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Puberty References

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Someone has asked about material to talk to their child about the changing body. I forgot to post the reference material we had and forget which group the request came from. Sorry if you belong to several groups and are getting this post several times. Just wanted to make sure it got out to the right people. The book "It's Perfectly Normal" does a good job of explaining puberty and sexuality and does include a lot of pictures. Because it has chapters on a lot of sexual topics, however, you would probably want to make sure an adult was with him and reviewing it or else copy out the chapter you'd like him to read. Take a look at What's Happening to Me? by Mayle. It is written for young adults but uses cartoons to engage the reader. SEXUALITY AND PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES: RESOURCES - BOOKS, VIDEO, TEACHING CURRICULA - FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AND THEIR PARENTS AND TEACHERS - ARE LISTED AT: http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/general/sexuality.htm IN MINNESOTA, MEMBERS OF ARC CAN BORROW ANY OF THE MATERIALS FOR FREE FROM THE ARC RESOURCE LIBRARY, INCLUDING EXCELLENT SELECTION OF MATERIALS ON HEALTHY,

RESPECTFUL SEXUALITY: see http://www.arcminnesota.com/res-sexuality.htm for a variety of resources including: STARS - Skills Training for Assertiveness, Relationship-Building, Sexual Awareness by the Waisman Center, Madison, Wisconsin. 1988. 91 pp. This is a well organized manual of teaching. It covers four areas: Understanding Relationships, Social Interaction, Sexual Awareness, and Assertiveness. It also includes an assessment form and appendix. Some unusual touches in this type of manual include discussion of significant others in a participant's life, and activities for the

participant to concretely embody the concept being taught. STARS 2 (adapted for school-age children) by Heighway and Webster. April 1993. 107 pp plus appendices. This guidebook is adapted from the original STARS publication (#49). It presents the

same model as in the original STARS guidebook for teaching concepts of positive sexuality and methods of preventing sexual abuse, but with activities suitable for school age children and adolescents. The guidebook is designed for use by families, educators, nurses, social workers, psychologists and community support workers. The late-elementary and junior high versions of "Our Whole Lives" sexuality education curriculum from the Unitarian Universalist Association also have been used with groups including kids with Down syndrome; the books used as part of that program are "It's Perfectly

Normal," "The Period Book," and "Changing Bodies, Changing Lives." Autism & hygiene links http://www.polyxo.com/socialstories/toc-hygiene.html http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art34042.asp http://www.shining-light-waldorf-books.com/special-education-books/Taking-Care-of-Myself-A-Hygiene-Puberty-and-Personal-Curriculum-for-Young-People-with-Autism Becky Mother to , 16, Autism, Epilepsy, Cerebal Palsy, MR, ADHD Everybody has barriers and obstacles. If you look at them as containing fences that don't allow you to advance, then you're going to be a failure. If you look at them as hurdles that strengthen you each time you go over one, then you're going to be a success. Carson Surgeon

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