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Re: chelation

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I think they would do a better job of explaining it all than I could, here is

the link: http://www.hriptc.org/


Re: chelation

Dear Jon,

Would you mind explaining to me what the following means?

>>>his approach is to try to promote the natural toxic metal binding

metallothionein biosynthesis.<<< How would one go about doing this?

Thank you,

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Thanks so much!!

Re: chelation

Dear Jon,

Would you mind explaining to me what the following means?

>>>his approach is to try to promote the natural toxic metal binding

metallothionein biosynthesis.<<< How would one go about doing this?

Thank you,

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  • 10 months later...
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In a message dated 7/17/2004 1:01:30 PM Central Standard Time,

timaryp@... writes:

> Buttar's recent disclosure that his method of removing mercury is

> recovering almost 50% of his patients!( copied below ) Other doctors are

now frantically trying to verify his results.

According to a friend of mine who recently attended an autism conference

where Dr. Buttar spoke, he did not claim that 50% of his patients were fully

recovered but rather stated that 19 out of the 40 patients he treated with the

protocol had " significant improvements " to the point of moving away from the

autism label and two, who were under the age of 5, were " recovered " . The others

ranged from pretty good improvement to no change. This makes much more sense

given what I've seen and heard of with various autism treatments, including my

informal/non-scientific following of many kids doing the protocol. Such

an improvement rate still makes it something folks should look at carefully,

but is much more realistic.


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  • 3 months later...

Thanks Tomasine


On 8-Nov-04, at 8:54 PM, ine s wrote:


> Hi, There's one that can't do much harm, and really

> seems to help somewhat. It is borrowed from Ayurvedic

> medicine. Sip hot water throughout the day. Simple?

> It's nontoxic ... non invasive... Keeps the juices

> flowing, gets poisons out of the body ... I don't know

> how it works, nor how it stacks up against other

> methods, nor whether there are any studies, but it

> seems to help-- and the price is right!

> ine


> __________________________________________________


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Can you put tea or at least lemon in it?

-------Original Message-------

From: low dose naltrexone

Date: Monday, November 08, 2004 21:54:58

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] chelation

Hi, There's one that can't do much harm, and really

seems to help somewhat. It is borrowed from Ayurvedic

medicine. Sip hot water throughout the day. Simple?

It's nontoxic ... non invasive... Keeps the juices

flowing, gets poisons out of the body ... I don't know

how it works, nor how it stacks up against other

methods, nor whether there are any studies, but it

seems to help-- and the price is right!



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  • 6 months later...
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Sure Dr G could march all kinds of recovered kids on stage and film

them, including mine, if he had the time. But he has chosen to put all

his eneriges into helping as many kids as he can.

Jerri Gann

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We've been with Dr G for almost 7 yrs. There have been good and bad times.

Many times we've taken 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

But Dr G has never been wrong in his thoughts on children

who have the markers for immune disregulation. What he's been preaching

for 15+ yrs is finally S L O W L Y being proven. The brain inflammation

(JHU article in Nov), immune hyperactivity (UC MIND May 05)

along with a bunch of other articles that appear in Autism_Immune.

There used to be a mom on this list who had a son with extremely

high mercury values. After a year on the protocol, those values

came down to normal. Mercury poisoning or just an immune system

that isn't functioning correctly so it can't 'flush' toxins

from the system? Also, what does chelation do to the body later in life?

What if 'good' things are flushed out? are you putting your son

at risk for Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Cancer, or worse simply because

the flavor of the day is a quick fix?

Believe me - I get frustrated too. My son is so close to getting over that

hill. Perhaps the SPECT scan in 2 wks will be the rosetta stone or at

least confirm that we are heading in the right direction?


sville MD

Message: 1

Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 11:32:40 -0000

From: " ylylyl888 " <ylylyl888@...>

Subject: Re: Chelation ?

Hi ,

I haven't been active in this group for a long time. As a matter of

fact, I was editing my membership to leave this group when I saw

your message.

I just want to say Dr. G was a pioneer in helping kids fight

autism. I admire him for that. But as time passes by, his approach

and his knowledge has not kept up with the rapidly advancing field

of autism treatment.

DAN! can march groups of recovered kids on stage to be interviewed

and filmed. They are TRULLY recovered. Can Dr. Goldberg do that?

You have young children reaching recovery using DAN! protocol in

amazing time now. ABA could be obsolete someday.

I'm not saying you should rush to do chelation. But don't waste

time putting all your eggs in one basket. What if, God forbidden,

Dr. G were wrong? Two years later you may hate yourself for not

having pursued something that so many people do think is more


Research, research, research. You will find the answer!

Sorry I'm saying things that you may not often hear on this group.

I'm leaving anyway, so you don't need to worry about me.

Just wish everybody good luck in saving your children.


>> Hello,


>> Well I have read all the Generation Rescue information and as



much chelation

>> information as I can find. I know Dr. G. says it is a big NO



NO! My

>> pediatrician also thinks it is a big NO NO! I would like to hear



from any of you.


>> It seems to make scene. So many of you have been so kind.



Emailing and

>> even giving me your number so I could call. I have just been in



a real funk

>> about my little boy. So many opinions, treatment, theories. I



have just been

>> overwhelmed. We are currently on the Dr. G. protocol and I see




>> but not enough.


>> I am going to talk to Dr. G. next week and although I know what he



will say

>> I really value your thoughts.


>> Has anyone tried chelation?

>> Can it work with Dr. G. protocal (Famvir, anti fungal and SSRI)?

>> My son has really not changed either way with diet, is it a must




>> chelation?

>> We are on Dr. G. diet can we stay with that?

>> Any thoughts at all would be wonderful.


>> Thank you all for your time and support.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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since you asked heidi, here is a statement on chelation.

the word chelation is actually derived from the greek word " chele " or " claw "

of a crab and it describes the way metal ions are grasped by a chelating

agent to form a stable metal-chelate complex which can then be removed.

chelation is not a new thing. chelation (especially for lead) has been

around for many years. historically, chelation dates back to 1893. one of the

earliest applications for industrial purposes dates back to the early 1900's,

different chelating agents can be used, some are gentle, more homeopathic and

some are stronger like dmsa, td-dmps, etc. a patent for edta was filed in


when one considers chelating, it is based on test results showing metal

toxicity. of course, some dont feel that metals or other toxins in the body


the main issue, especially in autism. the decision to chelate is an

individual one and HAS worked for many children. it shouldnt be discarded at a

possible treatment especially if metals are a problem in a child. again,

chelation has been around for many years, it is not new.

of course, as with any protocol, including nids, the child has to be

carefully watched and labs done frequently. some children will not be able to

tolerate chelating and some tolerate it fine and have benefited.

the metal aluminum for instance, tends to accumulate in neurological

tissues. therefore the child's body might be destroying its own nervious

system in

its effort to eliminate the foreign metal-protein complex. aluminum crosses

the blood-brain barrier where it interferes with several enzyme systems.

aluminum can also block beta dopamin hydroxylase and thereby decrease the

production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter which is also a precursor to


it is believed that this is the reason why some children who are metal toxic

respond to ritalin because they have a generalized dopamine deficiency and

ritalin (an adrenalin-like substance) provides that missing link. aluminum has

been associated with neurological dysfunction but also causing damage to the

kidneys and heart.

i can go on....and this is just ONE of the many metals that could be in

abundance in a childs body (especially if that child is a non-excretor) and

wreaking havoc with the body. (by the way, the metal tin is a powerful


an important consideration to consider when thinking about metals is the

combination of lead and other toxins. there is increasing evidence suggesting

that specific combinations of metals have synergistic effects that are

responsible for compounding the more severe problems in some children. this


that a combination of two or more metals can be many times more toxic than

the expected sum of toxicity of the metals.

and, to further complicate matters, the presence of heavy metals in body

tissues can cause dysfunctional cellular enzyme activity and nutritional

absorption problems which lead to nutritional deficiencies and the depletion of

essential elements, transforming a childs body into a toxic chemical cesspool.

this leads to an incredible degree of neurological dysfunction and cerebral


the presence of heavy metals in the body can compromise the immune system

(metals will alter the basic structures of the body systems). heavy metals

will interfere with enzymes that repair cell membranes and participate in

functions related to the immune system).

in closing, (is anybody still out there?), there are a wealth of

books/articles especially on the internet giving both pros and cons of

chelating. some

are strictly against chelating and say it is very dangerous especially over a

long period of time and some swear by it. regardless of how anyone

personally feels about the subject, chelating has been around for many years,

it is

not new. the presence of metals will supress the immune system.

there is a very good bood out there called turning lead into gold by nancy

hallaway if anyone is interested in learning more about metals and chelating.

again, the internet has some resources/papers on the cons of chelating.

since this list is primarily for the nids protocol, i respect that most of

you reading have probably already made up your mind/opinion about chelating.

however, there may be a few out there reading his list who want to keep an

open mind and research ALL options out there.

i hope this info answers some questions. i have already written toooo much.

i could go on but, i have to fix the kids breakfast. so, in respect for

the nids protocol (and dr g who is totally against chelation) you should email

me privately if you have further questions and not use up precious time

arguing the points. there will ALWAYS be those who will believe for and


chelation. do the research for yourself....do what you feel is right for your

particular situation.

have a good day, and again, sorry for such a long post. my son is going

bonkers now! vicki

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Thanks for the info., Vicki!


Re: chelation

since you asked heidi, here is a statement on chelation.

the word chelation is actually derived from the greek word " chele " or " claw "

of a crab and it describes the way metal ions are grasped by a chelating

agent to form a stable metal-chelate complex which can then be removed.

chelation is not a new thing. chelation (especially for lead) has been

around for many years. historically, chelation dates back to 1893. one of the

earliest applications for industrial purposes dates back to the early 1900's,

different chelating agents can be used, some are gentle, more homeopathic and

some are stronger like dmsa, td-dmps, etc. a patent for edta was filed in


when one considers chelating, it is based on test results showing metal

toxicity. of course, some dont feel that metals or other toxins in the body


the main issue, especially in autism. the decision to chelate is an

individual one and HAS worked for many children. it shouldnt be discarded at a

possible treatment especially if metals are a problem in a child. again,

chelation has been around for many years, it is not new.

of course, as with any protocol, including nids, the child has to be

carefully watched and labs done frequently. some children will not be able to

tolerate chelating and some tolerate it fine and have benefited.

the metal aluminum for instance, tends to accumulate in neurological

tissues. therefore the child's body might be destroying its own nervious

system in

its effort to eliminate the foreign metal-protein complex. aluminum crosses

the blood-brain barrier where it interferes with several enzyme systems.

aluminum can also block beta dopamin hydroxylase and thereby decrease the

production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter which is also a precursor to


it is believed that this is the reason why some children who are metal toxic

respond to ritalin because they have a generalized dopamine deficiency and

ritalin (an adrenalin-like substance) provides that missing link. aluminum has

been associated with neurological dysfunction but also causing damage to the

kidneys and heart.

i can go on....and this is just ONE of the many metals that could be in

abundance in a childs body (especially if that child is a non-excretor) and

wreaking havoc with the body. (by the way, the metal tin is a powerful


an important consideration to consider when thinking about metals is the

combination of lead and other toxins. there is increasing evidence suggesting

that specific combinations of metals have synergistic effects that are

responsible for compounding the more severe problems in some children. this


that a combination of two or more metals can be many times more toxic than

the expected sum of toxicity of the metals.

and, to further complicate matters, the presence of heavy metals in body

tissues can cause dysfunctional cellular enzyme activity and nutritional

absorption problems which lead to nutritional deficiencies and the depletion of

essential elements, transforming a childs body into a toxic chemical cesspool.

this leads to an incredible degree of neurological dysfunction and cerebral


the presence of heavy metals in the body can compromise the immune system

(metals will alter the basic structures of the body systems). heavy metals

will interfere with enzymes that repair cell membranes and participate in

functions related to the immune system).

in closing, (is anybody still out there?), there are a wealth of

books/articles especially on the internet giving both pros and cons of

chelating. some

are strictly against chelating and say it is very dangerous especially over a

long period of time and some swear by it. regardless of how anyone

personally feels about the subject, chelating has been around for many years,

it is

not new. the presence of metals will supress the immune system.

there is a very good bood out there called turning lead into gold by nancy

hallaway if anyone is interested in learning more about metals and chelating.

again, the internet has some resources/papers on the cons of chelating.

since this list is primarily for the nids protocol, i respect that most of

you reading have probably already made up your mind/opinion about chelating.

however, there may be a few out there reading his list who want to keep an

open mind and research ALL options out there.

i hope this info answers some questions. i have already written toooo much.

i could go on but, i have to fix the kids breakfast. so, in respect for

the nids protocol (and dr g who is totally against chelation) you should email

me privately if you have further questions and not use up precious time

arguing the points. there will ALWAYS be those who will believe for and


chelation. do the research for yourself....do what you feel is right for your

particular situation.

have a good day, and again, sorry for such a long post. my son is going

bonkers now! vicki

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  • 2 years later...

Hi PH,

It's been years since I corresponded with Andy Cutler. Interesting

that you were able to correspond with him too!

I'm shocked that he said the infrared saunas and foot baths could be

quite harmful! Did he mean at the same time as chelation therapy, or

in general? If he means in general, I would take exception to this,

as there are plenty of testimonials of how much improvement is

attained with these detoxing methods. Hopefully he is not just

saying this out of ignorance because of not having used them. If he

has any credibility it will be because he has researched the pro's

and con's and found reason to be cautious. If so, I'd ask him

specifically what he has found in his research to support his


As for the strict protocol with the DMSA, yes, I did that. I set my

alarm and took my dose of DMSA in the middle of the night, to stay on

the strict 4 hour schedule on my days " on " DMSA, and took the

minerals on my day off.

PH, I can't tell you how often I've been disappointed in the care

I've received at these naturopathic clinics, or with MD's that focus

on alternative methods. More times than I care to count. I don't

mean to knock them because I think the type of care they offer is

much more valuable than allopathic are, and validates so much of what

we go through. But I don't know if it's because my expectations are

too high, or that I don't see immediate results, or the fees seem

astronomical, or what...but I've been there, and that is why

ultimately, I gave up on doctors and just focused on taking care of

myself. I've saved hundreds of dollars by just using my own brain

and figuring out a detox program on my own, mostly because I've

always been a very frugal person, and we didn't always alot of extra

money, yet I was desperate to get better. I decided that it was wiser

to spend my money on things like a sauna, colonic board, and other

specialized items that had material value than to spend it on time

spent with doctors who gave me the same information I could find in a

book that cost a few bucks.

I know it's confusing when there are many differing opinions out

there on all of this stuff that we are doing. Ultimately my advice

is to do what you feel most comfortable doing. You are a very smart

lady. Read the information. Ask questions. Review the testimonials.

Judge the risks according to what you can live with. Set your own

guidelines about what you are willing to consider. For me, the most

acceptable methods of detox were ones that have been around for

centuries (fasting and enemas), were natural or used natural

ingredients (raws foods, enzymes, juicing), used modern technology to

produce a detox that was safe and effective (saunas), or had shown

several decades of use that were promising (chelation therapy). I'm

sure that there are many other valid therapies out there, but I

tended to be skeptical of the ones that were the newest, latest,

greatest, faddish, or MLM. That was just me.

Let the Mercola clinic know that you are expecting more. It sounds

like they get enough money and if they have that many patients, they

ought to be able to afford a little more personalized care! Request

that somebody get back to you on the thermal imaging. It's the least

they can do if they are going to recommend it.



> Hi Patty,


> I am so utterly confused! My book " Amalgam Illness " hadn't arrived

> and so I emailed the bookseller who emailed back. Andy Cutler, the

> author, responded! So I asked him about chlorella, ionic foot


> and far infrared saunas and he replied that " no one should use them

> as they could be quite harmful. " He didn't say why they were

> harmful. I am torn as to what to do because it seems everywhere I

> turn there is a different opinion. I'm just curious if you


> his protocol to a T or did you incorporate other detoxing at the


> time? And again, how long did you take DMSA...even though I know it

> may be different for me...just curious. I haven't read his


> yet as the book's not here, but saw on some site that you have to

> take the DMSA on a very strict schedule, even waking up at night

> every 3-4 hours. Did you do that?


> While at first I felt Mercola's office was giving me everything I

> need, in reading 's old posts the services now offered are


> different and much less. I'm a little annoyed. Basically, the doc I

> saw said to buy Cutler's book and gave me DMSA w/ 1 sentence for

> directions. He also told me I needed thermal imaging but that he

> didn't have time to find a thermal imaging location for me because


> has too many patients, so I have to do it on my own. For the money

> I'm paying, I'm beginning to realize I could have and AM doing a


> of this on my own!! I feel like I should be paying you, not my doc!


> Anyway, thanks for the help. Love, PH


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Hi Patty,

I replied to your post last night but it didn't show up on the

forum...maybe I sent it privately accidentally. So, if this is a

repeat, disregard.

I think Cutler meant in general that those therapies were harmful,

which really surprises me. I told him I hadn't started his protocol

but that I was currenlty using cilantro, chlorella, far infared

saunas and ionic foot baths. His response was " I believe all human

beings should avoid these as they are not helpful and some can be

harmful. You can find people to discuss detox with at


chelation/messages " I haven't gone to the website yet.

I'm still going to continue with the foot baths and sauna because I

feel they are helping and based on the info out there and what the

women on the forum say, it seems right to do. You know, I'm finally

believing everything you say...not that I didn't before, but I just

felt I needed that " professional/MD " guidance as well to help me

along. Now, I believe most of it was justed wasted money. For all

you newbies out there...you will save a lot of time and money by

following Patty's advice from the getgo.

Yes, I defintely need to let Mercola's clinic know about my

dissatisfaction. They have helped me with my adrenals and EFT and

for that I am grateful. But, considering how much I have paid, I

think it's up to them to give me more info on chelation other

than " Take DMSA every 4 hours. " Considering I drove 5 hours and

spent so much money, I think they can also tell me the various

thermal imaging locations when there are only a handful in the

country. I shouldn't have to do all that research...that's what I'm

paying them to do!! I see why and how you became your own warrior.

I just received Cutler's book an hour ago and glanced through it. My

mind just isn't capable of deciphering it all right now. The last

two days I've been bothered w/ visual distrubances when I read so I

know I need to get this out of me ASAP! How many months or years did

you chelate?

Thanks again. Love, PH

> >

> > Hi Patty,

> >

> > I am so utterly confused! My book " Amalgam Illness " hadn't


> > and so I emailed the bookseller who emailed back. Andy Cutler,


> > author, responded! So I asked him about chlorella, ionic foot

> baths,

> > and far infrared saunas and he replied that " no one should use


> > as they could be quite harmful. " He didn't say why they were

> > harmful. I am torn as to what to do because it seems everywhere


> > turn there is a different opinion. I'm just curious if you

> followed

> > his protocol to a T or did you incorporate other detoxing at the

> same

> > time? And again, how long did you take DMSA...even though I know


> > may be different for me...just curious. I haven't read his

> protocol

> > yet as the book's not here, but saw on some site that you have to

> > take the DMSA on a very strict schedule, even waking up at night

> > every 3-4 hours. Did you do that?

> >

> > While at first I felt Mercola's office was giving me everything I

> > need, in reading 's old posts the services now offered are

> very

> > different and much less. I'm a little annoyed. Basically, the doc


> > saw said to buy Cutler's book and gave me DMSA w/ 1 sentence for

> > directions. He also told me I needed thermal imaging but that he

> > didn't have time to find a thermal imaging location for me


> he

> > has too many patients, so I have to do it on my own. For the


> > I'm paying, I'm beginning to realize I could have and AM doing a

> lot

> > of this on my own!! I feel like I should be paying you, not my


> >

> > Anyway, thanks for the help. Love, PH

> >


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Hi Rogene,

Yeah, I hope I haven't tapped everything from Mercola too. I still

have a few more sessions left. I talk to his doc by phone next week

regarding my DMSA urine challenge results.

I do need to ask Cutler why he doesn't recommend saunas or foot baths

because I have heard too many positive things regarding them. I

bought my sauna and foot bath because of what you and Patty said

about them and I don't regret if for a minute. It seems like the

only time I feel truly calm is in my sauna and when I get out I feel

better for a short while.

You were ahead of the times getting an ionic foot bath back then!

Even still, I have come across so many skeptics. I've seen some good

articles though now where they've sent the water to labs and it's

high in heavy metals. When I'm feeling a little more clear headed

I'll dig them up.

Hope you had a nice Christmas. Love, PH


> PH,


> It sounds like you've already tapped out Mercola's clinic for

everything they can do for you! . . . I hope not!


> We've seen so many women get good results from FAR saunas and foot

baths, it would be very hard to doubt their benefit.


> It would be interesting to know why he doesn't like them! . . . and

what he prefers to them.


> Some time ago, I searched the internet high and low looking for

comments on ionic foot baths. At that time, the only negative

comments I found were by people who hadn't tried them, and who had a

vested interest in discouraging their use.


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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Hi PH,

I wanted to mention one thing that caught my eye in your post. You

said you are using chlorella...I could not use that or anything else

that was a " green food " . Oh, that reminds me...I meant to get back

to you on your post about Hallelujah Acres. I tried going raw

food/vegetarian early in my illness, and I bought Rhonda's cookbook

on raw foods, but I just couldn't stick with it. It was too extreme

for me, especially having a family that enjoyed venison. I tried the

Barleygreen powder and that was one of the first indications I had

that I could not tolerate the green foods well. I went on to try the

wheatgrass juice and juicing greens with the Gerson therapy, but me

and concentrated greens just were not good partners!

Dr. Kolb stated that it was because the greens cause an elevation of

cytokines which can be good for some people, but not really good for

us because our cytokines can already be too elevated.

I found I felt much better keeping the concentrated green food

supplements out of my diet. They really kicked in visual

disturbances and brain fog.

As for the chelation therapy, I did it initially under my

naturopath's supervision for a period of two months. After I

finished his doses, I took a bit of a break and moved on to other

therapies. After I moved to Las Vegas, and was feeling so awful that

I wanted to die, I decided to go back to the chelation therapy. I

bought the DMSA (Thorne Research's Captomer) and used that for

several more months. I have not done chelation therapy since then.

Thanks for your vote of confidence PH! I know how it feels to be

desperate to get better, and not wanting to experience " buyer's

remorse " when it comes to paying for health care. Initially when I

got sick, we had hardly any money--my husband was opening a business

at that time, and we had no income for 6 months! Talk about

timing....there couldn't have been a worse time for me to get sick!

I had to trust that God would guide me on the right paths, and not

let me go on any crazy medical merry go rounds, throwing away

precious resources. He was faithful. He IS faithful!

Take care,


> > >

> > > Hi Patty,

> > >

> > > I am so utterly confused! My book " Amalgam Illness " hadn't

> arrived

> > > and so I emailed the bookseller who emailed back. Andy Cutler,

> the

> > > author, responded! So I asked him about chlorella, ionic foot

> > baths,

> > > and far infrared saunas and he replied that " no one should use

> them

> > > as they could be quite harmful. " He didn't say why they were

> > > harmful. I am torn as to what to do because it seems


> I

> > > turn there is a different opinion. I'm just curious if you

> > followed

> > > his protocol to a T or did you incorporate other detoxing at


> > same

> > > time? And again, how long did you take DMSA...even though I


> it

> > > may be different for me...just curious. I haven't read his

> > protocol

> > > yet as the book's not here, but saw on some site that you have


> > > take the DMSA on a very strict schedule, even waking up at


> > > every 3-4 hours. Did you do that?

> > >

> > > While at first I felt Mercola's office was giving me everything


> > > need, in reading 's old posts the services now offered are

> > very

> > > different and much less. I'm a little annoyed. Basically, the


> I

> > > saw said to buy Cutler's book and gave me DMSA w/ 1 sentence


> > > directions. He also told me I needed thermal imaging but that


> > > didn't have time to find a thermal imaging location for me

> because

> > he

> > > has too many patients, so I have to do it on my own. For the

> money

> > > I'm paying, I'm beginning to realize I could have and AM doing


> > lot

> > > of this on my own!! I feel like I should be paying you, not my

> doc!

> > >

> > > Anyway, thanks for the help. Love, PH

> > >

> >


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Not that it means anything about how you'll feel during menopause . . . but I never had a single hot flash or other symptom. Why? I don't know.

Keep working on being healthy . . . chances are good that you'll do fine. . .

Regardless, worrying about something that hasn't happened yet is wasted energy.



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I'd love to see the articles showing heavy metals in the water from ionic foot baths.

My hubby (and others) constantly ask me what's in the water and why nobody has tested it.

I haven't done any websearches for ionic foot bath comments lately . . . but I'd love to see what they're finding.



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