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Wow great job. Wish I could say I was doing as well. I wasn't going to weigh until Jan 1, but couldn't resist. I was down two pounds last week and gained those two back this week, I've been so stressed over moving and trying to get everything done, I am surprised I didn't gain more than that. My food choices were terrible this past week, but one good thing, I don't think I will be eating pizza for quite awhile, just happen to get real sick on it one night. I do admit I feel so much better when I make the right food choices and drink lots of water. Good luck to everyone and I will probably be going no mail soon but will be back as soon as I get settled. Hoping it will only be for a couple of days.

in NY

SW - 279

CW - 265

YEG - 258

FG - 150

weigh in

I lost 2 pounds and 1.5 inches this week. 7 pounds to hit the challenge.

SW - 330

CW - 267

YEG - 260

FG - 175

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> I don't think I will be eating pizza for quite awhile, just happen to get real sick on it one night. I do admit I feel so much better when I make the right food choices

You *can* have a healthier pizza, but it takes a little bit of work. Make your own oil-free crust using whole grains, like mixing half semolina and half whole wheat flours. Use salt-free tomato sauce, low fat or skim mozzarella cheese, and oodles of fat free vegetable toppings, like mushrooms, onions, peppers, and garlic. Leave off the fatty meats, or chop up some low-fat breakfast sausage. This is the pizza I make for Ed & myself every single Friday. He claims it's his reward for a lousy week at work (*Every* week is a lousy week). I allow myself 3 slices of this and save my 4th one for Saturday breakfast.

>and drink lots of water.

Something I'm *still* struggling with on a daily basis. Yesterday we were out of the house and away from any clean restroom from about 9 am until 4:30 pm, and I'm telling you, when I finally hit the bathroom at home it was almost *orange*! I drank a half gallon of water within the next 2 hours. This morning I had to hit the laundromat, so gain, no water earlier today. I guess now that I'm home I *should* start drinking up.

> Good luck to everyone and I will probably be going no mail soon

Good luck on your move, and hope to see you soon.

Sue in NJ

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WONDERFUL! That is so terrific. You are just becoming a little bitty hottie! LOL


-----Original Message-----From: Ryefield [mailto:ryefield@...]Sent: 01 November 2003 9:45 AM100-plus ; Foodmovers; slimmin_with_simmons Subject: weigh in

I lost 2 pounds and 1.5 inches this week. 7 pounds to hit the challenge.

SW - 330

CW - 267

YEG - 260

FG - 175

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>but I did get 2 new pairs of jeans yesterday - both with ZIPPERS!!!!

i haven't had a pair of those since i was pregnant with henry, and he's

going to be 20 in 2 weeks.

>ok they're a size 26 but they zip

i can squeeze into a 28 or 30, but the crotch is at my knees. some day i'll

be able to wear a pair that fits, although even at 220 i had the same


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>I am about 5'9 " and all legs.

5'5 " and short,stubby legs. i can stand next to henry and my legs start

somewhere around his knee caps.

ok, maybe not that short, but if we sit knee to knee, my lap comes long

before his.

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are you vertically challenged <GBG>, I always have the problem that pant legs in most pants are wide or are too short and I'm not really tall - just over 5'8

<<< but the crotch is at my knees. some day i'll be able to wear a pair that fits, although even at 220 i had the same problem.>>

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oops should of waited to answer lol

<<5'5" and short,stubby legs. i can stand next to henry and my legs startsomewhere around his knee caps.>>

I have to laugh - my kid and I are pretty much eye to eye but boy she messes with my mirrors in the car! she really doesn't really mess witht the seat though - She has a long trunk and I have long legs. makes her crazy I have no problem touching my toes (always been easy) and she can't (short arms LOL) and you should of seen her face when grandma was able to rotflol

<<<ok, maybe not that short, but if we sit knee to knee, my lap comes longbefore his.>>

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My cousin just told me that there are some new pants in style, they are called floods. Basically, it is just high water jeans. Gee, I could be in style if I just bought some averages. Unfortunately, I can't stand looking like a dork. So, I will just be out of style for a while longer!


-----Original Message-----From: Ryefield [mailto:ryefield@...]Sent: 04 November 2003 3:10 PM100-plus Subject: Re: weigh in

are you vertically challenged <GBG>, I always have the problem that pant legs in most pants are wide or are too short and I'm not really tall - just over 5'8

<<< but the crotch is at my knees. some day i'll be able to wear a pair that fits, although even at 220 i had the same problem.>>To unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link and unsubscribe:100-plus/join

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oh my! I'll stay a dork too - now if I could only find these jeans in the dark denim (not a big fan of the faded jeans - probably stems back to childhood LOL)

Fall seven times, stand up eight.- Japanese proverb

RE: weigh in

My cousin just told me that there are some new pants in style, they are called floods. Basically, it is just high water jeans. Gee, I could be in style if I just bought some averages. Unfortunately, I can't stand looking like a dork. So, I will just be out of style for a while longer!


-----Original Message-----From: Ryefield [mailto:ryefield@...]Sent: 04 November 2003 3:10 PM100-plus Subject: Re: weigh in

are you vertically challenged <GBG>, I always have the problem that pant legs in most pants are wide or are too short and I'm not really tall - just over 5'8

<<< but the crotch is at my knees. some day i'll be able to wear a pair that fits, although even at 220 i had the same problem.>>To unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link and unsubscribe:100-plus/join

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for me it was just because I haven't been able to find any in oh so long. I love wearing jeans and it's just great having some that fit - my last 2 pair of legging type jeans finally wore out (popped them both in the knees sitting Indian style but those poor seams were a close second!) I have 2 horrible pairs from LB/Romans. Huge legs - they're great for the huge pockets in the front though lol, so now besides my dress pants and sweats (I recently started wearing them because of the adjustable fit and they're comfy lol) I have 2 new pairs of jeans.

Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.- Eliot

weigh in

Congratulations , I don't know why wearing "regular" jeans instead of stretch ones is such a big deal but it was for me also. Gosh I'm even tucking in my shirt !

Good going!


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> Tomorrow it is off to my hometown to see my nephew play his last


> football game. He is the captain. I wish I would of made time

years ago.


I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same sorrow. My nephews

and nieces keep on growing and living their lives while I am holed up

in my small world promising I will make time for them later. I am

closer with my niece and one nephew, but there are nine all together.

So glad you had a good day yesterday. I know how tough it is to get

on track.


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>BUT then after a lean cuisine for lunch started feeling YUCK...

Maybe it ws something in the meal. Those things can sometimes be *very* high

in salt, so maybe it was a wee bit too much for you. Or some of the

ingredients didn't sit right in your tummy. A lot of those gravies just go

right through me, even though they taste Oh, so good!

Hope you're feeling better today, and have fun at the game.

Sue in NJ

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  • 2 weeks later...

> arg!! I'm up 4 pounds - I think it's mostly that darn aunt flo -

she can't make up her mind if she wants to visit or not.

You too?? I have all the symptoms yet not even a spot! I've been

sooo darn regular for the past few months that I'm suprised she

didn't arrive early or on time. I was supposed to start on

Thursday. Keep *ALL* chcolate and salt out of sight and I should be


>My friend and I drove over to Michigan city yesterday

Indiana right? I used to drive past it on my way home from college

in Kankakee.

>to the outlet mall - walked and walked and walked - had a ball :)

>we're such wonderful moms that we're taking our daughters at the end

>of the month <GBG>

I bet you will have a blast! We will be going to an outlet mall

towards the end of the month as well.


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>I think it's mostly that darn aunt flo - she can't make up her mind if she

wants to visit or not.

Mine *finally* ended a few days ago after about 40 days of flowing. Now it's

only 2 weeks or so the *next* cycle is expected to start. The last one was

late by a few weeks, maybe this one will be, too.

> city yesterday to the outlet mall - walked and walked and walked - had a

ball :)

This family *loves* malls. The movie MallRats is even one of our favorite

movies! Every vacation day we spend checking out another mall. Henry's first

outing, aside from visiting his godmother's house, was to a mall. I hated

leaving Florida because that area is mall heaven!

I try wear a pedometer on our mall trips. This past Friday we clocked in

over 5 miles of walking. I reset it each time we got out of the car so the

vibrations of the highway don't add to the count. I only wish out local mall

opened early for mall-walkers like most of the Florida ones do. It would be

so nice to have this clear, clean place to walk with a group.

Sue in NJ

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good news - this am I'm only up 2 lbs this morning - AF is spotting. LOL, I've never paid attention to when it was do (the only time I knew when to expect it was when I was on the pill) now it's more like about the time the kid is ending hers.

yep - IN is right. I've never been there (of course I've never hit the 2 near to me (Gurnee Mills - all indoors I hear) and the newer one in Huntley (it looks so small lol). I've only been to an outlet mall once before in Holland, MI. It wasn't nearly as fun and I didn't last 1/10th of what I did Friday - WOOHOO GETTING HEALTHY!

I hope you have a great time too!

Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it.- Margaret Thatcher

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<<< Henry's first outing, aside from visiting his godmother's house, was to a mall. I hatedleaving Florida because that area is mall heaven!>>>

LOL - my daughter was 4 days old on her 1st trip to the mall - I worked in one and had to show her off <GBG>

<<<I try wear a pedometer on our mall trips. This past Friday we clocked inover 5 miles of walking. >>>

awesome job!!! I have no idea how many miles I walked - never did get my pedometer calobrated etc.

If you have one eye on yesterday, and one eye on tomorrow, you’re going to be cockeyed today.- Anonymous

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<<<We're going to one this afternoon. ;)>>


Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.- Lucille Ball

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> and the 1 thing (can you believe I only found 1 thing for me LOL) I bought

for me she's already tried taking over!

The beauty of having a son instead of a daughter is that I gt to keep what I

buy for myself. LOL

Well, thre *was* that one time when I bought a pile of size 3X t-shirts that

were on sale and Henry thought they were for *him* and confiscated them all

out of the K-Mart bag, then got mad because one was pink and one was bright

yellow. He was *so* embarassed when I told him I bought them for *me*, but

he still only let me have those 2 and kept the rest. At least I got them all

back last year when he lost all that weight when he started college. :)

>most important though I walked for 4 hours almost nonstop and was ready to

stop at Gurnee mills (never been there lol) but had to go move mom's office.

Lots of exercise this weekend!

>cw - 265

>yeg - 260 - looking doable again!

Sure does! We're rooting for you!

Sue in NJ

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  • 1 month later...

WOOHOO!!! congrats on your loss! It looks like you have a good plan for the week - good job <GBG>

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.- Jennings

Weigh In

Hi,I weighed in yesterday morning and I lost 5 pounds over the weekend withoutreally trying. Weird. I think it was a combination of TOM starting andjust being so busy that I didn't have time to overeat. It was a nicesurprise.My plan for this week is no fast food, exercise twice, no candy (unlesssugar free) and no sugary soft drinks. I went to Chik Fila for playgroupyesterday but that doesn't really count. My problem with fast food isdriving though. When we have playgroup at fast food places due to theweather I'll try to make good choices.Well, I need to get moving. I want to get a lot accomplished today. What Ireally want to do is crawl back in my warm, cozy bed! :) AnnTo unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link and unsubscribe:100-plus/join

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> I weighed in yesterday morning and I lost 5 pounds over the weekend


> really trying.

Congratulations Ann! :)

> My plan for this week is no fast food, exercise twice, no candy


> sugar free) and no sugary soft drinks.

Sounds do-able! :) So far my biggest problem is getting back on the

food plan. I do well most of the day and still some how end up

blowing it someplace.


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Yea! I am so excited for you! I am glad you are doing so well! You will post that new picture before long!


weigh in

It's my normal weigh in day and finally a change for the better <GBG> a loss of 5 pounds this week and I have now lost more than I gained between Christmas and New Years.

SW (5/3/03) - 330

CW - 264

MG - 258 2/1

YEG - 200

FG - 175

Fall seven times, stand up eight.- Japanese proverbTo unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link and unsubscribe:100-plus/join

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LOL - I keep forgetting to do that I think the last one was in Sept. Daughter and I actually took a few by the tree this year (I usually forget I have a tripod lol).

We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same.- Castaneda

weigh in

It's my normal weigh in day and finally a change for the better <GBG> a loss of 5 pounds this week and I have now lost more than I gained between Christmas and New Years.

SW (5/3/03) - 330

CW - 264

MG - 258 2/1

YEG - 200

FG - 175

Fall seven times, stand up eight.- Japanese proverb

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