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Re: Newbie

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Hey Don

Thanks for the info!! I have walked my way to health before. I

handle stress by walking too. Walking is my life in some ways. I

miss my life! I bought an yoga tape but just hate being in doors now

after last year. I go tho the parks and walk among trees. There I

find peace. you are right about the stretching - I dug out my tape.

I mentioned to Suzie in an earlier email that I used to fast but in

the last few years I find I get shaky when I try. And crash.


And another bit of your wisdom if I may - am very very sensitive to

sugars. Eat lots of fruit and have noticed that I do the chocolate yo

yo with fruits (carrots, potatoes) if I am not careful. And that they

lead to cream/soy in tea/coffee and later sugar. so I try to regulate

them now. I was talking with a friend who suggested the first two

weeks of the the South Beach diet in the sense that stopping the

sugars or veggies that turn to sugar might be a good idea until my

body regulated itself on green veggies then bring them back in slowly.

Any thoughts on this?

Am Stir fry Queen. Have allergies to flour and lactose intolerance so

limit flour and dairy products. Yet, yogart always perks me up and I

feel better.

And I have listened to music but not much help. I was sleeping fine

until a family crisis - why I take the Nerve supplement. It is not

resolved so I really miss walking.

And I do appreciate all your wisdom and time.


Dirt Matters

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In a message dated 8/27/2004 12:05:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, quirky2@... writes:

I was talking with a friend who suggested the first twoweeks of the the South Beach diet in the sense that stopping thesugars or veggies that turn to sugar might be a good idea until mybody regulated itself on green veggies then bring them back in slowly.Any thoughts on this?


If you are sensitive to sugar, I'd stop eating sugars entirely and only have fruits and starchy veggies with protein. It is even a good idea to have all carbs -- even whole grains and low glycemic veggies -- with protein to slow your digestion a little. Also it might to journal not only what you eat, but how it makes you feel. That will help you make a better decision on how to change your diet.


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cathy wrote:

> Hey Don


> Thanks for the info!! I have walked my way to health before. I

> handle stress by walking too. Walking is my life in some ways. I

> miss my life! I bought an yoga tape but just hate being in doors now

> after last year. I go tho the parks and walk among trees. There I

> find peace. you are right about the stretching - I dug out my tape.


> I mentioned to Suzie in an earlier email that I used to fast but in

> the last few years I find I get shaky when I try. And crash.

> Suggestions?


> And another bit of your wisdom if I may - am very very sensitive to

> sugars. Eat lots of fruit and have noticed that I do the chocolate yo

> yo with fruits (carrots, potatoes) if I am not careful. And that they

> lead to cream/soy in tea/coffee and later sugar. so I try to regulate

> them now. I was talking with a friend who suggested the first two

> weeks of the the South Beach diet in the sense that stopping the

> sugars or veggies that turn to sugar might be a good idea until my

> body regulated itself on green veggies then bring them back in slowly.

> Any thoughts on this?


> Am Stir fry Queen. Have allergies to flour and lactose intolerance so

> limit flour and dairy products. Yet, yogart always perks me up and I

> feel better.


> And I have listened to music but not much help. I was sleeping fine

> until a family crisis - why I take the Nerve supplement. It is not

> resolved so I really miss walking.


> And I do appreciate all your wisdom and time.


> Cath


> Dirt Matters



Hi Cath,

Walking is how I handle stress too. I find it is very beneficial for me

to walk when I am under stress. Helps me to think and clear out the

tension. Janet's suggestion of using hot/cold for the shin splint is a

very good one. So is using the Deep Tissue Repair Oil that you will find

in the files. Got a swimming hole nearby that isn't too polluted? You

might also try packing your shin splint in mud. Yup, that's what I said.

Pack that leg in mud and just let it do its thing. After all " Dirt

Matter " and is very healing too.

As for fasting, true fasting is very good to do when one has ones body

really clean and healthy. Otherwise you run into all kinds of problems

like the shakes, etc. This is due to toxins running rampant in the

blood. Best is to do Juice fasting or cleansing and if you feel like you

are getting hungry and don't think you can handle being hungry then eat

an apple or two (if you are using apple juice) or a carrot or two (if

you are fasting on carrot juice) etc. This should help you with the

shakes. Raw fasting is very easy to do for a person who has done an

enormous amount of cleansing and detoxifying. Otherwise it will detoxify

your body so quickly that you will literally get very ill for all those

toxins. Best to take it slowly. Another approach might be just to change

your diet to eating only raw green leafy veggies predominantly and maybe

using a little lightly steamed veggies when needed. Go easy on the whole

grains unless you sprout them first. Same with your seeds and nuts.

Ah the chocolate yo-yo. Yes I know it well. Probably the best thing to

do for this is to just cut out the fruits and starches and do a very

thorough body cleanse. This will rid the body of the excess sugars and

toxins which are what create the craving in the first place. But that

can be pretty tough if you aren't up to date on your cleansings. So

instead of just cutting out all fruits and starchy veggies, just cut out

all starchy veggies and cut down on fruits. Do more raw green leafy

veggies and you will still detoxify just slower.

Allergies come from having congested bowels and liver. Cleansing the

bowels and liver usually takes care of allergies. I would suggest that

you try using spelt or kamut flour or better yet sprouted spelt or kamut

flours. These are the ancient wheat that have existed for tens of

thousands of years. The usual wheat we eat has only been around since

the 1930's when the biochemists started manipulating the genes. Yup the

first GMO and people have had nothing but problems with it ever since.

Same goes for milk. Have you tried using whole raw milk products? Using

pasteurized anything really kills off your own digestive enzymes in a

big hurry and we have precious little of them. Best to never drink or

eat anything that has been pasteurized. We need the enzymes to digest

our food. Our digestive enzymes are needed to but not for digesting our

food. This is why we eat raw food so that the enzymes in the food will

do the digesting. Our enzymes are needed for other aspects of

nutritional support.

Okay that was confusing wasn't it. To make it a little more muddier try

this. If we eat dead food then we have to rely on our own extremely

limited store of digestive enzymes (they don't recreate very well). If

we use this up by eating dead food all our lives then we are going to

starve to death.Why? Because we are only eating dead food with no

enzymatic action potential and we no longer have any digestive enzymes

because we have wasted them in digesting dead devitalized food. Want to

know why we age? Here is one really good reason. Now if you eat raw

living foods then the food will contain all the enzymes needed to digest

that food without the use of our own digestive enzymes. So, now that

your food can be predigested (so to speak), by using the foods own

enzymes, our own digestive enzymes can play the role they were

originally designed for and that is to finalize the digestion by

breaking these nutrients down into their most basic state for absorption

through the small intestine. This is much less stress and work on the

enzymes and therefore, does not waste them for they were never meant to

be the major digestive enzyme. It is similar to trying to use a jewelers

hammer (our digestive enzymes) to make dust out of a ten ton boulder.

What we should be using is the enzymes that were created in each and

every living thing to digest the food with. The enzymes in the food that

we eat do a much better job of digesting the food then our own enzymes

can do. They are specific for that food.

Boy did I get off track here. Sheesh. Stir fry is a very nice way to

have gently heated veggies. Lightly steaming is another. If you can get

yoghurt that has LCA (live cultured acidophilous) that would be much

better for you than just plain yoghurt. Helps to repopulate the friendly

bacteria back into the gut.

Okay now I understand the sleep problem. Family crisis's will do it

every time. All I can say on this one is my prayers and thoughts are

with you. Hopefully it will resolve and lessen the stress on you and the

rest of the family. Stress is a real killer literally.

Hope this info helps you out and makes some sense. Peace be with you .


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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Just find someone that like garlic and slip him some LOL! It's what I do

with the hubby. I used to run a mile every evening, but my joints started

getting stiffer and stamina... what's that? hehe

I have an allergy to pool chlorine as well. They don't use it much anymore

though and I haven't had a reaction yet to the new stuff *crosses my

fingers* Call your local fitness center and ask what they use, you never

know. Otherwise, find low impact exercises you can do while indoors.

Embarassed as I would be if someone were to walk in on me, I dance with the

kids as much as possible without really grinding my joints to dust. Works up

a sweat and makes them real happy lol.


----- Original Message -----

From: " cathy " <quirky2@...>

<health >

Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 9:00 PM

Subject: Re: Newbie

> Thanks!! Humor the first to go and the last to return!! I have a

> Lucy shadow so it is very natural. I just ate a fresh clove and

> started laughing as my mate - ?????? whoever????? will have to love

> the smell!!!


> I took the immune blend because I started feeling alittle shakey with

> alight fever and it did the trick in 3-4 days. Used to be the Queen

> of Stamina and my body is trying!!! good idea!!


> - the pool is a great idea but the <<<bleach>>> they add to it messes

> with me. Screws the hell out of my skin, hair, and sometimes my lungs

> - like I used straight bleach to do the dishes. Thought about an

> indoor bicycle as that would be low impact too.


> Have a great evening!


> Cath


> Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark.






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Hi and welcome to the group. Lots of people have trouble getting a positive diagnosis partly because there are over 170 different kinds of arthritis with sometimes slight differences. Inflammatory arthritis distinguishes it from Osteoarthritis but includes a multitude of other kinds of arthritis, the most common of which is Rheumatoid Arthritis. With any inflammatory arthritis it is important to start a DMARD (Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug) right away to help avoid permanent joint damage that might otherwise result. You are on Plaquenil and that is a DMARD, perhaps the mildest one with fewest side effects. Prednisone is a contricosteroid that acts quickly to reduce most pain and inflammation but does not slow or stop permanent damage. Prednisone also usually has many undesireable side effects (bone loss, weight gain, mood swings, elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure and perhaps others) so people try to get off it as soon as possible or at least reduce the dosage. A daily dose of 5 mg is often considered to be acceptable for long-term use but any higher dose should be reduced unless you need it to function.

I think doctors are often reluctant to make a definite diagnosis until they have lots of indications that the diagnosis is accurate. At least part of this is to avoid confrontation with insurance companies who often have strict rules of what treatment can be used for certain illnesses. Unfortunately the insurance companies can have a bigger influence on our treatment than our own doctors.

Another board I follow has had recent posts claiming good success with Duragesic patches for reducing pain. I have never needed them but from what I have heard about fibromyalgia you might be an excellent candidate for that. We hope to hear from you often. God bless.

----- Original Message -----

From: sjtoulouse

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 6:15 AM

Subject: newbie

Hi Group,I am new to this group and of course I have questions regarding RA. My blood work had a positve ANA three times and the fourth time negative, all other tests were negative except Sed rate was slightly elevated. I had a bone scan and that showed inflammation. I have a boney growth on my left ankle and a swollen right ankle and my fingers, wrists, and elbows hurt all the time. I have also been diagnoised with fibromyalgia with lots of muscle pain. The doctor put me on a 3 week dose of predisone and then put me on a 400 mg dose of Plaquinil. My question is, my internal medicine doctor says I have inflammatory arthritis and my rheumatologist has not given me a dx. I am really up in the air about what I have and would like to know what I am dealing with. Has anyone else had this problem of being diagnoised?

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  • 3 years later...

Byetta is a treatment for type II diabetes. Zetia is a cholesterol drug

which, according to the promo for it, isn't a statin and works by

inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract and has no

effect on the liver.


On Mon, 14 Jan 2008, Bee wrote:



>> Hi Bee,

>> Is continuing my allergy medication, birth control, Byetta for

> sugar, Zetia for Cholesterol (I produce it naturally even on very low

> carb and sugar diet), I also have to take Synthroid, going to

> interfer with healing. I need the allergy medicine when I'm having

> an itching skin attack or I will literally want to scratch my skin

> off.

>> Thanks, Sherri


> ==>I cannot advise you about medications; you have to decide on your

> own. However, just know that they are all toxic and any toxins

> interfere with natural processes and healing. However, you can

> decide later, after you've built up your nutrients. Candida causes

> thyroid problems, and some people have been able to gradually go off

> meds as they progress on this program.


> What does Byetta and Zetia do ?


> Bee


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