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Intestinal Parasites

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It depends on which parasites you have got. Some herbs work better than others

for different types of parasites.

I go clear of some parasites with Amazon A-P from Raintree herbs.


Good luck


Intestinal Parasites

Could you please suggest what to use to irradicate intestinal parasites

completely. Allopathy doesnot work. Some herbal medicines?


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I would also look into rife machines and the ultimate zapper

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: Intestinal Parasites

It depends on which parasites you have got. Some herbs work better than others

for different types of parasites.

I go clear of some parasites with Amazon A-P from Raintree herbs.


Good luck


Intestinal Parasites

Could you please suggest what to use to irradicate intestinal parasites

completely. Allopathy doesnot work. Some herbal medicines?


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I am currently using MMS for that purpose. I think it is working..

From: bowel cleanse [mailto:bowel cleanse ] On

Behalf Of pjjoseph55

Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:43 PM

bowel cleanse

Subject: Intestinal Parasites

Could you please suggest what to use to irradicate intestinal parasites

completely. Allopathy doesnot work. Some herbal medicines?


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I'm in the process of getting rid of parasites - I have chronic Lyme and

co-infection. My fiance is getting rid of parasites too and he does not have

Lyme Disease.

I'm using the salt/C protocol and the parasite extracts wormwood, green hulls of

black walnuts, cloves and quassia.

So far so good, the results have been amazing and I'm starting to feel better.

I have my days that aren't so good, but I have only been on it for three months.



Could you please suggest what to use to irradicate intestinal parasites

completely. Allopathy doesnot work. Some herbal medicines?


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http://wolfcreekranch1.tripod.com/diatomaceous_human_use.html ..............

This site provides good information on the use of food grade DE wipes out those

suckers in a jiffy, while adding vital minerals

Intestinal Parasites

Could you please suggest what to use to irradicate intestinal parasites

completely. Allopathy doesnot work. Some herbal medicines?


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One parasite killer that seems to keep being overlooked is pumpkin seeds. Eating

a couple table spoons of it a day will go a long way towards clearing out

intesinal parasites as well as adding fiber to your diet. It along with food

grade DE can be formidable against them. A search of the Internet will supply

plenty of information regarding its use.


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Have you used DE? How long did it take for the DE to work. I bought some and

just started yesterday. I am taking a tablespoon of DE a day. I am already

doing fiber, wormwood, green hulls of black walnuts and cloves. Thanks for the

info on pumpkin seeds.



One parasite killer that seems to keep being overlooked is pumpkin seeds. Eating

a couple table spoons of it a day will go a long way towards clearing out

intesinal parasites as well as adding fiber to your diet. It along with food

grade DE can be formidable against them. A search of the Internet will supply

plenty of information regarding its use.


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I just got started on Freedom, Restore, and Cleanse by www.parasitetesting.com

Tel: 480 767 2522. I am suggested to be on it for two months daily.

I did not do a parasite testing this time, but I did sometime ago by a stool

analysis, it was clear. I just like to prepare myself for liver flush.

Anyone has tried this product or their tests? This product may be quite new.

I also like to rid parasite any where in the body, including brain, not just the

GI tract, any ideas?


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I have not used food grade DE but I do use DE for other things such as dusting

the mattress and a general dusting around the house. I have used pumpkin seeds

and enjoy the taste as well as the benefits. The use of both will go a long ways

towards the removal of parasites from the body.

Re: Intestinal Parasites

Have you used DE? How long did it take for the DE to work. I bought some and

just started yesterday. I am taking a tablespoon of DE a day. I am already doing

fiber, wormwood, green hulls of black walnuts and cloves. Thanks for the info on

pumpkin seeds.



One parasite killer that seems to keep being overlooked is pumpkin seeds.

Eating a couple table spoons of it a day will go a long way towards clearing out

intesinal parasites as well as adding fiber to your diet. It along with food

grade DE can be formidable against them. A search of the Internet will supply

plenty of information regarding its use.


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On DE g: If you are using actual (dry) DE powder to dust with, I very sure

that that is not safe. I've read that breathing in the dust of the powdered

diatom shell can cause irreversible lung damage. Years ago, I also bought a

large 20# bag that came with a warning label about inhalation. Please clarify

what you are talking about so people can use DE in a safe fashion. Thank you.


> I use a dry application pump duster used for dusting flower gardens. There are

numerous styles from which to choose such as bellow or chamber styles. Mine is

similar to this one<http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/cleanairgardening_2143_8867085> in

function but is an old red metal sprayer that doesn't show up on any searches of

the net. This is one that is really close to the one I


40418847315?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0 & hash=item20b19d9253> which is a Chapin Duster.



> Re: Intestinal Parasites




> Thank you for the info. I was wondering what you use to spread the DE in

your home.


> Jeannie


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> I have not used food grade DE but I do use DE for other things such as

dusting the mattress and a general dusting around the house. I have used pumpkin

seeds and enjoy the taste as well as the benefits. The use of both will go a

long ways towards the removal of parasites from the body.







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To clarify;

Any dust would be harmful in volume past the TLV (Threshold Limit Value). We are

not talking about filling a room with DE to keep it suspended in the air. It can

be put on the mattress before putting on the covering to deal with any type of

bug. There is no large amount of breathing in of the dust as if the room is

becoming a dust cloud of the DE when using a duster. If anything leaving the

room for a few minutes would let any settle or along with that a dust mask could

be used.

Now if we are going to get into splitting hairs here we can start talking about

this little thing called " common sense " . Anytime you work with garden products

it is always a good idea to consider what it is you are doing with whatever is

used, chemicals or even soil. I would be more worried about that process than

using DE as a bug killer and the minor exposure one could get and I certainly

would hope all on this forum have enough " common sense " to deal with its use,

reading safety labeling and applying its information would be just one step.

This is information regarding DE from this website;



Safety considerations

The absorbent qualities of diatomite can result in a significant drying of the

hands if handled without gloves. The flux-calcined form contains a highly

crystalline form of silica, resulting in sharp edges. The sharpness of this

version of the material makes it dangerous to breathe and a dust mask is

recommended when working with it.

The type of hazard posed by inhalation depends on the form of the silica.

Crystalline silica poses a serious inhalation hazard because it can cause

silicosis.Silicosis, also known as Potter's rot, is a form of occupational lung

disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust, and is marked by

inflammation and scarring in forms of nodular lesions in the upper lobes of the

lungs. Amorphous silica can cause dusty lungs, but does not carry the same

degree of risk as crystalline silica. Natural or dried diatomite generally

contains very low percentages of crystalline silica. (underline added DW)

Diatomite produced for pool filters is treated with high heat (calcining) and a

fluxing agent (soda ash), causing the formerly amorphous silicon dioxide to

assume its crystalline form. (We are not talking about using this form as it is

worthless for killing bugs).

The crystalline silica content of the dust's particulate is regulated in the

United StatesUnited States by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

(OSHA), and there are guidelines for the maximum amounts allowable in the

product and in the air near the breathing zone of workers.

Now doing concrete work and shoveling sand and the portland cement into a mixer

you are dealing with much the same situation of silica being in the sand. So it

too is a time to consider safety measures but few will use masks to do that work

even though it is probably more dangerous than the use of DE.

Kipp_kop, let's finish this with the MSDS for this product from this website and

get back to the real business of this forum which is cleaning the body.



Re: Intestinal Parasites




> Thank you for the info. I was wondering what you use to spread the DE in

your home.


> Jeannie


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> I have not used food grade DE but I do use DE for other things such as

dusting the mattress and a general dusting around the house. I have used pumpkin

seeds and enjoy the taste as well as the benefits. The use of both will go a

long ways towards the removal of parasites from the body.







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Just curious how long is a while?




I have been taking DE for a while and still have a lot of parasites

MY ND said DE works great for pararsites in the gut...





508.922.0519Skype: steelbone72

The harder you work the luckier you get!

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