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> Woo Hoo! I lost another 3 pounds even with the mall, book club and


> lunch.


>Of course every week is a challenge!

Especially for those of you with little kids. :)

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----- Original Message -----

From: " " <stephanie12800@...>

> I have lost 2 pounds this week.


> much as I'd like. Oh it so hard to give your kids a Reeses Cup

> without eating all yourself!

Argh! I scrounged in the candy drawer and ate the last one yesterday in a

weak moment. I thought it was from an Easter egg hunt but it tasted kinda

stale. Yuck! What a waste of calories. I'll pick up some more Fifty/50

chocolate bars today.

> My weakness has been freshly baked

> chocolate chip cookies.(thanks mom!) I just had to have one of

> those.(ok maybe 2) I don't guess it hurt me since I still lost

> though. Good luck to everyone. Stay Strong.

I just can't have food in front of me. It's too much temptation. Yesterday

I went to my 3 year old's preschool for a Mother's Day tea and they had

punch with orange sherbert and several kinds of cookies. Ugh. I had two

cookies and a cup of punch.

Yesterday was awful. I even had a 's double hamburger and a large

Frosty. What the heck happened? On Mon. I was so stoked to have lost 35

pounds and the very next day I fall flat on my face. I should have had a

big breakfast at home and then chosen one cookie at the tea. I should have

avoided 's altogether. I could have easily found something at home to

eat for lunch.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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> wow - I can't believe it but I've lost a total of 18 pounds since May 3!

Back on blast off this week after a poor last week.

Wow is right! That's a LOT to lose in just 2 weeks! Instead of going back to

1000/1200 calories (whatever BlastOff is now) why not just stick with the

calorie card that is meant for your current weight and *stay* with it. At

311 pounds, you should be using the 2000 calories PLUS a few additional

starch/protein cards.

Don't starve yourself! It only leads to: 1) a faster plateau, 2) rebellion

and frustration at the food restriction, which leads to going off the food

plan and bingeing, and 3) starvation, which will shut down your metabolism

and make it impossible to lose any more.

and nutritionists didn't just arbitrarily pick those calorie

requirements out of thin air, you know. Those are the *necessary* amounts

needed for *health* at any given weight, to fuel the body and its vital

organs. Ever try to run a car on no gas or oil? Pretty bad sight, right? If

you don't give your body enough fuel, it, too, can become run down and break

down on you.

The slower you lose the weight, the more likely it is to *stay* off. This

isn't a race, this is *life*.

Sue in NJ

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On ' FoodMover programs he sets the first week as " BlastOff "

week. When this was first introduced 2 years ago, the Blast Off the Pounds

package, that first week everyone, regardless of what their current weight

was, ate using the 1000 calories card in their FoodMover. This served a few

purposes - it made you lose a good hunk of weight fast, right at the

beginning, so you would feel *good*, that the " program is working, " and give

you an incentive to continue with it. Secondly, it served to boost the

metabolism a bit, get the body used to eating a bit less at the beginning

for a short period of time, so when you went to the calorie card for your

own weight the next week, the body would relax a bit and *not* go into

starvation mode, to have it go " Phew! That was close! "

A lot of people found that 1000 calories was just too little for them to eat

and would go straight into their allotted calorie card. *I* feel, if that's

what it takes to get you to start, so be it! :)

The new FoodMover program introduced this year, the SlimAway

Everyday package, he increased the BlastOff calories to 1200 for the first

week. I guess people are finding this a bit easier to handle, since that's

what most women will be on for their lifetime maintenance after they reach


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Could be a bit of water retention, too, since a lot of those places highly

salt their foods. Just be careful for the rest of the week, and be glad you

got to spend some time with your dad. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Anne you are doing great. I am still figuring out my plan of attack for the summer. Hubby is gone on saturday so great day to think and plan.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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>I regained 10 pounds and lost that on Sugar Busters.

When you lost this, were you following the portion restrictions or just

eating the SB foods? If I remember, you were just *not* eating all the

sugary stuff and didn't limit quantities.

> I'm starting again and today is day 4 sugar free. Woo hoo! :)

Congrats! But Pat is still ahead of you. Last I read she was at day 14,

right? Pat?

Hmmm, come to think of it, I don't remember seeing her sugar-free number

post on Tuesday.

>and just wrapped sliced ham

But was it sugar-free ham? Or at least in the range for SB allowed foods -

is that less than 5 gm carbs a serving?

> That's usually my best bet for Mothers and More meetings.

I thought these were over for the summer? Or was that some *other* meeting

you go to? You are such a busy woman!

>It's very hard for me to do more than one thing at a time well. :)

You seem to be doing pretty good this week, so far. Keep up the good work!

Sue in NJ

A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.

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You are so right unacceptable. I know I have to stop emotional eating. and closet eating. My biggest downfall. TOday is going good except a migrane coming on. I am convience it is from eating right. you know that first few days that hurt but then a fabu afterwards.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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If it is places that you can bring your own dish. I just bring a dish I can eat. :) lol And don't tell any one it's low fat, low sugar ect. Cause then they avoid it like the plague. lol If they don't know they eat it up. lol

in NY

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 15:42:27 -0500 "maryannanderic" <maryannanderic@...> writes:

Hi,At my meeting tonight I think I'll just take some caf free diet pepsi andsip on that and avoid the snack table. That's usually my best bet forMothers and More meetings. Next week will be tougher with book club sincewe usually stand around the food and chat. Argh. My other book club willbe meeting at Le Madeleine so I've already planned to get a chicken caesarsalad there and just avoid the croutons and free bread and jam like I didlast time I went there.

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Sue in NJ " <susang@...>

> >I regained 10 pounds and lost that on Sugar Busters.


> When you lost this, were you following the portion restrictions or just

> eating the SB foods?

When I first started Sugar Busters I wasn't strictly watching portions but I

ate moderately. Later on when I was trying to get back on track I said I

was not worrying about portions at all. Right now I'm kind of in between.

> Congrats! But Pat is still ahead of you. Last I read she was at day 14,

> right? Pat?

> Hmmm, come to think of it, I don't remember seeing her sugar-free number

> post on Tuesday.

Yep, I've been wondering how Pat is doing.

> But was it sugar-free ham? Or at least in the range for SB allowed foods -

> is that less than 5 gm carbs a serving?

I looked at the package and it was honey ham from Sam's but it had 0 grams

of sugar.

> > That's usually my best bet for Mothers and More meetings.


> I thought these were over for the summer? Or was that some *other* meeting

> you go to? You are such a busy woman!

We don't stop in the summer. We need the group even more in the summer

because the kids are home and we're with them 24/7. :) Last night went

great. I took 2 cans of diet pepsi. As I expected they had Sprite, Coke

and Diet Coke but nothing sugar and caffeine free. There was a huge plate

of brownies that I totally avoided. We went to Starbucks after the meeting

and I had an iced latte that I put Equal in instead of my usual sugary

frappucino. I just asked the guy if the latte had sugar and he said only

the natural sugar in the milk.


> >It's very hard for me to do more than one thing at a time well. :)


> You seem to be doing pretty good this week, so far. Keep up the good work!


Thanks. Today is day 5. My older daughter spent the night with my parents

and my little one is still asleep. Today I need to work around the house

and put another coat of paint on Lynn's room. I also need to hunt around

and get the best price on flooring for her room. I bought the lumber for

her loft bed and things are slowly coming together. I think I'll take the

girls to the pool this afternoon.

I need to plan a few more dinners. Hmmm.... I know I have chicken breast

tenders in the freezer and I can always whip something up with those. I

need to plan a crock pot meal too.

I don't know what to do tomorrow when we go back to the museum. The

Mcs there has a limited menu and doesn't seem to have grilled chicken,

just fried. That's the only place to get food there. I don't really want

to carry a picnic. I'm traveling light these days with my 3 year old out of

diapes. Woo hoo! :):):) I guess I'll get the chicken caesar salad

again. It had a small portion of chicken that is fried and I skipped the

croutons last week. The woman I'm going with is maybe 90 pounds soaking

wet. She says she would feel better if she could only gain 10 pounds.

Argh! She's the woman that God sent me so I'm not prejudiced against people

who are too rich and too thin. :) She is very sweet but she eats what she

wants, doesn't exercise and can't gain weight. That is enviable but I am so

much stronger than her. I forgot what she said she had to call her husband

to lift for her but it was something that I would have managed by myself

without even thinking about it. Too bad we can't average out our bodies.


Gotta get going this morning. I haven't been doing any formal exercise but

I've been doing a lot of running around with the kids. I'm afraid my

bedroom VCR is on hold because my dh is freaking out about money again. His

coworker/peer at work got laid off and dh thinks he is next. That would

totally suck. I'm just trying to plan for hard times but keep my attitude


Yesterday I made my little one vanilla pudding and I licked the spatula but

that was it. The night before I made the girls chocolate milk and I was

tempted to make myself a huge glass but I didn't. I just need to keep this



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----- Original Message -----

From: <Jase4567@...>

> Anne you are doing great. I am still figuring out my plan of attack


> the summer. Hubby is gone on saturday so great day to think and plan.

, you and I have been wandering around with no direction for too damn

long now. We need to get it together and keep it together! It is too easy

to lose our focus and get off track. We can do this!! My goal is to lose

20 more pounds to get to 50. I'm darn sick of being stuck in the 230s. I

first arrived in the 230s on Nov. 25! That's almost 7 months of being

stalled out. Unacceptable! If I keep this up I will be hugely obese until

I die. I don't want that for my life. Is the taste of food worth it? Is

that bite of vanilla pudding worth it? Is that glass of chocolate milk

worth it? No! Why can't we remember that?


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  • 2 weeks later...
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wtg. You are almost in the 200's. 2 in is amazing. i really have to measure. I am just to scared.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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  • 3 weeks later...
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> Hi,

> I had a good week :)

Great ! I would love to be able to say that! I'm sure I will


> sw -330

I was beginning to think I was the only one starting here in the

300's, actually I think there was one or 2 others.. just glad to know

I'm not the only one! I think I may be the only on who's highest was

in the 400's though.

> cw - 294

Again.. congrats at being in the 2's!!!!! I will hopefully be able

to say that sometime in the next year or so.....

> final goal - 175

That would be a great final goal for me, but realistically I would

would be THRILLED with ANYTHING under 200 even if it was

199.9999999 ;) realistically I think I am looking at anything under




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  • 2 weeks later...
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> I'm irritated to report that I gained 2 pounds this week after

avoiding fast

> food and most sweets. Argh! I guess I'll have to go back to

Whoppers and

> Vanilla Cokes to get the weight off. :P

LOL... I feel this way at times! It really stinks when you make a

change and yet no loss, or even worse a gain. *sigh* I've had it

happen and I " m sure veryone else has as well.

Hmmm.... I'm not sure what to do

> now. I don't want to make any promises that I can't keep. Ok.

This week

> I'll do the same thing. No fast food and no sweets. Even if I

didn't lose

> weight at least I controlled my eating in some ways.


Yep! You will eventually lose if you keep this up. It is just hard

when you don't see any progress, but you are doing great!

> Next week dh will be on vacation so there will be no rules except

trying to

> maintain some moderation.

This has been my down fall as I'm sure you've seen ;) You have been

doing so great, you can do better then I did there!

and we'll go to the Blue Bell Creamery

> one day. Yes, I'm going to an icecream factory. Argh. I'll enjoy

my free

> sample. :)

This is one of our plans as well. My hubby graduated from MSU

(michigan state University) and is aware of a dairy/creamery there.

They are open to the public as well as all of the farm barns. He

want's to visit them sometime, but as I forgot about it we haven't

done it yet. Since it is so close to home I should be able to

maintain my plan other then the ice cream I will eat at the dairy.

It sounds like you have a great vacation planned! We are not real

good about planning days, they just kind of happen. We just kind of

have an idea and then decide when to go.


> I think I need to have a plan in place to start on Aug. 18. I know


> have a few tears in my eyes that day since my baby will be heading

to 1st

> grade. :) I have two weeks to plan so I need to get to work.

Right now

> meals are hit or miss.

Yep.. I think once school is back in and things are more organized it

will be better, or at least that's what I hope!


(who had replied to this.. had it all ready to hit send and then the

computer crashed :(

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> I am down to 232! Yea! That means a total loss of 41 lbs.


I was able to

> wear a size 18 ladies dress to church yesterday, and can FINALLY wear the

> size 18 ladies skort that I bought by mistake from the thrift store.

I wish labeling was uniform in all stores! I don't even attempt to buy

anything any more.

>Then he said that whenever I am confident enough he will take

> me out for an 'after 5' sort of evening with dinner and dancing.

WooHoo! In this house, an " evening out " is a walk to the library or to the

curb with the garbage cans.

>If we had

> danced, he would have been cheek to cheek with my very ample cleavage!


Maybe that's why he asked in the first place. Many men *like* bigger women.


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