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Hello to all Members,

A great web site for those who are suddenly confronted with the word


This site with its description and treatment of this problem is a

wonderful discovery.

Jacqui who is 50 yrs old will be undergoing surgery in a fortnight

for the removal of what appears on the CT to be small C-toma (5mm

dia), here in Brisbane- Queensland, Australia.

Our understanding so far of the surgery, is that wall down is the

last resort, reserved for intrusive C-toma , our surgeon has at this

monent chosen a middle of the road operation, that which we are

going to discuss further at our next appointment,

Some where betweem CWD and CWU with a slightly enlarged canal, going

to access through the front ( forward ) of the ear ( not the rear

which is we understand is normal ), and leaving a flap of skin for

the ear drum, so future inspection is simple.

That may not be exactly as he said it , but it was our immediate


Our appointment is in a weeks time, and any information regarding

this procedure that will contribute to a successful result will be


We hear whisper of microsurgery through the ear canal, however this

does not seem practical, still, we do not know and are asking the


A huge thank you to all who respond

Jacqui & phil

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