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OT: 50 Things Your Doctor Forgot To Tell You About Vaccines

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" Perhaps the greatest evil of immunization lies in its diversion of public

attention from true methods of disease prevention. It encourages public

authorities to permit all kinds of sanitary defects and social problems to

remain undressed, particularly in schools. It ignores the part played by food

and sunlight and many other factors in the maintenance of health. It exaggerates

the risk of diphtheria and works upon the fear of parents. The more it is

supported by public authorities, the more will its dangers and disadvantages be

concealed or denied. " M. Meadow Bayly, M.R.C.S., 1944

[ ] OT: 50 Things Your Doctor Forgot To Tell You About


Hi guys,

This was posted on another autism list yesterday. Of particular interest

is the flu vaccine, for which there will be a big PUSH this fall.

50 Things Your Doctor Forgot To Tell You About Vaccines


Smallpox would have disappeared around 1870 if Jenner's cronies had not

persuaded Parliament to force the smallpox vaccine onto children in 1867,

causing the largest epidemic of smallpox ever with a peak of 42,000 deaths

in 1872.

To test the effectiveness of natural immunity versus vaccination, the

nonvaccinated Kingston Clinic staff challenged six vaccinated doctors to

join them, in 1936, in a smallpox isolation unit. The doctors had the very

good sense not to accept the offer.

The degree of AIDS incidence in Brazil, Haiti, Burundi, Ruanda, Tanzania,

Zaire Zambia, Uganda and Malawi coincides with the degree of smallpox

vaccination intensity.


American health authorities are considering a complete change of policy in

the face of strong evidence that all cases of polio are caused by the polio


Bernard Reis, English professor at Cornell University and an " energetic,

athletic achiever " was paralyzed by polio a month after his baby was, by

law, polio-vaccinated.

One point one million dollars damages were awarded to Kay McNeary after she

was crippled by polio alter changing her baby's nappy.

Millions of children, in the fifties and sixties, were given the Salk

vaccine contaminated with the cancer causing virus SV40.

Dr F Klinner stated, " Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin

vaccines, being made of monkey tissues, have been directly responsible for

the major increase of leukemia in this country. "

The Lancet reported an outbreak of paralytic polio in Oman in fully

vaccinated children. The vaccine lobby said what was needed was an increase

of the vaccine dose at birth, 6,10 and 14 weeks, and at times of other

vaccines being given.


The World's largest vaccine trial, in Southern India, of the BCG vaccine,

resulted in more TB in the vaccinated group than in the control group.


The whooping cough vaccine is made from the mucus of infected children,

mixed with formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury.

In a recent study of 540 Dutch babies, 512 had adverse reactions to the DPT


Thirty-thousand cases of diphtheria have occurred in recent years, in the

UK, amongst diphtheria vaccinated children.

A University of California study showed that 1,000 SIDS (cot deaths) per

year are caused by the DPT shots.

Dr Mendelsohn, pediatrician, said, " ...nearly 10,000 SIDS each year "

(in the USA) " are related to the vaccines routinely given to children. " In

1986 Dr Weiner PhD. stated, " More die each year from SIDS than the

total number of all AIDS cases since 1981, yet little research money has

been allocated to study the possibility of a relationship between these

deaths and the DPT vaccine. "


Over a period of four years, in the UK, 66% of all measles cases were in

vaccinated children.

In a 1986 measles outbreak in Corpus Christi, Texas, 99% of the children

had been vaccinated.

26% of children rubella-vaccinated developed arthralgia or arthritis. (US

Science magazine.)

Trials on the rubella vaccine, in the USA and Australia, show a failure

rate of between 80 and 93%.

Dr Glen Dettman found that one third of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers had

live rubella viruses in their joints.

The Lancet reported that West German authorities had listed 27 neurological

reactions to the mumps vaccine, including meningitis, febrile convulsions

and epilepsy.

There are 30,000 new cases of epilepsy; 10,000 of which are children, in

the UK alone, each year.

Hepatitis B

The hepatitis B vaccine is made from the blood of human beings infected

with hepatitis B; i.e. someone at high risk of developing AIDS.

A Lancet study of 1991 showed a 20% hepatitis infection rate in 358

hepatitis-vaccinated Gambian children.


A. Minnesota study showed that the American Hi " polysaccharide " vaccine

increased the risk of Hib-induced meningitis five-fold.

The Lancet, August 1991, reported 9 cases of Hib-induced meningitis in

vaccinated children.

A study on the least useless Hib vaccine - the PRP-OMPC - in Los Angeles

found a lowering of antibody response as vaccine dosage increased.


The Post Office dropped influenza vaccine promotion after it failed to show

any reduction in absenteeism.

The " Influenza Monitoring and Information Bureau " is funded by the

influenza vaccine manufacturers.

Six hundred elderly, influenza-vaccinated Birmingham people showed over

double the respiratory disease than a similar non- vaccinated group. Dr

Mendelsohn stated that any influenza vaccine could cause

Guillain-Barre Syndrome and paralysis.

Influenza vaccines are made from material taken from 'flu victims';

material then processed with mashed chick embryos, taken from

disease-ridden intensive battery sheds.

In November 1991, a Chesterfield man died within hours of being injected

with the vaccine.


The typhoid vaccine is made from the excrement of typhoid-infected people.


The World Health Organization has finally admitted, after countless cholera

jabs, that the vaccine is useless, and has advised that, " It is not worth

having. "

In General

Known and suspected effects of vaccines include, asthma, eczema, increased

allergies, encephalitis, cancer, leukemia, cot death, meningitis, lower

motor neuron disease, juvenile diabetes, violent behavior, and so on.

American medical historian, Coulter, writing in 'Vaccination, Social

Violence and Criminality' states, " A large proportion of the millions of US

children suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardation,

hyperactivity, dyslexia and other shoots and branches of the hydra-headed

entity called

" developmental disabilities " , owe their disorders to one or another of the

vaccines against childhood diseases. "

According to Dr R de Long, " Since 1981 we have been immunizing the human

population with attenuated (live) viral vaccines en mass. Such unparalleled

use. . . may be the reason for the appearance of new diseases. " We now have

20,000 new diseases, and rising.

Vaccine makers, acting through corrupt bureaucrats, politicians and mass

media agents, have always been able to pass off their wares after

fraudulent animal testing; the human being is the real guinea-pig.

Dr J A , leading US infectious disease expert declared, " We only hear

about the encephalitis and the deaths, but there is an entire spectrum

between fever and death, and it's all those things in between that never

get reported. "

Dr R Mendelsohn said, " There now exists a growing theoretical concern which

links immunization to the huge increase, in recent decades, of auto-immune

diseases, eg rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lymphoma and leukemia. "

According to Dr Duperrat, " ...vaccination causes, furthermore, an explosion

of leukemia. "

A report in the Revue de Pathologie et de Physiologie Clinique, stated,

" The vaccine modifies the terrain of the vaccinated, driving it towards

alkaline and oxidized terrain; the terrain of cancer, the fact can no

longer be ignored. "

Dr R Moskowitz, writing in the Journal of the American Institute of

Homoeopaths stated that vaccination could arouse latent, cell- bound,

antibodyimmune viruses, leading, through stress or shock to " autonomous

multiplication of cells, ie. cancer. "

Professor R Simpson, of the American Cancer Society, said that vaccines may

cause rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus,

erythematosus, Parkinson's Disease, and cancer.

All the available evidence shows that the decline of the infectious

diseases was due to social factors, hygiene, sanitation, housing,

nutrition, etc. Dr Moskowitz suggests that there are " fewer greater insults

one can offer the immune system of a young child than to introduce,

directly into his/her bloodstream, the foreign proteins or live viruses

that compose modern Vaccines. "

And finally, if doctor, his receptionist, nurse and the " health visitor "

cannot bully, threaten and arm-twist 90% of mothers on doctor's list into

having their off-spring permanently damaged with vaccines, doctor will not

get his annual bonus--on top of everything else--of £1,737.



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Hi guys,

This was posted on another autism list yesterday. Of particular

interest is the flu vaccine, for which there will be a big PUSH this


50 Things Your Doctor Forgot To Tell You About



Smallpox would have disappeared around 1870 if Jenner's cronies had

not persuaded Parliament to force the smallpox vaccine onto children in

1867, causing the largest epidemic of smallpox ever with a peak of 42,000

deaths in 1872.

To test the effectiveness of natural immunity versus vaccination, the

nonvaccinated Kingston Clinic staff challenged six vaccinated doctors to

join them, in 1936, in a smallpox isolation unit. The doctors had the

very good sense not to accept the offer.

The degree of AIDS incidence in Brazil, Haiti, Burundi, Ruanda, Tanzania,

Zaire Zambia, Uganda and Malawi coincides with the degree of smallpox

vaccination intensity.


American health authorities are considering a complete change of

policy in the face of strong evidence that all cases of polio are caused

by the polio vaccine.

Bernard Reis, English professor at Cornell University and an

" energetic, athletic achiever " was paralyzed by polio a month

after his baby was, by law, polio-vaccinated.

One point one million dollars damages were awarded to Kay McNeary after

she was crippled by polio alter changing her baby's nappy.

Millions of children, in the fifties and sixties, were given the Salk

vaccine contaminated with the cancer causing virus SV40.

Dr F Klinner stated, " Many here voice a silent view that the Salk

and Sabin vaccines, being made of monkey tissues, have been directly

responsible for the major increase of leukemia in this country. "

The Lancet reported an outbreak of paralytic polio in Oman in fully

vaccinated children. The vaccine lobby said what was needed was an

increase of the vaccine dose at birth, 6,10 and 14 weeks, and at times of

other vaccines being given.


The World's largest vaccine trial, in Southern India, of the BCG

vaccine, resulted in more TB in the vaccinated group than in the control



The whooping cough vaccine is made from the mucus of infected

children, mixed with formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury.

In a recent study of 540 Dutch babies, 512 had adverse reactions to the

DPT vaccines.

Thirty-thousand cases of diphtheria have occurred in recent years, in the

UK, amongst diphtheria vaccinated children.

A University of California study showed that 1,000 SIDS (cot deaths) per

year are caused by the DPT shots.

Dr Mendelsohn, pediatrician, said, " ...nearly 10,000 SIDS

each year " (in the USA) " are related to the vaccines routinely

given to children. " In 1986 Dr Weiner PhD. stated,

" More die each year from SIDS than the total number of all AIDS

cases since 1981, yet little research money has been allocated to study

the possibility of a relationship between these deaths and the DPT

vaccine. "


Over a period of four years, in the UK, 66% of all measles cases were

in vaccinated children.

In a 1986 measles outbreak in Corpus Christi, Texas, 99% of the children

had been vaccinated.

26% of children rubella-vaccinated developed arthralgia or arthritis. (US

Science magazine.)

Trials on the rubella vaccine, in the USA and Australia, show a failure

rate of between 80 and 93%.

Dr Glen Dettman found that one third of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers

had live rubella viruses in their joints.

The Lancet reported that West German authorities had listed 27

neurological reactions to the mumps vaccine, including meningitis,

febrile convulsions and epilepsy.

There are 30,000 new cases of epilepsy; 10,000 of which are children, in

the UK alone, each year.

Hepatitis B

The hepatitis B vaccine is made from the blood of human beings

infected with hepatitis B; i.e. someone at high risk of developing AIDS.

A Lancet study of 1991 showed a 20% hepatitis infection rate in 358

hepatitis-vaccinated Gambian children.


A. Minnesota study showed that the American Hi

" polysaccharide " vaccine increased the risk of Hib-induced

meningitis five-fold.

The Lancet, August 1991, reported 9 cases of Hib-induced meningitis in

vaccinated children.

A study on the least useless Hib vaccine - the PRP-OMPC - in Los Angeles

found a lowering of antibody response as vaccine dosage



The Post Office dropped influenza vaccine promotion after it failed

to show any reduction in absenteeism.

The " Influenza Monitoring and Information Bureau " is funded by

the influenza vaccine manufacturers.

Six hundred elderly, influenza-vaccinated Birmingham people showed over

double the respiratory disease than a similar non- vaccinated group. Dr

Mendelsohn stated that any influenza vaccine could cause

Guillain-Barre Syndrome and paralysis.

Influenza vaccines are made from material taken from 'flu victims';

material then processed with mashed chick embryos, taken from

disease-ridden intensive battery sheds.

In November 1991, a Chesterfield man died within hours of being injected

with the vaccine.


The typhoid vaccine is made from the excrement of typhoid-infected



The World Health Organization has finally admitted, after countless

cholera jabs, that the vaccine is useless, and has advised that, " It

is not worth having. "

In General

Known and suspected effects of vaccines include, asthma, eczema,

increased allergies, encephalitis, cancer, leukemia, cot death,

meningitis, lower motor neuron disease, juvenile diabetes, violent

behavior, and so on. American medical historian, Coulter, writing

in 'Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality' states, " A large

proportion of the millions of US children suffering from autism,

seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and other shoots

and branches of the hydra-headed entity called

" developmental disabilities " , owe their disorders to one or

another of the vaccines against childhood diseases. "

According to Dr R de Long, " Since 1981 we have been immunizing the

human population with attenuated (live) viral vaccines en mass. Such

unparalleled use. . . may be the reason for the appearance of new

diseases. " We now have 20,000 new diseases, and rising.

Vaccine makers, acting through corrupt bureaucrats, politicians and mass

media agents, have always been able to pass off their wares after

fraudulent animal testing; the human being is the real guinea-pig.

Dr J A , leading US infectious disease expert declared, " We

only hear about the encephalitis and the deaths, but there is an entire

spectrum between fever and death, and it's all those things in between

that never get reported. "

Dr R Mendelsohn said, " There now exists a growing theoretical

concern which links immunization to the huge increase, in recent decades,

of auto-immune diseases, eg rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis,

lymphoma and leukemia. "

According to Dr Duperrat, " ...vaccination causes, furthermore, an

explosion of leukemia. "

A report in the Revue de Pathologie et de Physiologie Clinique, stated,

" The vaccine modifies the terrain of the vaccinated, driving it

towards alkaline and oxidized terrain; the terrain of cancer, the fact

can no longer be ignored. "

Dr R Moskowitz, writing in the Journal of the American Institute of

Homoeopaths stated that vaccination could arouse latent, cell- bound,

antibodyimmune viruses, leading, through stress or shock to

" autonomous multiplication of cells, ie. cancer. "

Professor R Simpson, of the American Cancer Society, said that vaccines

may cause rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus,

erythematosus, Parkinson's Disease, and cancer.

All the available evidence shows that the decline of the infectious

diseases was due to social factors, hygiene, sanitation, housing,

nutrition, etc. Dr Moskowitz suggests that there are " fewer greater

insults one can offer the immune system of a young child than to

introduce, directly into his/her bloodstream, the foreign proteins or

live viruses that compose modern Vaccines. "

And finally, if doctor, his receptionist, nurse and the " health

visitor " cannot bully, threaten and arm-twist 90% of mothers on

doctor's list into having their off-spring permanently damaged with

vaccines, doctor will not get his annual bonus--on top of everything

else--of £1,737.



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