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I would recommend a lap top for sure and I am also glad that I brought my own pillow from home. I also brought one of those little neck pillows that wraps around your neck which helped too. Don't pack heavy, me and my hubbie made that mistake and on our way home my poor hubbie was stuck hauling around 2 large suitcases on his own. Good luck to you and let us know how everthinig goes!

From: jackielopez78@...Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 22:07:10 +0000Subject: surgery

So looks like I finally got everything together for surgery..I'm so excited..any thing important anyone recommends me bringing...I'm so excited..I really need this for my self I tend to do everything for everyone this is the one thing that's for me..

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Boy do I ever wish I had brought the Gas Strips. That was the worst of my recovery was the gas pains. Everything else was a piece of cake!

From: SuzanneSH@...Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 21:27:37 -0700Subject: Re: surgery

Hi Jackie,

I usually post this about once a month. You might find some of this information helpful. It is about what to pack and what to take to Mexicali. If you have any questions at all just send me and E-mail and I will be happy to help in any way I can.

Hugs, Suzanne

Here is what I took and you might want to have when you pack for the Weight Loss Surgery with Dr. Aceves.

1. Gas-X because you will have gas after the surgery and they don't have Gas-X in Mexico. They (the nurses and doctors) will ask you are you passing gas? It is nice to have this on the plane ride home too after the surgery. I bought a box (of 36 tabs) of Gas-X (thin strips) that you just put the strip in your mouth. It tastes good and it is easy to take--no water required—nothing difficult to swallow either.

2. A comfortable bra & panties--nothing very tight (cotton is nice—what ever you like to wear) to wear home on the plane or if you want to wear these items in the hospital. Everyone was pretty relaxed with what they slept in or wore around the hospital. I didn't bring a robe at all--Just T-shirts and comfortable pants. Maybe a sweatshirt because the air conditioner makes it cool sometimes and then there are times when the air conditioner isn’t working that well. Bring some extra T-shirts in case you spill on yourself. My IV came out and I got blood on one of my T-shirts. I just washed it out in the sink and hung it up in the shower to dry. /SPAN>

3. Drawstring pants or pants with elastic waist—nothing tight around the middle section. I had some Nike walking pants and they were very comfortable—or short, or pants you would wear to relax in. I also had some that I wore to sleep in, walk around the hospital in and wore them home on the plane too (a pair for each day you are going to be away from home). Sweatpants work great too. I was there in Oct and so the air conditioning was going and sometimes it was cool at night when I was sleeping--so I brought some warm socks along too. But in some rooms the air conditioning wasn't working so well in their rooms and they were warmer than some of us were. If it is too warm or too cold tell one of the nurs es they will help you with anything you need. They are excellent when you need something—don’t be afraid to ask.

4. A heating pad--I was so glad I had mine (someone had suggested I bring one) because it felt good on my stomach area. When my feet were cold at night I used my heating pad on my feet. Also when I was there with a friend for her surgery in April 2009 I found out at the nurse’s stations they also had heating pads—so if you don’t want to bring your own use theirs.

5. Some kind of slip on shoe for the plane ride home and something to wear in the hospital (I had some flip flops for the hospital and some clogs for the plane ride home. Flip flops didn't take up a lot of room in your suitcase. I also carried on the plane my tote bag carrying some things like, meds, change of underwear—in case my suitcase got lost, a snack so I could eat something after the tests that first day you arrive—because they will tell you not to eat a few hours before you get to Mexicali because of the tests you are going to be having upon arrival at the hospital in Mexicali. Sometimes you have to wait for everyone to have their test before they take you to the hotel and your are soooooooo hungry because you haven’t eaten anything all day long because most of us are flying into Sa n Diego, so bring a snack that you can eat after your tests while waiting to go to the hotel. I brought along some packages of trail mix—bring what you like.

6. Only one (1) small or medium sized suitcase with wheels is really great because you will have to deal with your own suitcase at the airport (coming and going). I also brought along my laptop computer so I could stay in touch with my friends and family—I carried that on the plane too—don’t put it in a suitcase—too much stuff has been stolen out of suitcases.

7. Please be aware if you use your cell phone in Mexicali they will charge you roaming fees to CALL OUT. For me if people called me from the US to Mexicali and they were calling my Cell Phone there were NO ROAMING charges because they called me from the US. Most all cell phones work in Mexicali; I think they said Cricket was the only r that they had problems with. I didn't have anyone come with me for the surgery, and they were so nice as to call someone (in the US) for me after surgery and let them know that I was doing great.

I brought my own favorite small pillow with me (almost sofa size). It was nice to have it while I was in the hospital and on the plane ride home.

9. As far as money someone suggested I bring about $45.00 to $50.00 in one's so that I could have them for tipping—they all accept US money in Mexicali. I tipped Ernesto $25.00 who picks you up and takes you to the hospital, takes you to the hotel, takes you back the hospital for surgery and then back to the San Diego airport. He takes such good care of everyone and I tipped him at the end when he took me back to the airport to go home. I also tipped the hotel guys for taking my bag to my room, and when I had dinner that night at the hotel. I would also bring along a small gift for 4 or 5 nurses or give them a little cash—I understand they really don’t make a lot of money and they might appreciate the cash as a gift. I would suggest that you take enough money or Credit Card or Debit card to purchase the medication that you will need after the surgery. There is a pharmacy about 1/4 block from the hotel--anyone at the hospital will tell you where it is—it is a easy walk. The Nexium that Dr. Aceves suggests you take after surgery for acid reflux for about 3 months cost a lot less —don’t forget they will negotiate over the price of medication in Mexico –even when it is at a pharmacy-they will give a price and then ask them “if I buy 4 boxes will you sell it to me for—ask for a lower price. This medication costs a lot less in Mexicali than in the US—so don’t forget to buy it while you are there. I also bought Prilosec because some people had told me that Nexium did work for them—as it turned out I was one of those people that Nexium didn’t work that well on and so I was glad that I purchased Prilosec.

10. Do not take any jewelry with you or wear any. All I took was my watch. Leave ALL other jewelry at home.

11. Be prepared that Ernesto will be late picking you up--find a place to sit down in the baggage area where they said he would pick you up. Make sure you can see people walking in that area and he will come walking down through there with your name on a sign holding it up. He will have you back at the airport on your return trip home in plenty of time to catch your plane ride home.

12. Bring a camera along to take some pictures of yourself in the “before stage” and maybe a group picture of the other people who are going to have the surgery the same day you do. I have kept in contact with them. You will be so glad you have done this. Take lots of pictures. People really do enjoy seeing the pictures if they are considering doing this surgery.

13. Don’t forget the personal things like toothbrush, shampoo, soap that you may want to use in the shower, a razor, cream rinse for you hair—maybe a hair curler and hair dryer if you want. I don’t know if you want to bring make-up—I did, because I wanted to look ok going home on the plane. Yes, we used their water to take a shower—it is ok for showers… they do give you bottled water to drink.

14. I brought along a book I wanted to read along with my Ipod, so I could listen to my own music. You may or may not get a lot of reading done because you might want to take some nice naps too. Getting up and walking around is good for you and it makes you feel a lot better too.

15. Bring along some chap stick for your lips—they dry out and it is good to have something to put on your lips.

If anyone else can add anything please jump in here and help me out! I know you are worried about a few small things and I can tell you not to worry because we all have been where you are. Just keep posting to the web site-- anything you want to say or ask. We all understand and have been where you are right now. I wish you GREAT success and it will be a life changing event and in about 2 months you will be saying the same thing too.

Also adds that when they make you drink the vile stuff to make sure your new stomach has no leaks don’t for get to ask for chips of ice. It numbs your taste buds because they are so cold and you can drink their YUCK stuff. She did it and it worked great for her. I didn’t know about it and I wished I would have. I think they do this on the 3 day before you go home.


This is what someone else added to what I put on my list--you never can have too much help or information

I wore and underwire.....so I didn't get that message! I also brought a robe...for sure and maybe flip flops or slippers for doing lots of walking after the surgery. They give you those hospital gowns, but the day after the surgery, I was in my own pjs that were button down the front and elastic band capris...something easy to slip in and out of. Suzanne says-- I put my on PJ’5 on after the surgery when I got up to go to the bathroom.

I would definitely take a comfy pillow for on the plane ride too. Just don't over pack! You will need very few things....one outfit for the day you arrive and one for when you leave and just the PJ’s for comfort.

You may need to have something on the plane ride....maybe some tea from Starbucks or get some hot water and add some chicken broth to the hot water--(take Chicken broth packets from Top Ramen Noodles works great for the Chicken broth. You most likely won't be hungry at all....but just in case......a clear broth with water works.

I realized that most of the stuff that I brought, I didn't even need.....so pack light! You will mostly be walking the halls of the hospital!

The best of luck to you! You will do great!

In a message dated 07/14/11 18:48:47 Pacific Daylight Time, jackielopez78@... writes:

So looks like I finally got everything together for surgery..I'm so excited..any thing important anyone recommends me bringing...I'm so excited..I really need this for my self I tend to do everything for everyone this is the one thing that's for me..

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  • 1 month later...


I am scheduled for a surgery on 8-25-11 and the Dr. wants to do both at the same time: To remove the cholestetoma and repair what needs to be repaired (he is not sure yet, until the surgery) on the left ear and insesrt the implant for the BAHA on the right ear. Did anyone had such a surgery before.

I am worried that I will not be able to cope well with the pain, and discomfort. I hope there will be no caplications from each surgery.


From: risky_fairy <risky_fairy@...>cholesteatoma Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 8:53 AMSubject: Introducing myself - cholesteatoma

Hi, my 11 year old dd had mastoid surgery on Monday where an extensive cholesteatoma was found and removed. It had already absorbed the stapes and was attached to the remaining ossicles. What level of hearing loss should we expect? The surgeon tells us that he can do reconstructive surgery at a later date but my research suggests that this is not so successful when it includes the stapes. Is this right? If reconstruction is possible how long after the surgery should it be done? I'm concerned that the c-toma may return. A canal wall down procedure was done and she is due to return to have the dressing in her ear removed in 4 weeks so hopefully we'll find out more then. Oh, we are in the UK.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Both my knees were bad so when the Dr. marked the knee for the surgery, I told

him if he got the wrong one, it wouldn't matter since they were both bad. He

got a good laugh. I am on my 6th week post op but still have a lot of pain in

my knee, thigh and hip. My sciatic nerve is also bothering me quite a bit.

What do you find best for the pain? I have never worrried about getting

" hooked " on pain meds. I am very careful and only take it when needed. I

should take it as directed and that way the pain won't get so bad. Wishing you

all pain free days and good healthy. SherryHH

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Hi sherry, It's best to take the pain meds on schedule.  That way the pain

doesn't  get unmanageable.  You will feel when you can cut back.  It is very

important to keep moving ant get your muscle strength back.  I think I stayed

on some sort of pain meds for four months.  I did  not get hooked.  I don;t

much see the point of pain medication if you have no pain.

Good luck and good therapy!

All the best, Joan


From: SherryH <sherryhh@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2011 10:49 PM

Subject: surgery


Both my knees were bad so when the Dr. marked the knee for the surgery, I told

him if he got the wrong one, it wouldn't matter since they were both bad. He

got a good laugh. I am on my 6th week post op but still have a lot of pain in

my knee, thigh and hip. My sciatic nerve is also bothering me quite a bit.

What do you find best for the pain? I have never worrried about getting

" hooked " on pain meds. I am very careful and only take it when needed. I

should take it as directed and that way the pain won't get so bad. Wishing you

all pain free days and good healthy. SherryHH

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Hi Sherry,

I had my knee done 10/6/10 and my husband had his knee done 6/15/11.

Once I got to the one month mark, I started to use naproxen again for pain.

I got off the Percocet so that I could drive again. My husband did also

because we were told that we had to wait 3-4 weeks to drive since we both

had surgery on our right knees.

I am also on Lyrica which is similar to Neurontin for nerve pain because I

suffer from postpolio syndrome and have nerve damage to both of my hands and

one of my legs.

Good luck to you

Bev O

Aurora, Oh

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Yes, Sherry, Neurontin (or Gabapentin) does help with nerve pain.  I've taken it

for a few years now and if I try to discontinue, that pain is back non-stop.


LTHR Oct 09

RTKR Mar 11


 Life itself is the proper binge. - Child


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From: SherryH <sherryhh@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2011 9:16 PM

Subject: Re: surgery

Does the Neurontin help the nerve pain?  I am having sciatic pain and pain in

my thigh as well as the knee. 


> Hi Sherry,


> I had my knee done 10/6/10 and my husband had his knee done 6/15/11.


> Once I got to the one month mark, I started to use naproxen again for pain.

> I got off the Percocet so that I could drive again. My husband did also

> because we were told that we had to wait 3-4 weeks to drive since we both

> had surgery on our right knees.


> I am also on Lyrica which is similar to Neurontin for nerve pain because I

> suffer from postpolio syndrome and have nerve damage to both of my hands and

> one of my legs.


> Good luck to you


> Bev O

> Aurora, Oh




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Not Bev, but Neurontin ha c done wonders for the nerve pain I had.

Hips still hurt though, as the cortisteroid injection wear off ahead of



In a message dated 9/4/2011 10:47:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

sherryhh@... writes:

Does the Neurontin help the nerve pain? I am having sciatic pain and

pain in my thigh as well as the knee.

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Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


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I couldn't drive for 6 weeks post every joint.. being it either hip,

shoulder, knee.


-- Re: surgery

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


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Well shoot, I don't want my first post-op drive to be to the hospital for

the NEXT hip! What is the problem mostly? Inability to move fast and slam

on brakes should the need arise?

In a message dated 9/5/2011 8:14:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

maryanne.waspe1@... writes:

I couldn't drive for 6 weeks post every joint.. being it either hip,

shoulder, knee.


-------Original Message-------

From: jarcher107@...

Date: 09/06/11 09:11:50

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: surgery

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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Be your own advocate! The best patient is an informed patient!

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Thank you. I am a nurse and know how some Dr's think. I would never abuse any

kind of medication but I know that most Dr's have to deal with this. He did

give me refills and told me to call if I needed more. I just am scared that the

pain will continue and he will not refill. I had surgery 7/20 and it seems the

pain should be gone. I am probably too impatient and a little paranoid about

pain. I do have high pain tolerance as I've been in some kind of pain since I

was a teenager. I used to just almost live on aspirin. They helped for the

minor pains but this is NOT minor. Sciatica is VERY painful as you probably

know. I thought I would get by with one knee replacement since he drained an

injected the left one while I was in surgery, but on Sat. the swelling started

and the pain followed. I am holding my breath. SherrryHH

---- leecaroler <leecaroler@...> wrote:

> Sherry,

> Yes, i too know from experience that no two doctors are the same w hen it

comes to writing prescriptions for pain or psychological reasons. I have had

some that trust me beyond even my own belief and others that fret at 1/ 10th

of that which the other had no concerns about.

> Did you look to see if you gave refills on your Rx?


> Dont worry if there are non refills showing. He just might be the kind of

doc who likes to know when you need the refills and will refill your

medication happily as necessary with just a phone call from yourr pharmacist

bwhen you fear you are close to running out of the pills.


> L




> > >

> > > Hey Sherry,

> > >

> > > You need to take your pain meds as directed, you will heal faster if you

> > > are not in pain.

> > > Gayle CA

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 9/3/2011 9:03:02 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

> > > sherryhh@ writes:

> > >

> > > Both my knees were bad so when the Dr. marked the knee for the surgery, I

> > > told him if he got the wrong one, it wouldn't matter since they were both

> > > bad. He got a good laugh. I am on my 6th week post op but still have a

> > > lot of pain in my knee, thigh and hip. My sciatic nerve is also

bothering me

> > > quite a bit. What do you find best for the pain? I have never worrried

> > > about getting " hooked " on pain meds. I am very careful and only take it

> > > when needed. I should take it as directed and that way the pain won't

get so

> > > bad. Wishing you all pain free days and good healthy. SherryHH

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > > Be your own advocate! The best patient is an informed patient!

> > > Groups Links

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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i was a hospital unit clerk float for many years so got to know the

differences that way in addition to personal and family member experiences.



> > > >

> > > > Hey Sherry,

> > > >

> > > > You need to take your pain meds as directed, you will heal faster if you

> > > > are not in pain.

> > > > Gayle CA

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > In a message dated 9/3/2011 9:03:02 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

> > > > sherryhh@ writes:

> > > >

> > > > Both my knees were bad so when the Dr. marked the knee for the surgery,


> > > > told him if he got the wrong one, it wouldn't matter since they were


> > > > bad. He got a good laugh. I am on my 6th week post op but still have


> > > > lot of pain in my knee, thigh and hip. My sciatic nerve is also

bothering me

> > > > quite a bit. What do you find best for the pain? I have never


> > > > about getting " hooked " on pain meds. I am very careful and only take


> > > > when needed. I should take it as directed and that way the pain won't

get so

> > > > bad. Wishing you all pain free days and good healthy. SherryHH

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------------------------------

> > > >

> > > > Be your own advocate! The best patient is an informed patient!

> > > > Groups Links

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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In my situation I had a very liberal surgeon who had no issue with refills.

In the US however it is now federal law that pain medication refills have to

be called in directly from the surgeon. Literally he has to speak with the


On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 12:59 PM, leecaroler <leecaroler@...> wrote:

> **



> Sherry,

> Yes, i too know from experience that no two doctors are the same w hen it

> comes to writing prescriptions for pain or psychological reasons. I have had

> some that trust me beyond even my own belief and others that fret at 1/ 10th

> of that which the other had no concerns about.

> Did you look to see if you gave refills on your Rx?


> Dont worry if there are non refills showing. He just might be the kind of

> doc who likes to know when you need the refills and will refill your

> medication happily as necessary with just a phone call from yourr pharmacist

> bwhen you fear you are close to running out of the pills.


> L



> > >

> > > Hey Sherry,

> > >

> > > You need to take your pain meds as directed, you will heal faster if

> you

> > > are not in pain.

> > > Gayle CA

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 9/3/2011 9:03:02 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

> > > sherryhh@ writes:

> > >

> > > Both my knees were bad so when the Dr. marked the knee for the surgery,

> I

> > > told him if he got the wrong one, it wouldn't matter since they were

> both

> > > bad. He got a good laugh. I am on my 6th week post op but still have a

> > > lot of pain in my knee, thigh and hip. My sciatic nerve is also

> bothering me

> > > quite a bit. What do you find best for the pain? I have never worrried

> > > about getting " hooked " on pain meds. I am very careful and only take it


> > > when needed. I should take it as directed and that way the pain won't

> get so

> > > bad. Wishing you all pain free days and good healthy. SherryHH

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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Not really, though here are also some tighter state regs tha tvary:



In a message dated 9/6/2011 5:22:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

goddessrenee@... writes:

In my situation I had a very liberal surgeon who had no issue with refills.

In the US however it is now federal law that pain medication refills have


be called in directly from the surgeon. Literally he has to speak with the


On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 12:59 PM, leecaroler <leecaroler@...> wrote:

> **



> Sherry,

> Yes, i too know from experience that no two doctors are the same w hen it

> comes to writing prescriptions for pain or psychological reasons. I have


> some that trust me beyond even my own belief and others that fret at 1/


> of that which the other had no concerns about.

> Did you look to see if you gave refills on your Rx?


> Dont worry if there are non refills showing. He just might be the kind of

> doc who likes to know when you need the refills and will refill your

> medication happily as necessary with just a phone call from yourr


> bwhen you fear you are close to running out of the pills.


> L



> > >

> > > Hey Sherry,

> > >

> > > You need to take your pain meds as directed, you will heal faster if

> you

> > > are not in pain.

> > > Gayle CA

> > >

> > >

> > > In a message dated 9/3/2011 9:03:02 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

> > > sherryhh@ writes:

> > >

> > > Both my knees were bad so when the Dr. marked the knee for the


> I

> > > told him if he got the wrong one, it wouldn't matter since they were

> both

> > > bad. He got a good laugh. I am on my 6th week post op but still have


> > > lot of pain in my knee, thigh and hip. My sciatic nerve is also

> bothering me

> > > quite a bit. What do you find best for the pain? I have never


> > > about getting " hooked " on pain meds. I am very careful and only take



> > > when needed. I should take it as directed and that way the pain won't

> get so

> > > bad. Wishing you all pain free days and good healthy. SherryHH

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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I haven't had the surgery done yet, I went to the Kaiser hip surgery

orientation and that is the information that the doctor presented. I need both

hips done and am waiting for a date for the first one. He goes from the

side of the hip to do the THR.

Have you had yours done?

In a message dated 9/5/2011 4:11:49 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

jarcher107@... writes:

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Be your own advocate! The best patient is an informed patient!

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My doctor said pain and pain meds do not mix well with cars and stopping


In a message dated 9/5/2011 7:13:28 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

jarcher107@... writes:

Well shoot, I don't want my first post-op drive to be to the hospital for

the NEXT hip! What is the problem mostly? Inability to move fast and


on brakes should the need arise?

In a message dated 9/5/2011 8:14:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

maryanne.waspe1@... writes:

I couldn't drive for 6 weeks post every joint.. being it either hip,

shoulder, knee.


-------Original Message-------

From: jarcher107@...

Date: 09/06/11 09:11:50

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: surgery

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Be your own advocate! The best patient is an informed patient!

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Version: 10.0.1392 / Virus Database: 1520/3878 - Release Date: 09/05/11

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Be your own advocate! The best patient is an informed patient!

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Be your own advocate! The best patient is an informed patient!

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I too know the fear of running out of pain meds. I counted the pills to

make sure I wouldn't run out as we travel for weeks at a time. I told my

doctor about my fear and the sweety increased the amount so I could go longer

between refills. I haven't had my hip surgery yet so I am unable to move

without the meds.


In a message dated 9/6/2011 9:39:27 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

sherryhh@... writes:

Thanks Gail, I guess I am just afraid I'll run out and won't have

anything to take. I don't really know my surgeon and am not sure how he feels

about pain. He could be one that wants you to bite a stick instead of take a

pill. ha


> Hey Sherry,


> You need to take your pain meds as directed, you will heal faster if you

> are not in pain.

> Gayle CA



> In a message dated 9/3/2011 9:03:02 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

> sherryhh@... writes:


> Both my knees were bad so when the Dr. marked the knee for the surgery,


> told him if he got the wrong one, it wouldn't matter since they were


> bad. He got a good laugh. I am on my 6th week post op but still

have a

> lot of pain in my knee, thigh and hip. My sciatic nerve is also

bothering me

> quite a bit. What do you find best for the pain? I have never


> about getting " hooked " on pain meds. I am very careful and only take


> when needed. I should take it as directed and that way the pain won't

get so

> bad. Wishing you all pain free days and good healthy. SherryHH




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Two weeks form tomorrow, and an antero-lateral approach. Not sure which

leg I'll do first yet, it will be whichever one is hurting the mos ton

surgery day: they are both bone on bone. But with the left leg, I can drive

sooner, and I do live on an island near charleston SC, and this IS the peak

of jurricane season.not the best tim eto be unable to drive.

In a message dated 9/6/2011 8:50:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

I haven't had the surgery done yet, I went to the Kaiser hip surgery

orientation and that is the information that the doctor presented. I need


hips done and am waiting for a date for the first one. He goes from the

side of the hip to do the THR.

Have you had yours done?

In a message dated 9/5/2011 4:11:49 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

jarcher107@... writes:

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


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I'[ve been on heavy narcotics for a couple years now, so they don't affect

me as they would most others.

In a message dated 9/6/2011 8:54:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My doctor said pain and pain meds do not mix well with cars and stopping


In a message dated 9/5/2011 7:13:28 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

jarcher107@... writes:

Well shoot, I don't want my first post-op drive to be to the hospital for

the NEXT hip! What is the problem mostly? Inability to move fast and


on brakes should the need arise?

In a message dated 9/5/2011 8:14:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

maryanne.waspe1@... writes:

I couldn't drive for 6 weeks post every joint.. being it either hip,

shoulder, knee.


-------Original Message-------

From: jarcher107@...

Date: 09/06/11 09:11:50

Joint Replacement

Subject: Re: surgery

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


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Don't kid yourself, why do the police stop and test people for drugs,

whether you use them legally or illegally they are still in your system.

-- Re: surgery

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


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Actually, they don't, and it's not illegal to drive with them in your

system if you are not impaired. Not in the US anyway. I've been on them for

years, as I said, and you get used to them.

In a message dated 9/7/2011 2:13:16 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

maryanne.waspe1@... writes:

Don't kid yourself, why do the police stop and test people for drugs,

whether you use them legally or illegally they are still in your system.

-- Re: surgery

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


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I agree with .  In New York and North Yorkshire you would be busted but




From: " maryanne.waspe1@... " <maryanne.waspe1@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 7:12 AM

Subject: Re: surgery


Don't kid yourself, why do the police stop and test people for drugs,

whether you use them legally or illegally they are still in your system.

-- Re: surgery

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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I " m retired criminal defense attorney, and if you are taking prescribed

meds at a prescribed dosage and your driving is not impaired, nothing they

can do to you. Again...after you take things like Oxycontin for a while,

you simply are able to function normally with them, despite being knocked on

your butt at the beginning.

In a message dated 9/7/2011 7:06:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

kell_joan@... writes:

I agree with . In New York and North Yorkshire you would be busted

but good!



From: " maryanne.waspe1@... " <maryanne.waspe1@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 7:12 AM

Subject: Re: surgery

Don't kid yourself, why do the police stop and test people for drugs,

whether you use them legally or illegally they are still in your system.

-- Re: surgery

Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)

In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

chgayle@... writes:

My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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i guess if they only can do a some sort of balnce or ambulation or Walking

over cones test to determine if one is impaired or not and one tests fine then

that is where they must stop?

Do you mean that if the person does not show as impaired for driving they

could not legally do a breatalyzer or blood or urine test. How does this legal

order of rights work in most states? In your state.



> I " m retired criminal defense attorney, and if you are taking prescribed

> meds at a prescribed dosage and your driving is not impaired, nothing they

> can do to you. Again...after you take things like Oxycontin for a while,

> you simply are able to function normally with them, despite being knocked on

> your butt at the beginning.



> In a message dated 9/7/2011 7:06:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> kell_joan@... writes:


> I agree with . In New York and North Yorkshire you would be busted

> but good!

> Joan




> ________________________________

> From: " maryanne.waspe1@... " <maryanne.waspe1@...>

> Joint Replacement

> Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 7:12 AM

> Subject: Re: surgery




> Don't kid yourself, why do the police stop and test people for drugs,

> whether you use them legally or illegally they are still in your system.





> -- Re: surgery


> Which hip did you have done, and what approach? (I seriously can't

> imagine four days, let alone four weeks without driving!)



> In a message dated 9/5/2011 6:54:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> chgayle@... writes:


> My hip doctor says I can drive in 4 weeks.

> Gayle





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> -----

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> 09/05/11



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