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Yes that would be spasm.A great addtion to having achalasia-Not!


> I might be wrong, but when you guys talk about spasms, are you


> about that pain in your chest that feels like a heart attack? Just

> trying to clarify since I'm new on here.


> :) Jen


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The first couple of times I thought it was a heart attack until they found out

it was esphogeal spasms.

Now if the spasms get real bad and I end up the emergency room I have to tell

the staff it just E spasms but they still hook me up with an EKG.



I might be wrong, but when you guys talk about spasms, are you talking

about that pain in your chest that feels like a heart attack? Just

trying to clarify since I'm new on here.

:) Jen

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My Dr never told me I have spams but I been in the DR and emergency room a lot

with those kind of pain ,, How they know are spam you need to have test or

something done ,,


also when I have those pains i got a bump in my chest bone you can see right

away ,, Do any of you have that bump too,, the spams are bad but like most of

you I have EKGs but is better be save that sorry ,,


I need to talk to my Dr to see if he give me prescriptions for the spams is good

to know they have medice for that


my DR never said nothing beside taking out my E



From: watsongm@... <watsongm@...>

Subject: Re: Spasms


Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 2:55 PM

My GI's Dr's associate was treating an Achalasia patient and ignored a

" spasm " . His patient died of a Heart Attack. You can't ignore the

spasms. I take 100 mg of Nortriptylin daily to eliminate them. I know

many fellow Achalasians who do not recommend this course of treatment

and for many this treatment doesn't work. However, it works for me. I

have been taking the Nortriptylin for over 20 years with no side

effects. I have tried several times to reduce the dosage and/or stop

taking the meds. However, the spasms always come back.

Re: Spasms


The first couple of times I thought it was a heart attack until they

found out it was esphogeal spasms.

Now if the spasms get real bad and I end up the emergency room I have

to tell the staff it just E spasms but they still hook me up with an




I might be wrong, but when you guys talk about spasms, are you talking

about that pain in your chest that feels like a heart attack? Just

trying to clarify since I'm new on here.

:) Jen

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  • 8 months later...
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Thank you everyone for all of your suggestions. My doctor called me back and still has no idea what it could possibly be, so next time I'm just going to get to the emergency room. The pain is too intense. Marie...maybe you are right at it could be gallstones...ugghhhh...that sucks, but at least it's treatable. Thanks again for all the help everyone. I did call Dr. A and that didn't sound familiar to them in any way, and told me to go to my primary care physician. Anyways, hopefully I won't have any more attacks for a while. Have a good day everyone!


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If you are having pains every so often where it takes your breath away and you just cant take the pain, it feels like you have contractions (if you have any kids) then you have gallstones and when you go to the doctors tell them to do an ultrasound thats how they will find them and you will have attacks with certain foods. I had my attach when I ate a chicken sandwich with Mayo and I think the oil from the mayo did it...its the worse pain ever and I have a high tolerance with pain, but not that time..NO WAY!!! I drove myself to the ER and they did an ultrasound and I schedule an appointment with my doctor to have the surgery. Its not that bad.

From: RNunez <roxyray113@...>Subject: Re: spasms Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 9:01 AM

Thank you everyone for all of your suggestions. My doctor called me back and still has no idea what it could possibly be, so next time I'm just going to get to the emergency room. The pain is too intense. Marie...maybe you are right at it could be gallstones.. .ugghhhh. ..that sucks, but at least it's treatable. Thanks again for all the help everyone. I did call Dr. A and that didn't sound familiar to them in any way, and told me to go to my primary care physician. Anyways, hopefully I won't have any more attacks for a while. Have a good day everyone!


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