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Re: Mapping

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I am VERY glad he told me the truth.. He spent sooooo much time with

me and making adjustments with my HA. He also keeps up with all the

technologies including the CI's and he knew I would qualify.. He was

right :o)



> Be grateful that he did! I am sure there are MANY hearing aid

people out

> there who would rather take our money then have the

professionalism to finally

> admit that we can no longer benefit from hearing aids. I was very

fortunate to

> have had this said to me as well. If it wasn't for my hearing aid

woman, who

> hardly knew anything about the implant herself, I would never have

gone this

> route!



> In a message dated 4/27/2004 7:23:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> evel339@y... writes:

> and said " you can spend thousands more on HA's but you will

> not gain anything.. Can you imagine someone at Miracle Ear telling

> me that :o)




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In the " we're all different " category, it's funny that I've had the

opposite experience. For me, the individual tones seem to be too loud,

but are comfortable when all the sounds are together. That's how I was

able to finally boost my highs--they were uncomfortable when setting C

levels, but I had my audie increase them to see how it sounded with the

highs where they should be. They were fine when mixed in with the other




Re: Re: mapping

I totally agree with this. However, sometimes each individual tone

sounds ok

and then when you listen to all the sounds together everything seems too


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rick YESSS!!! i do the very same thing but when i was mapped like the

second time i was wayyy to stupid to do this i pushed those high frequencies

and pay for it until i could get back to my audie when first activated

all i wanted was more sounds .... but too much is sometimes not good


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Once I knew how the process worked, I would get the C level up

until it became uncomfortable then had it backed down a notch, Seemed

to work well that way.

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,

a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,

all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

& Gimlet (Guide Dawggie)

Portland, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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My experience with Starkey audiologist is even worse... They would rather

buy me a new set of hearing aids than service the hearing aids that are out

of warranty.



Re: mapping

Be grateful that he did! I am sure there are MANY hearing aid people out

there who would rather take our money then have the professionalism to

finally admit that we can no longer benefit from hearing aids. I was very

fortunate to have had this said to me as well. If it wasn't for my hearing

aid woman, who hardly knew anything about the implant herself, I would never

have gone this route!

In a message dated 4/27/2004 7:23:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

evel339@... writes:

and said " you can spend thousands more on HA's but you will not gain

anything.. Can you imagine someone at Miracle Ear telling me that :o)

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16 days is a long time between first and second mappings. Most people

have the second mapping the day after the first one, the next one a week

later. There is usually quite a big change in mappings the first few

times, and the more frequently you are mapped, the happier you're going

to be. I'd insist on a second mapping within a week of the first, at





What is the " typical " time frame for mappings from turn on?

I have my turn on May 5th and the next mapping is 16 days later!

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Thanks mary.. I believe its because they scheduled too many

surgeries all at once.. But I don't see why I should be made to

suffer! I will discuss it with my Audie at hook up.



> Evel,


> 16 days is a long time between first and second mappings. Most


> have the second mapping the day after the first one, the next one

a week

> later. There is usually quite a big change in mappings the first


> times, and the more frequently you are mapped, the happier you're


> to be. I'd insist on a second mapping within a week of the first,


> least.


> Fisk

> Atlanta


> Mapping



> What is the " typical " time frame for mappings from turn on?

> I have my turn on May 5th and the next mapping is 16 days later!

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I had 2 days of hook up and then another mapping at 2 weeks, one month, three

months, 6 months, one year. The N24C was right at the end of the clinical

trials so the mapping schedule had been set based on protocol and I had to be

booth tested every time. However, I could go for any extra mappings I wanted.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

dora..........i am having the surgery done at beth israel in ny on aug 9 and

mappings on sept 1 and 8.............is it unusual for the mapping to be done

one week apart??.......some contributors to this site had their initial

mappings closer together.......please advise


i am getting 2 nucleus bte's....... and plan to use my hearing aid after i

am mapped...is that foolish???

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  • 1 month later...

The problem with TV is that ALL of the sound comes thru at, how to

explain, well in the same dimension. Where in real life we are more

able to separate the desired sound from the unwanted background

noise.. Its tough. I find having connected my TV to a room loop and

listening with the t coil helps.

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

Complex problems have simple, easy to understand wrong answers.

& Gimlet (Guide Dawggie)

Portland, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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I have a question. My daughter has the Med El implant. And for the first

time......she demanded so much power (and it slowed it down......she said we all

sounded like robots).....they had to shut off a channel (number 9). Has anyone

ever experienced that?

<wdywms@...> wrote:I will soon go for a mapping because my

volume is at 9 and sensitivity is at

14. I find myself wincing at the seemingly loud commercials and other TV

background noise because the processor is set so I can hear the seemingly

quiter voices. Do others have this experience with TB background noise and

commercials being uncomfortable in compared to the softer voices?

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Yes, there are many people who have had to have electrodes turned off.

Somtimes an electrode malfunctions but the adjacent electrodes can take over the

frequencies for the one that is turned off. Or sometimes the electrode just

sounds bad to us and when it is turned off things sound better. That is what is

nice about having a lot of electrodes in my opinion, one can always depend on

the others that are left over.

<<I have a question. My daughter has the Med El implant. And for the first

time......she demanded so much power (and it slowed it down......she said we

all sounded like robots).....they had to shut off a channel (number 9). Has

anyone ever experienced that?

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Hi ,

It's not uncommon for ci users to have to turn off an electrode or

two and it can be done without compromising the hearing; at least I

know the Nucleus works that way, but I'm not positive about the Med


I always have 2 electrodes shut off, but it doesn't always have to

be the same 2, but this is the way the Nucleus is set up. I've never

had my processor slow down or sound like robot voices though.

I know of a few on here who have had several electrodes shut off at

one time and still get good useful hearing. The electrodes have been

shut off due to nerve stimulation, too loud on a particular

electrode or for some other reason.

Wish I knew more about the internal workings of the Med El.

Hopefully someone will be able to give you an answer based on the

Med El. I will forward your question to a friend who has the Med El

if you don't mind.

It's good to hear from you , miss your posts; How's your little

girl doing now? Hope you're enjoying many ci moments with her.


Silly MI

In , B <moisurreal@y...> wrote:

> I have a question. My daughter has the Med El implant. And for

the first time......she demanded so much power (and it slowed it

down......she said we all sounded like robots).....they had to shut

off a channel (number 9). Has anyone ever experienced that?

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-- Hi Silly,

I have Med El and do have one electrode shut off, so that means I

have 22 on. (11 electrodes equal 22) It depends on what the mapping

set up for me. When the audie put on #12, it gave me a twitching.

So it is normal that any brand does shut off some electrodes and

still can hear well.

Happy Hearing,

Jane Motrinec

In , " Armstrong " <silly1@c...> wrote:

> Hi ,

> It's not uncommon for ci users to have to turn off an electrode or

> two and it can be done without compromising the hearing; at least I

> know the Nucleus works that way, but I'm not positive about the Med

> El.

> I always have 2 electrodes shut off, but it doesn't always have to

> be the same 2, but this is the way the Nucleus is set up. I've


> had my processor slow down or sound like robot voices though.

> I know of a few on here who have had several electrodes shut off at

> one time and still get good useful hearing. The electrodes have


> shut off due to nerve stimulation, too loud on a particular

> electrode or for some other reason.

> Wish I knew more about the internal workings of the Med El.

> Hopefully someone will be able to give you an answer based on the

> Med El. I will forward your question to a friend who has the Med El

> if you don't mind.

> It's good to hear from you , miss your posts; How's your little

> girl doing now? Hope you're enjoying many ci moments with her.

> Hugs,

> Silly MI





> In , B <moisurreal@y...> wrote:

> > I have a question. My daughter has the Med El implant. And for

> the first time......she demanded so much power (and it slowed it

> down......she said we all sounded like robots).....they had to shut

> off a channel (number 9). Has anyone ever experienced that?

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Thank You Jane.

I figured they worked similar and that electrodes could be shut off,

but I was hesitant to say so when I wasn't absolutely sure.

Hope all is going well for you and good to hear from you.

happy hearing


Silly MI

In , " janeann32000 " <janeann32000@y...> wrote:

> -- Hi Silly,

> I have Med El and do have one electrode shut off, so that means


> have 22 on. (11 electrodes equal 22) It depends on what the


> set up for me. When the audie put on #12, it gave me a


> So it is normal that any brand does shut off some electrodes and

> still can hear well.

> Happy Hearing,

> Jane Motrinec


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There are some people who have several electrodes shut off for varying reasons.

The implant still performs. Audiologists are trained to map around this.




>    I have Med El and do have one electrode shut off, so that means I

> have 22 on. (11 electrodes equal 22)  It depends on what the mapping

> set up for me.  When the audie put on #12, it gave me a twitching.  

> So it is normal that any brand does shut off some electrodes and

> still can hear well. Jane >


> > Hi ,

> > It's not uncommon for ci users to have to turn off an electrode or

> > two and it can be done without compromising the hearing; at least I

> > know the Nucleus works that way, but I'm not positive about the Med

> > El.

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  • 3 months later...

P. Scriba,

What a wonderful post!! (especially the last sentence...AMEN!!) :)

Thank you for describing your experiences with mappings. It helps give me

some idea of what I can expect (even though I know people's experience is

different) as time goes on. What I'm struggling with most right now is

knowing how soft the sounds I hear have to be before I need a new map. My

audi explained that because I'm used to the extra power provided by my

hearing aids, it may be difficult for me to determine what is loud versus

what is soft or medium with a CI. She told me that as time goes on and I

hear more with my CI I will have an easier time determining this.

In terms of my mapping, I do not know what speech strategy I am using (which

is fine because right now I want to concentrate on listening). I believe my

audi set program 1 and 2 to the same strategy since they sound identical

except for volume. I like this arrangement because I don't have to worry

about one program having one sound characteristic while another has

something completely different. In time I'm sure these differences won't

pose a problem but like you said in your last post, it's best to take things

one step at a time -- at least in the beginning.

Again, great post!! :)

Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05


BTE hearing aid user 20 years

Severe-profound hearing loss 10 years

" Surviving a loss and letting go is only half of the story. The other half

is the secret belief that we will find, in one form or another, what we have

lost. And it is that potential, shimmery as a star on a clear night, that

helps us survive. " -- Chambers

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AMEN!! (that's rite..) lol Thanks for your friendly feedback and I

appreciate it :) Yes, it just takes time but believe me you will just get there

anyway.. In the beginning, I didnt really understand how CI really works that it

should help us hear better. Because I wore the hearing aids. They were just

fine that I have heard that I thought its enough. Now, I realize that theres

alot more sounds than what Ive heard with the hearing aids. Through practice of

listening (its really PITA--u go figure..), I have noticed that Im starting to

grasp the concept of each words in a sentence.. Before then, I would only pick

up a word or just mostly sounds but not words though from a sentence..

Example in a way how I used to hear and example for now that I hear.. For


in a sentence: The game of poker is fun to play. Before when I used to hear

in the beginning with the CI.. I'd hear this sentence (lets say in two or three

different ways) #1 .............un....ay. #2.... ame...oh... ay. #3


....ay. Sometimes. Id only get the word like poker but nothing else except

sounds that I dont understand.Ex#4..................poker......... Now,

comparing to now that Im hearing-- Theres a big difference-- Id go with a clue


even nothing.. For example the clue is games. Id hear like........#1 game

poker ... to play. #2 game of poker is fun to play.. #3 The game of poker is

fun to play. Sometimes, no clue at all but depending on the person if I have

practiced with or not. Id get it most of all. Im not kidding but its actually

happening but very, very, very slow!! Like putting jigsaw puzzles altogether

and u get the picture of the words..

Its very strange experience for me as a prelingual or perhaps

perilingual..(meaning that I have started talking anyway before when wearing the

aids..at age of 2)I have six brothers and sisters and they are all hearing.. So,

this is why I have just learned babbling very early.. I haven't believed myself

all my life that Id hear the words without lipreading and not even yet when

starting to wear the CI. But, now I think Im beginning to believe it. I do even

believe that this can happen to u or to anyone like myself for being deaf

since birth.. I think that youre on the right track about what u can do with the

programs that u feel appropriate for yourself. So, dont' change anything that

you have done since then but do what you know that you can get to try more on

whatever the CI or your audie can give u. Best of luck! Happy Hearing! P.Scriba


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