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Re: Surgery Day

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May "The Force" be with you!!!...sorry couldn't help myself...good luck to you both Lori & . You are in my prayers Audrey Surgery Day Hello all, and hello to Dianne. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter and glad you found this group. I'll let the others weigh in with the info you are looking for (and check all the Bookmarks on the group's page) as today is kind of busy for me.Just a quick post to remind y'all that Lori (jandlx3) and I both have our surgeries today. May our cholesteatomas be small and minimally invasive!I feel so much better now that the day is finally here, the waiting for surgery has been a strain. This is #3 for me which is a mixed blessing - I know what to expect but I also know I don't like it at all. Thanks for being here. Just keeping up with the posts, even when not posting myself, lets me know I'm not alone in a world of "cholest-a-what?", "is it serious?", and "whaddya mean they won't know until they get in there?".

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Good Luck Lorie and . I'll be thinking of you.


Surgery Day

> Hello all, and hello to Dianne. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter

> and glad you found this group. I'll let the others weigh in with the

> info you are looking for (and check all the Bookmarks on the group's

> page) as today is kind of busy for me.


> Just a quick post to remind y'all that Lori (jandlx3) and I both have

> our surgeries today. May our cholesteatomas be small and minimally

> invasive!


> I feel so much better now that the day is finally here, the waiting

> for surgery has been a strain. This is #3 for me which is a mixed

> blessing - I know what to expect but I also know I don't like it at

> all.


> Thanks for being here. Just keeping up with the posts, even when not

> posting myself, lets me know I'm not alone in a world of " cholest-a-

> what? " , " is it serious? " , and " whaddya mean they won't know until

> they get in there? " .







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Good Luck Lori and . We are already waiting to

hear from you!!!!!


--- rlialw <rlockw1092@...> wrote:

> Hello all, and hello to Dianne. I'm sorry to hear

> about your daughter

> and glad you found this group. I'll let the others

> weigh in with the

> info you are looking for (and check all the

> Bookmarks on the group's

> page) as today is kind of busy for me.


> Just a quick post to remind y'all that Lori

> (jandlx3) and I both have

> our surgeries today. May our cholesteatomas be small

> and minimally

> invasive!


> I feel so much better now that the day is finally

> here, the waiting

> for surgery has been a strain. This is #3 for me

> which is a mixed

> blessing - I know what to expect but I also know I

> don't like it at

> all.


> Thanks for being here. Just keeping up with the

> posts, even when not

> posting myself, lets me know I'm not alone in a

> world of " cholest-a-

> what? " , " is it serious? " , and " whaddya mean they

> won't know until

> they get in there? " .






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  • 9 years later...
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Good luck! Hopefully the worst part for you will be the anticipation! I find that's the hardest part of surgery sometimes. Of course, the lack of food and coffee doesn't help the situation.

I'll think happy, successful, c-toma free thoughts for you today!

From: "sydwee915@..." <sydwee915@...>cholesteatoma Sent: Wed, June 15, 2011 6:47:54 AMSubject: Surgery Day

Going in for my surgery in about 2 hours. It'll take us about an hour and a half to get there. I'm trying to stay calm but I have butterflies in my stomach. I can't eat or really drink anything but clear liquids then at 9 its nothing for me!!!wish me luck. If I'm up to it I'll post later on and let everyone know how it all went.

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I also had my surgery yesterday (June 15th). Took about 3 hours. I was glad I

was 1st surgery of the day so I could get it over with! Was happy none of the

ear canal bones were involved, but I had extra scar tissue on eardrum that had

to be removed...my body was trying to fight off the c-toma so it produced extra

scar tissue.

The hospital I was at is doing a study of c-tomas vs regular skin tissue so they

may come up with a new way of treating c-tomas without doing surgery. They are

trying to find a way to inject something in the ear that would dissolve the

c-toma instead of cutting it out...wouldn't that be great! They were going to

use some of my tissue for the study.

So when I got home from hospital I didn't feel too bad, but as day went on I had

to take pain medication because it really hurt and so did my throat from

breathing tube. I was not expecting all that pain. Was very difficult to sleep

too...had to sleep in recliner. Feel much better today, thank goodness...but

will still take it easy today!

How do you feel today sydwee915? Ready to workout yet?!!! Hope you're doing

well! Same with anyone else out there who just had surgery!


> Going in for my surgery in about 2 hours. It'll take us about an hour and a

half to get there. I'm trying to stay calm but I have butterflies in my stomach.

I can't eat or really drink anything but clear liquids then at 9 its nothing for



> wish me luck. If I'm up to it I'll post later on and let everyone know how it

all went.


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It sounds like we are in the same boat. I am having some pain with my ear but

surprisingly its more my throat and head that hurt . I had a breathing tube too.

I didn't even know they were going to do that until after I got out of my

surgery and my hubby told me they had put a breathing tube down my throat.

I took the " jock strap like " covering off today. I get the packing out next

week when I have to go back and see the dr.

The dr. told my husband though that my bones were too far damaged and some had

even been absorbed through the infections I had so there is nothing they can do

as far as reconstruction and helping me get my hearing back some. That was VERY

disappointing to me.

I didn't sleep too great last night but did much better once I proped myself up

some. Been a rather day today for me. Just been relaxing, movies, some

crocheting. LOL Not up to the workouts yet but I'm hoping soon.

> >

> > Going in for my surgery in about 2 hours. It'll take us about an hour and a

half to get there. I'm trying to stay calm but I have butterflies in my stomach.

I can't eat or really drink anything but clear liquids then at 9 its nothing for


> >

> > wish me luck. If I'm up to it I'll post later on and let everyone know how

it all went.

> >


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Sorry...haven't been on in a few days, and just saw your question. It is

Froedert Hospital in Milwaukee, WI. They are a teaching hospital and affiliated

with Medical College of WI. Don't know if you ever heard of, or not. I thought

was pretty interesting too and was happy to participate. How nice it would be

not to have surgery for this, especially those that have multiple times! I sure

hope they come up with something...I sure don't want to do this again!


> >


> > Going in for my surgery in about 2 hours. It'll take us about an hour and a

half to get there. I'm trying to stay calm but I have butterflies in my stomach.

I can't eat or really drink anything but clear liquids then at 9 its nothing for



> >


> > wish me luck. If I'm up to it I'll post later on and let everyone know how

it all went.


> >


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Hi everyone, Been 5 days since surgery and I had sponge packing taken out of my

ear today. They said everything is looking good! I really didn't expect as

much pain in my ear as I had the first few days...thank goodness for the

Vicadin! Pain better now...kind of comes and goes. Did anyone have the salty

taste in their mouth on the side that they had surgery? Doc says is normal cuz

nerves for taste are right by ear. They say it will go away as nerves heal and

are less inflamed. Food tastes a little funny...don't need to salt anything!!!

Going to try and do a " mini " workout today...some walking/elliptical and some

lifting exercises with no weight. See how long I last, because I have been so

tired since surgery! Thought I would have trouble sleeping, but have been

sleeping like a log. Sleeping in a recliner really helps! Hope everyone else

doing well...hang in there!


> >

> > >

> >

> > > Going in for my surgery in about 2 hours. It'll take us about an hour and

a half to get there. I'm trying to stay calm but I have butterflies in my

stomach. I can't eat or really drink anything but clear liquids then at 9 its

nothing for me!!!

> >

> > >

> >

> > > wish me luck. If I'm up to it I'll post later on and let everyone know

how it all went.

> >

> > >

> >


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Janet: I believe you and I had our surgeries the same day right?? I have not

had my packing removed yet . I'll have it done on Wednesday. My pain is mostly

my head these last few days . When I first had the surgery it was my throat

because of the air tube. I do have pain in my ear too though. It comes and

goes . The side of my tongue feels alittle numb but not salty taste like you

said .

I did a kenpo exercise today. No jumping just some boxing and kicking . Went

pretty good. Slow start but I'll get back to it.

I'm having trouble sleeping but its getting better . Sleeping sitting up though

is definately better.

glad to hear you are doing pretty good.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Going in for my surgery in about 2 hours. It'll take us about an hour

and a half to get there. I'm trying to stay calm but I have butterflies in my

stomach. I can't eat or really drink anything but clear liquids then at 9 its

nothing for me!!!

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > wish me luck. If I'm up to it I'll post later on and let everyone know

how it all went.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Yes, sydwee915, we did have surgery on same day. You must have had some of your

packing removed by now. Does it feel any different? My ear still feels clogged

and hearing worse than b4 surgery. My understanding is that there is still some

gel packing in there that will somewhat dissolve and then get cleaned out when I

go see doc in 2 weeks. Hope that is case, cuz don't like clogged feeling!

Salty taste is there all the time and driving me a little crazy...guess that

resolves itself in a few weeks...at least, I hope so. Your tongue still numb?

Great your working out! I am mostly doing cardio...elliptical, walking and even

did 5 miles running! Felt good, but can't wait to be able to use weights again.

Used some 5# weights, but have to do so many reps and make sure not pressure on


How is your head pain? Is it around area where they did surgery, or headaches?

I take 2 tylenol b4 bed and seems to help with my head pain and headaches! That

seems to be time when it gets bad, so it helps with pain so I fall asleep. I

just want to feel " normal " again...sooner rather than later! Hope all good with



> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Going in for my surgery in about 2 hours. It'll take us about an hour

and a half to get there. I'm trying to stay calm but I have butterflies in my

stomach. I can't eat or really drink anything but clear liquids then at 9 its

nothing for me!!!

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > wish me luck. If I'm up to it I'll post later on and let everyone

know how it all went.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Yes, I had the packing removed yesterday (Wednesday). it hurt alittle bit when

he removed it. He also vacumed it too. Probably to get rid of excess blood and

gunk. it does feel abit different but I don't really notice any major change.

I didn't have great hearing b4 surgery so I don't really notice a big change

there. My dr. didn't mention anything about a gel packing . I don't think I got


Yes my tongue is still numb on my left side . Not the whole tongue . Just like

the top left side.

Yeah, I'm sticking with cardio too. Did some Kenpo and walking. Even tried

abit of walking but he said not too much jarring so trying to keep it simple .

He said no weight lifting for another two weeks.

My head pain comes and goes. It is on the same side as the surgery. My teeth

also bother me on that side from time to time . Probably all nerve based. My

ear is also still very sensitive.

did they do the glue thing on you to close up the incision. Well they did that

for me and today a piece of it came off. It made me nervous but a fellow

employee said they had glue too for their surgery and that was suppose to

happen. LOL. I was afraid I was coming apart . LOL

thanks for keeping in touch Janet. If you ever want to send me a personal email

feel free. Sydwee915@...


> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > > Going in for my surgery in about 2 hours. It'll take us about an

hour and a half to get there. I'm trying to stay calm but I have butterflies in

my stomach. I can't eat or really drink anything but clear liquids then at 9 its

nothing for me!!!

> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > > wish me luck. If I'm up to it I'll post later on and let everyone

know how it all went.

> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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