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Did you get your band done by Dr. A? They have a list. I knw that there is one

in Salem and one in Olympia. Dr. Fox up in Olympia I believe does the fill for

Mexico patients. Hope this helps.

-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: " fhatyha " <fhatyha@...>

> I need to get my band adjusted and I was wondering if anyone knows of

> a Doctor in or close to Washington. I got my band in Mexico and I

> can't go every two to three months to get it adjusted. PLEASE HELP


> Fhatyha

> 300 200 225



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There is a good clinic in Arlington, WA. northwestfills.com or call

360-435-5365. It's 150.00 for the first fill and then 125.00 after that. They

start a file, do all your measurements and do some education. They do fills for

Mexican banded patients. Jill

fhatyha <fhatyha@...> wrote:

I need to get my band adjusted and I was wondering if anyone knows of

a Doctor in or close to Washington. I got my band in Mexico and I

can't go every two to three months to get it adjusted. PLEASE HELP


300 200 225

Jill S.



Your only as good as you think you can be!!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Unsubbing is very easy.... these messages are at the bottom of every mail sent

by the list. An e-mail will suffice.


---- lilmoon74 <ciyoung@...> wrote:

> I am getting so many emails from this group that my email account might

> as well not exsist to any one else. How do I get my name removed from

> the list. Help help help....

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You can set your account so that you do not get emails and instead you

can go to the group itself and read the messages. This is what

I do otherwise, I wouldn't be able to manage my email account.



> I am getting so many emails from this group that my email account


> as well not exsist to any one else. How do I get my name removed


> the list. Help help help....


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Hi, and welcome! When you joined, you chose (by default) the " daily

emails " option, so you're being sent a copy of every single post and

question! I changed it for you to " special notices only " - so now you

can simply bookmark the site (make it a " favorite " ) and then sign on

and read/post only when you wish to. The change may take a day or 2 to

stop the emails. If you wish to change again, simply go to " edit my

membership " above the dark blue line at the top of this message page.

Glad you're here! We're all in this together , to share our

experiences and learn and support each other.

Sandy R

at goal x 3.5 yrs



> Hello to all bandsters out there. I am a newbee. I was banded on 8-9-


> with Dr. ell in Greeley, Colorado. I am excited about this


> cause I have seen a couple of other ones and they have not been much

> help. I really need to know how to stop all these emails that I am

> getting. I get all the posts and then some I have over 185 and I


> that I can read these where they are posted. Thankyou for allowing


> to be apart of this group I have already learned alot with what I


> read.


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  • 1 month later...


If it was damaged, you would be the first to know it. Most likely it

is okay, because the CI processors are very tough little

buggers...trust me on that...Barry in PA.


> i dropped my processor it seems ok should i worry? it still works fine







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If it works and no apparent cracks, its fine. Reminds me of a guy in

New Zealand I think, was riding his motorcycle, no helmet. His Nucleus 3G

flew off and before he could retrieve it, it was run over by a truck. Case

all in pieces...but it worked. He had it replaced avd after that, always

wore a helmet. LOL

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare.

And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-- M. Acklam

& Dreamer Doll ke7nwn

Newport, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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Remember the old saying: " If it ain't broke, don't fix it. " Guess that

would apply here. We do tend to get overly cautious I guess about our

processors. Mine fell out of car window (using phone and I moved it the wrong

way)...Fortunately, I was parked. I just got out and wiped it off and put it


on....all was fine.

It did give me a good scare and told me to NEVER talk/hear on a cell phone

beside the window! Especially if vehicle is in motion! Yikes!!!


************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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Good morning all

A few problems that need help please.

1) Being implanted on one side with minimal hearing on the other seems I am not

waking on time with my alarm clock going off.. I know there is a place to

purchase alarm clocks for the deaf? ... Could you let me know where you have

purchased them..

2) Seems like the lock on my BWP? to hold the battery in place is not working..

Will the whole processor have to be replaced???

Thanks for all your help



Implanted 1/20/06

Activated 2/27/06

From: <rclark0276@...>

Sent: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 7:21 pm

Subject: Re: help

If it works and no apparent cracks, its fine. Reminds me of a guy in

New Zealand I think, was riding his motorcycle, no helmet. His Nucleus 3G

flew off and before he could retrieve it, it was run over by a truck. Case

all in pieces...but it worked. He had it replaced avd after that, always

wore a helmet. LOL

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare.

And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-- M. Acklam

& Dreamer Doll ke7nwn

Newport, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup




Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Reeta,

Firstly I feel you raised your armour far too fast. I would have

been looking at 1/4 grain raises from 2 grains onwards and I

certainly wouldn't have done another raise after only 2 days. You

are getting impatient I'm thinking - we all do it and sadly most of

us pay for it, lol.

Things get a little confusing from this point because I thought

initially that you were simply raising too fast and needed to back

down but you've done this. The problem is that AI can cause palps

etc but I also have found that there are occasions where hypo can


The fact that it happened last night does make me suspect that you

are having a resurgence of adrenal symptoms, having stressed them by

upping your armour a bit fast. NAE could give you these racing

heart symptoms but I would be surprised at only 2 tablets. I think

I'd try raising NAE - do be sure to take it by 1pm faithfully - and

leave the armour off for a little longer, until the symptoms subside.

It's very much trial and error at this stage but the fact that you

got so far and were feeling good on 2 grains is SO encouraging.

Well done and try not to panic.

Your other option, if you feel this isn't adrenal would be to leave

off the NAE for a couple of days and see how you go on from there.

Do you chart your temps at all? Sometimes this can be very

indicative of what is going on with both adrenals and thyroid.

Another possibility is low magnesium, this can make the heart cause

problems as well as causing cramps.

This is one of those situations where you might have to try a few

things and see what makes you feel better. Sorry, not everso


Luv Bella

> thing was having periods of feeling a bit racy and being able to


> my heart beating loudly which got so uncomfortable that I accepted


> was maybe on too much Armour.

> I took 11/2 grains in the morning but within 1/2 hour of taking it

> the uncomfortable feeling returned!

I don't understand why i would be

> feeling worse.


> But then i had a thought this morning after taking my 2 NAE that

> could I be taking too much adrenal support? Can you take too much

> and if so what are the symptoms? I am so confused.


> I have searched all through the FIles and Dr Ps book but cannot


> anything about this possibility.

> Please can someone give me any advice? I feel a bit panicky about

> it...

> Thanks Reeta


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Hi Bella,

Thank you so much for replying as I have been in a complete state

this morning and feel very alone and frightened. I have been unable

to stop crying (am probably premenstrual now too)since I got up and

have upset my 18 year old who was very reluctant to go off to college

and leave me which I feel really guilty about as I generally hold

things together around him...

I got woken by noises several times in the night and was very aware

of feeling my heart beat all the time and apart from that making it

hard to relax and get back to sleep I was feeling more and more

anxious about it all and kept thinking I might have a heart attack or

something... It's a very weird feeling - like if you've just run for

a bus or done a bit of exercise - you can just feel your heart

beating all over your body for a bit.

I have been reading over my diary this morning for some clues but not

really got very far. The bare facts are that I was feeling rubbish

for quite a long while while until I got that 'miracle' 2 weeks and

suddenly I was feeling loads better... But since upping the Armour

things have slipped back again. If I hadn't had the racy feeling , I

would probably have plodded on as I wasn't feeling any better or

worse than I have been for ages (apart from those positive 2 weeks).

My morning temperature tends to be between 36.0 and 36.5,

occasionally going above and below this for odd days. Since going up

to 2 grains it has been between 36.0-36.3. Since stopping Armour last

Sat, it was a little higher for acouple of days and then went back to

being 36.1 or 36.2 - I should have been taking my pulse (normally

between 68-70)but forgot. My pulse yesterday morning was 75 and this

morning 72.

With regard to NAE, I normally take 4 and when I up my Armour I take

5-6 for a week or so. After I had taken my first dose of 2 yesterday

morning I suddenly wondered if it could be that - maybe I no longer

need to be on this much NAE...? So I only took 2 yesterday but this

does not seem to have made any difference in terms of the racy

feeling. I have been on adrenal support for a year now - starting on

NA and then moving to NAE.

I think you are probably right about raising the Armour too fast

Bella and yes I was impatient! After feeling so good and then

feeling not quite as good I was desperate to stop any slip back and

thought I just needed more Armour. By reading over info in the last

week, I think I am now understanding that when you get to 2 grains

you may have to hold it there for longer than 3/4 weeks and as you

said, to increase slowly with only a 1/4?

Despite all this, I am still confused and concerned about the


Have not been on Armour now since last Friday (apart from briefly

having 1 1/4 grains on Monday and although felt ok Sunday, racy

feeling has continued. By having this big a gap from taking Armour

am I going to slip back now and have to start all over again?

Am not sure if it could be NAE or not. Worried that if I stop NAE

now and adrenals ARE struggling, am going to slip back even more.

Do feel quite concerned about racy feeling but am too scared to see

GP as does not know am on Armour etc. Was hoping to tell him only

when got some positive results...

Sorry, I am gabbling and have not really giving any new information

but just feel scared and confused...

Does anything I've said provide any more insight?

I wonder if it's worth getting a blood pressure machine - as isn't

this the most reliable indicator of what your adrenals are doing?

Reeta x


> Hi Reeta,

> Firstly I feel you raised your armour far too fast. I would have

> been looking at 1/4 grain raises from 2 grains onwards and I

> certainly wouldn't have done another raise after only 2 days. You

> are getting impatient I'm thinking - we all do it and sadly most of

> us pay for it, lol.


> Things get a little confusing from this point because I thought

> initially that you were simply raising too fast and needed to back

> down but you've done this. The problem is that AI can cause palps

> etc but I also have found that there are occasions where hypo can

> too.

> The fact that it happened last night does make me suspect that you

> are having a resurgence of adrenal symptoms, having stressed them


> upping your armour a bit fast. NAE could give you these racing

> heart symptoms but I would be surprised at only 2 tablets. I think

> I'd try raising NAE - do be sure to take it by 1pm faithfully - and

> leave the armour off for a little longer, until the symptoms


> It's very much trial and error at this stage but the fact that you

> got so far and were feeling good on 2 grains is SO encouraging.

> Well done and try not to panic.


> Your other option, if you feel this isn't adrenal would be to leave

> off the NAE for a couple of days and see how you go on from there.

> Do you chart your temps at all? Sometimes this can be very

> indicative of what is going on with both adrenals and thyroid.


> Another possibility is low magnesium, this can make the heart cause

> problems as well as causing cramps.


> This is one of those situations where you might have to try a few

> things and see what makes you feel better. Sorry, not everso

> helpful.

> Luv Bella




> > thing was having periods of feeling a bit racy and being able to

> feel

> > my heart beating loudly which got so uncomfortable that I


> I

> > was maybe on too much Armour.

> > I took 11/2 grains in the morning but within 1/2 hour of taking


> > the uncomfortable feeling returned!

> I don't understand why i would be

> > feeling worse.

> >

> > But then i had a thought this morning after taking my 2 NAE that

> > could I be taking too much adrenal support? Can you take too


> > and if so what are the symptoms? I am so confused.

> >

> > I have searched all through the FIles and Dr Ps book but cannot

> find

> > anything about this possibility.

> > Please can someone give me any advice? I feel a bit panicky


> > it...

> > Thanks Reeta

> >


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Hi Reeta,

I've heard of this happening before. Increasing the dose too fast

causing unreasonable sensitisation to thyroid meds. The only thing seems to

be is to start over, with very small doses and tiny increases to get back to

where you should be. Some folk are more sensitive to meds than others.

Continue to try to get hold of Dr.P, in the meantime be careful.

To recap, after 2 weeks of being on 2 grains, I then had 2 weeks of

feeling significantly better and all my symproms dramatically

improved. Feeling that things were not quite as good after the 2

weeks and I had then been on 2 grains for a month, I upped a 1/4

grain for 2 days and then another 1/4 after that.

So yesterday and today I've had no Armour again but I woke last night

being aware of the uncomfortable feeling and have had the feeling all

day even worse than yesterday! I don't understand why i would be

feeling worse.

But then i had a thought this morning after taking my 2 NAE that

could I be taking too much adrenal support? Can you take too much

and if so what are the symptoms? I am so confused.

Thanks Reeta

Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing medication.

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Hi Reeta,

I've had that whole night time experience you've described, way back

when I was raising armour for the first time.

What was happening for me - I can see in retrospect - was a

combination of problems so I'll list them so that you have the

opportunity to consider them and take what is useful to you.

I was definitely slightly anaemic and this seemed to have an effect

on my heart thumping at night. I also had magnesium deficiency

which again causes a change in heart rate, since addressing these

two problems (sometimes I slip up of course) it's generally

improved. The NAE, I think from what you've described that it

really wouldn't be a good idea to change things now. Waking with a

start in the night, in a panic is a typical adrenal symptom and you

won't get far until you've calmed those stressed adrenals back

down. It sometimes takes a few weeks but as soon as that heart rate

responds you will know to start back with the armour. You haven't

been on NAE too long and whilst you are raising armour you are going

to need every bit of adrenal support you can get. Each raise will

stress the adrenals and until you are close to optimum it would be

really ill advised to stop or lower the support.

Reeta, you may not be able to get any higher on Armour because

you've been ill for so long and since it's been undetectable through

the usual blood tests it sounds like you are in a similar position

to me. If you find that there is a point where you aren't too bad

but raising is still difficult dispite adding in plenty of

suppliments, then sometimes it's simpler and easier to keep at that

dose and start using some extra T3.

I say this because I got to about 2 grains, didn't feel too bad at

that level and pushed on. I never started to feel any better and

eventually I got to the stage where I was pretty poorly. Since then

I've not been able to tolerate more than 1 grain of armour.

I'm doing pretty well on T3 but it's so much better if you can take

some armour in order to get the very vital calcitonin that is so

important for bone health. I've recently discovered that it also is

a very effective pain killer, what a bonus eh?

Please don't be scared Reeta, you truly aren't alone as long as TPA

is here. I've been through many set backs but I am honestly so

improved health wise compared to how I was 18 months ago and I've

learned so much about my own body and what I personally need to get


Whenever I find myself going downhill I rush to my suppliments

cupboard because it's always due to one or another suppliment that

I've forgotten to take. You will get to know your body so well that

you soon will be figuring it all out for yourself.

Keep your chin and your spirits up and things WILL get better.

Luv Bella


> Hi Bella,


> Thank you so much for replying as I have been in a complete state

> this morning and feel very alone and frightened. I have been


> to stop crying (am probably premenstrual now too)since I got up


> have upset my 18 year old who was very reluctant to go off to


> and leave me which I feel really guilty about as I generally hold

> things together around him...


> I got woken by noises several times in the night and was very


> of feeling my heart beat all the time and apart from that making


> hard to relax and get back to sleep I was feeling more and more

> anxious about it all and kept thinking I might have a heart attack


> something...

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Hi Bella,

Thank you very much for all your help and suggestions again. After a

couple of days off the NAE and the heart beat feeling not getting any

better I went back on to 6 a day and have been feeling a little

better since then. I am now having periods where I feel fine and

then it comes back but at least it is not all the time. I have been

completely off Armour for 6 days now and am worrying that any

improvement I may have made in getting to where I was will disappear

and I will have to start all over again. What is weird is that my

morning temperature has been rising over the last few days and was

36.8 this morning which is the highest it's ever been! I have been

taking my temperature in the evening around 10pm which I don't

normally do and it is very low - yesterday it was 33.3. Is it normal

to have a lower temperature in the evening? I vaguely remember Dr P

saying that was an indication of my adrenals strugling by the end of

the day...?

I have managed to get an appointment with Dr P this coming Thursday

and will talk things over with him. It is now just over a year since

I first saw him and started working with all of this and I feel very

very frustrated that I am not further along the road than I am.

You are very lucky Bella to have a good sense of what is going on in

your body - the longer time goes on, the less I understand what is

going on. I am 42 and have been seeing practitioners (mainly

complementary) for nearly 20 years on and off now and I feel no

nearer to understanding what is wrong with me. After seeing Dr P

last October I started to feel hopeful again and just felt so

relieved to think I knew what was wrong at last. However, a year

later I feel doubtful and lost again and I find it harder and harder

to pick myself up and stay positive in the way that I did when I was

younger. Now I just feel angry and resentful and do not understand

the purpose or meaning of my life any more.

Thanks again Bella

Reeta x

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Hi , sorry forgot to thank you for replying. I really really hope

I am not going to have to start completely from scratch as I will

go completely mad if that is the case...

Reeta x

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Hi Reeta,

I'm happy to try to help.

I'm so pleased to hear that you are getting periods of improvement.

Firstly temps. This is from my experience so may or may not apply

to you. When I started taking armour my temps dropped quite

dramatically and I realised retrospectively that even my basal was

affected by the amount that my adrenals were struggling. You have

to bear in mind that I moved from NAE at 1 grain and then at 1 and

1/2 grains went on to HC because I couldn't progress without better

adrenal support than NAE could give me. I had a similar reaction to

what you encountered at 2 grains and it's kicked in on and off since


Evening temps tend to be quite low, I certainly have found this. By

around 7pm I would expect them to be dropping quite a bit especially

when using only NAE because it's taken so early in the day. Since

I've been on HC they are quite reasonable unless I stress my

adrenals which I find way too easy to do.

I don't think you have to worry too much about raising the armour

because you will only now be clearing out the excess hormones that

are in your blood and your body hasn't got to the stage of missing

the armour. I'd go back in at 1 grain because you were fine at that

dose weren't you? Once you start feeling hypo go up 1/4 grain and

hold for a week or so and again if you still feel hypo go up another

1/2 grain.

Others might advise a slower approach but this worked for me when I

had stopped my meds and then re-started.

I suspect that you may now need to talk to Dr P about whether you

can consider using Isocort or Hydrocortisone so it's great that

you've got that appointment with him. Use the next few days to find

out what you can about it all and get any questions organised so

that you don't forget anything.

I can't remember what you said about ferritin and B12, were they

low? Perhaps you could ask him why we are nagging you about them,


I do consider myself lucky that I've got a handle on what's working

and what's not but it's been through trial and error that I've

worked out my dosages and deficiencies. I've been through some

horrible times too. Being hypoadrenal and hypoT really confuses

things and makes it very difficult to get our meds balanced but it

does come right in the end and then you start to wonder how anyone

ever allowed you to get so low and ill. Shame on the medical


I know you've had 2 steps forward and 1 step back and it's been

going on for such a long time but you will get there, we all do

eventually and then you will come out from under that horrible cloud

and life will feel so good.

Luv Bella



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Hi Bella and Sheila and anyone else who is interested in my muddled

and backwards and forwards progress (although I don't really think I

should use the word progress yet)...

Bella thank you for your helpful and reassuring reply to my last

post. I didn't get my B12 done last time as my GP didn't think it

was necessary (does it read as B12 on the results?) and yes I have

low iron and ferrritin(9). I have been on 200mg of chelated iron for

a couple of months now.

Just to update you, I saw Dr P on Thursday and he confirmed what you

were suggesting - my adrenals are still struggling and are hindering

progress. He said my blood pressure readings (low) and dropping

significantly on standing were the same as a year ago(!) which was

very disheartening. I told him that I thought I had made some

progress with my adrenals in the last year and he took that on but

said it should have been more and that they still can't cope when

raising Armour, getting too stressed etc. Anyway, you know what I'm

going to say - he strongly recommended that I go down the

hydrocortisone route. He knew I would be pretty resistant to this

and although we talked things through I had a delayed reaction a

couple of hours late and felt very upset about now having to

seriously consider this.

He wants me to get back on Armour (starting back at 1/4 grain) asap

as he says my body really needs it and so I'm on 6 NAE for the

moment. I feel very nervous of trying Armour again as I have only

just pretty much got rid of the 'racy' feeling. I actually had it

very strongly when I was with him and he said my pulse was fine...

I had thought that the hydrocortisone (he has suggested Cortef) would

replace the NAE but was dismayed to read in the notes he made on my

way home that his instructions are to take it with the NAE!! This

means I need to stay on the NAE as well as the Cortef? I just don't

know how I'm going to afford all this - he has also told me to

increase the Vit C and go back on the Nutri adrenal support tincture

and Co-Enzyme Q10 - we're talking over £100 worth of supplements here

a month and on top of the £60 appointment fee I had to pay £18 to get

there... Sorry I just seem to come on here to moan but I am just

really tired of spending all my spare money (not much) on supplements

and medication...

I also asked him if I would only have to stay on it for a short time

as I was saying to myself that maybe I could manage this but he said

that would be the ideal but he thought it unlikely which I feel

really low about. I feel very anxious about having to stay on

medication that I have to pay for the rest of my life. Are these

normal feelings or am I being unreasonable? I supose if I was

feeling better I would be looking at the sitaution differently (and

maybe feel prepared to pay double that just to be well!) but from

where I'm sitting now I feel really fed up at what all this means.

I need to read up on hydrocortisone but have so far not felt up to


Any thoughts on any of the above??

Reeta x

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Hi Reeta> > Bella thank you for your helpful and reassuring reply to my last > post. I didn't get my B12 done last time as my GP didn't think it > was necessary (does it read as B12 on the results?) and yes I have > low iron and ferrritin(9). I have been on 200mg of chelated iron for > a couple of months now.

With such a low Ferritin level, I would have thought your GP would automatically have tested to see where your B12 is. Try and get him to do this again Reeta. I would also ask if you could try a different elemental iron and you should be taking much more a day than 200 mgs to get your level boosted. The sooner you raise your Ferritin, the sooner you will feel better and the sooner you will be able to tolerate thyroid hormone replacement.> > Just to update you, I saw Dr P on Thursday and he confirmed what you > were suggesting - my adrenals are still struggling and are hindering > progress. He said my blood pressure readings (low) and dropping > significantly on standing were the same as a year ago(!) which was > very disheartening. I told him that I thought I had made some > progress with my adrenals in the last year and he took that on but > said it should have been more and that they still can't cope when > raising Armour, getting too stressed etc. Anyway, you know what I'm > going to say - he strongly recommended that I go down the > hydrocortisone route. He knew I would be pretty resistant to this > and although we talked things through I had a delayed reaction a > couple of hours late and felt very upset about now having to > seriously consider this.

Try to hold off taking Cortison if you can for the molment Reeta because I am pretty sure that it is your Ferritin and probably low B12 that might be the cause of this. Your GP, if unable to treat this problem, should refer you to a specialist who will be able to sort you out and put you on the right level of medication to bring you to a more normal state. If, after you have boosted your iron and B12 levels you still suffer the same, then you may well need to take Cortisone.> > He wants me to get back on Armour (starting back at 1/4 grain) asap > as he says my body really needs it and so I'm on 6 NAE for the > moment. I feel very nervous of trying Armour again as I have only > just pretty much got rid of the 'racy' feeling. I actually had it > very strongly when I was with him and he said my pulse was fine...

If you go back on Armolur, try taking just an 1/8th of a grain before your breakfast and another 1/8th grain around 2.00p.m. Stay on that for 7 days and then increase by another 1/8th of a grain and stay oln that for 2 to 3 weeks and see how you feel. If you get no fluttery feelings, sweating, dizziness or palpitations, you can then increase again by another 1/8th of a grain in another couple to three weeks. Take it very slowly, and your body should get used to this. Please don't feel nervous about taking your Armour, it is one of the safest natural medications you can take and if you do get any reaction, the beauty of it is that as soon as you stop taking it, all reactions immediately subside. You certainly went up far too quickly when you were taking Armour before, so it is no wonder you got those 'racy' feelings .> > I had thought that the hydrocortisone (he has suggested Cortef) would > replace the NAE but was dismayed to read in the notes he made on my > way home that his instructions are to take it with the NAE!! This > means I need to stay on the NAE as well as the Cortef? I just don't > know how I'm going to afford all this - he has also told me to > increase the Vit C and go back on the Nutri adrenal support tincture > and Co-Enzyme Q10 - we're talking over £100 worth of supplements here > a month and on top of the £60 appointment fee I had to pay £18 to get > there... Sorry I just seem to come on here to moan but I am just > really tired of spending all my spare money (not much) on supplements > and medication...

Tell us how much Vitamin C you are taking at the moment and where do you buy this. How much are you paying for how many tablets? If you can't afford it (and not many of us can) then you could leave out the Nutri Adrenal support tincture. What amount of CoEnzymeQ10 are you taking and where are you buying this from and again, how much are you paying for what number of tablets? There are many pharmacies on the Internet and some good competition and somebody here may have a source that is cheaper than where you are purchasing your goodies. It is an absolute tragedy that the NHS are the cause of patients having to look after themselves because they don't know how. Have you told your doctor that you are having to buy all these supplements, and is it possible that your GP might give you a trial of synthetic thyroxine (T4) and synthetic triidothyronine (T3) in combination. That way, you would save on the Armour.

Also, could you get tested for low adrenal reserve within the NHS so you could get any treatment prescribed by your GP. Not that they really know how to reach a proper diagnosis for low adrenal reserve, but it might be worth trying.> > I also asked him if I would only have to stay on it for a short time > as I was saying to myself that maybe I could manage this but he said > that would be the ideal but he thought it unlikely which I feel > really low about.

Things must be looking bleak for you at the moment, but try to look on the positive side. It is very likely that you will not be on Cortef for that long (should you even need it if you got your Ferritin and B12 sorted. Many people find once they have boosted their adrenals sufficiently, they can then just take the thyroid hormone replacement they need and eventually stop treating their adrenals. A few really serious cases, do have to take it for life - but you really shoauldn't be thinking about this right now. There are too many other things that could be causing your lack of thyroid hormone uptake.

I feel very anxious about having to stay on > medication that I have to pay for the rest of my life. Are these > normal feelings or am I being unreasonable? I supose if I was > feeling better I would be looking at the sitaution differently (and > maybe feel prepared to pay double that just to be well!) but from > where I'm sitting now I feel really fed up at what all this means.

What you are complaining about are very real complaints, and you are certainly not the only one with such a problem. They are VERY normal feelings and you are definitely not being unreasonable. You will feel better when you get your blood sorted, and you must go and talk to your doctor about this. After two months taking elemental iron your Ferritin should be increased - so you need to take more. Are you taking all the right foods, tons of red meat etc.?> > I need to read up on hydrocortisone but have so far not felt up to > it...

Read the following link. This is a conversation between Dr Shames and Shomon and he explains a lot about the thyroid/adrenal connection. This may help you understand more about what is happening to you.


Luv - Sheila> > Any thoughts on any of the above??> > Reeta x>

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Hi Reeta,

I know the cost is appalling to someone who has limited means, but

getting the cortisol right can then lead to getting the thyroid right and so

to a good quality of life.

I too have lowish adrenals ( within range) and am still taking prednisolone

after being prescribed it by Dr. P many years ago. I'm well and continue to

be so until I try to reduce the pred. I've got to half doses, but any less

than that and I go downhill again. Saying this I have had no ill effects

from the pred- no unwanted side effects. The most important thing is getting

well then you can review everything clearly, not through a veil of illness.

Anyway, you know what I'm

going to say - he strongly recommended that I go down the

hydrocortisone route. He knew I would be pretty resistant to this

and although we talked things through I had a delayed reaction a

couple of hours late and felt very upset about now having to

seriously consider this.

I need to read up on hydrocortisone but have so far not felt up to


Any thoughts on any of the above??

Reeta x

Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing medication.

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Hi Reeta,

Apologies for not replying earlier but I've had my own HC trials and

tribulations lately.

Cutting to the chase, I absolutely understand your concerns about

HC. I feel that pretty much everyone who gets on to HC goes in to

it without all the facts and it can be 6 or even 12 months down the

line that you realise exactly what you've taken on. I think one of

the things to keep in mind here is that you are likely to take

approximately the same doseage as someone with 's. Someone

with 's can expect to lead a healthy and full life although

there can be some side effects from HC, one in particular which

concerns me is the thinning of the skin.

We refer to this supplimentation of HC as resting the adrenals but

in fact we shut down cortisol production and risk also reducing the

amount of DHEA and Aldosterone produced. The problem is that the

longer we suppliment the cortisol the more we risk never being able

to get the adrenals back on line. Having said that, if your

adrenals aren't doing the job well enough for you to be able to

function then some would say,'what have I got to lose?'

The reason that Dr P likes people to continue using NAE whilst on HC

is because it helps to nourish the adrenals and aids their

recovery. You don't have to take as many, 1 or 2 should suffice.

I could never urge someone to start HC because I still have mixed

feelings about being on it. I've been taking HC for around 10

months and I very much doubt now that I will ever manage without

it. The benefits to my health though have been immense. In an

ideal world I would have liked to be using armour rather than the T3

that I can tolerate, wean off HC and be back to the fit and active

woman I was 10 years ago. I am starting to regain some strength and

hope to begin exercising again soon.

I also find it very hard to afford all the suppliments that I need

as I am no longer able to work for long periods and I really can

sympathise with you over the mounting costs.

I don't know how helpful this is to you but you have some difficult

decisions to make and I'd like to think that you can go in to this

with your eyes wide open.

Luv Bella xx


> going to say - he strongly recommended that I go down the

> hydrocortisone route. He knew I would be pretty resistant to this

> and although we talked things through I had a delayed reaction a

> couple of hours late and felt very upset about now having to

> seriously consider this.


> He wants me to get back on Armour (starting back at 1/4 grain)


> as he says my body really needs it and so I'm on 6 NAE for the

> moment. I feel very nervous of trying Armour again as I have only

> just pretty much got rid of the 'racy' feeling. I actually had it

> very strongly when I was with him and he said my pulse was fine...

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Hi Bella,

You have put what I wanted to say so beautifully! I have been on

HC for 7 years and I am often complimented on my good skin. I'm 55 and have

a few small wrinkles, but many less than some of my younger friends. I am

aware of no side effects. I have reduced my dose, but get so tired if I go

too low- maybe I'll go down again in the spring- now is not the time to do


HC if not taken in excess (in other words no more than you actually need )

can be a real blessing and a starter to better thyroid health.

I could never urge someone to start HC because I still have mixed

feelings about being on it. I've been taking HC for around 10

months and I very much doubt now that I will ever manage without

it. The benefits to my health though have been immense. In an

ideal world I would have liked to be using armour rather than the T3

that I can tolerate, wean off HC and be back to the fit and active

woman I was 10 years ago. I am starting to regain some strength and

hope to begin exercising again soon.

I don't know how helpful this is to you but you have some difficult

decisions to make and I'd like to think that you can go in to this

with your eyes wide open.

Luv Bella xx


> going to say - he strongly recommended that I go down the

> hydrocortisone route. He knew I would be pretty resistant to this

> and although we talked things through I had a delayed reaction a

> couple of hours late and felt very upset about now having to

> seriously consider this.


> He wants me to get back on Armour (starting back at 1/4 grain)


> as he says my body really needs it and so I'm on 6 NAE for the

> moment. I feel very nervous of trying Armour again as I have only

> just pretty much got rid of the 'racy' feeling. I actually had it

> very strongly when I was with him and he said my pulse was fine...

Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing medication.

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Hi Bella, Sheila and ,

Thank you so much for your replies and sorry that I have not yet

replied. Have had a difficult week and feeling very low and still

unsure and confused. I am starting to feel worse and think it's

probably because my body wants some thyroid something or other as have

not been on Armour for a few weeks now. However, cannot decide about

how to proceed about adrenals and because am feeling that I need to get

this a bit more sorted and get back on Armour I am feeling very

pressured and stressed which is not helping.

I really want to sit down and research a bit and think about it all

properly but have had no time and this is making me feel very stressed.

But I really really appreciate your thoughts and help. Thanks again.

Reeta x

P.S. Feeling worse has actually made me realise how much I'd progressed

and don't think I'd noticed just how much (in some areas anyway)...

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Please phone Dr Peatfield. You can tell him I asked you to phone him because you are so terribly confused and don't know which way to turn. His number is 01474 815793. He is there at the moment. Let us know what he recommends, as your case intrigues me as well.

luv - Sheila

Hi Bella, Sheila and ,Thank you so much for your replies and sorry that I have not yet replied. Have had a difficult week and feeling very low and still unsure and confused. I am starting to feel worse and think it's probably because my body wants some thyroid something or other as have not been on Armour for a few weeks now. However, cannot decide about how to proceed about adrenals and because am feeling that I need to get this a bit more sorted and get back on Armour I am feeling very pressured and stressed which is not helping. I really want to sit down and research a bit and think about it all properly but have had no time and this is making me feel very stressed.But I really really appreciate your thoughts and help. Thanks again.Reeta xP.S. Feeling worse has actually made me realise how much I'd progressed and don't think I'd noticed just how much (in some areas anyway)...

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