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At 21:51 08.11.98 -0600, you wrote:


>First of all I want to thank you for this email group. Looking for

>information on the net can get very overwhelming.


>On Tuesday my daughter is going in to have her second brain tumor

>removed. She's done a year and a half of chemo. She is only three

>years old. We don't want her to go through chemo again. Her oncologist

>, sho is very close minded also wants her to do radiation. We don't

>want to put her through either one. I am looking for options and

>direction to find information on alternative treatment for brain tumors

>in children. There's lots out there but what is safe and the best for

>children? If anyone has anything to share I would greatly appreciate

>your input.


>Sorry so lengthy, but like i said, I am a bit owverwhelmed.


>Also my mother has ovarian cancer and has run out of chemo options. She

>is on heart medication and is nervous of alternatives. Any advise or

>comfort I can pass along to her would be greatly appreciated.



Hello Stacie,

I have some information for alternative treatment for brain tumors in


Visit page: http://home.sol.no/~dusan/z1.html

No matter what is your opinion abot things written on this page, wether you

like it or not, remember just one thing. Do not give to your child sugar,

or the food containing sugar!

My wife and me have 5 healty children, who are almost newer sick. When the

whole kindergarden or school is sick, our children are not. Even if they

get some cold, they are cured by their own immunity within 3 days.


In our house children do not get sugar or food that is containing sugar.

They also do not eat meat more than 3 times a week. Our children get fresh

fruit, and only concentrated sweeteners is rice or barley malt.


My children does get sugar sometimes out of the home. But it is not the

same to eat sugar every day, or just occasionaly.

Read more about sugar on: http://home.sol.no/~dusan/sugarpage.html

On this page you can find a lot of things that your mother is not going to

like, but that would certainly help her: http://home.sol.no/~dusan/cancer.html

If your mother do not want to listen to your advices, pray for her.


Dusan Stojkovic

" God, grant me the serenity to accept

the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

and wisdom to know the difference. "

                                          Francesco d'Assisi,1181 - 1226


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At 21:51 08.11.98 -0600, you wrote:


>On Tuesday my daughter is going in to have her second brain tumor

>removed. She's done a year and a half of chemo. She is only three

>years old. We don't want her to go through chemo again. Her oncologist

>, sho is very close minded also wants her to do radiation. We don't

>want to put her through either one. I am looking for options and

>direction to find information on alternative treatment for brain tumors

>in children. There's lots out there but what is safe and the best for

>children? If anyone has anything to share I would greatly appreciate

>your input.


I have just uploaded page about unrefined salt.


If you did not know, salt could be a very important source of trace

minerals like selenium.

Defficiency of trace minerals is scientifically linked to cancer and other

degenerative diseases.

For " scientifically " take a look at




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My heart goes out to you and your family. I don't know what the answer is

for you but I did want my son to go to Georgia and recieve a nontoxic

treatment that I know a friend's husband had and also Larry Burkette the

Christian Financial Counsellor for Focus on the Family got it. You used to

have to go out of the country but call Patti Simons at Bio Rem 770 967

8238. I am not sure if this treatment passes thru the blood/brain barrier

or not. I know it was the only treatment of its kind I knew for sure was

nontoxic. I am dissapointed that so many on this forum are selling products

BTW.<>< Annette

> children? If anyone has anything to share I would greatly appreciate

> your input.


> Sorry so lengthy, but like i said, I am a bit owverwhelmed.


> Also my mother has ovarian cancer and has run out of chemo options. She

> is on heart medication and is nervous of alternatives. Any advise or

> comfort I can pass along to her would be greatly appreciated.


> Stacie

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------




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Dear Stacie,

I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and your

mother's illnesses! Please know

that all of the members of this group will pray

for both of them and your family.

As far as alternative medicines I can only say

that we have my father (primary

liver cancer) on Essiac tea - please look it up on

the internet (do a search) -

there is alot of info available out there for you.

You can get it at a health food

store, just make sure that it is from the company

Resperin (sp) or Flo-essence

both out of Canada.

Good luck and God Bless,



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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your husband. I

sincerely understand what you are facing and must be feeling. When Rob

was given orders to Korea, I was sad, but it was when he was given

orders to submit to the vaccine that I was worried the most. We both

sat down and began to do some research. It is important to stick to

the facts, when presenting this imformation to your commanders. They

will try to discredit the internet information...they cannot discredit

facts, like the FDA report and respectable news reports. Please feel

free to contact me if you have any questions, or concerns.

Most Sincerely,


512-261-4949 Austin #

210-690-9512 San #

--- JENNA3113@... wrote:

> From: JENNA3113@...


> Mrs. Austin

> Hello, my name is . I recently found the

> page in

> my attempts to research the vaccine. My husband and

> I are both active duty

> Army and are on orders to Korea. We both strongly

> disagree with the vaccine

> and are planning on refusing it. I would greatly

> appreciate any help you

> could give me with my research. The more

> information I have to argue - the

> better. Thank you for any help you may give.

> Sincerely,



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  • 2 months later...

The Hoxsey Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico has had remarkable success with

treating and curing all kinds of tumors, Their e-mail is: www.hoxsey.com

My pleasure comes from being able to help people.......

please help

> Dear Friends,


> my wife (48y) was diagnosed a brain stem glioma in July and underwent now

> for 66 times a radiation therapy. We will have to wait to the end of

> October to find out if the therapy was successful and the tumor was

> stopped. Meanwhile anybody out there who could share some thoughts on

> complementary therapy or how to make a qualitatively better life?



> Trust & Respect


> Vuichard

> SCOTT Sports S.A.

> Route du Crochet 17


> Switzerland

> Tel. +41 26 460 16 21

> Fax. +41 26 460 16 01

> e-mail:

> dvuichard@...

> daniel@...

> http//:www.scottusa.com





> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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I would recommend you look into Dr. out of New York his

success rate is incredible.

please help

>Dear Friends,


>my wife (48y) was diagnosed a brain stem glioma in July and underwent now

>for 66 times a radiation therapy. We will have to wait to the end of

>October to find out if the therapy was successful and the tumor was

>stopped. Meanwhile anybody out there who could share some thoughts on

>complementary therapy or how to make a qualitatively better life?



>Trust & Respect


> Vuichard

>SCOTT Sports S.A.

>Route du Crochet 17



>Tel. +41 26 460 16 21

>Fax. +41 26 460 16 01










>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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Hello, This is copied from Dr Weil's " Self Healing "


Oct.'99 issue: " DEADLY CANCER SLOWED " , When a nutritional therapy called

the regimen showed promise for extending the lives of patients

with pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly forms of cancer, the

National Cancer Institute (NCI) took notice. Now, the encourageing findings

from a small, preliminary study have prompted unprecedented funding for a

larger trial of this alternative treatment.

In the June issue of Nutrition and Cancer, a pair of New York

clinicians- J. ,M.D., and L. Isaacs,M.D. -reported on

their pilot study of 11 patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer. The

subjects followed and intensive treatment program developed by the two

doctors that included eating a plant-based diet; taking large doses of

specially formulated pancreatic enzymes as well as other supplements

(amounting to some 140 capsules a day); and haveing twice -daily coffee

enemas, which are suppose to help clear the body of metabolic wastes. (The

regimen is a derivative of the Kelley theraphy, the creation of a

Texas dentist who treated his own cancreatic cancer in the 1960s) None of

the subjects received chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

The researchers found that subjects lived an average of 17 months after

diagnosis-more than TRIPLE the usual survival rate(four to five months) for

inoperable pancreatic cancer. nine of the 11 participants survived at least

one year, five survived two years, and four survived for three. Based on

these impressive findings, Columbia University has received a $1.4 million

grant from the NCI to conduct a controlled study of the regimen.

In this new trial, patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer will be

randomly assigned to receive either the alternative cancer treatment or the

chemotheraphy drug gemcitabine.

Comment: I commend the NCI for awarding the largest federal grant to date

to test an unconventional cancer theraphy, and I look forward to seeing the

results of the Columbia study. I agree with Dr. , who acknowledged

that this is a new era in which alternative practioners who are trying to

do serious science can work together with the conventional medical

community. (For information about participating in the pancreatic cancer

trial, contact A. Chabot,M.D. of Columbia at (212)305-9468) "

Liz's note: Several people at this site have given details of this program

and they are in the archives of this site. God Bless!!

>I would recommend you look into Dr. out of New York his

>success rate is incredible.

> please help



>>Dear Friends,


>>my wife (48y) was diagnosed a brain stem glioma in July and underwent now

>>for 66 times a radiation therapy. We will have to wait to the end of

>>October to find out if the therapy was successful and the tumor was

>>stopped. Meanwhile anybody out there who could share some thoughts on

>>complementary therapy or how to make a qualitatively better life?



>>Trust & Respect


>> Vuichard

>>SCOTT Sports S.A.

>>Route du Crochet 17



>>Tel. +41 26 460 16 21

>>Fax. +41 26 460 16 01










>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe






>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe





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I am glad to FINALLY hear feedback about program. Dr. is

following Dr. Kelley's program with a few revisions. As I said before I

came across Dr. Kelley's book (that had been revised in Britian)on the

internet. I hadn't heard anybody talk about this program before.

I talk to Dr. Kelley pretty well on a daily basis in regards to my dad who

has pancreatic cancer, which still seems quite bizarre to me that I am

actually talking to him. Dr. Kelley apparently cured himself of pancreatic

and liver cancer. He of course no longer practices due to the critism and

having his dentist licence revoked, etc, etc. But Dr. Kelley will give

advise if you contact him or have questions. Dr. Kelley didn't make up

this program regarding pancreatic enzymes. If you research further. Dr.

Beard originally came up with this in the early 1900's. Infact, it is

apparently in the conventional medical books regarding pancreatic enzymes

and their profound effect on cancer. But this theory was largely forgotten

when radiation came into the picture. I have a tape of Dr. talking

about his program and Dr. Kelley alot (afterall he studied Kelley's records

for 5 years. I encourage everyone to look this up on the internet. I have

not taken the step in contacting Dr. as my dad has no interest in

leaving his house. So I have printed out Dr. Kelley's book on the internet

and we go from there. For example, if my dad is feeling nauseous on these

pancreatic enzymes, I call Dr. Kelley. I have asked Dr. Kelley about

herbs, etc and he isn't too familiar with them. He believes vitamin c,

herbs, etc can be helpful but it isn't going to cure the cancer. He has

been very helpful to date. He is now 74 years old. He is very paranoid

about the government (progably justifiable so) and some of his notes in this

book are quite essentric. But don't let this sway you on whether or not he

is a quack. Because he definitely isn't!!!!!!!!

Even Dr. on his tape says that Kelley is very eccentric but a very,

very brilliant man. Dr. Kelley had a 93 percent success ratio in dealing

with cancer. Infact, I keep in touch with a man out of Edmonton (I live in

Calgary 3 hrs from Edmonton) that his wife is on the same program as my dad.

I cannot tell you enough how I think this program is the key. But I know

that everybody must follow a program that they believe in. All I ask is

that you look into Dr. and Dr. Kelley's program on the

internet and form your opinion whether this is for you or not. Regan

please help



>>>Dear Friends,


>>>my wife (48y) was diagnosed a brain stem glioma in July and underwent now

>>>for 66 times a radiation therapy. We will have to wait to the end of

>>>October to find out if the therapy was successful and the tumor was

>>>stopped. Meanwhile anybody out there who could share some thoughts on

>>>complementary therapy or how to make a qualitatively better life?



>>>Trust & Respect


>>> Vuichard

>>>SCOTT Sports S.A.

>>>Route du Crochet 17



>>>Tel. +41 26 460 16 21

>>>Fax. +41 26 460 16 01










>>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe






>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe







>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe




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Dear :

In the middle time you wait for the Radiotherapy results won't be bad idea

to try alterntive medicine but with doctors taht really care for, not with


I recommend San Diego Clinic in Tijuana Mexico


where they work with honesty and affordable therapies.

you can contact them by Web site (www.sdclinic.com)

or by telephone. Tel. 011 52 (6) 683 1398

011 52 (6) 683 6055

A friend

please help



>>Dear Friends,


>>my wife (48y) was diagnosed a brain stem glioma in July and underwent now

>>for 66 times a radiation therapy. We will have to wait to the end of

>>October to find out if the therapy was successful and the tumor was

>>stopped. Meanwhile anybody out there who could share some thoughts on

>>complementary therapy or how to make a qualitatively better life?



>>Trust & Respect


>> Vuichard

>>SCOTT Sports S.A.

>>Route du Crochet 17



>>Tel. +41 26 460 16 21

>>Fax. +41 26 460 16 01










>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe






>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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I just wrote someone else about this. There is a new type of

radiation therapy that does not effect the whole area. It is

called stereotactic radiosurgery. My mom has 3 lesions on the

brain and after treatment her results came back tumors are shrinking

and will continue to shrink. No side effects as far as we could

tell. She went to Staten Island University Hospital in New York

and also Hopkins does this type of radiation. Both can be

found under their names on the net. If you have problem locating

them I can get the exact website info. Good Luck & God Bless.

>From: Vuichard <dvuichard@...>

>Reply-cures for canceregroups

>cures for canceregroups

>Subject: please help

>Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:53:41 +0200

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>Dear Friends,


>my wife (48y) was diagnosed a brain stem glioma in July and underwent now

>for 66 times a radiation therapy. We will have to wait to the end of

>October to find out if the therapy was successful and the tumor was

>stopped. Meanwhile anybody out there who could share some thoughts on

>complementary therapy or how to make a qualitatively better life?



>Trust & Respect


> Vuichard

>SCOTT Sports S.A.

>Route du Crochet 17



>Tel. +41 26 460 16 21

>Fax. +41 26 460 16 01










>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe




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Look at www.worldwithoutcancer.com

please help

>Dear Friends,


>my wife (48y) was diagnosed a brain stem glioma in July and underwent now

>for 66 times a radiation therapy. We will have to wait to the end of

>October to find out if the therapy was successful and the tumor was

>stopped. Meanwhile anybody out there who could share some thoughts on

>complementary therapy or how to make a qualitatively better life?



>Trust & Respect


> Vuichard

>SCOTT Sports S.A.

>Route du Crochet 17



>Tel. +41 26 460 16 21

>Fax. +41 26 460 16 01










>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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Take a look at the Gerson Therapy for cancer. I don't know the address for

the website but I believe is his disciple. I know that

part of the course of treatments include drinking juices, etc every hour for

13 hours per day. I don't know if coffee enemas are part of the regime.

Coffee enemas supposedly pull toxins out of the liver. God Bless. Use

wisdom and pursue knowledge.

please help



>>>Dear Friends,


>>>my wife (48y) was diagnosed a brain stem glioma in July and underwent now

>>>for 66 times a radiation therapy. We will have to wait to the end of

>>>October to find out if the therapy was successful and the tumor was

>>>stopped. Meanwhile anybody out there who could share some thoughts on

>>>complementary therapy or how to make a qualitatively better life?



>>>Trust & Respect


>>> Vuichard

>>>SCOTT Sports S.A.

>>>Route du Crochet 17



>>>Tel. +41 26 460 16 21

>>>Fax. +41 26 460 16 01










>>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe






>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe







>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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does coffee enemas like Dr. Gerson. As Dr. Gerson found

he was curing people of cancer yet they were dying of toxemia. This is why

Gerson incorporated the coffee enemas and has had a great success. Dr.

program is similar to Gerson's such as juicing, diet, coffee enemas

but what relies on the most is pancreatic enzymes where as Gerson

doesn't use these.

please help



>>>>Dear Friends,


>>>>my wife (48y) was diagnosed a brain stem glioma in July and underwent


>>>>for 66 times a radiation therapy. We will have to wait to the end of

>>>>October to find out if the therapy was successful and the tumor was

>>>>stopped. Meanwhile anybody out there who could share some thoughts on

>>>>complementary therapy or how to make a qualitatively better life?



>>>>Trust & Respect


>>>> Vuichard

>>>>SCOTT Sports S.A.

>>>>Route du Crochet 17

>>>>CH-1762 GIVISIEZ


>>>>Tel. +41 26 460 16 21

>>>>Fax. +41 26 460 16 01










>>>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe






>>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe







>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe






>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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  • 11 months later...

In a message dated 9/18/00 6:16:00 PM Central Daylight Time, Mwesty@...


<< I am having troulbe with my sons school giving him a person aide. He

has shown suffiencet reasons for needing one. Please help me I need to

vent, will anyone listen.

Momm tocory 5 ds and 2


Hi ,

Post away. We're all here to listen. And maybe offer ideas. :-)


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Hi ,

Please vent here as that is what we are here for, to support each other ...

We are all ready to listen

Trish (mum to Danny (13) nds and

Jodie (10) ds

please help


> I am having troulbe with my sons school giving him a person aide. He

> has shown suffiencet reasons for needing one. Please help me I need to

> vent, will anyone listen.


> Momm tocory 5 ds and 2



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Vent away. I want to hear all about it. Have you written a letter and sent

if certified telling them that you are requesting an aide and why? You must

keep a signed copy for yourself. You should call an IEP meeting (do this in

writing as well) to discuss an aide. If that doesn't work you could ask for

a resolution conference. That is when the superintendent must meet with you

to resolve your dispute before it goes to due process. This is my advice

and my humble opinion.


please help


> I am having troulbe with my sons school giving him a person aide. He

> has shown suffiencet reasons for needing one. Please help me I need to

> vent, will anyone listen.


> Momm tocory 5 ds and 2




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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest


I have my hair streaked blond all the time and the last time I was at the

hairdressers she asked me what I was washing my hair with. My immediate

reaction was WHY. She said my hair was in great condition. So I told her my

own soap was told to keep using it. I don't do the vinegar water rinse as it

dried my hair out a real lot just rinse with plain water. I use this soap on

my GD's hair as well(her hair isnt dry) and it works well for her leaves her

hair very shiny it also seems to be getting thicker. Here's the recipe

Olive oil 75gm

grapeseed oil 80 gm

sweet almond oil 25gm

apricot kernel oil 25gm

coconut oil 63gm

I superfat at about the 6-7% on the MMS lye cal.

I add silk to the lye water and at the end of cook add a glug of Vitamin e

and a dribble of evening primrose oil. (sorry for the technical terms used


Laraine in Australia

PS I tried a recipe with Jojoba in it and my hair felt yucky.

Please Help

I have severely damaged hair from bleaching was

wondering if anyone has any advice for me also as

anyone heard of shea butter and where can I get



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

The most well published case in Canada of someone winning a long

term disability lawsuit against their insurance company is the case of

K.Sharon Baillie. She won her case in March,1998 in Edmonton Court of

Queen's Bench. It was the first ruling in Canada to recognize Chronic

Fatigue as an illness. It took 8 years to win the case aginst Crown

Life Insurance.

Hope this information helps. Maybe your friends lawyer could refer to

this case.

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| will someone please tel me how to unsubscribe!?!?!?!?!??!


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| This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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  • 4 months later...

I am woundering what the spasm feals like so i can help

my daughter that is 7 she has been sick for about a week

now and i wounder if it is sasm that she is having she

has had achalasi her whole life but didnt figure out

what it was tell she was 3 please can someone explain

the spasm to me thanks mom to lexie 7yo

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My son describes these like cramp in his chest or someone putting a hot

knife in his chest. Sometimes severe sharp pain - sometimes a duller

ache - sometimes comes in waves and sometimes constant pain. Varies

quite a bit and he gets quite distressed sometimes. That probably

doesn't help much!

Re: please help

> I am woundering what the spasm feals like so i can help

> my daughter that is 7 she has been sick for about a week

> now and i wounder if it is sasm that she is having she

> has had achalasi her whole life but didnt figure out

> what it was tell she was 3 please can someone explain

> the spasm to me thanks mom to lexie 7yo




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My pains are like a butter knife in my chest and sometimes its like a butcher knife. It all depends on what and how much I eat and drink. Hope this helps!

Kerry Jaeger wrote:

My son describes these like cramp in his chest or someone putting a hot knife in his chest. Sometimes severe sharp pain - sometimes a duller ache - sometimes comes in waves and sometimes constant pain. Varies quite a bit and he gets quite distressed sometimes. That probably doesn't help much! Re: please help> I am woundering what the spasm feals like so i can help > my daughter that is 7 she has been sick for about a week > now and i wounder if it is sasm that she is having she > has had achalasi her whole life but didnt figure out > what it was tell she was 3 please can someone explain > the spasm to me thanks mom to lexie 7yo> > >

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