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Fw fm Judy: The body running on electricity & disease & depression!

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Judy, thanks for this forward!

I like this part: " In the future there will be a lot of Transcranial

Electromagnetic stimulation to treat depression, " he said.

I believe what we do in cranio-sacral therapy does this already! In

addition, at the Kalos Institute they have these devices called


Enhancers which contain certain minerals and other substances that

neutralize electro-magnetic radiation - you can put one on the TV,

one on

the microwave (what, you haven't chucked yours out yet???!!!), one on


computer, etc.

Another very valuable treatment for this is the new magnets which can


used in mattresses, shoe insoles, seats, etc. My muscle testing

shows that

for regular healthy people, they enhance the energy levels by 35 to


and for those who are extremely exhausted, probably have Candida and

parasites etc., or viral/bacterial infections, they can bring up one's

energy levels by as much as 200 to 300%. I have tested this time and


with my clients, year after year. One can actually lessen the amount


sleep one needs by sleeping on a magnetic mattress. I believe

someone on

this list sells them...

The article says: " The brain is an electrochemical instrument, which

produces electrical brain waves. Radiation from outside the human body

effects these brain waves in three ways; by causing a resonance


creating static and interference or, by shifting the brain's

frequency, " he


I've always been fascinated by the brain..... ever since I picked up

a book

called Whole-Brain Thinking .... which made me understand the

diversity in

people, and in our own abilities at different times. Ever since

then, I've

learned as much as I could about it: and practiced enhancing the use

of the

brain via

* the Silva Method, in which the brain frequencies are relaxed

from beta frquencies (14-21 cycles per second)

down to alpha (7-14 cycles per second),

theta (4-7 cps) and

delta (anything lower),

* through Meditation

* through foods that feed the brain, even crossing the blood-brain


to instantly nourish the brain

* through brain gym, and corrections of the Reactives such as the


Ears, Cross-Crawl, 15 Bilateral-15 Homolateral-15 Bilateral

also known as the 15-15-15!

* through structural corrections learned in Kalos, such as the


* through Reiki, which thoroughly balances the chakras

* through learning and teaching, which constantly challenges the

brain to

use both hemispheres

* through practicing following up on my intuitions, no matter how


they may sound/seem/feel at first...

* through training myself to " shift right " (use the intuitive right


when needed, and shift left (rational, analytical brain) when needed

* through consciously finding activities to thicken the corpus


the connection between the left and right brain. Although it's not a


and fast rule, girls and women are more generously endowed with a


corpus collosum, and therefore can switch tasks or multitask much more

easily, whereas boys and men will stay more readily in one hemisphere

or the

other... being more linear in their approach, or more


but tending to stay in that one hemisphere. Women have much more

flexilibilty that way. Men, however, by staying in one dominant


or another... are capable of greater concentration and focus. None

of these

are absolute, of course!

* through learning how to use CranioSacral therapy to really release


cranial tide to flow ever so smoothly, up and down the spine 6 - 8

times a

minute....like the gentle ebb and tide of ocean waves....

.... at times I work on a client, and their cranial tide is sooo

non-existent, I wonder how they've survived long enough to make it

to my

office!! All the work that I do works very deep, at the core root

level of

cause, whether it's to clear nutritional imbalances, emotional


or for that matter, imbalances in the rythmic flow of cerebrospinal


surrounding the brain....

For example, the cranial tide flows in the core-most part of our

being -- up

and down the spine -- it is the major information highway for the


any change that occurs in us, occurs first at the core leve, then on


outside. Let's say your 3rd chakra energy (solar plexus, your power


is very low, say spinning at 2 inches.... then when balanced, first


balance occurs in the cranial tide, the cerebrspinal fluid which goes

up and

down the spine and sourrounds the brain, and then it changes the

energy of

the chakra, bringing it up to a more normal 3 1/2 inches or more.


any change that happens in our bodies, happens first at the core,

then on

the outside. By balancing the cranial tide, we balance 7 different

priorities/modalities for healing... or maybe even more! Definitely


electrical, definitely all the stuff that goes into Brain Gym -- all


reactives (groups of muscles that work in conjunction with left-right

hemispheres of the brain), all the meridians, all the chakras, the

structural, the emotional.mental, the spiritual, and more often than

not, it

eliminates the need for Bach Flower Essences too. I have used it for

practically all my clients, and especailly for those suffereing from

learning disablities like dyslexia, etc. with great success.

I have obviously not used it for the phone clients, but in the future


put up a routine (for Tap 'n B Free listmembers and phone clients)


anyone can use on their own --- it completely releases all the

sutures on

the head, and relaxes the body to the point where clients are actually

snoring right in my office!!! My lucky family members get this

treatment in

bed last thing at night, and can doze off to a merry sleep, without


to move!!!

Enjoy the article!





Dayawanti D'Sa, BBA (Finance & Banking) dayudsa@...

Applied Kinesiologist

Kalos Wholistic Health Facilitator Trainer (www.kalos.org)

EFT, BSFF, TAT, iSt 9x9, Silva Method, Reiki, Cranio-Sacral

Member: Nat'l Assoc of Naturopaths, Montreal, Canada

Moderator: [Tap 'n B Free]





The body running on electricity & disease & depression!

Day'u this comes from a science and spiritual site. Your name kept

coming to

mind as I read this article, so I am forwarding it to you.

The article:

By Georgina Kenyon

You may not realize it, but you run on electricity.

Some scientists believe that if a person's naturally occurring

electric and

magnetic fields are disturbed, serious health problems and disease


cancer can develop.

" There are a lot of researchers now carrying out experiments on the


of electricity and magnetism in human beings, " according to Dr Gerard

Hyland, biophysicist, formerly at Warwick University, Coventry.

But these researchers are not the sort of scientists who would like

you to

think they are dabbling in the ancient Eastern study of Reiki and



Scientists have known for a long time that all cells in the human body

produce electricity to function and communicate and that the brain


can be likened to a sort of electricity generator.

But the effect on health when these electrical impulses are disturbed


not been widely studied or understood.

Mobile phones

The recent spate of conflicting research conducted into the effects of

mobile phones on the body illustrates how little scientists have


about human electric and magnetic fields and the effects of external


But international research over the past year seems to be pointing to


conclusive answers, at least on mobile phones.

Dr Hyland said: " The effect from the incoming radiation from mobile


on the body depends on your genes and your own particular electrical

make-up. "

Because mobile phones are used next to the head, researchers are


the effect on the brain.

" The brain is an electrochemical instrument, which produces

electrical brain

waves. Radiation from outside the human body effects these brain

waves in

three ways; by causing a resonance effect, creating static and


or, by shifting the brain's frequency, " he explained.

Monitoring Brain Electricity

Hyland and researchers in Spain have been using a device similar to an

electrocardiogram (ECG) but which uses a colour print out to depict


in the electric make-up of the brain. The team has been measuring the

effectiveness of a clip on device for mobile phones.

" Health problems occur when radiation from outside the body is very


or the same as the brain's natural electrical frequency. The health


seem to persist by upsetting the brain's biochemical balance,


with the release of melatonin, an anti cancer hormone which

is released during the night, " said Dr Hyland.

" The incoming waves can also effect " rapid eye movement " and deep

sleep as

well as damage the blood brain barrier which prevents toxic chemicals


entering into brain, similar to what happens when a person is drunk, "



" Our brain is a very delicate biochemical and electrical instrument


incoming oscillating waves affect our health, " explained Dr Hyland.

Depression Treatment

Current research into depression also shows how the magnetic fields


the brain can effect health.

Dr Tonmoy Sharma, consultant psychiatrist from the Institute of


London, is studying how functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

scanning can chart how the brain works.

His team is using fMRI to research the functions of the brain and to

pinpoint abnormal reaction in the brain, such as when a person is


" We are measuring the difference in magnetic properties between


haemoglobin and deoxygenated hemoglobin in the cells of the brain to

pinpoint these abnormalities, " explained Dr Sharma.

Dr Sharma explained that magnetic imaging will allow doctors to

detect the

onset of diseases such as Alzheimer's and depression.

" The changes in blood flow and its changes in magnetism will allow


to see the beginnings of disease in the mind well before the disease

manifests itself physically, " said Dr Sharma.

Dr Cosmo Hallstrom, consultant psychiatrist from the Florence


Clinic in Chelsea agrees with this prediction.

" In the future there will be a lot of Transcranial Electromagnetic

stimulation to treat depression, " he said.

" The current studies in mobile phones are just the beginning of

research and

treatment to protect human beings' delicate electrical constitution


radiation, " concluded Dr Hyland.


" Ethics " is simply a last-gasp attempt by deist conservatives and


dogmatics to keep humanity in ignorance and obscurantism, through the


tried fermentation of fear, the fear of science and new technologies.

There is nothing glorious about what our ancestors call history, it


simply a succession of mistakes, intolerances and violations.

On the contrary, let us embrace Science and the new technologies


for it is these which will liberate mankind from the myth of god,

and free

us from our age old fears, from disease, death and the sweat of


Rael (www.rael.org)

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