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In a message dated 10/28/02 6:37:18 AM Central Standard Time,

MarnieF_GAIA@... writes:

> I just weighed myself. and am down 1 pound from last time.

Down a pound is great! Have you ever looked at what 1 pound of fat looks

like? (take a peak at a pound of bacon)

You did awesome!!!!

Kathy Sullivan


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> I just weighed myself. and am down 1 pound from last time.

Great work!

> This past week I did so badly with both that I actually got headaches.

At least you know why your body is yelling at your so you can take steps to

correct it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

----- Original Message -----


>Good Job ann..


> I know how u feel about being disappointed. Sometimes I wish I had a

bigger loss than shows up on the scale.

Yep but I try to remember the few times that I lost when I didn't really

deserve it. :)

>But the good news is I am feeling much better so the numbers on the dont

really mean anything altho its always nice to see the numbers go down :)

Yep. Sometimes the change shows up on the numbers and sometimes it shows in

different ways like my excitement over the size 22s. :) I can't give up my

weigh ins but I try to keep the numbers in perspective.


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> huge dinner on Sat. night. Yippee! :) I'll admit that I had to pee 3

> times for the scale to get down to 244 but I'll take it! :)

We all have our ways to make that scale our friend. :)

Congrats on the loss!

>be a challenge depending on who is signed

> up to bring snacks.

So make sure to bring a few healthy snacks of your own and ignore the

unhealthy ones brought by others.

> coming to visit and we're going out to dinner and then to a party. I know

> her well enough that I can just say " hey, I don't want to get too far off

It's good to have friends like that. Just have a nibble of the good stuff

and fill up on the low cal stuff. I'm sure you know all the tricks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> After my bad week I weighed in this morning and stayed the same.

All that worrying probably sweat off a few pounds! :)

>Tomorrow will be a

> challenge since I'm turning 39

Happy Birthday, if you don't get a chance to check in tomorrow.

> to stay focused! Vonn, 2 year old dd, and I are stuck at home today since

> she has a bad cough. It's one of those coughs where I debate whether to

Does Robitussin come in her strength? That's the best med out there for

those yucky coughs. I even have it's prime ingredient, guanenesin (sp?) in

pill form to take when I get all congested. My dad takes it, too. If you've

ever heard of Humibid, that's the one, but I buy generics - much cheaper.

> take her to the doc to get her lungs listened to. Hmmm.... I guess I'll

> wait and see.

Don't forget plenty of Vicks Vapo-Rub and a humidifier for her room.

> Next week will be tough since I have two cookie exchanges to go to.


Mmmmmmm, coooookkkkiiieeeessssss!

That reminds me - I better pick up some more butter so I can make hubby's

butter cookies for the season, as well as the usual chocolate chips.

> I think I'll skip one but

You would deprive your family of Christmas cookies? Just allow yourself one

of each, spread out over a few days. All foods are allowed in measured

quantities. :)

> cookies and take a tin to fill for my parents and a tin to fill for dh to

> take to work.

Or hide it in the car for himself to munch on. :)


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> Well I would have to say that eating too many carbs and not drinking

> enough water make me constipated.

I learned a little secret - flaxseeds! You can toss a spoonful into a bowl

of cereal as-is, or grind them up in a blender (some people buy a coffee

grinder for the job) to release the omega-3 fatty acids that are so

beneficial for the heart.

It takes a few days for your body to get used to that blast of fiber, but

some people can take up to a quarter of a cup a day with no bad effects

(like being *too* efficient for the job).

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----- Original Message -----

From: " " <bostonsweety27@...>


> Well i weighed in today, I didnt get to weigh in last week my scale was

acting kinda messed up but its ok today. Ive lost 2 pounds in the 2 weeks.

Way to go! That's quite an accomplishment over Thanksgiving. We all have

to concentrate on getting our exercise in with the busy holidays and colder



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In a message dated 12/12/2002 7:31:57 AM Central Standard Time,

bostonsweety27@... writes:

> Well I weighed in this morning at 292 so I'm down another pound

- way to go!!! And you are right - you are learning and heading in the

right direction and that is what matters most! Keep it up - you are doing


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----- Original Message -----

From: " " <bostonsweety27@...>


> Well I weighed in this morning at 292 so I'm down another pound. I cant

really complain since is that TOM and overall I havent really been watching

what I eat. I need to lose 3 more lbs to get to my goal of being in the

280's before the new year.

That's great! We have two weeks left to work on our New Year's goals. :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ann - way to go on the loss! Good job.. That picnic this afternoon sounds so nice...we are sunny but cold here today (28). Walking your daughter to and from school is a nice way to spend time with her and an extra bonus - exercise for you!!

Take Care,


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In a message dated 1/6/03 10:29:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, maryannanderic@... writes:

I'll head to Target and check on that Sansone tape.

Kmart is selling the Walk Away the Pounds for ABS set with the belt for $22.99 this week. That is a great deal! Wish I needed it!



"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal"

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In a message dated 1/6/03 11:36:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, moobunny2@... writes:

Total weight lose for last week.....drum roll please............

5 lbs!

WAHOO Tracey...awesome job...I am throwing confetti!



"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal"

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----- Original Message -----

From: <karbchickadee@...>

> Ann - way to go on the loss! Good job.. That picnic this afternoon

> sounds so nice...we are sunny but cold here today (28). Walking your

> daughter to and from school is a nice way to spend time with her and an


> bonus - exercise for you!!

Thanks and congratulations to the other losers! It's 70 here (in Houston)

today and a perfect day for the park. We stayed for 4.5 hours. Whew. I'm

tired but not as wiped out as I would have been before I lost some weight.

Today 2 women noticed that I've lost weight. That was nice. A little

embarassing though since I've done that before and I've always gained it

back. Not this time though!!! Looks like we'll have lows in the 30s for

the next couple of days so it might be too cold to walk to school.



Focus on 40!

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Congrats on the 6 pound loss :) :) Now exactly how did you loose so much in a




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