I do think the consistency of the syrup helped and so one could try any other thick, syrupy liquid to see if it helped. I think some members have talked about Robitussin, etc., and my only advice would be to find something as benign as possible. You wouldn't want to be taking medication that you didn't need.



I'm having a bad time with my daughter-in-law And I have chest pains I've had them before Many times I get them when I can't eat for a day I then try to drink cold water or eat a hard cookie or somehing Question does stress and tension cause spasms?? This to shall pass [i hope]

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Sorry to hear you were in such pain.. I sit now and read all the posts and feel so bad for all of us that have not found relief. I myself have not had spasms since the week after my reconstruction surgery. I am truly greatful to my Dr's. Every time I take a bit of something I think its going to get stuck still. Like i'm just waiting for that moment to come back. I sit and wonder "How did I make it through it"? It got really bad there at the end. I can't say how badly I want all of you to find something that will work for you. I am glad that surgery has helped me...but was told its not a cure and it can come back. So I am just trying to enjoy the fact that I can eat for now..and deal with what comes in the future then. Hopefully you won't have another one that bad for awhile. I know spasms suck....mine would last for hours. I don't know how many ER trips I made...people thought i was out of my mind. Keep your chin up and your cookies and cold drink near.

Love you all

in Indiana

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There is actually a virus that comes from Africa and it does mimic A. But most of us have not had contact with it....and all the antibiotics that us Americans take..my Dr said it should be gone by now if that was the case. The xray tech that did my barium reading told me about the disease from Africa...but said it is very rare here in the US. Even if it was a virus....I take antiviral drugs for another problem of mine and he said that that would also help if thats what it was. So i guess thats not what I have LOL. To bad....could have just taken a pill and got rid of all of these problems instead of two surgeries and 2 dilatations.

In Indiana

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Hi, someone on our group said that Procardia, taken by punching a hole in the end and squeezing it into the throat would help. My doctor had me take Procardia years ago, but I did not do it this way, - just took the capsule and it took some time to work . Good luck.

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I did that a 1/2 hour before eating Sometimes it worked If I knew exactly when I was going to eat That was years ago

Re: Spasms

Hi, someone on our group said that Procardia, taken by punching a hole in the end and squeezing it into the throat would help. My doctor had me take Procardia years ago, but I did not do it this way, - just took the capsule and it took some time to work . Good luck.

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